16 research outputs found

    Individual attitude toward improvisation in information systems development: a multi-level perspective

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    Improvisation is rapidly becoming an important issue for both scholars and practitioners. Organizations that operate in turbulent environments must learn to swiftly adapt and respond to such instability, especially in areas as innovation and new product development. In such contexts traditional top-down, carefully-planned approaches to innovative projects may represent an obstacle to effectively dealing with environment uncertainty. Prior research on improvisation has focused considerable attention on the centrality of improvisation in individual and group outcomes, while less emphasis has been placed on how individual attitude toward improvisation is formed. In an attempt to fill this gap, we will theoretically analyze the antecedents of individual attitude toward improvisation, by looking at the Information Systems Development (ISD) domain. In particular, the outcome of this paper is the development of theoretical propositions which could be empirically tested in future research

    Exploring the Combination of Organizational Improvisation and Organizational Learning in Information Systems Development

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    Organizational improvisation (OI) has been gaining an increasing attention to respond to rapidly changing environments, and it needs close and proper management. However, most of the findings on Improvisation I information system development studies are based on variance-based models. Thus, Du et al. (2019) propose a process model that features a continuous iteration between improvisational search and build in ISD. Their four-phase model describes continuous and iterative methods of organizational improvisation to respond to opportunities and threats, presenting an excellent step-by-step guideline for information system development managers to refer to from a practical standpoint. Despite the contributions, their exploratory research is not immune to limitations. Although the authors explained that learning is working in their model, there is only a fragmentary explanation of how the learning process works. In this work, we explore the boundary condition of Du et al.\u27s (2019) proposed model for the OI process in ISD then suggest a new model for ISD by combining the evaluation and learning process model proposed by Beynon-Davies et al. (2004), which is based on Argyris and Schon (1978). We believe that the new framework will help us apprehend that organizational improvisation in ISD generates short-term learning and long-term learning through the evaluation and learning from a process model perspective

    Strategic improvisation and HEIs performance: the moderating role of organizational culture

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    Purpose - This study aims to explore the relationships between strategic improvisation, organizational culture and higher education institutions (HEIs) performance. The dynamic nature of todayā€™s environment, increased population and demand and budget cuts have created a lot of pressure on HEIs around the world. Hence, the need for effective human resource capable of providing advanced policies for efficiency and sustainability of these institutions. Design/methodology/approach - A total of 229 questionnaires were filled and returned by academic leaders from HEIs in Kano state, Nigeria. The study used partial least squares path modelling to test the hypotheses postulated. Findings - The major findings indicate that both strategic improvisation and organizational culture dimensions have direct relationship with HEIs performance. However, only innovative culture moderates the relationship between strategic improvisation and HEIs, while bureaucratic culture and supportive culture fail to support the proposed hypothesis. Research limitations/implications - More studies are needed to further validate the impact of strategic improvisation (SI) on other public sector performance. Also, future studies should use longitudinal approach to establish at which stage SI has more impact on performance. Also, future studies should identify the difference that exists between units, department and faculty leaders, as some are more likely to engage in SI due to the nature of their specialization. Practical implications - It is obvious that HEIs performance is not only limited to organizational factors but also individual characteristics such as ability to improvise. Hence, HEIs should consider SI ability during employment to ensure efficiency, performance and sustainability. Moreover, organizational culture of HEIs needs to be updated and to be more flexible in accommodating new initiatives or failure to encourage display of such ability. Originality/value - Previous studies especially in the for profit sector have demonstrated the role of SI and organizational culture on performance. Thus, the present study is one of the early studies in the non-profit sector, specifically the HEIs. Moreover, the inconsistent result of the previous findings necessitates the study to test the moderating effect of organizational culture

    Serendipity Science

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    Serendipity is fundamental to science. This quirky and intriguing phenomenon permeates across scientific disciplines, including the medical sciences, psychological sciences, management and organizational sciences, innovation science, philosophy and library and information sciences. Why is it so ubiquitous? Because of what it facilitates and catalyzes: scientific discoveries from velcro to Viagra, innovation of all forms, unexpected encounters of useful information, novel and important ideas, and deep reflection on how we, as individuals, organizations, communities and societies can take leaps forwards by seizing unexpected opportunities and ā€˜making our own luck.

    AdaptaĆ§Ć£o Improvisada em Equipa: Um Modelo de AdaptaĆ§Ć£o em Tempo Real

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    Quando as equipas precisam de se adaptar num contexto de escassez extrema de tempo, elas podem paralisar, podem manter o plano anterior, ou podem improvisar um novo plano. Este Ćŗltimo fenĆ³meno consiste na adaptaĆ§Ć£o improvisada em equipa. Sendo um conceito recente, pouco se sabe sobre como as equipas se podem adaptar eficazmente em situaƧƵes de carĆŖncia temporal, e como podem produzir conhecimento a partir destes processos. Neste artigo conceptual, desenvolvemos um modelo teĆ³rico, baseado num fluxo temporal, o qual contribui para um melhor entendimento da adaptaĆ§Ć£o improvisada. Propomos um conjunto de fatores de influĆŖncia temporais, moderadores da resposta a estĆ­mulos contingenciais, e um conjunto de processos de equipa, fundamentais para a eficĆ”cia da adaptaĆ§Ć£o improvisada. Propomos, ainda, que a reflexividade em equipa medeia a relaĆ§Ć£o da adaptaĆ§Ć£o improvisada com a aprendizagem. Ao explorar o fluxo temporal da adaptaĆ§Ć£o improvisada em equipa, estendemos as literaturas de improvisaĆ§Ć£o e de adaptaĆ§Ć£o, aumentando a granularidade dos construtos, alargando a sua rede nomolĆ³gica

    Serendipity in Entrepreneurship, Strategy, and Innovationā€”A Review and Conceptualisation

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    Serendipity is at the core of many innovationsInnovation, inventions, and entrepreneurial opportunities. However, despite its importance for organisations and individuals alike, research on the dimensions and antecedents of serendipity is surprisingly scarce. In this chapter, Christian Busch and Matthew Grimes review and synthesize research on serendipity in the entrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship, strategyStrategy, and innovationInnovation context, and suggest a novel conceptualisation of the processProcess of (cultivating) serendipity. They thereby provide the reader with a thorough and wide-ranging view of how serendipity has come into the fore in the field of organization and management, but also what possibilities it opens up for understanding and creating the conditionsConditions for entrepreneurial success. They advance a processProcess-oriented model of serendipity that serves as a basis to elaborate factors that increase the chancesChance for serendipitous encounters and how to capitalize on them. Amongst those, Busch and Grimes distinguish between individual (including reframing, extrovertedness and perseverance) and organizational factors (including systematic evaluations, iteration and team-based collaboration). Their paper, thereby, advances the conceptual understanding of serendipity as much as a theory of how to transfer this understanding successfully into the entrepreneurial context

    Team improvised adaptation: team performance in contexts of uncertainty and time scarcity

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    The main goal of this thesis is to propose, validate, and analyse the team improvised adaptation construct. It comprises one theoretical study and four empirical studies. Team improvised adaptation is the process of team adaptation when design and execution merge. Study 1 deconstructs and recombines team adaptation and team improvisation, proposing the team constructs of purposive improvisation, improvised adaptation and preemptive adaptation. Study 2 validates team improvised- and preemptive adaptation, revealing the moderation role of team learning behaviours on the mediation of improvised adaptation between shared temporal cognitions and team performance. Study 3 suggests that in-action and transitional reflexivity moderate the relationship between shared mental models similarity and improvised adaptive performance, and that transitional reflexivity moderates the relationship between shared mental models similarity and improvised adaptation learning. Study 4 uncovers the mediation effect of team improvised adaptation between future-orientation elevation and team performance. The findings also show that futureorientation diversity has a positive impact on team improvised adaptation learning. However, future-orientation elevation and future-orientation diversity have negative impacts on improvised adaptation learning and team performance, respectively. Finally, study 5 takes an inductive approach revealing two tensions of team improvised adaptation: a deployment tension between routine inertia and improvisation pressures, and a development tension between the need to plan and the need to act immediately. The resolution of these tensions unravels a process that ultimately leads to team learning outcomes. The thesis contributes to the understanding of teamwork, in particular when teams have to adapt to unexpected circumstances under conditions of extreme time scarcity.O objetivo principal desta tese Ć© propor, validar e analisar o construto de adaptaĆ§Ć£o improvisada em equipa. Compreende um estudo teĆ³rico e quatro estudos empĆ­ricos. A adaptaĆ§Ć£o improvisada em equipa Ć© o processo de adaptaĆ§Ć£o da equipa quando o plano e a execuĆ§Ć£o sĆ£o simultĆ¢neos. O estudo 1 desconstrĆ³i e recombina a adaptaĆ§Ć£o e a improvisaĆ§Ć£o em equipa, propondo os construtos de improvisaĆ§Ć£o premeditada, adaptaĆ§Ć£o improvisada e adaptaĆ§Ć£o preparada. O estudo 2 valida a adaptaĆ§Ć£o improvisada e a preparada, revelando o papel de moderaĆ§Ć£o dos comportamentos de aprendizagem em equipa, na mediaĆ§Ć£o da adaptaĆ§Ć£o improvisada entre as cogniƧƵes temporais partilhadas e o desempenho da equipa. O estudo 3 sugere que as reflexividades em aĆ§Ć£o e transicional moderam a relaĆ§Ć£o entre a semelhanƧa dos modelos mentais partilhados e o desempenho adaptativo improvisado, e que a reflexividade transicional modera a relaĆ§Ć£o entre a semelhanƧa dos modelos mentais partilhados e a aprendizagem de adaptaĆ§Ć£o improvisada. O estudo 4 expƵe o efeito de mediaĆ§Ć£o da adaptaĆ§Ć£o improvisada em equipa entre a orientaĆ§Ć£o futura da equipa e o seu desempenho. Os resultados tambĆ©m revelam que a diversidade na orientaĆ§Ć£o futura da equipa tem um impacto positivo na aprendizagem de adaptaĆ§Ć£o improvisada. No entanto, o construto de orientaĆ§Ć£o para o futuro, composto para o nĆ­vel da equipa atravĆ©s da elevaĆ§Ć£o e atravĆ©s da diversidade, tĆŖm impactos negativos na aprendizagem de adaptaĆ§Ć£o improvisada e no desempenho da equipa, respetivamente. Finalmente, o estudo 5 faz uma abordagem indutiva que revela duas tensƵes de adaptaĆ§Ć£o improvisada em equipa: uma tensĆ£o inicial entre a inĆ©rcia de rotina e as pressƵes de improvisaĆ§Ć£o, e uma tensĆ£o de desenvolvimento entre a necessidade de planear e a necessidade de agir imediatamente. A resoluĆ§Ć£o destas tensƵes despoleta um processo que, em Ćŗltima anĆ”lise, leva Ć  aprendizagem em equipa. Esta tese contribui para a compreensĆ£o do trabalho em equipa, em particular quando as equipas precisam de se adaptar a circunstĆ¢ncias inesperadas em condiƧƵes extremas de escassez de tempo