8 research outputs found

    Indicators for the characterization of discrete Choquet integrals

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    Ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operators and their extensions are powerful tools used in numerous decision-making problems. This class of operator belongs to a more general family of aggregation operators, understood as discrete Choquet integrals. Aggregation operators are usually characterized by indicators. In this article four indicators usually associated with the OWA operator are extended to discrete Choquet integrals: namely, the degree of balance, the divergence, the variance indicator and Renyi entropies. All of these indicators are considered from a local and a global perspective. Linearity of indicators for linear combinations of capacities is investigated and, to illustrate the application of results, indicators of the probabilistic ordered weighted averaging -POWA- operator are derived. Finally, an example is provided to show the application to a specific context

    When supply travels far beyond demand: Institutional and regulatory causes of oversupply in Spain’s transport infrastructure

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    Spain’s transport infrastructure policy has become a paradigmatic case of oversupply and of mismatch with demand. The massive expansion of the country’s transport infrastructure over the last decade has not been a response to demand bottlenecks or previously identified needs. For this reason, the intensity of use today on all interurban modes of transport in Spain falls well below that of other EU countries. This paper analyzes the institutional and regulatory factors that have permitted this policy, allowing us to draw lessons from the Spanish case that should help other countries avoid the pitfalls and shortcomings of Spanish policy. Based on our analysis, we also discuss policy remedies and suggest reforms in different regulatory areas, which could help improve the performance of Spain’s infrastructure policy

    A new measure of volatility using induced heavy moving averages

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    The volatility is a dispersion technique widely used in statistics and economics. This paper presents a new way to calculate volatility by using different extensions of the ordered weighted average (OWA) operator. This approach is called the induced heavy ordered weighted moving average (IHOWMA) volatility. The main advantage of this operator is that the classical volatility formula only takes into account the standard deviation and the average, while with this formulation it is possible to aggregate information according to the decision maker knowledge, expectations and attitude about the future. Some particular cases are also presented when the aggregation information process is applied only on the standard deviation or on the average. An example in three different exchange rates for 2016 are presented, these are for: USD/MXN, EUR/MXN and EUR/USD

    INFORM Severity Index: Concept and methodology

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    This report describes the concept and methodology of INFORM Severity Index. INFORM is a multi-stakeholder forum for developing shared, quantitative analysis, relevant to humanitarian crisis and disasters globally to establish a common evidence base that is of interests of the European Union, UN agencies, donors, other NGOs and research institutions. The INFORM Severity index is a composite indicator that measures the severity of humanitarian crises against a common scale at the global level. The concept of the INFORM Severity Index is based on three dimensions: impact of the crisis, conditions of people affected and complexity of the crisis. The model of INFORM Severity index is divided into levels to give insight into each of the dimensions to provide a quick overview of the underlying factors defining the severity of a humanitarian crisis. INFORM plans to be a suite of quantitative products to support decision making in different phases of disaster risk management cycle. It is mostly known by INFORM Risk Index that supports proactive part of crisis risk management framework. INFORM Severity Index will contribute to improved management of humanitarian crisis with quantitative information about their severity. It will be helpful for an objective analysis of the factors determining the severity of a crisis and trends in crisis severity over time, to make decisions about allocating the required resources as well as being a valuable tool for coordinated actions focused on improving transparency and accountability of the response.JRC.E.1-Disaster Risk Managemen

    Desenvolvimento de um índice compósito para avaliação da orientação intraempreendedora em PMEs

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    O intraempreendedorismo tem vindo a ser reconhecido como uma prática preponderante no alcance de vantagem competitiva sustentável. Apesar de todas as organizações possuírem recursos e potencial de desenvolvimento desta vertente do empreendedorismo, é nas pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs) que o intraempreendedorismo assume maior ênfase. Atualmente, a avaliação da Orientação Intraempreendedora (OI) traduz-se num dos maiores desafios enfrentados pelas PMEs, uma vez que se trata de um processo complexo e de difícil mensuração. Isto exige que as PMEs tenham um conhecimento sólido e consistente sobre a OI, na medida em que esta integra uma multiplicidade de fatores que não só influenciam diretamente a capacidade e o comportamento dos intraempreendedores como se alteram ao longo do tempo. Face ao exposto, torna-se pertinente construir um sistema de avaliação que tenha como propósito auxiliar a tomada de decisão por parte dos decisores incumbidos de realizar a avaliação da OI. Para fazer face a este contexto, a presente dissertação, apoiada nas convicções epistemológicas da abordagem Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), recorre à combinação de técnicas de mapeamento cognitivo com o Integral de Choquet (IC), no sentido de identificar os critérios de avaliação e as interações existentes entre eles no contexto da OI. Para o efeito, recorreu-se à constituição de um painel de decisores com um vasto conhecimento e experiência na temática em análise. Os resultados da aplicação prática em contexto real do sistema desenvolvido foram validados não só pelo painel de decisores como, ainda, por um membro da Direção do Departamento de Empreendedorismo e Inovação do Instituto de Apoio às Pequenas e Médias Empresas e à Inovação (IAPMEI). Os contributos e as limitações da abordagem metodológica proposta neste estudo são também discutidos e analisados.Intrapreneurship has long been recognized as a way to achieve competitive advantage. This is particularly evident for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), requiring SME Intrapreneurial Orientation (IO) to be evaluated from multiple perspectives. This, in turn, involves a wide variety of elements that not only have a direct impact on intrapreneurial behavior but also change over time. That said, the development of a holistic system for OI evaluation in SMEs seems to be of great interest for academics and practioneers. Based on the epistemological convictions of the multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA), this study sought to combine cognitive mapping techniques and the Choquet Integral (CI) to develop a new IO evaluation system in SMEs. For this purpose, a panel of experienced decision makers in the subject under analysis was created. The results of a practical application of the system created were validated both by the panel members and a member of the board of diretors of the Institute for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Innovation (IAPMEI in Portuguese). The contributions and limitations of the methodological approach proposed in this study are also discussed and analyzed

    Indicators for the characterization of discrete Choquet integrals

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    Ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operators and their extensions are powerful tools used in numerous decision-making problems. This class of operator belongs to a more general family of aggregation operators, understood as discrete Choquet integrals. Aggregation operators are usually characterized by indicators. In this article four indicators usually associated with the OWA operator are extended to discrete Choquet integrals: namely, the degree of balance, the divergence, the variance indicator and Renyi entropies. All of these indicators are considered from a local and a global perspective. Linearity of indicators for linear combinations of capacities is investigated and, to illustrate the application of results, indicators of the probabilistic ordered weighted averaging -POWA- operator are derived. Finally, an example is provided to show the application to a specific context