349 research outputs found

    Development of a process for fabricating high aspect ratio parylene microstructures.

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    PARYLENE (poly-para-xylylene) is mostly used as a conformal protective polymer pin-hole free coating material to uniformly protect any component configuration on diverse substrates. This thesis describes in detail how the unique properties of parylene can be conveniently combined with MEMS technology to meet biocompatibility requirements of biological and chemical applications and develop unique microstructure shapes. Since etching of parylene is not readily possible, the best way to mold it into any shape would be to etch hollow molds in silicon and deposit parylene in them. It is easy to etch away the silicon mold for releasing these parylene structures. Parylene is nonreactive in wet etchants (like TMAH or KOH) that are used to etch silicon. These microstructures can be helpful in implants and other biomedical applications. This technique allows for the production of unique microstructures, many of which are not realizable by other fabrication technique. Any other material that conforms easily in silicon molds and is non-reactive with silicon and silicon etchants, can be molded in the shape of the fabricated molds. A material that is tested for these properties can be deposited because most of the fabrication processes (like etching, lithography, oxidation and wafer bonding) are performed only on silicon for preparing the molds. Materials deposited by CVD (chemical vapor deposition) or less viscous liquids that solidify on cooling, can be investigated for deposition in molds. Many useful applications can be derived by combining this method with various materials. CAD tools were used to simulate the mask features for designing this microstructure and to layout the photomask pattern. A fabrication procedure is devised from these simulation results and the process is implemented in a Class 100/1000 Cleanroom facility at the Lutz Micro/Nanotechnology Cleanroom core facility, University of Louisville. A complete guide to fabricate this MEMS-based parylene structure is provided in this thesis project. Important observations, complete experimental procedure and results are discussed in detail

    Spartan Daily, October 8, 1981

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    Volume 77, Issue 26https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/6802/thumbnail.jp

    Engineering News

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    A study of word association aids in information retrieval

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    Issued as Final project reports [nos. 1-2], Project no. G-36-65

    Graduate Catalog, 1996-1999, New Jersey Institute of Technology

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    Identificação dos títulos de periódicos mais significativos na área de Engenharia : a coleção da Biblioteca Elyseu Paglioli da Escola de Engenharia da UFRGS

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    Identifica os títulos de periódicos mais significativos na área de Engenharia, através da combinação do fator de impacto dos periódicos pesquisados e inclusão destes no Engineering Index. A formação dos rankings de desempenho nas sub-áreas de Engenharia, Engenharia Civil, Engenharia Elétrica, Engenharia Industrial, Engenharia de Materiais, Engenharia Mecânica, Engenharia de Minas, Engenharia Nuclear e Engenharia Química, deve-se à consulta ao The Serials Directory, Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory, Engineering Index e Journal Citation Reports. Constata a proporção de títulos significativos, correntes na Biblioteca, identificando pontos fortes dentro da coleção. Sugere títulos a serem incorporados ao acervo e títulos a serem possivelmente descontinuados

    Graduate Catalog, 1999-2002, New Jersey Institute of Technology

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    Capacitance-voltage measurements: an expert system approach

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    NASA Space Engineering Research Center Symposium on VLSI Design

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    The NASA Space Engineering Research Center (SERC) is proud to offer, at its second symposium on VLSI design, presentations by an outstanding set of individuals from national laboratories and the electronics industry. These featured speakers share insights into next generation advances that will serve as a basis for future VLSI design. Questions of reliability in the space environment along with new directions in CAD and design are addressed by the featured speakers

    COBE's search for structure in the Big Bang

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    The launch of Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) and the definition of Earth Observing System (EOS) are two of the major events at NASA-Goddard. The three experiments contained in COBE (Differential Microwave Radiometer (DMR), Far Infrared Absolute Spectrophotometer (FIRAS), and Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment (DIRBE)) are very important in measuring the big bang. DMR measures the isotropy of the cosmic background (direction of the radiation). FIRAS looks at the spectrum over the whole sky, searching for deviations, and DIRBE operates in the infrared part of the spectrum gathering evidence of the earliest galaxy formation. By special techniques, the radiation coming from the solar system will be distinguished from that of extragalactic origin. Unique graphics will be used to represent the temperature of the emitting material. A cosmic event will be modeled of such importance that it will affect cosmological theory for generations to come. EOS will monitor changes in the Earth's geophysics during a whole solar color cycle