19 research outputs found

    Mining Rooted Ordered Trees under Subtree Homeomorphism

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    Mining frequent tree patterns has many applications in different areas such as XML data, bioinformatics and World Wide Web. The crucial step in frequent pattern mining is frequency counting, which involves a matching operator to find occurrences (instances) of a tree pattern in a given collection of trees. A widely used matching operator for tree-structured data is subtree homeomorphism, where an edge in the tree pattern is mapped onto an ancestor-descendant relationship in the given tree. Tree patterns that are frequent under subtree homeomorphism are usually called embedded patterns. In this paper, we present an efficient algorithm for subtree homeomorphism with application to frequent pattern mining. We propose a compact data-structure, called occ, which stores only information about the rightmost paths of occurrences and hence can encode and represent several occurrences of a tree pattern. We then define efficient join operations on the occ data-structure, which help us count occurrences of tree patterns according to occurrences of their proper subtrees. Based on the proposed subtree homeomorphism method, we develop an effective pattern mining algorithm, called TPMiner. We evaluate the efficiency of TPMiner on several real-world and synthetic datasets. Our extensive experiments confirm that TPMiner always outperforms well-known existing algorithms, and in several cases the improvement with respect to existing algorithms is significant.Comment: This paper is accepted in the Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery journal (http://www.springer.com/computer/database+management+%26+information+retrieval/journal/10618

    A survey of frequent subgraph mining algorithms

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    AbstractGraph mining is an important research area within the domain of data mining. The field of study concentrates on the identification of frequent subgraphs within graph data sets. The research goals are directed at: (i) effective mechanisms for generating candidate subgraphs (without generating duplicates) and (ii) how best to process the generated candidate subgraphs so as to identify the desired frequent subgraphs in a way that is computationally efficient and procedurally effective. This paper presents a survey of current research in the field of frequent subgraph mining and proposes solutions to address the main research issues.</jats:p

    EvoMiner: Frequent Subtree Mining in Phylogenetic Databases

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    The problem of mining collections of trees to identify common patterns, called frequent subtrees (FSTs), arises often when trying to interpret the results of phylogenetic analysis. FST mining generalizes the well-known maximum agreement subtree problem. Here we present EvoMiner, a new algorithm for mining frequent subtrees in collections of phylogenetic trees. EvoMiner is an Apriori-like level-wise method, which uses a novel phylogeny-specific constant-time candidate generation scheme, an efficient fingerprinting-based technique for downward closure, and a lowest common ancestor based support counting step that requires neither costly subtree operations nor database traversal. Our algorithm achieves speed-ups of up to 100 times or more over Phylominer, the current state-of-the-art algorithm for mining phylogenetic trees. EvoMiner can also work in depth first enumeration mode, to use less memory at the expense of speed. We demonstrate the utility of FST mining as a way to extract meaningful phylogenetic information from collections of trees when compared to maximum agreement subtrees and majority rule trees --- two commonly used approaches in phylogenetic analysis for extracting consensus information from a collection of trees over a common leaf set

    Pattern discovery in structural databases with applications to bioinformatics

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    Frequent structure mining (FSM) aims to discover and extract patterns frequently occurring in structural data such as trees and graphs. FSM finds many applications in bioinformatics, XML processing, Web log analysis, and so on. In this thesis, two new FSM techniques are proposed for finding patterns in unordered labeled trees. Such trees can be used to model evolutionary histories of different species, among others. The first FSM technique finds cousin pairs in the trees. A cousin pair is a pair of nodes sharing the same parent, the same grandparent, or the same great-grandparent, etc. Given a tree T, our algorithm finds all interesting cousin pairs of T in O(|T|2) time where |T| is the number of nodes in T. Experimental results on synthetic data and phylogenies show the scalability and effectiveness of the proposed technique. This technique has been applied to locating co-occurring patterns in multiple evolutionary trees, evaluating the consensus of equally parsimonious trees, and finding kernel trees of groups of phylogenies. The technique is also extended to undirected acyclic graphs (or free trees). The second FSM technique extends traditional MAST (maximum agreement subtree) algorithms by employing the Apriori data mining technique to find frequent agreement subtrees in multiple phylogenies. The correctness and completeness of the new mining algorithm are presented. The method is also extended to unrooted phylogenetic trees. Both FSM techniques studied in the thesis have been implemented into a toolkit, which is fully operational and accessible on the World Wide Web

    Mining and analysis of real-world graphs

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    Networked systems are everywhere - such as the Internet, social networks, biological networks, transportation networks, power grid networks, etc. They can be very large yet enormously complex. They can contain a lot of information, either open and transparent or under the cover and coded. Such real-world systems can be modeled using graphs and be mined and analyzed through the lens of network analysis. Network analysis can be applied in recognition of frequent patterns among the connected components in a large graph, such as social networks, where visual analysis is almost impossible. Frequent patterns illuminate statistically important subgraphs that are usually small enough to analyze visually. Graph mining has different practical applications in fraud detection, outliers detection, chemical molecules, etc., based on the necessity of extracting and understanding the information yielded. Network analysis can also be used to quantitatively evaluate and improve the resilience of infrastructure networks such as the Internet or power grids. Infrastructure networks directly affect the quality of people\u27s lives. However, a disastrous incident in these networks may lead to a cascading breakdown of the whole network and serious economic consequences. In essence, network analysis can help us gain actionable insights and make better data-driven decisions based on the networks. On that note, the objective of this dissertation is to improve upon existing tools for more accurate mining and analysis of real-world networks --Abstract, page iv

    Managing and analyzing phylogenetic databases

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    The ever growing availability of phylogenomic data makes it increasingly possible to study and analyze phylogenetic relationships across a wide range of species. Indeed, current phylogenetic analyses are now producing enormous collections of trees that vary greatly in size. Our proposed research addresses the challenges posed by storing, querying, and analyzing such phylogenetic databases. Our first contribution is the further development of STBase, a phylogenetic tree database consisting of a billion trees whose leaf sets range from four to 20000. STBase applies techniques from different areas of computer science for efficient tree storage and retrieval. It also introduces new ideas that are specific to tree databases. STBase provides a unique opportunity to explore innovative ways to analyze the results from queries on large sets of phylogenetic trees. We propose new ways of extracting consensus information from a collection of phylogenetic trees. Specifically, this involves extending the maximum agreement subtree problem. We greatly improve upon an existing approach based on frequent subtrees and, propose two new approaches based on agreement subtrees and frequent subtrees respectively. The final part of our proposed work deals with the problem of simplifying multi-labeled trees and handling rogue taxa. We propose a novel technique to extract conflict-free information from multi-labeled trees as a much smaller single labeled tree. We show that the inherent problem in identifying rogue taxa is NP-hard and give fixed-parameter tractable and integer linear programming solutions

    Mining complex structured data: Enhanced methods and applications

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    Conventional approaches to analysing complex business data typically rely on process models, which are difficult to construct and use. This thesis addresses this issue by converting semi-structured event logs to a simpler flat representation without any loss of information, which then enables direct applications of classical data mining methods. The thesis also proposes an effective and scalable classification method which can identify distinct characteristics of a business process for further improvements

    Efficient Frequent Subtree Mining Beyond Forests

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    A common paradigm in distance-based learning is to embed the instance space into some appropriately chosen feature space equipped with a metric and to define the dissimilarity between instances by the distance of their images in the feature space. If the instances are graphs, then frequent connected subgraphs are a well-suited pattern language to define such feature spaces. Identifying the set of frequent connected subgraphs and subsequently computing embeddings for graph instances, however, is computationally intractable. As a result, existing frequent subgraph mining algorithms either restrict the structural complexity of the instance graphs or require exponential delay between the output of subsequent patterns. Hence distance-based learners lack an efficient way to operate on arbitrary graph data. To resolve this problem, in this thesis we present a mining system that gives up the demand on the completeness of the pattern set to instead guarantee a polynomial delay between subsequent patterns. Complementing this, we devise efficient methods to compute the embedding of arbitrary graphs into the Hamming space spanned by our pattern set. As a result, we present a system that allows to efficiently apply distance-based learning methods to arbitrary graph databases. To overcome the computational intractability of the mining step, we consider only frequent subtrees for arbitrary graph databases. This restriction alone, however, does not suffice to make the problem tractable. We reduce the mining problem from arbitrary graphs to forests by replacing each graph by a polynomially sized forest obtained from a random sample of its spanning trees. This results in an incomplete mining algorithm. However, we prove that the probability of missing a frequent subtree pattern is low. We show empirically that this is true in practice even for very small sized forests. As a result, our algorithm is able to mine frequent subtrees in a range of graph databases where state-of-the-art exact frequent subgraph mining systems fail to produce patterns in reasonable time or even at all. Furthermore, the predictive performance of our patterns is comparable to that of exact frequent connected subgraphs, where available. The above method considers polynomially many spanning trees for the forest, while many graphs have exponentially many spanning trees. The number of patterns found by our mining algorithm can be negatively influenced by this exponential gap. We hence propose a method that can (implicitly) consider forests of exponential size, while remaining computationally tractable. This results in a higher recall for our incomplete mining algorithm. Furthermore, the methods extend the known positive results on the tractability of exact frequent subtree mining to a novel class of transaction graphs. We conjecture that the next natural extension of our results to a larger transaction graph class is at least as difficult as proving whether P = NP, or not. Regarding the graph embedding step, we apply a similar strategy as in the mining step. We represent a novel graph by a forest of its spanning trees and decide whether the frequent trees from the mining step are subgraph isomorphic to this forest. As a result, the embedding computation has one-sided error with respect to the exact subgraph isomorphism test but is computationally tractable. Furthermore, we show that we can leverage a partial order on the pattern set. This structure can be used to reduce the runtime of the embedding computation dramatically. For the special case of Jaccard-similarity between graph embeddings, a further substantial reduction of runtime can be achieved using min-hashing. The Jaccard-distance can be approximated using small sketch vectors that can be computed fast, again using the partial order on the tree patterns