175 research outputs found

    Modeling of Physical Database Design and Performance Analysis With Emphasis on VSAM Files.

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    Growth in the size of a database is reflected in deterioration of database performance. Since deterioration is related to the structure of the file, the performance efficiency involves the design of a physical database and the proper management of it. This research addresses a modeling procedure of a physical database design considering both records insertions and deletions. The model describes the behavior of a physical database in a VSAM file environment, and is extended to the issue of database reorganization through a cost analysis. The cost of accessing the database increases due to the physical disorganization of the database caused by records updates and insertions. A cost function that describes this excess cost is defined. As a remedy of the performance deterioration, database reorganization is required. Optimum reorganization points are obtained as a tradeoff between the excessive costs and the reorganization cost. Numerical examples based on the characteristics of IBM 3380 are given

    Meeting the Challenges of Met Data with Mysql

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    The objective of this project is to develop a relational database housing meteorological data used in direct support of emergency response activities for an atmospheric consulting firm, hereon referred to by the pseudonym WindInc. The intent is to demonstrate to WindInc how a relational database system would be superior to their present flat-file approach by providing the flexibility, performance, and reliability needed to meet their ever-increasing business demands, while simultaneously boosting the performance of their atmospheric dispersion modeling system

    A comparative study of structured and un-structured remote data access in distributed computing systems

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    Recently, the use of distributed computing systems has been growing rapidly due to the result of cheap and advanced microelectronic technology. In addition to the decrease in hardware costs, the tremendous development in machine to machine communication interfaces, especially in local area networking, also favours the use of distributed systems. Distributed systems often require remote access to data stored at different sites. Generally, two models of access to remote data storage exist: the un structured and structured models. In the former, data is simply stored as row of bytes, whereas in the latter, data is stored along with the associated access codes. The objective of this thesis is to compare these two models and hence determines the tradeoffs of each model. First of all, an extended review of the field of distributed data access is provided which addressing key issues such as the basic design principles of distributed computing systems, the notions of abstract data types, data inheritance, data type system and data persistence. Secondly, a distributed system is implemented using the persistent programming language PS-algol and the high level language C in conjunction with the remote procedure call facilities available in Unix(^1) 4.2 BSD operating system. This distributed system makes extensive use of Unix's software tools and hence it is called DCSUNIX for Distributed Computing System on UNIX. Thirdly, two specific applications which employ the implemented system will be given so that a comparison can be made between the two remote data access models mentioned above. Finally, the implemented system is compared with the criteria established earlier in the thesis. keywords: abstract data types, class, database management, data persistence, information hiding, inheritance, object oriented programming, programming languages, remote procedure calls, transparency, and type checking

    Comparative Study of a Hierarchical Database Management System with a Relational-like Database Management System for a Scheduling Problem

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    A comparative study of a hierarchical database management system, IMS (Information Management System), and a relational-like database management system, Model 204 was performed. The comparison of the two database management systems was limited to data definition, data manipulation, data independence, data protection, and storage organizations. A classroom reservation system was the scheduling problem which provided the comparative tool. An on-line classroom reservation system was developed using Model 204. A brief overview of of the capabilities of the two systems is provided under each topic, before a comparison is performed. Initially the underlying data models have been discussed to set the ground work for the following discussion.Computing and Information Science

    Principles of Information Systems Analysis and Design

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    Multi-scale data storage schemes for spatial information systems

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    This thesis documents a research project that has led to the design and prototype implementation of several data storage schemes suited to the efficient multi-scale representation of integrated spatial data. Spatial information systems will benefit from having data models which allow for data to be viewed and analysed at various levels of detail, while the integration of data from different sources will lead to a more accurate representation of reality. The work has addressed two specific problems. The first concerns the design of an integrated multi-scale data model suited for use within Geographical Information Systems. This has led to the development of two data models, each of which allow for the integration of terrain data and topographic data at multiple levels of detail. The models are based on a combination of adapted versions of three previous data structures, namely, the constrained Delaunay pyramid, the line generalisation tree and the fixed grid. The second specific problem addressed in this thesis has been the development of an integrated multi-scale 3-D geological data model, for use within a Geoscientific Information System. This has resulted in a data storage scheme which enables the integration of terrain data, geological outcrop data and borehole data at various levels of detail. The thesis also presents details of prototype database implementations of each of the new data storage schemes. These implementations have served to demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of an integrated multi-scale approach. The research has also brought to light some areas that will need further research before fully functional systems are produced. The final chapter contains, in addition to conclusions made as a result of the research to date, a summary of some of these areas that require future work

    A parameterized model for selecting the optimum file organization in multi-attribute retrieval systems.

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    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Alfred P. Sloan School of Management. Thesis. 1974. M.S.MICROFICHE COPY ALSO AVAILABLE IN DEWEY LIBRARY.Bibliography: leaves 135-142.M.S

    The Model Concept: Nonprocedural Programming for Nonprogrammers, II

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    This text contains description of the syntax and semantics of the language, MODEL, and techniques for its use. MODEL is a fifth-generation computer language. It is equational and non-procedural. (What these terms mean will be made clear to you as you begin to get involved in the MODEL system.) In this chapter, we shall discuss the value of the language. MODEL is a tool for systems and program design and development. Like most computer languages, the MODEL system comes with a compiler which is used to receive and analyze the language statements. But as we shall see later on, the whole process of analysis and coding is radically different in the MODEL system from programming methods in current practice. Using today\u27s conventional technology, it is necessary for the analyst to have knowledge of how a computer works internally. Otherwise, the analysis is often unusable by the programmers. To express data processing requirements that are translatable into a procedural language requires knowledge of how a computer executes the solution of the problem Non-procedural languages are problem-oriented and independent of knowledge of how the computer works. MODEL eliminates the need for transfer of information from analyst to programmer. The MODEL system uses the computer to perform program design and coding automatically. In traditional systems design, after the requirements and analysis phases are completed, the programming task begins. Specifications are given to programmers who fmt perform the program &sign and then write and debug the programs. In MODEL, once a specification is completed, the programming task is also done as a byproduct The specification itself is entered into the computer; submitted to the MODEL compiler. A PL/I program is generated, as well as a series of reports about the newly generated program. MODEL has facilities for automating all program development phases: design, coding and testing. It reduces the analyst\u27s involvement with computer execution through having the compiler interface with the computer and its environment. The analyst writes a specification which is entered into the computer. The specification is transformed into a PL/I program by the MODEL compiler. As soon as the specification is completed the system is ready for testing. In short, MODEL is an outgrowth of a widespread need to make programming more natural and more accessible to non-programmers. Welcome to the realm of non-procedurality. You are going to learn a new methodology for systems analysis. It will help you to complete complex projects and enable you to conceptualize problems in a clear, precise manner, without having to at the same time worry about its implementation in a computer

    Component technologies for e-discovery and prototyping of suit-coping system

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    As ESI (Electronically Stored Information) is included in extent of evidence that become discovery\u27s target in FRCP(Federal Rules of Civil Procedure) taken effect on December 1, 2006, enterprises been always vexing in several litigations need to adapt systems coping with e-Discovery such as ESI administration or information preservation. In this paper, component technologies for all steps of e-Discovery are described in detail, and as a prototype of preparing system for e-Discovery, agent-based information management and control system being able to manage ESI stored at some computers centrally and respond rapidly on demand, extracting discoveryrelated data using digital forensic technologies, are introduced. Apart from fundamental searching and analysing functions, this system can detect user’s abnormal behaviours, generate forensic images remotely, and have a function of controlling related files
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