61,093 research outputs found

    Trunk Network Rehabilitation for Resilience Improvement and Energy Recovery in Water Distribution Networks

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    [EN] Water distribution networks (WDNs) are designed to meet water demand with minimum implementation costs. However, this approach leads to poor long-term results, since system resilience is also minimal, and this requires the rehabilitation of the network if the network is expanded or the demand increases. In addition, in emergency situations, such as pipe bursts, large areas will suffer water shortage. However, the use of resilience as a criterion for WDN design is a difficult task, since its economic value is subjective. Thus, in this paper, it is proposed that trunk networks (TNs) are rehabilitated when considering the generation of electrical energy using pumps as turbines (PATs) to compensate for an increase of resilience derived from increasing pipe diameters. During normal operation, these micro-hydros will control pressure and produce electricity. When an emergency occurs, a by-pass can be used to increase network pressure. The results that were obtained for two hypothetical networks show that a small increase in TN pipe diameters is sufficient to significantly improve the resilience of the WDN. In addition, the value of the energy produced surpasses the investment that is made during rehabilitation.The authors wish to thank the project REDAWN (Reducing Energy Dependency in Atlantic Area Water Networks) EAPA_198/2016 from INTERREG ATLANTIC AREA PROGRAMME 2014-2020.Meirelles, G.; Brentan, BM.; Izquierdo Sebastián, J.; Ramos, HM.; Luvizotto, E. (2018). Trunk Network Rehabilitation for Resilience Improvement and Energy Recovery in Water Distribution Networks. Water. 10(6):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/w10060693S114106Zong Woo Geem, Joong Hoon Kim, & Loganathan, G. V. (2001). A New Heuristic Optimization Algorithm: Harmony Search. SIMULATION, 76(2), 60-68. doi:10.1177/003754970107600201Maier, H. R., Simpson, A. R., Zecchin, A. C., Foong, W. K., Phang, K. Y., Seah, H. Y., & Tan, C. L. (2003). 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Improving the efficiency of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms through decomposition: An application to water distribution network design. Environmental Modelling & Software, 69, 240-252. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.08.022Geem, Z. (2015). Multiobjective Optimization of Water Distribution Networks Using Fuzzy Theory and Harmony Search. Water, 7(12), 3613-3625. doi:10.3390/w7073613Prasad, T. D., & Park, N.-S. (2004). Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms for Design of Water Distribution Networks. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 130(1), 73-82. doi:10.1061/(asce)0733-9496(2004)130:1(73)Pérez-Sánchez, M., Sánchez-Romero, F., Ramos, H., & López-Jiménez, P. (2017). Energy Recovery in Existing Water Networks: Towards Greater Sustainability. Water, 9(2), 97. doi:10.3390/w9020097De Marchis, M., & Freni, G. (2015). Pump as turbine implementation in a dynamic numerical model: cost analysis for energy recovery in water distribution network. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 17(3), 347-360. doi:10.2166/hydro.2015.018Carravetta, A., del Giudice, G., Fecarotta, O., & Ramos, H. (2013). PAT Design Strategy for Energy Recovery in Water Distribution Networks by Electrical Regulation. Energies, 6(1), 411-424. doi:10.3390/en6010411Lima, G. M., Luvizotto, E., Brentan, B. M., & Ramos, H. M. (2018). Leakage Control and Energy Recovery Using Variable Speed Pumps as Turbines. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 144(1), 04017077. doi:10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.0000852Carravetta, A., Del Giudice, G., Fecarotta, O., & Ramos, H. M. (2012). Energy Production in Water Distribution Networks: A PAT Design Strategy. Water Resources Management, 26(13), 3947-3959. doi:10.1007/s11269-012-0114-1Lydon, T., Coughlan, P., & McNabola, A. (2017). Pump-As-Turbine: Characterization as an Energy Recovery Device for the Water Distribution Network. 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    Reliability assessment of water distribution systems with statistical entropy and other surrogate measures

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    There is ever increasing commercial and regulatory pressure to minimise the cost of water distribution networks even as the demand for them keeps on growing. But cost minimizing is only one of the demands placed on network design. Satisfactory networks are required to operate above a minimum level even if they experience failure of components. Reliable hydraulic performance can be achieved if sufficient redundancy is built in the network. This has given rise to various water distribution system optimization methods including genetic algorithms and other evolutionary computing methods. Evolutionary computing approaches frequently assess the suitability of enormous numbers of potential solutions for which the calculation of accurate reliability measures could be computationally prohibitive. Therefore, surrogate reliability measures are frequently used to ease the computational burden. The aim of this paper is to assess the correlation of surrogate reliability measures in relation to more accurate measures. The surrogate measures studied are statistical entropy, network resilience, resilience index and modified resilience index. The networks were simulated with the prototype software PRAAWDS that produces more realistic results for pressure-deficient water distribution systems. Statistical entropy outperformed resilience index in this study. The results also demonstrate there is a strong correlation between entropy and failure tolerance

    Multi-criteria analysis applied to multi-objective optimal pump scheduling in water systems

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    This work presents a multi-criteria-based approach to automatically select specific non-dominated solutions from a Pareto front previously obtained using multi-objective optimization to find optimal solutions for pump control in a water supply system. Optimal operation of pumps in these utilities is paramount to enable water companies to achieve energy efficiency in their systems. The Fuzzy Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (FTOPSIS) is used to rank the Pareto solutions found by the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) employed to solve the multi-objective problem. Various scenarios are evaluated under leakage uncertainty conditions, resulting in fuzzy solutions for the Pareto front. This paper shows the suitability of the approach for quasi real-world problems. In our case-study, the obtained solutions for scenarios including leakage represent the best trade-off among the optimal solutions, under some considered criteria, namely, operational cost, operational lack of service, pressure uniformity and network resilience. Potential future developments could include the use of clustering alternatives to evaluate the goodness of each solution under the considered evaluation criteria

    Improving the resilience of post-disaster water distribution systems using a dynamic optimization framework

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Improving the resilience of water distribution systems (WDSs) to handle natural disasters (e.g., earthquakes) is a critical step towards sustainable urban water management. This requires the water utility to be able to respond quickly to such disaster events and in an organized manner, to prioritize the use of available resources to restore service rapidly whilst minimizing the negative impacts. Many methods have been developed to evaluate the WDS resilience, but few efforts are made so far to improve resilience of a post-disaster WDS through identifying optimal sequencing of recovery actions. To address this gap, a new dynamic optimization framework is proposed here where the resilience of a post-disaster WDS is evaluated using six different metrics. A tailored Genetic Algorithm is developed to solve the complex optimization problem driven by these metrics. The proposed framework is demonstrated using a real-world WDS with 6,064 pipes. Results obtained show that the proposed framework successfully identifies near-optimal sequencing of recovery actions for this complex WDS. The gained insights, conditional on the specific attributes of the case study, include: (i) the near-optimal sequencing of recovery strategy heavily depends on the damage properties of the WDS, (ii) replacements of damaged elements tend to be scheduled at the intermediate-late stages of the recovery process due to their long operation time, and (iii) interventions to damaged pipe elements near critical facilities (e.g., hospitals) should not be necessarily the first priority to recover due to complex hydraulic interactions within the WDS

    Optimal design of water distribution systems based on entropy and topology

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    A new multi-objective evolutionary optimization approach for joint topology and pipe size design of water distribution systems is presented. The algorithm proposed considers simultaneously the adequacy of flow and pressure at the demand nodes; the initial construction cost; the network topology; and a measure of hydraulic capacity reliability. The optimization procedure is based on a general measure of hydraulic performance that combines statistical entropy, network connectivity and hydraulic feasibility. The topological properties of the solutions are accounted for and arbitrary assumptions regarding the quality of infeasible solutions are not applied. In other words, both feasible and infeasible solutions participate in the evolutionary processes; solutions survive and reproduce or perish strictly according to their Pareto-optimality. Removing artificial barriers in this way frees the algorithm to evolve optimal solutions quickly. Furthermore, any redundant binary codes that result from crossover or mutation are eliminated gradually in a seamless and generic way that avoids the arbitrary loss of potentially useful genetic material and preserves the quality of the information that is transmitted from one generation to the next. The approach proposed is entirely generic: we have not introduced any additional parameters that require calibration on a case-by-case basis. Detailed and extensive results for two test problems are included that suggest the approach is highly effective. In general, the frontier-optimal solutions achieved include topologies that are fully branched, partially- and fully-looped and, for networks with multiple sources, completely separate sub-networks

    Review of agricultural production systems in eastern Africa in relation to food and nutrition security and climate change

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    The goal of this paper is to provide a unified resource for Eritrea, Djibouti, Somaliland, Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania. For each country the review covers the topics of livestock production systems and agroecological zones, food and nutrition security, climate change, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and climate-smart agriculture (CSA) with a focus on the role of, or impact on, livestock systems. Each of these topics is broad and many excellent studies and reviews have been produced covering these topics either at the country level or for the entire East Africa region. It is the goal of this paper to provide an accessible introduction to these topics and to direct readers to the resources that exist for gathering detailed information on livestock production, food nutrition and security, climate change, GHG emissions and climate-smart livestock production in each country
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