325 research outputs found

    Soft Actuators and Robotic Devices for Rehabilitation and Assistance

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    Soft actuators and robotic devices have been increasingly applied to the field of rehabilitation and assistance, where safe human and machine interaction is of particular importance. Compared with their widely used rigid counterparts, soft actuators and robotic devices can provide a range of significant advantages; these include safe interaction, a range of complex motions, ease of fabrication and resilience to a variety of environments. In recent decades, significant effort has been invested in the development of soft rehabilitation and assistive devices for improving a range of medical treatments and quality of life. This review provides an overview of the current state-of-the-art in soft actuators and robotic devices for rehabilitation and assistance, in particular systems that achieve actuation by pneumatic and hydraulic fluid-power, electrical motors, chemical reactions and soft active materials such as dielectric elastomers, shape memory alloys, magnetoactive elastomers, liquid crystal elastomers and piezoelectric materials. Current research on soft rehabilitation and assistive devices is in its infancy, and new device designs and control strategies for improved performance and safe human-machine interaction are identified as particularly untapped areas of research. Finally, insights into future research directions are outlined

    Soft Actuators and Robotic Devices for Rehabilitation and Assistance

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    Soft actuators and robotic devices have been increasingly applied to the field of rehabilitation and assistance, where safe human and machine interaction is of particular importance. Compared with their widely used rigid counterparts, soft actuators and robotic devices can provide a range of significant advantages; these include safe interaction, a range of complex motions, ease of fabrication and resilience to a variety of environments. In recent decades, significant effort has been invested in the development of soft rehabilitation and assistive devices for improving a range of medical treatments and quality of life. This review provides an overview of the current state-of-the-art in soft actuators and robotic devices for rehabilitation and assistance, in particular systems that achieve actuation by pneumatic and hydraulic fluid-power, electrical motors, chemical reactions and soft active materials such as dielectric elastomers, shape memory alloys, magnetoactive elastomers, liquid crystal elastomers and piezoelectric materials. Current research on soft rehabilitation and assistive devices is in its infancy, and new device designs and control strategies for improved performance and safe human-machine interaction are identified as particularly untapped areas of research. Finally, insights into future research directions are outlined

    Design and Control of a Compliant Joint for Upper-body Exoskeletons in Physical Assistance

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    Interaction Motion Control on Tri-finger Pneumatic Grasper using Variable Convergence Rate Prescribed Performance Impedance Control with Pressure-based Force Estimator

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    Pneumatic robot is a fluid dynamic based robot system which possesses immense uncertainties and nonlinearities over its electrical driven counterpart. Requirement for dynamic motion handling further challenged the implemented control system on both aspects of interaction and compliance control. This study especially set to counter the unstable and inadaptable proportional motions of pneumatic robot grasper towards its environment through the employment of Variable Convergence Rate Prescribed Performance Impedance Control (VPPIC) with pressure-based force estimation (PFE). Impedance control was derived for a single finger of Tri-finger Pneumatic Grasper (TPG) robot, with improvement being subsequently made to the controller’s output by appropriation of formulated finite-time prescribed performance control. Produced responses from exerted pressure of the maneuvered pneumatic piston were then recorded via derived PEE with adherence to both dynamics and geometry of the designated finger. Validation of the proposed method was proceeded on both circumstances of human hand as a blockage and ping-pong ball as methodical representation of a fragile object. Developed findings confirmed relatively uniform force sensing ability for both proposed PEE and load sensor as equipped to the robot’s fingertip with respect to the experimented thrusting and holding of a human hand. Sensing capacity of the estimator has also advanced beyond the fingertip to enclose its finger in entirety. Whereas stable interaction control at negligible oscillation has been exhibited from VPPIC against the standard impedance control towards gentle and compression-free handling of fragile objects. Overall positional tracking of the finger, thus, justified VPPIC as a robust mechanism for smooth operation amid and succeed direct object interaction, notwithstanding its transcendence beyond boundaries of the prescribed performance constraint

    Soft Robotics: Design for Simplicity, Performance, and Robustness of Robots for Interaction with Humans.

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    This thesis deals with the design possibilities concerning the next generation of advanced Robots. Aim of the work is to study, analyse and realise artificial systems that are essentially simple, performing and robust and can live and coexist with humans. The main design guideline followed in doing so is the Soft Robotics Approach, that implies the design of systems with intrinsic mechanical compliance in their architecture. The first part of the thesis addresses design of new soft robotics actuators, or robotic muscles. At the beginning are provided information about what a robotic muscle is and what is needed to realise it. A possible classification of these systems is analysed and some criteria useful for their comparison are explained. After, a set of functional specifications and parameters is identified and defined, to characterise a specific subset of this kind of actuators, called Variable Stiffness Actuators. The selected parameters converge in a data-sheet that easily defines performance and abilities of the robotic system. A complete strategy for the design and realisation of this kind of system is provided, which takes into account their me- chanical morphology and architecture. As consequence of this, some new actuators are developed, validated and employed in the execution of complex experimental tasks. In particular the actuator VSA-Cube and its add-on, a Variable Damper, are developed as the main com- ponents of a robotics low-cost platform, called VSA-CubeBot, that v can be used as an exploratory platform for multi degrees of freedom experiments. Experimental validations and mathematical models of the system employed in multi degrees of freedom tasks (bimanual as- sembly and drawing on an uneven surface), are reported. The second part of the thesis is about the design of multi fingered hands for robots. In this part of the work the Pisa-IIT SoftHand is introduced. It is a novel robot hand prototype designed with the purpose of being as easily usable, robust and simple as an industrial gripper, while exhibiting a level of grasping versatility and an aspect comparable to that of the human hand. In the thesis the main theo- retical tool used to enable such simplification, i.e. the neuroscience– based notion of soft synergies, are briefly reviewed. The approach proposed rests on ideas coming from underactuated hand design. A synthesis method to realize a desired set of soft synergies through the principled design of adaptive underactuated mechanisms, which is called the method of adaptive synergies, is discussed. This ap- proach leads to the design of hands accommodating in principle an arbitrary number of soft synergies, as demonstrated in grasping and manipulation simulations and experiments with a prototype. As a particular instance of application of the method of adaptive syner- gies, the Pisa–IIT SoftHand is then described in detail. The design and implementation of the prototype hand are shown and its effec- tiveness demonstrated through grasping experiments. Finally, control of the Pisa/IIT Hand is considered. Few different control strategies are adopted, including an experimental setup with the use of surface Electromyographic signals

    Modular soft pneumatic actuator system design for compliance matching

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    The future of robotics is personal. Never before has technology been as pervasive as it is today, with advanced mobile electronics hardware and multi-level network connectivity pushing âsmartâ devices deeper into our daily lives through home automation systems, virtual assistants, and wearable activity monitoring. As the suite of personal technology around us continues to grow in this way, augmenting and offloading the burden of routine activities of daily living, the notion that this trend will extend to robotics seems inevitable. Transitioning robots from their current principal domain of industrial factory settings to domestic, workplace, or public environments is not simply a matter of relocation or reprogramming, however. The key differences between âtraditionalâ types of robots and those which would best serve personal, proximal, human interactive applications demand a new approach to their design. Chief among these are requirements for safety, adaptability, reliability, reconfigurability, and to a more practical extent, usability. These properties frame the context and objectives of my thesis work, which seeks to provide solutions and answers to not only how these features might be achieved in personal robotic systems, but as well what benefits they can afford. I approach the investigation of these questions from a perspective of compliance matching of hardware systems to their applications, by providing methods to achieve mechanical attributes complimentary to their environment and end-use. These features are fundamental to the burgeoning field of Soft Robotics, wherein flexible, compliant materials are used as the basis for the structure, actuation, sensing, and control of complete robotic systems. Combined with pressurized air as a power source, soft pneumatic actuator (SPA) based systems offers new and novel methods of exploiting the intrinsic compliance of soft material components in robotic systems. While this strategy seems to answer many of the needs for human-safe robotic applications, it also brings new questions and challenges: What are the needs and applications personal robots may best serve? Are soft pneumatic actuators capable of these tasks, or âusefulâ work output and performance? How can SPA based systems be applied to provide complex functionality needed for operation in diverse, real-world environments? What are the theoretical and practical challenges in implementing scalable, multiple degrees of freedom systems, and how can they be overcome? I present solutions to these problems in my thesis work, elucidated through scientific design, testing and evaluation of robotic prototypes which leverage and demonstrate three key features: 1) Intrinsic compliance: provided by passive elastic and flexible component material properties, 2) Extrinsic compliance: rendered through high number of independent, controllable degrees of freedom, and 3) Complementary design: exhibited by modular, plug and play architectures which combine both attributes to achieve compliant systems. Through these core projects and others listed below I have been engaged in soft robotic technology, its application, and solutions to the challenges which are critical to providing a path forward within the soft robotics field, as well as for the future of personal robotics as a whole toward creating a better society

    Simulation and development of paper-based actuators

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    Soft robots have become an attractive research topic for opening new doors for robots' limitations by being flexible, light, and small and with the ability to have an adaptable shape. An essential component in a soft robot is the soft actuator, which provides the system with a deformable body and allows it to interact with the environment to achieve the desired actuation pattern. Among the various materials used in soft actuators, paper-based actuators have special attention because paper is an abundant, lightweight, and biodegradable material. This work illustrates an insight into the soft actuators field and focuses on developing unique paper-based actuators applying the microwave heat for a liquid-vapor phase transition, in this case, water. This document focuses on the study of different designs, materials, and thick-nesses by changing the paper, elastomer, and double-sided tape.Os robôs flexíveis tornaram-se um tópico de pesquisa atraente por abrirem novas portas para as limitações dos robôs por serem flexíveis, leves e pequenos e com a capacidade de ter uma forma adaptável. Um componente essencial em um robô flexível é o atuador flexível, que fornece ao sistema um corpo deformável e permite que este interaja com o ambiente para atingir o movi-mento desejado. Dos vários materiais usados em atuadores flexíveis, os atuadores baseados em papel têm especial atenção porque o papel é um material abundante, leve e biodegradável. Este trabalho ilustra uma visão da área de atuadores flexíveis e foca no desenvolvimento de atuadores únicos baseados em papel , aplicando o calor de microondas para uma transição de fase líquido-vapor, neste caso, água. Este documento mostra o estudo de diferentes designs, ma-teriais e espessuras, alterando o papel, elastómero e fita dupla-face

    Bio-Inspired Robotics

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    Modern robotic technologies have enabled robots to operate in a variety of unstructured and dynamically-changing environments, in addition to traditional structured environments. Robots have, thus, become an important element in our everyday lives. One key approach to develop such intelligent and autonomous robots is to draw inspiration from biological systems. Biological structure, mechanisms, and underlying principles have the potential to provide new ideas to support the improvement of conventional robotic designs and control. Such biological principles usually originate from animal or even plant models, for robots, which can sense, think, walk, swim, crawl, jump or even fly. Thus, it is believed that these bio-inspired methods are becoming increasingly important in the face of complex applications. Bio-inspired robotics is leading to the study of innovative structures and computing with sensory–motor coordination and learning to achieve intelligence, flexibility, stability, and adaptation for emergent robotic applications, such as manipulation, learning, and control. This Special Issue invites original papers of innovative ideas and concepts, new discoveries and improvements, and novel applications and business models relevant to the selected topics of ``Bio-Inspired Robotics''. Bio-Inspired Robotics is a broad topic and an ongoing expanding field. This Special Issue collates 30 papers that address some of the important challenges and opportunities in this broad and expanding field
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