2,522 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Memory Size Estimation for Loop Transformation and Data Memory Platform Optimization

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    In today’s embedded systems, the memory hierarchy is rapidly becoming a major bottleneck in terms of power, performance and area, due to the very large amount of (memory related) data need to be transferred and stored (temporarily). This is especially the case for portable multi-media applications systems. These applications are characterized by deep loop nests and multi-dimensional arrays at the high level. Due to the dramatically increasing size and complexity of system-on-a-chip (SoC) designs and stringent time-to-market requirement, the methodology and tools for chip design must be raised to the system level. Early analysis tools are particularly critical in enabling SoC designers to take full advantage of the many architectural options available. For memory optimization, the early high level techniques aim either to design an optimal memory platform for a given application or to optimize the application code in order to take advantage of the memory platform features, or even both. Loop transformation is such an important high level optimization technique. It modifies the execution order of loops and statements without changing the application functionality. Existing loop transformation algorithms are all performed based either on reduction of data access lifetime and on improvement in data locality and regularity to steer selection of loop transformations. These are, however, very abstract cost functions which do not represent the exact memory size requirement of the arrays and how the data will be mapped onto the memory platform later on. Existing algorithms all result in one final loop transformation solution. As different loop transformations may result in optimal utilization for different memory platform instances, ad-hoc decisions at this stage without estimating their impact on the actual hierarchy utilization can lead to a final sub-optimal solution. An evaluation of later design stages’ effort is hence required. On the other hand, there usually exist a huge number of loop transformation possibilities, the estimation is required to be performed repeatedly and its computation time of the estimation technique also becomes critical to make it useful during the loop transformation search space exploration. This dissertation proposes a memory footprint estimation methodology. An intra-array memory footprint estimation is performed first followed by an interarray estimation. In order to achieve a fast estimate to make it useful repeatedly during the early high level search space exploration, several techniques have been introduced. A fast intra-array memory footprint estimation is performed at the iteration domain based on the maximal lifetime of data accesses, which is defined by the maximal dependency vector. Two approaches, an ILP formulation and vertexes approach, have been introduced for achieving a fast maximal dependency vector calculation. The fast inter-array estimation has been achieved based on several Hanoi tower based approaches. A hierarchical memory size estimation methodology has also been proposed in this dissertation. It estimates the influence of any given sequence of loop transformation instances on the mapping of application data onto a hierarchical memory platform. As the exact memory platform instantiation is often not yet defined at this high level design stage, a platform independent estimation is introduced with a Pareto curve output for each loop transformation instance. It can steer the designer or an automatic steering tool to select all the interesting loop transformation instances that might later lead to low power data mapping for any of the many possible memory hierarchy instances. This is useful when the memory platform is not defined yet, or for a given memory hierarchy instance. It also allows to find the most appropriate low power memory hierarchy instance by performing an early power estimation of different memory hierarchy instances. Initially the source code is used as input for estimation, resulting in an initial approach. However, performing the estimation repeatedly from the source code is too slow for the large loop transformation search space exploration. An incremental approach, based on local updating of the previous result, is thus introduced to handle sequences of different loop transformations. Several advanced techniques have also been used on these two approaches in order to perform a fast estimation, such as bounding box geometrical model based data reuse analysis, platform independent memory hierarchy layer assignment estimation, fast intra- and inter-array memory footprint estimation. The feasibility and usefulness of the methodologies are substantiated using several representative real-life application demonstrators. It shows for instance that the fast memory footprint estimation can be two order of magnitude faster than compared techniques while still achieving fairly accurate estimation result. For hierarchical memory size estimation methodology, the initial approach is two order of magnitude faster than the compared technique and the incremental approach is another two order of magnitude faster than the initial approach, which can just take a few milliseconds. The fast computation time of the incremental approach make it feasible to be used repeatedly during the loop transformation exploration over a very large number of possibilities. Furthermore, prototype CAD tools has been developed that includes mast parts of the methodologies

    Enhanced applicability of loop transformations

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    Power-Aware Memory Allocation for Embedded Data-Intensive Signal Processing Applications

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    Many signal processing systems, particularly in the multimedia and telecommunication domains, are synthesized to execute data-intensive applications: their cost related aspects ­ namely power consumption and chip area ­ are heavily influenced, if not dominated, by the data access and storage aspects. This chapter presents a power-aware memory allocation methodology. Starting from the high-level behavioral specification of a given application, this framework performs the assignment of of the multidimensional signals to the memory layers ­ the on-chip scratch-pad memory and the off-chip main memory ­ the goal being the reduction of the dynamic energy consumption in the memory subsystem. Based on the assignment results, the framework subsequently performs the mapping of signals into the memory layers such that the overall amount of data storage be reduced. This software system yields a complete allocation solution: the exact storage amount on each memory layer, the mapping functions that determine the exact locations for any array element (scalar signal) in the specification, and, in addition, an estimation of the dynamic energy consumption in the memory subsystem

    What May Visualization Processes Optimize?

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    In this paper, we present an abstract model of visualization and inference processes and describe an information-theoretic measure for optimizing such processes. In order to obtain such an abstraction, we first examined six classes of workflows in data analysis and visualization, and identified four levels of typical visualization components, namely disseminative, observational, analytical and model-developmental visualization. We noticed a common phenomenon at different levels of visualization, that is, the transformation of data spaces (referred to as alphabets) usually corresponds to the reduction of maximal entropy along a workflow. Based on this observation, we establish an information-theoretic measure of cost-benefit ratio that may be used as a cost function for optimizing a data visualization process. To demonstrate the validity of this measure, we examined a number of successful visualization processes in the literature, and showed that the information-theoretic measure can mathematically explain the advantages of such processes over possible alternatives.Comment: 10 page

    The low-level guidance of an experimental autonomous vehicle

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    This thesis describes the data processing and the control that constitutes a method of guidance for an autonomous guided vehicle (AGV) operating in a predefined and structured environment such as a warehouse or factory. A simple battery driven vehicle has been constructed which houses an MC68000 based microcomputer and a number of electronic interface cards. In order to provide a user interface, and in order to integrate the various aspects of the proposed guidance method, a modular software package has been developed. This, along with the research vehicle, has been used to support an experimental approach to the research. The vehicle's guidance method requires a series of concatenated curved and straight imaginary Unes to be passed to the vehicle as a representation of a planned path within its environment. Global position specifications for each line and the associated AGV direction and demand speed for each fine constitute commands which are queued and executed in sequence. In order to execute commands, the AGV is equipped with low level sensors (ultrasonic transducers and optical shaft encoders) which allow it to estimate and correct its global position continually. In addition to a queue of commands, the AGV also has a pre-programmed knowledge of the position of a number of correction boards within its environment. These are simply wooden boards approximately 25cm high and between 2 and 5 metres long with small protrusions ("notches") 4cm deep and 10cm long at regular (Im) intervals along its length. When the AGV passes such a correction board, it can measure its perpendicular distance and orientation relative to that board using two sets of its ultrasonic sensors, one set at the rear of the vehicle near to the drive wheels and one set at the front of the vehicle. Data collected as the vehicle moves parallel to a correction board is digitally filtered and subsequently a least squares line fitting procedure is adopted. As well as improving the reliability and accuracy of orientation and distance measurements relative to the board, this provides the basis for an algorithm with which to detect and measure the position of the protrusions on the correction board. Since measurements in three planar, local coordinates can be made (these are: x, the distance travelled parallel to a correction board; and y,the perpendicular distance relative to a correction board; and ÆŸ, the clockwise planar orientation relative to the correction board), global position estimation can be corrected. When position corrections are made, it can be seen that they appear as step disturbances to the control system. This control system has been designed to allow the vehicle to move back onto its imaginary line after a position correction in a critically damped fashion and, in the steady state, to track both linear and curved command segments with minimum error

    Coordinated parallelizing compiler optimizations and high-level synthesis

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    We present a high-level synthesis methodology that applies a coordinated set of coarse-grain and fine-grain parallelizing transformations. The transformations are applied both during a presynthesis phase and during scheduling, with the objective of optimizing the results of synthesis and reducing the impact of control flow constructs on the quality of results. We first apply a set of source level presynthesis transformations that include common sub-expression elimination (CSE), copy propagation, dead code elimination and loop-invariant code motion, along with more coarse-level code restructuring transformations such as loop unrolling. We then explore scheduling techniques that use a set of aggressive speculative code motions to maximally parallelize the design by re-ordering, speculating and sometimes even duplicating operations in the design. In particular, we present a new technique called "Dynamic CSE" that dynamically coordinates CSE and code motions such as speculation and conditional speculation during scheduling. We implemented our parallelizing high-level synthesis in the SPARK framework. This framework takes a behavioral description in ANSI-C as input and generates synthesizable register-transfer level VHDL. Our results from computationally expensive portions of three moderately complex design targets, namely, MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and the GIMP image processing too], validate the utility of our approach to the behavioral synthesis of designs with complex control flows

    Dual role of absorptive capacity for exploitative and exploratory learning

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    The findings provide support for assertions regarding the duality of absorptive capacity and how its dimensions are deployed differentially according to the learning outcomes. While internal stages of absorptive capacity are critical for driving incremental innovation performance, transformative stages of absorptive capacity are critical for driving radical innovation performance
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