2,463 research outputs found

    Analytical Differential Calculus with Integration

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    Differential lambda-calculus was first introduced by Thomas Ehrhard and Laurent Regnier in 2003. Despite more than 15 years of history, little work has been done on a differential calculus with integration. In this paper, we shall propose a differential calculus with integration from a programming point of view. We show its good correspondence with mathematics, which is manifested by how we construct these reduction rules and how we preserve important mathematical theorems in our calculus. Moreover, we highlight applications of the calculus in incremental computation, automatic differentiation, and computation approximation

    Introducing a Calculus of Effects and Handlers for Natural Language Semantics

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    In compositional model-theoretic semantics, researchers assemble truth-conditions or other kinds of denotations using the lambda calculus. It was previously observed that the lambda terms and/or the denotations studied tend to follow the same pattern: they are instances of a monad. In this paper, we present an extension of the simply-typed lambda calculus that exploits this uniformity using the recently discovered technique of effect handlers. We prove that our calculus exhibits some of the key formal properties of the lambda calculus and we use it to construct a modular semantics for a small fragment that involves multiple distinct semantic phenomena

    The dagger lambda calculus

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    We present a novel lambda calculus that casts the categorical approach to the study of quantum protocols into the rich and well established tradition of type theory. Our construction extends the linear typed lambda calculus with a linear negation of "trivialised" De Morgan duality. Reduction is realised through explicit substitution, based on a symmetric notion of binding of global scope, with rules acting on the entire typing judgement instead of on a specific subterm. Proofs of subject reduction, confluence, strong normalisation and consistency are provided, and the language is shown to be an internal language for dagger compact categories.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2014, arXiv:1412.810

    Lambda Calculus for Engineers

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    In pure functional programming it is awkward to use a stateful sub-computation in a predominantly stateless computation. The problem is that the state of the subcomputation has to be passed around using ugly plumbing. Classical examples of the plumbing problem are: providing a supply of fresh names, and providing a supply of random numbers. We propose to use (deterministic) inductive definitions rather than recursion equations as a basic paradigm and show how this makes it easier to add the plumbing

    Program equivalence for a concurrent lambda calculus with futures

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    Reasoning about the correctness of program transformations requires a notion of program equivalence. We present an observational semantics for the concurrent lambda calculus with futures Lambda(fut), which formalizes the operational semantics of the programming language Alice ML. We show that natural program optimizations, as well as partial evaluation with respect to deterministic rules, are correct for Lambda(fut). This relies on a number of fundamental properties that we establish for our observational semantics

    On Isomorphism of "Functional" Intersection and Union Types

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    Type isomorphism is useful for retrieving library components, since a function in a library can have a type different from, but isomorphic to, the one expected by the user. Moreover type isomorphism gives for free the coercion required to include the function in the user program with the right type. The present paper faces the problem of type isomorphism in a system with intersection and union types. In the presence of intersection and union, isomorphism is not a congruence and cannot be characterised in an equational way. A characterisation can still be given, quite complicated by the interference between functional and non functional types. This drawback is faced in the paper by interpreting each atomic type as the set of functions mapping any argument into the interpretation of the type itself. This choice has been suggested by the initial projection of Scott's inverse limit lambda-model. The main result of this paper is a condition assuring type isomorphism, based on an isomorphism preserving reduction.Comment: In Proceedings ITRS 2014, arXiv:1503.0437

    Building Decision Procedures in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions

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    It is commonly agreed that the success of future proof assistants will rely on their ability to incorporate computations within deduction in order to mimic the mathematician when replacing the proof of a proposition P by the proof of an equivalent proposition P' obtained from P thanks to possibly complex calculations. In this paper, we investigate a new version of the calculus of inductive constructions which incorporates arbitrary decision procedures into deduction via the conversion rule of the calculus. The novelty of the problem in the context of the calculus of inductive constructions lies in the fact that the computation mechanism varies along proof-checking: goals are sent to the decision procedure together with the set of user hypotheses available from the current context. Our main result shows that this extension of the calculus of constructions does not compromise its main properties: confluence, subject reduction, strong normalization and consistency are all preserved
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