26 research outputs found


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    Virtual environment UAV swarm management using GPU calculated digital pheromones

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    Our future military force will be complex: a highly integrated mix of manned and unmanned units. These unmanned units could function individually or within a swarm. The readiness of future warfighters to work alongside and utilize these new forces depends on the creation of usable interfaces and training simulators. The difficulty is that current unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) control interfaces require too much operator attention and common swarm control methods require expensive computational power. This dissertation discusses how to improve upon current user interfaces and how to improve the performance of a common swarm control method, the digital pheromone field. This method uses digital pheromones to bias the movements of individual units within a swarm toward areas that are attractive and away from areas that are dangerous or unattractive. A more efficient method for performing pheromone field calculations is introduced, one that harnesses the power of the GPU (graphics processing unit) in today\u27s graphics cards by reshaping the ADAPTIV swarm control algorithm into a form acceptable to the GPU\u27s pipeline. The GPU ADAPTIV implementation is tested in scenarios that involve up to 50,000 virtual UAVs. When compared to its counterpart CPU implementation, the GPU version performed over 30 times faster than the CPU version. This gain translates directly into lower costs for training the future warfighter today and fielding the swarms of tomorrow. Finally, this dissertation presents a vision for combining these new interface ideas and performance enhancements into an effective swarm control interface and training simulator

    Supervisory Autonomous Control of Homogeneous Teams of Unmanned Ground Vehicles, with Application to the Multi-Autonomous Ground-Robotic International Challenge

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    There are many different proposed methods for Supervisory Control of semi-autonomous robots. There have also been numerous software simulations to determine how many robots can be successfully supervised by a single operator, a problem known as fan-out, but only a few studies have been conducted using actual robots. As evidenced by the MAGIC 2010 competition, there is increasing interest in amplifying human capacity by allowing one or a few operators to supervise a team of robotic agents. This interest provides motivation to perform a more in-depth evaluation of many autonomous/semiautonomous robots an operator can successfully supervise. The MAGIC competition allowed two human operators to supervise a team of robots in a complex search-and mapping operation. The MAGIC competition provided the best opportunity to date to study through practice the actual fan-out with multiple semi-autonomous robots. The current research provides a step forward in determining fan-out by offering an initial framework for testing multi-robot teams under supervisory control. One conclusion of this research is that the proposed framework is not complex or complete enough to provide conclusive data for determining fan-out. Initial testing using operators with limited training suggests that there is no obvious pattern to the operator interaction time with robots based on the number of robots and the complexity of the tasks. The initial hypothesis that, for a given task and robot there exists an optimal robot-to-operator efficiency ratio, could not be confirmed. Rather, the data suggests that the ability of the operator is a dominant factor in studies involving operators with limited training supervising small teams of robots. It is possible that, with more extensive training, operator times would become more closely related to the number of agents and the complexity of the tasks. The work described in this thesis proves an experimental framework and a preliminary data set for other researchers to critique and build upon. As the demand increases for agent-to-operator ratios greater than one, the need to expand upon research in this area will continue to grow

    NASA Tech Briefs, September 2012

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    Topics covered include: Beat-to-Beat Blood Pressure Monitor; Measurement Techniques for Clock Jitter; Lightweight, Miniature Inertial Measurement System; Optical Density Analysis of X-Rays Utilizing Calibration Tooling to Estimate Thickness of Parts; Fuel Cell/Electrochemical Cell Voltage Monitor; Anomaly Detection Techniques with Real Test Data from a Spinning Turbine Engine-Like Rotor; Measuring Air Leaks into the Vacuum Space of Large Liquid Hydrogen Tanks; Antenna Calibration and Measurement Equipment; Glass Solder Approach for Robust, Low-Loss, Fiber-to-Waveguide Coupling; Lightweight Metal Matrix Composite Segmented for Manufacturing High-Precision Mirrors; Plasma Treatment to Remove Carbon from Indium UV Filters; Telerobotics Workstation (TRWS) for Deep Space Habitats; Single-Pole Double-Throw MMIC Switches for a Microwave Radiometer; On Shaft Data Acquisition System (OSDAS); ASIC Readout Circuit Architecture for Large Geiger Photodiode Arrays; Flexible Architecture for FPGAs in Embedded Systems; Polyurea-Based Aerogel Monoliths and Composites; Resin-Impregnated Carbon Ablator: A New Ablative Material for Hyperbolic Entry Speeds; Self-Cleaning Particulate Prefilter Media; Modular, Rapid Propellant Loading System/Cryogenic Testbed; Compact, Low-Force, Low-Noise Linear Actuator; Loop Heat Pipe with Thermal Control Valve as a Variable Thermal Link; Process for Measuring Over-Center Distances; Hands-Free Transcranial Color Doppler Probe; Improving Balance Function Using Low Levels of Electrical Stimulation of the Balance Organs; Developing Physiologic Models for Emergency Medical Procedures Under Microgravity; PMA-Linked Fluorescence for Rapid Detection of Viable Bacterial Endospores; Portable Intravenous Fluid Production Device for Ground Use; Adaptation of a Filter Assembly to Assess Microbial Bioburden of Pressurant Within a Propulsion System; Multiplexed Force and Deflection Sensing Shell Membranes for Robotic Manipulators; Whispering Gallery Mode Optomechanical Resonator; Vision-Aided Autonomous Landing and Ingress of Micro Aerial Vehicles; Self-Sealing Wet Chemistry Cell for Field Analysis; General MACOS Interface for Modeling and Analysis for Controlled Optical Systems; Mars Technology Rover with Arm-Mounted Percussive Coring Tool, Microimager, and Sample-Handling Encapsulation Containerization Subsystem; Fault-Tolerant, Real-Time, Multi-Core Computer System; Water Detection Based on Object Reflections; SATPLOT for Analysis of SECCHI Heliospheric Imager Data; Plug-in Plan Tool v3.0.3.1; Frequency Correction for MIRO Chirp Transformation Spectroscopy Spectrum; Nonlinear Estimation Approach to Real-Time Georegistration from Aerial Images; Optimal Force Control of Vibro-Impact Systems for Autonomous Drilling Applications; Low-Cost Telemetry System for Small/Micro Satellites; Operator Interface and Control Software for the Reconfigurable Surface System Tri-ATHLETE; and Algorithms for Determining Physical Responses of Structures Under Load

    Collaborative Localization and Mapping for Autonomous Planetary Exploration : Distributed Stereo Vision-Based 6D SLAM in GNSS-Denied Environments

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    Mobile robots are a crucial element of present and future scientific missions to explore the surfaces of foreign celestial bodies such as Moon and Mars. The deployment of teams of robots allows to improve efficiency and robustness in such challenging environments. As long communication round-trip times to Earth render the teleoperation of robotic systems inefficient to impossible, on-board autonomy is a key to success. The robots operate in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-denied environments and thus have to rely on space-suitable on-board sensors such as stereo camera systems. They need to be able to localize themselves online, to model their surroundings, as well as to share information about the environment and their position therein. These capabilities constitute the basis for the local autonomy of each system as well as for any coordinated joint action within the team, such as collaborative autonomous exploration. In this thesis, we present a novel approach for stereo vision-based on-board and online Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) for multi-robot teams given the challenges imposed by planetary exploration missions. We combine distributed local and decentralized global estimation methods to get the best of both worlds: A local reference filter on each robot provides real-time local state estimates required for robot control and fast reactive behaviors. We designed a novel graph topology to incorporate these state estimates into an online incremental graph optimization to compute global pose and map estimates that serve as input to higher-level autonomy functions. In order to model the 3D geometry of the environment, we generate dense 3D point cloud and probabilistic voxel-grid maps from noisy stereo data. We distribute the computational load and reduce the required communication bandwidth between robots by locally aggregating high-bandwidth vision data into partial maps that are then exchanged between robots and composed into global models of the environment. We developed methods for intra- and inter-robot map matching to recognize previously visited locations in semi- and unstructured environments based on their estimated local geometry, which is mostly invariant to light conditions as well as different sensors and viewpoints in heterogeneous multi-robot teams. A decoupling of observable and unobservable states in the local filter allows us to introduce a novel optimization: Enforcing all submaps to be gravity-aligned, we can reduce the dimensionality of the map matching from 6D to 4D. In addition to map matches, the robots use visual fiducial markers to detect each other. In this context, we present a novel method for modeling the errors of the loop closure transformations that are estimated from these detections. We demonstrate the robustness of our methods by integrating them on a total of five different ground-based and aerial mobile robots that were deployed in a total of 31 real-world experiments for quantitative evaluations in semi- and unstructured indoor and outdoor settings. In addition, we validated our SLAM framework through several different demonstrations at four public events in Moon and Mars-like environments. These include, among others, autonomous multi-robot exploration tests at a Moon-analogue site on top of the volcano Mt. Etna, Italy, as well as the collaborative mapping of a Mars-like environment with a heterogeneous robotic team of flying and driving robots in more than 35 public demonstration runs

    Visual attention and swarm cognition for off-road robots

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    Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Engenharia Informática), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2011Esta tese aborda o problema da modelação de atenção visual no contexto de robôs autónomos todo-o-terreno. O objectivo de utilizar mecanismos de atenção visual é o de focar a percepção nos aspectos do ambiente mais relevantes à tarefa do robô. Esta tese mostra que, na detecção de obstáculos e de trilhos, esta capacidade promove robustez e parcimónia computacional. Estas são características chave para a rapidez e eficiência dos robôs todo-o-terreno. Um dos maiores desafios na modelação de atenção visual advém da necessidade de gerir o compromisso velocidade-precisão na presença de variações de contexto ou de tarefa. Esta tese mostra que este compromisso é resolvido se o processo de atenção visual for modelado como um processo auto-organizado, cuja operação é modulada pelo módulo de selecção de acção, responsável pelo controlo do robô. Ao fechar a malha entre o processo de selecção de acção e o de percepção, o último é capaz de operar apenas onde é necessário, antecipando as acções do robô. Para fornecer atenção visual com propriedades auto-organizadas, este trabalho obtém inspiração da Natureza. Concretamente, os mecanismos responsáveis pela capacidade que as formigas guerreiras têm de procurar alimento de forma auto-organizada, são usados como metáfora na resolução da tarefa de procurar, também de forma auto-organizada, obstáculos e trilhos no campo visual do robô. A solução proposta nesta tese é a de colocar vários focos de atenção encoberta a operar como um enxame, através de interacções baseadas em feromona. Este trabalho representa a primeira realização corporizada de cognição de enxame. Este é um novo campo de investigação que procura descobrir os princípios básicos da cognição, inspeccionando as propriedades auto-organizadas da inteligência colectiva exibida pelos insectos sociais. Logo, esta tese contribui para a robótica como disciplina de engenharia e para a robótica como disciplina de modelação, capaz de suportar o estudo do comportamento adaptável.Esta tese aborda o problema da modelação de atenção visual no contexto de robôs autónomos todo-o-terreno. O objectivo de utilizar mecanismos de atenção visual é o de focar a percepção nos aspectos do ambiente mais relevantes à tarefa do robô. Esta tese mostra que, na detecção de obstáculos e de trilhos, esta capacidade promove robustez e parcimónia computacional. Estas são características chave para a rapidez e eficiência dos robôs todo-o-terreno. Um dos maiores desafios na modelação de atenção visual advém da necessidade de gerir o compromisso velocidade-precisão na presença de variações de contexto ou de tarefa. Esta tese mostra que este compromisso é resolvido se o processo de atenção visual for modelado como um processo auto-organizado, cuja operação é modulada pelo módulo de selecção de acção, responsável pelo controlo do robô. Ao fechar a malha entre o processo de selecção de acção e o de percepção, o último é capaz de operar apenas onde é necessário, antecipando as acções do robô. Para fornecer atenção visual com propriedades auto-organizadas, este trabalho obtém inspi- ração da Natureza. Concretamente, os mecanismos responsáveis pela capacidade que as formi- gas guerreiras têm de procurar alimento de forma auto-organizada, são usados como metáfora na resolução da tarefa de procurar, também de forma auto-organizada, obstáculos e trilhos no campo visual do robô. A solução proposta nesta tese é a de colocar vários focos de atenção encoberta a operar como um enxame, através de interacções baseadas em feromona. Este trabalho representa a primeira realização corporizada de cognição de enxame. Este é um novo campo de investigação que procura descobrir os princípios básicos da cognição, ins- peccionando as propriedades auto-organizadas da inteligência colectiva exibida pelos insectos sociais. Logo, esta tese contribui para a robótica como disciplina de engenharia e para a robótica como disciplina de modelação, capaz de suportar o estudo do comportamento adaptável.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT,SFRH/BD/27305/2006); Laboratory of Agent Modelling (LabMag

    2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy

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    This document is an update (new photos used) of the PDF version of the 2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy that will be available to download on the OCT Public Website. The updated 2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy, or "technology dictionary", uses a technology discipline based approach that realigns like-technologies independent of their application within the NASA mission portfolio. This tool is meant to serve as a common technology discipline-based communication tool across the agency and with its partners in other government agencies, academia, industry, and across the world