11 research outputs found

    Towards Explainable and Trustworthy AI for Decision Support in Medicine: An Overview of Methods and Good Practices

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is defined as intelligence exhibited by machines, such as electronic computers. It can involve reasoning, problem solving, learning and knowledge representation, which are mostly in focus in the medical domain. Other forms of intelligence, including autonomous behavior, are also parts of AI. Data driven methods for decision support have been employed in the medical domain for some time. Machine learning (ML) is used for a wide range of complex tasks across many sectors of the industry. However, a broader spectrum of AI, including deep learning (DL) as well as autonomous agents, have been recently gaining more focus and have risen expectation for solving numerous problems in the medical domain. A barrier towards AI adoption, or rather a concern, is trust in AI, which is often hindered by issues like lack of understanding of a black-box model function, or lack of credibility related to reporting of results. Explainability and interpretability are prerequisites for the development of AI-based systems that are lawful, ethical and robust. In this respect, this paper presents an overview of concepts, best practices, and success stories, and opens the discussion for multidisciplinary work towards establishing trustworthy AI

    Synergizing AI and HRM: Leveraging Business Analytics for a Future-Ready Workforce

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    © 2024 IGI Global. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/This chapter explores the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Resource Management (HRM) practices within the Asian business landscape. It offers a comprehensive examination of the evolution of AI in HRM, emphasizing the benefits and potential challenges associated with implementing AI-driven HRM strategies. The discussion highlights the importance of synergizing AI and HRM through business analytics, offering insights into how AI can enhance recruitment, retention, and employee engagement. The author delve into potential ethical, cultural, and legal issues associated with AI-driven HRM, highlighting the necessity for thoughtful and strategic implementation. Finally, the chapter proposes strategies for successfully incorporating AI in HRM, emphasizing the development of AI competencies, fostering a data-driven culture, and ensuring ethical AI deployment. The discussion provides a foundation for future research, policy development, and practical applications in AI-driven HRM, promoting a future-ready workforce in Asia.Peer reviewe

    Concordância Prática no Pensamento Jurídico-Constitucional de Konrad Hesse

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    O presente artigo aborda a origem, o desenvolvimento teórico e a aplicação judicial do princípio da concordância prática no Direito Constitucional alemão, a partir do pensamento de Konrad Hesse. O texto analisa a forma como o princípio da concordância prática foi acolhido no âmbito acadêmico e a sua posterior aplicação pelo Tribunal Constitucional alemão, sua inter-relação com o princípio da proporcionalidade, as críticas elaboradas a ele, bem como as suas possibilidades de realização em face dos desafios originados pela assim chamada Legal Technology

    Online platforms governance in the face of the EU’s Proposed DSA, DMA & AIA

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    El presente trabajo aborda los retos que plantea la regulación de las plataformas en línea, a la luz del Reglamento de Servicios Digitales (DSA), las Propuestas de Reglamento de Mercados Digitales e Inteligencia Artificial (DMA y AIA), la P2B Regulation y el RGPD, así como los informes finales del Expert Group for the EU Observatory on the Online Platform Economy y las ELI Model Rules on Online Platforms. El examen jurídico de la materia analiza críticamente sus cuestiones fundamentales: la responsabilidad limitada de las plataformas en línea de la Propuesta de DSA vs. el estudio Liability of Online Platforms del Parlamento Europeo; la autorregulación de las plataformas en línea; el tratamiento legal de los resultados inadecuados causados por la discriminación algorítmica; la defensa de la libre competencia, cuestionada por la colusión algorítmica y abordada en la GWB Digitalisierungsgesetz; la protección de datos; y la protección del consumidor. Finalmente, se apuesta por una regulación completa del régimen de responsabilidad de las plataformas en línea, como una de las vías propuestas en el estudio Liability of Online Platforms del Parlamento Europeo y desatendida en la DSA. Asimismo, se propone el tratamiento legal de la discriminación algorítmica y la protección de datos como estadios necesarios para una adecuada gobernanza de las plataformas en línea y la salvaguardia de los derechos del consumidorThis paper addresses legal challenges on online platforms regulation considering DSA, the EU’s Proposed DMA and AIA, P2B Regulation and GDPR, as well as the final reports of the Expert Group for the EU Observatory on the Online Platform Economy and the ELI Model Rules on Online Platforms. The legal review of this matter critically analyses its essential issues: limited liability of online platforms in the DSA v. the study Liability of Online Platforms of the European Parliament; self-regulation of online platforms; remedies for algorithmic discrimination; free competition in algorithmic collusion and its regulation in GWB-Digitalisierungsgesetz; data protection; and consumer protection. Finally, the paper argues a complete regulation on online platforms liability, as one of the proposals in the study Liability of Online Platforms and disattended in the DS. It also highlights the legal importance of algorithmic discrimination and data protection, as necessary steps for a proper governance of online platforms and consumer protectionEste trabajo es resultado del Proyecto de Investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, "Derecho e Inteligencia Artificial: nuevos horizontes jurídicos de la personalidad y la responsabilidad robótica", Ref. PID2019-108669RB-100/AEI/10.13039/50110001103

    Gleichheit, Vielfalt, technischer Wandel

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    This volume includes lectures and discussion from the Conference of the Association of German Professors of Constitutional Law in Bonn, 3–6 October 2018