2,831 research outputs found

    Control Strategies for Machining with Industrial Robots

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    This thesis presents methods for improving machining with industrial robots using control, with focus on increasing positioning accuracy and controlling feed rate. The strong process forces arising during high-speed machining operations, combined with the limited stiffness of industrial robots, have hampered the usage of industrial robots in high-end machining tasks. However, since such manipulators may offer flexible and cost-effective machining solutions compared to conventional machine tools, it is of interest to increase the achievable accuracy using industrial robots. In this thesis, several different methods to increase the machining accuracy are presented. Modeling and control of a piezo-actuated high-dynamic compensation mechanism for usage together with an industrial robot during a machining operation, such as milling in aluminium, is considered. Position control results from experiments are provided, as well as an experimental verification of the benefit of utilizing the online compensation scheme. It is shown that the milling surface accuracy achieved with the proposed compensation mechanism is increased by up to three times compared to the uncompensated case. Because of the limited workspace and the higher bandwidth of the compensator compared to the robot, a mid-ranging approach for control of the relative position between the robot and the compensator is proposed. An adaptive, model-based solution is presented, which is verified through simulations as well as experiments, where a close correspondence with the simulations was achieved. Comparing the IAE from experiments using the proposed controller to previously established methods, a performance increase of up to 56 % is obtained. Additionally, two different approaches to increasing the accuracy of the machining task are also presented in this thesis. The first method is based on identifying a stiffness model of the robot, and using online force measurements in order to modify the position of the robot to compensate for position deflections. The second approach uses online measurements from an optical tracking system to suppress position deviations. In milling experiments performed in aluminium, the absolute accuracy was increased by up to a factor of approximately 6 and 9, for the two approaches, respectively. Robotic machining is often performed using position feedback with a conservative feed rate, to avoid excessive process forces. By controlling the applied force, realized by adjusting the feed rate of the workpiece, precise control over the material removal can be exercised. This will in turn lead to maximization of the time-efficiency of the machining task, since the maximum amount of material can be removed per time unit. This thesis presents an adaptive force controller, based on a derived model of the machining process and an identified model of the Cartesian dynamics of the robot. The controller is evaluated in both simulation and an experimental setup

    Adaptation and Learning for Manipulators and Machining

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    This thesis presents methods for improving the accuracy and efficiency of tasks performed using different kinds of industrial manipulators, with a focus on the application of machining. Industrial robots offer a flexible and cost-efficient alternative to machine tools for machining, but cannot achieve as high accuracy out of the box. This is mainly caused by non-ideal properties in the robot joints such as backlash and compliance, in combination with the strong process forces that affect the robot during machining operations. In this thesis, three different approaches to improving the robotic machining accuracy are presented. First, a macro/micro-manipulator approach is considered, where an external compensation mechanism is used in combination with the robot, for compensation of high-frequency Cartesian errors. Two different milling scenarios are evaluated, where a significant increase in accuracy was obtained. The accuracy specification of 50 μm was reached for both scenarios. Because of the limited workspace and the higher bandwidth of the compensation mechanism compared to the robot, two different mid-ranging approaches for control of the relative position between the robot and the compensator are developed and evaluated. Second, modeling and identification of robot joints is considered. The proposed method relies on clamping the manipulator end effector and actuating the joints, while measuring joint motor torque and motor position. The joint stiffness and backlash can subsequently be extracted from the measurements, to be used for compensation of the deflections that occur during machining. Third, a model-based iterative learning control (ILC) approach is proposed, where feedback is provided from three different sensors of varying investment costs. Using position measurements from an optical tracking system, an error decrease of up to 84 % was obtained. Measurements of end-effector forces yielded an error decrease of 55 %, and a force-estimation method based on joint motor torques decreased the error by 38 %. Further investigation of ILC methods is considered for a different kind of manipulator, a marine vibrator, for the application of marine seismic acquisition. A frequency-domain ILC strategy is proposed, in order to attenuate undesired overtones and improve the tracking accuracy. The harmonics were suppressed after approximately 20 iterations of the ILC algorithm, and the absolute tracking error was r educed by a factor of approximately 50. The final problem considered in this thesis concerns increasing the efficiency of machining tasks, by minimizing cycle times. A force-control approach is proposed to maximize the feed rate, and a learning algorithm for path planning of the machining path is employed for the case of machining in non-isotropic materials, such as wood. The cycle time was decreased by 14 % with the use of force control, and on average an additional 28 % decrease was achieved by use of a learning algorithm. Furthermore, by means of reinforcement learning, the path-planning algorithm is refined to provide optimal solutions and to incorporate an increased number of machining directions

    Research on hybrid manufacturing using industrial robot

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    The applications of using industrial robots in hybrid manufacturing overcome many restrictions of the conventional manufacturing methods, such as small part building size, long building period, and limited material choices. However, some problems such as the uneven distribution of motion accuracy within robot working volume, the acceleration impact of robot under heavy external loads, few methods and facilities for increasing the efficiency of hybrid manufacturing process are still challenging. This dissertation aims to improve the applications of using industrial robot in hybrid manufacturing by addressing following three categories research issues. The first research issue proposed a novel concept view on robot accuracy and stiffness problem, for making the maximum usage of current manufacturing capability of robot system. Based on analyzing the robot forward/inverse kinematic, the angle error sensitivity of different joint and the stiffness matrix properties of robot, new evaluation formulations are established to help finding the best position and orientation to perform a specific trajectory within the robot\u27s working volume. The second research issue focus on the engineering improvements of robotic hybrid manufacturing. By adopting stereo vision, laser scanning technology and curved surface compensation algorithm, it enhances the automation level and adaptiveness of hybrid manufacturing process. The third research issue extends the robotic hybrid manufacturing process to the broader application area. A mini extruder with a variable pitch and progressive diameter screw is developed for large scale robotic deposition. The proposed robotic deposition system could increase the building efficiency and quality for large-size parts. Moreover, the research results of this dissertation can benefit a wide range of industries, such as automation manufacturing, robot design and 3D printing --Abstract, page iv

    Propuesta de inclusión de esfuerzos en el control de un brazo robot para asegurar el cumplimiento de la rugosidad superficial durante operaciones de lijado en diferentes materiales

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] El mecanizado con brazos robots ha sido estudiado aproximadamente desde los años 90, durante este tiempo se han llevado a cabo importantes avances y descubrimientos en cuanto a su campo de aplicación. En general, los robots manipuladores tienen muchos beneficios y ventajas al ser usados en operaciones de mecanizado, tales como, flexibilidad, gran área de trabajo y facilidad de programación, entre otras, frente a las Máquinas Herramientas de Control numérico (MHCN) que necesitan de una gran inversión para trabajar piezas muy grandes o incrementar sus grados de libertad. Como desventajas, frente a las MHCN, los brazos robóticos poseen menor rigidez, lo que combinado con las altas fuerzas producidas en los procesos de mecanizado hace que aparezcan errores de precisión, desviaciones en las trayectorias, vibraciones y, por consiguiente, una mala calidad en las piezas fabricadas. Entre los brazos robots, los brazos colaborativos están en auge debido a su programación intuitiva y a sus medidas de seguridad, que les permiten trabajar en el mismo espacio que los operadores sin que estos corran riesgos. Como desventaja añadida de los robots colaborativos se encuentra la mayor flexibilidad que estos tienen en sus articulaciones, debido a que incluyen reductores del tipo Harmonic drive. El uso de un control de fuerza en procesos de mecanizado con brazos robots permite controlar y corregir en tiempo real las desviaciones generadas por la flexibilidad en las articulaciones del robot. Utilizar este método de control es beneficioso en cualquier brazo robot; sin embargo, el control interno que incluyen los robots colaborativos presenta ventajas que permiten que el control de fuerza pueda ser aplicado de una manera más eficiente. En el presente trabajo se desarrolla una propuesta real para la inclusión del control de esfuerzos en el brazo robot, así como también, se evalúa y cuantifica la capacidad de los robots industriales y colaborativos en tareas de mecanizado. La propuesta plantea cómo mejorar la utilización de un control de fuerza por bucle interior/exterior aplicado en un brazo colaborativo cuando se desconocen los pares reales de los motores del robot, así como otros parámetros internos que los fabricantes no dan a conocer. Este bucle de control interior/exterior ha sido utilizado en aplicaciones de pulido y lijado sobre diferentes materiales. Los resultados indican que el robot colaborativo es factible para realizar tales operaciones de mecanizado. Sus mejores resultados se obtienen cuando se utiliza un bucle de control interno por velocidad y un bucle de control externo de fuerza con algoritmos, Proporcional-Integral-Derivativo o Proporcional más Pre-Alimentación de la Fuerza.[CA] El mecanitzat amb braços robots ha estat estudiat aproximadament des dels anys 90, durant aquest temps s'han dut a terme importants avanços i descobriments en el que fa al seu camp d'aplicació. En general, els robots manipuladors tenen molts beneficis i avantatges al ser usats en operacions de mecanitzat, com ara, flexibilitat, gran àrea de treball i facilitat de programació, entre d'altres, davant de Màquines Eines de Control Numèric (MECN) que necessiten d'una gran inversió per treballar peces molt grans o incrementar els seus graus de llibertat. Com a desavantatges, enfront de les MECN, els braços robòtics posseeixen menor rigidesa, el que combinat amb les altes forces produïdes en els processos de mecanitzat fa que apareguin errors de precisió, desviacions en les trajectòries, vibracions i, per tant, una mala qualitat en les peces fabricades. Entre els braços robots, els braços col·laboratius estan en auge a causa de la seva programació intuïtiva i a les seves mesures de seguretat, que els permeten treballar en el mateix espai que els operadors sense que aquests corrin riscos. Com desavantatge afegida als robots col·laboratius es troba la major flexibilitat que aquests tenen en les seves articulacions, a causa de que inclouen reductors del tipus Harmonic drive. L'ús d'un control de força en processos de mecanitzat amb braços robots permet controlar, i corregir, en temps real les desviacions generades per la flexibilitat en les articulacions del robot. Utilitzar aquest mètode de control és beneficiós en qualsevol braç robot, però, el control intern que inclouen els robots col·laboratius presenta avantatges que permeten que el control de força es puga aplicar d'una manera més eficient. En el present treball es desenvolupa una proposta real per a la inclusió del control d'esforços en el braç robot, així com s'avalua i quantifica la capacitat dels robots industrials i col·laboratius en tasques de mecanitzat. La proposta planteja com millorar la utilització d'un control de força per bucle interior/exterior aplicat en un braç col·laboratiu, quan es desconeixen els parells reals dels motors del robot, així com altres paràmetres interns que els fabricants no donen a conèixer. Aquest bucle de control interior/exterior ha estat utilitzat en aplicacions de polit sobre diferents materials. Els resultats indiquen que el robot col·laboratiu és factible de realitzar aquestes operacions de mecanitzat. Els seus millors resultats s'obtenen quan s'utilitza un bucle de control intern per velocitat i un bucle de control extern de força amb els algoritmes Proporcional-Integral-Derivatiu o Proporcional més Pre-alimentació de la Força.[EN] Machining with robot arms has been studied approximately since the 90s; during this time, important advances and discoveries have been made in its field of application. In general, manipulative robots have many benefits and advantages when they are used in machining operations, such as flexibility, large work area, and ease of programming, among others, compared to Numerical Control Machine Tools (NCMT) that need a great investment to work very large pieces or increase their degrees of freedom. As for disadvantages, compared to NCMT, robotic arms have lower rigidity, which, combined with the high forces produced in machining processes, causes precision errors, path deviations, vibrations, and, consequently, poor quality in the manufactured parts. Among robot arms, collaborative arms are on the rise due to their intuitive programming and safety measures, which allow them to work in the same space without risk for the operators. An added disadvantage of collaborative robots is their flexibility in their joints because they include Harmonic drive type reducers. The use of force control in machining processes with robot arms makes possible to control and correct, in real-time, the deviations generated by the flexibility in the robot's joints. The use of this control method is beneficial for any robot arm. However, the internal control included in collaborative robots has advantages that allow the force control to be applied more efficiently. In this work, a real proposal is developed to include effort control in the robot arm. The capacity of industrial and collaborative robots in machining tasks is evaluated and quantified. The proposal recommends how to improve the use of an inner/outer force control loop applied in a collaborative arm, when the real torques of the robot's motors are unknown and other internal parameters that manufacturers do not disclose. This inner/outer control loop has been used in polishing and sanding applications on different materials. The results indicate that the collaborative robot is feasible to perform such machining operations. Best results are obtained using an internal velocity control loop and external force control loop with Proportional-Integral-Derivative or Proportional plus Feed Forward.The authors are grateful for the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and European Union, grant DPI2016-81002-R (AEI/FEDER, UE). This work was funded by the CONICYT PFCHA/DOCTORADO BECAS CHILE/2017 – 72180157.Pérez Ubeda, RA. (2022). Propuesta de inclusión de esfuerzos en el control de un brazo robot para asegurar el cumplimiento de la rugosidad superficial durante operaciones de lijado en diferentes materiales [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182000TESISCompendi

    Geometrical Error Analysis and Correction in Robotic Grinding

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    The use of robots in industrial applications has been widespread in the manufacturing tasks such as welding, finishing, polishing and grinding. Most robotic grinding focus on the surface finish rather than accuracy and precision. Therefore, it is important to advance the technology of robotic machining so that more practical and competitive systems can be developed for components that have accuracy and precision requirement. This thesis focuses on improving the level of accuracy in robotic grinding which is a significant challenge in robotic applications because of the kinematic accuracy of the robot movement which is much more complex than normal CNC machine tools. Therefore, aiming to improve the robot accuracy, this work provides a novel method to define the geometrical error by using the cutting tool as a probe whilst using Acoustic Emission monitoring to modify robot commands and to detect surfaces of the workpiece. The work also includes an applicable mathematical model for compensating machining errors in relation to its geometrical position as well as applying an optimum grinding method to motivate the need of eliminating the residual error when performing abrasive grinding using the robot. The work has demonstrated an improved machining precision level from 50µm to 30µm which is controlled by considering the process influential variables, such as depth of cut, wheel speed, feed speed, dressing condition and system time constant. The recorded data and associated error reduction provide a significant evidence to support the viability of implementing a robotic system for various grinding applications, combining more quality and critical surface finishing practices, and an increased focus on the size and form of generated components. This method could provide more flexibility to help designers and manufacturers to control the final accuracy for machining a product using a robot system

    Activity Report: Automatic Control 2013

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    Accuracy Improvement for Stiffness Modeling of Parallel Manipulators

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    The paper focuses on the accuracy improvement of stiffness models for parallel manipulators, which are employed in high-speed precision machining. It is based on the integrated methodology that combines analytical and numerical techniques and deals with multidimensional lumped-parameter models of the links. The latter replace the link flexibility by localized 6-dof virtual springs describing both translational/rotational compliance and the coupling between them. There is presented detailed accuracy analysis of the stiffness identification procedures employed in the commercial CAD systems (including statistical analysis of round-off errors, evaluating the confidence intervals for stiffness matrices). The efficiency of the developed technique is confirmed by application examples, which deal with stiffness analysis of translational parallel manipulators

    Robotic Drilling of Aluminum Alloy: Performance and Hole Quality

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    This paper presents an experimental approach to evaluate the ability of a six-axis industrial robot to drill aluminum alloy parts. A strategy based on statistical tests has been studied to quantify and predict the relative contribution of cutting parameters on cutting force and shape errors during drilling. This technique is based on the identification of relevant sources of error during high-speed robotic fitting. The machining quality was quantified in terms of dimensional and geometric tolerance, chip formation and evacuation, burr formation, edge build-up, tool wear and surface damage. Statistical analysis of the experimental results reveals a strong dependence between part accuracy and drilling force. An experimental model was developed to represent and predict the cutting force during drilling and an accurate error prediction capability was distinguished. It was found that at high cutting speed and feed rate, the cutting force was the main source of error affecting the accuracy of the machined parts. Verification experiments are performed, and the results reveal that dimensional defects are significantly reduced by a heat treatment effect (90 HRE) and the thrust force decreases with an increase in cutting speed. The recommended cutting speed for robotic drilling is 6000 rpm with a feed rate of 0.15 mm/min. This study provides important technical guidance for improving the robotic drilling of aluminum alloy in practice
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