109 research outputs found

    Increasing Android Security using a Lightweight OVAL-based Vulnerability Assessment Framework

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    International audienceMobile computing devices and the services offered by them are utilized by millions of users on a daily basis. However, they operate in hostile environments getting exposed to a wide variety of threats. Accordingly, vulnerability management mechanisms are highly required. We present in this paper a novel approach for increasing the security of mobile devices by efficiently detecting vulnerable configurations. In that context, we propose a modeling for performing vulnerability assessment activities as well as an OVAL-based distributed framework for ensuring safe configurations within the Android platform. We also describe an implementation prototype and evaluate its performance through an extensive set of experiments

    A Probabilistic Cost-efficient Approach for Mobile Security Assessment

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    International audienceThe development of mobile technologies and services has contributed to the large-scale deployment of smartphones and tablets. These environments are exposed to a wide range of security attacks and may contain critical information about users such as contact directories and phone calls. Assessing configuration vulnerabilities is a key challenge for maintaining their security, but this activity should be performed in a lightweight manner in order to minimize the impact on their scarce resources. In this paper we present a novel approach for assessing configuration vulnerabilities in mobile devices by using a probabilistic cost-efficient security framework. We put forward a probabilistic assessment strategy supported by a mathematical model and detail our assessment framework based on OVAL vulnerability descriptions. We also describe an implementation prototype and evaluate its feasibility through a comprehensive set of experiments

    Gestion de la Sécurité pour le Cyber-Espace - Du Monitorage Intelligent à la Configuration Automatique

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    The Internet has become a great integration platform capable of efficiently interconnecting billions of entities, from simple sensors to large data centers. This platform provides access to multiple hardware and virtualized resources (servers, networking, storage, applications, connected objects) ranging from cloud computing to Internet-of-Things infrastructures. From these resources that may be hosted and distributed amongst different providers and tenants, the building and operation of complex and value-added networked systems is enabled. These systems arehowever exposed to a large variety of security attacks, that are also gaining in sophistication and coordination. In that context, the objective of my research work is to support security management for the cyberspace, with the elaboration of new monitoring and configuration solutionsfor these systems. A first axis of this work has focused on the investigation of smart monitoring methods capable to cope with low-resource networks. In particular, we have proposed a lightweight monitoring architecture for detecting security attacks in low-power and lossy net-works, by exploiting different features provided by a routing protocol specifically developed for them. A second axis has concerned the assessment and remediation of vulnerabilities that may occur when changes are operated on system configurations. Using standardized vulnerability descriptions, we have designed and implemented dedicated strategies for improving the coverage and efficiency of vulnerability assessment activities based on versioning and probabilistic techniques, and for preventing the occurrence of new configuration vulnerabilities during remediation operations. A third axis has been dedicated to the automated configuration of virtualized resources to support security management. In particular, we have introduced a software-defined security approach for configuring cloud infrastructures, and have analyzed to what extent programmability facilities can contribute to their protection at the earliest stage, through the dynamic generation of specialized system images that are characterized by low attack surfaces. Complementarily, we have worked on building and verification techniques for supporting the orchestration of security chains, that are composed of virtualized network functions, such as firewalls or intrusion detection systems. Finally, several research perspectives on security automation are pointed out with respect to ensemble methods, composite services and verified artificial intelligence.L’Internet est devenu une formidable plateforme d’intégration capable d’interconnecter efficacement des milliards d’entités, de simples capteurs à de grands centres de données. Cette plateforme fournit un accès à de multiples ressources physiques ou virtuelles, allant des infra-structures cloud à l’internet des objets. Il est possible de construire et d’opérer des systèmes complexes et à valeur ajoutée à partir de ces ressources, qui peuvent être déployées auprès de différents fournisseurs. Ces systèmes sont cependant exposés à une grande variété d’attaques qui sont de plus en plus sophistiquées. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de mes travaux de recherche porte sur une meilleure gestion de la sécurité pour le cyberespace, avec l’élaboration de nouvelles solutions de monitorage et de configuration pour ces systèmes. Un premier axe de ce travail s’est focalisé sur l’investigation de méthodes de monitorage capables de répondre aux exigences de réseaux à faibles ressources. En particulier, nous avons proposé une architecture de surveillance adaptée à la détection d’attaques dans les réseaux à faible puissance et à fort taux de perte, en exploitant différentes fonctionnalités fournies par un protocole de routage spécifiquement développépour ceux-ci. Un second axe a ensuite concerné la détection et le traitement des vulnérabilités pouvant survenir lorsque des changements sont opérés sur la configuration de tels systèmes. En s’appuyant sur des bases de descriptions de vulnérabilités, nous avons conçu et mis en œuvre différentes stratégies permettant d’améliorer la couverture et l’efficacité des activités de détection des vulnérabilités, et de prévenir l’occurrence de nouvelles vulnérabilités lors des activités de traitement. Un troisième axe fut consacré à la configuration automatique de ressources virtuelles pour la gestion de la sécurité. En particulier, nous avons introduit une approche de programmabilité de la sécurité pour les infrastructures cloud, et avons analysé dans quelle mesure celle-ci contribue à une protection au plus tôt des ressources, à travers la génération dynamique d’images systèmes spécialisées ayant une faible surface d’attaques. De façon complémentaire, nous avonstravaillé sur des techniques de construction automatique et de vérification de chaînes de sécurité, qui sont composées de fonctions réseaux virtuelles telles que pare-feux ou systèmes de détection d’intrusion. Enfin, plusieurs perspectives de recherche relatives à la sécurité autonome sont mises en évidence concernant l’usage de méthodes ensemblistes, la composition de services, et la vérification de techniques d’intelligence artificielle

    Identity Management and Authorization Infrastructure in Secure Mobile Access to Electronic Health Records

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    We live in an age of the mobile paradigm of anytime/anywhere access, as the mobile device is the most ubiquitous device that people now hold. Due to their portability, availability, easy of use, communication, access and sharing of information within various domains and areas of our daily lives, the acceptance and adoption of these devices is still growing. However, due to their potential and raising numbers, mobile devices are a growing target for attackers and, like other technologies, mobile applications are still vulnerable. Health information systems are composed with tools and software to collect, manage, analyze and process medical information (such as electronic health records and personal health records). Therefore, such systems can empower the performance and maintenance of health services, promoting availability, readability, accessibility and data sharing of vital information about a patients overall medical history, between geographic fragmented health services. Quick access to information presents a great importance in the health sector, as it accelerates work processes, resulting in better time utilization. Additionally, it may increase the quality of care. However health information systems store and manage highly sensitive data, which raises serious concerns regarding patients privacy and safety, and may explain the still increasing number of malicious incidents reports within the health domain. Data related to health information systems are highly sensitive and subject to severe legal and regulatory restrictions, that aim to protect the individual rights and privacy of patients. Along side with these legislations, security requirements must be analyzed and measures implemented. Within the necessary security requirements to access health data, secure authentication, identity management and access control are essential to provide adequate means to protect data from unauthorized accesses. However, besides the use of simple authentication models, traditional access control models are commonly based on predefined access policies and roles, and are inflexible. This results in uniform access control decisions through people, different type of devices, environments and situational conditions, and across enterprises, location and time. Although already existent models allow to ensure the needs of the health care systems, they still lack components for dynamicity and privacy protection, which leads to not have desire levels of security and to the patient not to have a full and easy control of his privacy. Within this master thesis, after a deep research and review of the stat of art, was published a novel dynamic access control model, Socio-Technical Risk-Adaptable Access Control modEl (SoTRAACE), which can model the inherent differences and security requirements that are present in this thesis. To do this, SoTRAACE aggregates attributes from various domains to help performing a risk assessment at the moment of the request. The assessment of the risk factors identified in this work is based in a Delphi Study. A set of security experts from various domains were selected, to classify the impact in the risk assessment of each attribute that SoTRAACE aggregates. SoTRAACE was integrated in an architecture with requirements well-founded, and based in the best recommendations and standards (OWASP, NIST 800-53, NIST 800-57), as well based in deep review of the state-of-art. The architecture is further targeted with the essential security analysis and the threat model. As proof of concept, the proposed access control model was implemented within the user-centric architecture, with two mobile prototypes for several types of accesses by patients and healthcare professionals, as well the web servers that handles the access requests, authentication and identity management. The proof of concept shows that the model works as expected, with transparency, assuring privacy and data control to the user without impact for user experience and interaction. It is clear that the model can be extended to other industry domains, and new levels of risks or attributes can be added because it is modular. The architecture also works as expected, assuring secure authentication with multifactor, and secure data share/access based in SoTRAACE decisions. The communication channel that SoTRAACE uses was also protected with a digital certificate. At last, the architecture was tested within different Android versions, tested with static and dynamic analysis and with tests with security tools. Future work includes the integration of health data standards and evaluating the proposed system by collecting users’ opinion after releasing the system to real world.Hoje em dia vivemos em um paradigma móvel de acesso em qualquer lugar/hora, sendo que os dispositivos móveis são a tecnologia mais presente no dia a dia da sociedade. Devido à sua portabilidade, disponibilidade, fácil manuseamento, poder de comunicação, acesso e partilha de informação referentes a várias áreas e domínios das nossas vidas, a aceitação e integração destes dispositivos é cada vez maior. No entanto, devido ao seu potencial e aumento do número de utilizadores, os dispositivos móveis são cada vez mais alvos de ataques, e tal como outras tecnologias, aplicações móveis continuam a ser vulneráveis. Sistemas de informação de saúde são compostos por ferramentas e softwares que permitem recolher, administrar, analisar e processar informação médica (tais como documentos de saúde eletrónicos). Portanto, tais sistemas podem potencializar a performance e a manutenção dos serviços de saúde, promovendo assim a disponibilidade, acessibilidade e a partilha de dados vitais referentes ao registro médico geral dos pacientes, entre serviços e instituições que estão geograficamente fragmentadas. O rápido acesso a informações médicas apresenta uma grande importância para o setor da saúde, dado que acelera os processos de trabalho, resultando assim numa melhor eficiência na utilização do tempo e recursos. Consequentemente haverá uma melhor qualidade de tratamento. Porém os sistemas de informação de saúde armazenam e manuseiam dados bastantes sensíveis, o que levanta sérias preocupações referentes à privacidade e segurança do paciente. Assim se explica o aumento de incidentes maliciosos dentro do domínio da saúde. Os dados de saúde são altamente sensíveis e são sujeitos a severas leis e restrições regulamentares, que pretendem assegurar a proteção dos direitos e privacidade dos pacientes, salvaguardando os seus dados de saúde. Juntamente com estas legislações, requerimentos de segurança devem ser analisados e medidas implementadas. Dentro dos requerimentos necessários para aceder aos dados de saúde, uma autenticação segura, gestão de identidade e controlos de acesso são essenciais para fornecer meios adequados para a proteção de dados contra acessos não autorizados. No entanto, além do uso de modelos simples de autenticação, os modelos tradicionais de controlo de acesso são normalmente baseados em políticas de acesso e cargos pré-definidos, e são inflexíveis. Isto resulta em decisões de controlo de acesso uniformes para diferentes pessoas, tipos de dispositivo, ambientes e condições situacionais, empresas, localizações e diferentes alturas no tempo. Apesar dos modelos existentes permitirem assegurar algumas necessidades dos sistemas de saúde, ainda há escassez de componentes para accesso dinâmico e proteção de privacidade , o que resultam em níveis de segurança não satisfatórios e em o paciente não ter controlo directo e total sobre a sua privacidade e documentos de saúde. Dentro desta tese de mestrado, depois da investigação e revisão intensiva do estado da arte, foi publicado um modelo inovador de controlo de acesso, chamado SoTRAACE, que molda as diferenças de acesso inerentes e requerimentos de segurança presentes nesta tese. Para isto, o SoTRAACE agrega atributos de vários ambientes e domínios que ajudam a executar uma avaliação de riscos, no momento em que os dados são requisitados. A avaliação dos fatores de risco identificados neste trabalho são baseados num estudo de Delphi. Um conjunto de peritos de segurança de vários domínios industriais foram selecionados, para classificar o impacto de cada atributo que o SoTRAACE agrega. O SoTRAACE foi integrado numa arquitectura para acesso a dados médicos, com requerimentos bem fundados, baseados nas melhores normas e recomendações (OWASP, NIST 800-53, NIST 800-57), e em revisões intensivas do estado da arte. Esta arquitectura é posteriormente alvo de uma análise de segurança e modelos de ataque. Como prova deste conceito, o modelo de controlo de acesso proposto é implementado juntamente com uma arquitetura focada no utilizador, com dois protótipos para aplicações móveis, que providênciam vários tipos de acesso de pacientes e profissionais de saúde. A arquitetura é constituída também por servidores web que tratam da gestão de dados, controlo de acesso e autenticação e gestão de identidade. O resultado final mostra que o modelo funciona como esperado, com transparência, assegurando a privacidade e o controlo de dados para o utilizador, sem ter impacto na sua interação e experiência. Consequentemente este modelo pode-se extender para outros setores industriais, e novos níveis de risco ou atributos podem ser adicionados a este mesmo, por ser modular. A arquitetura também funciona como esperado, assegurando uma autenticação segura com multi-fator, acesso e partilha de dados segura baseado em decisões do SoTRAACE. O canal de comunicação que o SoTRAACE usa foi também protegido com um certificado digital. A arquitectura foi testada em diferentes versões de Android, e foi alvo de análise estática, dinâmica e testes com ferramentas de segurança. Para trabalho futuro está planeado a integração de normas de dados de saúde e a avaliação do sistema proposto, através da recolha de opiniões de utilizadores no mundo real

    NLP-Based Techniques for Cyber Threat Intelligence

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    In the digital era, threat actors employ sophisticated techniques for which, often, digital traces in the form of textual data are available. Cyber Threat Intelligence~(CTI) is related to all the solutions inherent to data collection, processing, and analysis useful to understand a threat actor's targets and attack behavior. Currently, CTI is assuming an always more crucial role in identifying and mitigating threats and enabling proactive defense strategies. In this context, NLP, an artificial intelligence branch, has emerged as a powerful tool for enhancing threat intelligence capabilities. This survey paper provides a comprehensive overview of NLP-based techniques applied in the context of threat intelligence. It begins by describing the foundational definitions and principles of CTI as a major tool for safeguarding digital assets. It then undertakes a thorough examination of NLP-based techniques for CTI data crawling from Web sources, CTI data analysis, Relation Extraction from cybersecurity data, CTI sharing and collaboration, and security threats of CTI. Finally, the challenges and limitations of NLP in threat intelligence are exhaustively examined, including data quality issues and ethical considerations. This survey draws a complete framework and serves as a valuable resource for security professionals and researchers seeking to understand the state-of-the-art NLP-based threat intelligence techniques and their potential impact on cybersecurity

    A Relevance Model for Threat-Centric Ranking of Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities

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    The relentless and often haphazard process of tracking and remediating vulnerabilities is a top concern for cybersecurity professionals. The key challenge they face is trying to identify a remediation scheme specific to in-house, organizational objectives. Without a strategy, the result is a patchwork of fixes applied to a tide of vulnerabilities, any one of which could be the single point of failure in an otherwise formidable defense. This means one of the biggest challenges in vulnerability management relates to prioritization. Given that so few vulnerabilities are a focus of real-world attacks, a practical remediation strategy is to identify vulnerabilities likely to be exploited and focus efforts towards remediating those vulnerabilities first. The goal of this research is to demonstrate that aggregating and synthesizing readily accessible, public data sources to provide personalized, automated recommendations that an organization can use to prioritize its vulnerability management strategy will offer significant improvements over what is currently realized using the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). We provide a framework for vulnerability management specifically focused on mitigating threats using adversary criteria derived from MITRE ATT&CK. We identify the data mining steps needed to acquire, standardize, and integrate publicly available cyber intelligence data sets into a robust knowledge graph from which stakeholders can infer business logic related to known threats. We tested our approach by identifying vulnerabilities in academic and common software associated with six universities and four government facilities. Ranking policy performance was measured using the Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (nDCG). Our results show an average 71.5% to 91.3% improvement towards the identification of vulnerabilities likely to be targeted and exploited by cyber threat actors. The ROI of patching using our policies resulted in a savings in the range of 23.3% to 25.5% in annualized unit costs. Our results demonstrate the efficiency of creating knowledge graphs to link large data sets to facilitate semantic queries and create data-driven, flexible ranking policies. Additionally, our framework uses only open standards, making implementation and improvement feasible for cyber practitioners and academia

    Securing emerging IoT systems through systematic analysis and design

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing very rapidly. A variety of IoT systems have been developed and employed in many domains such as smart home, smart city and industrial control, providing great benefits to our everyday lives. However, as IoT becomes increasingly prevalent and complicated, it is also introducing new attack surfaces and security challenges. We are seeing numerous IoT attacks exploiting the vulnerabilities in IoT systems everyday. Security vulnerabilities may manifest at different layers of the IoT stack. There is no single security solution that can work for the whole ecosystem. In this dissertation, we explore the limitations of emerging IoT systems at different layers and develop techniques and systems to make them more secure. More specifically, we focus on three of the most important layers: the user rule layer, the application layer and the device layer. First, on the user rule layer, we characterize the potential vulnerabilities introduced by the interaction of user-defined automation rules. We introduce iRuler, a static analysis system that uses model checking to detect inter-rule vulnerabilities that exist within trigger-action platforms such as IFTTT in an IoT deployment. Second, on the application layer, we design and build ProvThings, a system that instruments IoT apps to generate data provenance that provides a holistic explanation of system activities, including malicious behaviors. Lastly, on the device layer, we develop ProvDetector and SplitBrain to detect malicious processes using kernel-level provenance tracking and analysis. ProvDetector is a centralized approach that collects all the audit data from the clients and performs detection on the server. SplitBrain extends ProvDetector with collaborative learning, where the clients collaboratively build the detection model and performs detection on the client device

    Identifying and Mitigating Security Risks in Multi-Level Systems-of-Systems Environments

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    In recent years, organisations, governments, and cities have taken advantage of the many benefits and automated processes Information and Communication Technology (ICT) offers, evolving their existing systems and infrastructures into highly connected and complex Systems-of-Systems (SoS). These infrastructures endeavour to increase robustness and offer some resilience against single points of failure. The Internet, Wireless Sensor Networks, the Internet of Things, critical infrastructures, the human body, etc., can all be broadly categorised as SoS, as they encompass a wide range of differing systems that collaborate to fulfil objectives that the distinct systems could not fulfil on their own. ICT constructed SoS face the same dangers, limitations, and challenges as those of traditional cyber based networks, and while monitoring the security of small networks can be difficult, the dynamic nature, size, and complexity of SoS makes securing these infrastructures more taxing. Solutions that attempt to identify risks, vulnerabilities, and model the topologies of SoS have failed to evolve at the same pace as SoS adoption. This has resulted in attacks against these infrastructures gaining prevalence, as unidentified vulnerabilities and exploits provide unguarded opportunities for attackers to exploit. In addition, the new collaborative relations introduce new cyber interdependencies, unforeseen cascading failures, and increase complexity. This thesis presents an innovative approach to identifying, mitigating risks, and securing SoS environments. Our security framework incorporates a number of novel techniques, which allows us to calculate the security level of the entire SoS infrastructure using vulnerability analysis, node property aspects, topology data, and other factors, and to improve and mitigate risks without adding additional resources into the SoS infrastructure. Other risk factors we examine include risks associated with different properties, and the likelihood of violating access control requirements. Extending the principals of the framework, we also apply the approach to multi-level SoS, in order to improve both SoS security and the overall robustness of the network. In addition, the identified risks, vulnerabilities, and interdependent links are modelled by extending network modelling and attack graph generation methods. The proposed SeCurity Risk Analysis and Mitigation Framework and principal techniques have been researched, developed, implemented, and then evaluated via numerous experiments and case studies. The subsequent results accomplished ascertain that the framework can successfully observe SoS and produce an accurate security level for the entire SoS in all instances, visualising identified vulnerabilities, interdependencies, high risk nodes, data access violations, and security grades in a series of reports and undirected graphs. The framework’s evolutionary approach to mitigating risks and the robustness function which can determine the appropriateness of the SoS, revealed promising results, with the framework and principal techniques identifying SoS topologies, and quantifying their associated security levels. Distinguishing SoS that are either optimally structured (in terms of communication security), or cannot be evolved as the applied processes would negatively impede the security and robustness of the SoS. Likewise, the framework is capable via evolvement methods of identifying SoS communication configurations that improve communication security and assure data as it traverses across an unsecure and unencrypted SoS. Reporting enhanced SoS configurations that mitigate risks in a series of undirected graphs and reports that visualise and detail the SoS topology and its vulnerabilities. These reported candidates and optimal solutions improve the security and SoS robustness, and will support the maintenance of acceptable and tolerable low centrality factors, should these recommended configurations be applied to the evaluated SoS infrastructure

    Code-Reuse Attacks and Defenses

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    Exploitation of memory corruption vulnerabilities in widely used software has been a threat for almost three decades and no end seems to be in sight. In particular, code-reuse techniques such as return-oriented programming offer a robust attack technique that is extensively used to exploit memory corruption vulnerabilities in modern software programs (e.g. web browsers or document viewers). Whereas conventional control-flow attacks (runtime exploits) require the injection of malicious code, code-reuse attacks leverage code that is already present in the address space of an application to undermine the security model of data execution prevention (DEP). In addition, code-reuse attacks in conjunction with memory disclosure attack techniques circumvent the widely applied memory protection model of address space layout randomization (ASLR). To counter this ingenious attack strategy, several proposals for enforcement of control-flow integrity (CFI) and fine-grained code randomization have emerged. In this dissertation, we explore the limitations of existing defenses against code-reuse attacks. In particular, we demonstrate that various coarse-grained CFI solutions can be effectively undermined, even under weak adversarial assumptions. Moreover, we explore a new return-oriented programming attack technique that is solely based on indirect jump and call instructions to evade detection from defenses that perform integrity checks for return addresses. To tackle the limitations of existing defenses, this dissertation introduces the design and implementation of several new countermeasures. First, we present a generic and fine-grained CFI framework for mobile devices targeting ARM-based platforms. This framework preserves static code signatures by instrumenting mobile applications on-the-fly in memory. Second, we tackle the performance and security limitations of existing CFI defenses by introducing hardware-assisted CFI for embedded devices. To this end, we present a CFI-based hardware implementation for Intel Siskiyou Peak using dedicated CFI machine instructions. Lastly, we explore fine-grained code randomization techniques
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