8,394 research outputs found

    Minimizing finite automata is computationally hard

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    It is known that deterministic finite automata (DFAs) can be algorithmically minimized, i.e., a DFA M can be converted to an equivalent DFA M' which has a minimal number of states. The minimization can be done efficiently [6]. On the other hand, it is known that unambiguous finite automata (UFAs) and nondeterministic finite automata (NFAs) can be algorithmically minimized too, but their minimization problems turn out to be NP-complete and PSPACE-complete [8]. In this paper, the time complexity of the minimization problem for two restricted types of finite automata is investigated. These automata are nearly deterministic, since they only allow a small amount of non determinism to be used. On the one hand, NFAs with a fixed finite branching are studied, i.e., the number of nondeterministic moves within every accepting computation is bounded by a fixed finite number. On the other hand, finite automata are investigated which are essentially deterministic except that there is a fixed number of different initial states which can be chosen nondeterministically. The main result is that the minimization problems for these models are computationally hard, namely NP-complete. Hence, even the slightest extension of the deterministic model towards a nondeterministic one, e.g., allowing at most one nondeterministic move in every accepting computation or allowing two initial states instead of one, results in computationally intractable minimization problems

    Efficient asymmetric inclusion of regular expressions with interleaving and counting for XML type-checking

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    The inclusion of Regular Expressions (REs) is the kernel of any type-checking algorithm for XML manipulation languages. XML applications would benefit from the extension of REs with interleaving and counting, but this is not feasible in general, since inclusion is EXPSPACE-complete for such extended REs. In Colazzo et al. (2009) [1] we introduced a notion of ?conflict-free REs?, which are extended REs with excellent complexity behaviour, including a polynomial inclusion algorithm [1] and linear membership (Ghelli et al., 2008 [2]). Conflict-free REs have interleaving and counting, but the complexity is tamed by the ?conflict-free? limitations, which have been found to be satisfied by the vast majority of the content models published on the Web.However, a type-checking algorithm needs to compare machine-generated subtypes against human-defined supertypes. The conflict-free restriction, while quite harmless for the human-defined supertype, is far too restrictive for the subtype. We show here that the PTIME inclusion algorithm can be actually extended to deal with totally unrestricted REs with counting and interleaving in the subtype position, provided that the supertype is conflict-free.This is exactly the expressive power that we need in order to use subtyping inside type-checking algorithms, and the cost of this generalized algorithm is only quadratic, which is as good as the best algorithm we have for the symmetric case (see [1]). The result is extremely surprising, since we had previously found that symmetric inclusion becomes NP-hard as soon as the candidate subtype is enriched with binary intersection, a generalization that looked much more innocent than what we achieve here

    Synthesizing Program Input Grammars

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    We present an algorithm for synthesizing a context-free grammar encoding the language of valid program inputs from a set of input examples and blackbox access to the program. Our algorithm addresses shortcomings of existing grammar inference algorithms, which both severely overgeneralize and are prohibitively slow. Our implementation, GLADE, leverages the grammar synthesized by our algorithm to fuzz test programs with structured inputs. We show that GLADE substantially increases the incremental coverage on valid inputs compared to two baseline fuzzers

    Higher-Order Operator Precedence Languages

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    Floyd's Operator Precedence (OP) languages are a deterministic context-free family having many desirable properties. They are locally and parallely parsable, and languages having a compatible structure are closed under Boolean operations, concatenation and star; they properly include the family of Visibly Pushdown (or Input Driven) languages. OP languages are based on three relations between any two consecutive terminal symbols, which assign syntax structure to words. We extend such relations to k-tuples of consecutive terminal symbols, by using the model of strictly locally testable regular languages of order k at least 3. The new corresponding class of Higher-order Operator Precedence languages (HOP) properly includes the OP languages, and it is still included in the deterministic (also in reverse) context free family. We prove Boolean closure for each subfamily of structurally compatible HOP languages. In each subfamily, the top language is called max-language. We show that such languages are defined by a simple cancellation rule and we prove several properties, in particular that max-languages make an infinite hierarchy ordered by parameter k. HOP languages are a candidate for replacing OP languages in the various applications where they have have been successful though sometimes too restrictive.Comment: In Proceedings AFL 2017, arXiv:1708.0622

    On finitely ambiguous B\"uchi automata

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    Unambiguous B\"uchi automata, i.e. B\"uchi automata allowing only one accepting run per word, are a useful restriction of B\"uchi automata that is well-suited for probabilistic model-checking. In this paper we propose a more permissive variant, namely finitely ambiguous B\"uchi automata, a generalisation where each word has at most kk accepting runs, for some fixed kk. We adapt existing notions and results concerning finite and bounded ambiguity of finite automata to the setting of ω\omega-languages and present a translation from arbitrary nondeterministic B\"uchi automata with nn states to finitely ambiguous automata with at most 3n3^n states and at most nn accepting runs per word

    Reducing a Set of Regular Expressions and Analyzing Differences of Domain-specific Statistic Reporting

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    Due to the large amount of daily scientific publications, it is impossible to manually review each one. Therefore, an automatic extraction of key information is desirable. In this paper, we examine STEREO, a tool for extracting statistics from scientific papers using regular expressions. By adapting an existing regular expression inclusion algorithm for our use case, we decrease the number of regular expressions used in STEREO by about 33.8%33.8\%. We reveal common patterns from the condensed rule set that can be used for the creation of new rules. We also apply STEREO, which was previously trained in the life-sciences and medical domain, to a new scientific domain, namely Human-Computer-Interaction (HCI), and re-evaluate it. According to our research, statistics in the HCI domain are similar to those in the medical domain, although a higher percentage of APA-conform statistics were found in the HCI domain. Additionally, we compare extraction on PDF and LaTeX source files, finding LaTeX to be more reliable for extraction
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