15 research outputs found

    Quantifying cloud performance and dependability:Taxonomy, metric design, and emerging challenges

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    In only a decade, cloud computing has emerged from a pursuit for a service-driven information and communication technology (ICT), becoming a significant fraction of the ICT market. Responding to the growth of the market, many alternative cloud services and their underlying systems are currently vying for the attention of cloud users and providers. To make informed choices between competing cloud service providers, permit the cost-benefit analysis of cloud-based systems, and enable system DevOps to evaluate and tune the performance of these complex ecosystems, appropriate performance metrics, benchmarks, tools, and methodologies are necessary. This requires re-examining old system properties and considering new system properties, possibly leading to the re-design of classic benchmarking metrics such as expressing performance as throughput and latency (response time). In this work, we address these requirements by focusing on four system properties: (i) elasticity of the cloud service, to accommodate large variations in the amount of service requested, (ii) performance isolation between the tenants of shared cloud systems and resulting performance variability, (iii) availability of cloud services and systems, and (iv) the operational risk of running a production system in a cloud environment. Focusing on key metrics for each of these properties, we review the state-of-the-art, then select or propose new metrics together with measurement approaches. We see the presented metrics as a foundation toward upcoming, future industry-standard cloud benchmarks

    Gestão e engenharia de CAP na nuvem híbrida

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    Doutoramento em InformáticaThe evolution and maturation of Cloud Computing created an opportunity for the emergence of new Cloud applications. High-performance Computing, a complex problem solving class, arises as a new business consumer by taking advantage of the Cloud premises and leaving the expensive datacenter management and difficult grid development. Standing on an advanced maturing phase, today’s Cloud discarded many of its drawbacks, becoming more and more efficient and widespread. Performance enhancements, prices drops due to massification and customizable services on demand triggered an emphasized attention from other markets. HPC, regardless of being a very well established field, traditionally has a narrow frontier concerning its deployment and runs on dedicated datacenters or large grid computing. The problem with common placement is mainly the initial cost and the inability to fully use resources which not all research labs can afford. The main objective of this work was to investigate new technical solutions to allow the deployment of HPC applications on the Cloud, with particular emphasis on the private on-premise resources – the lower end of the chain which reduces costs. The work includes many experiments and analysis to identify obstacles and technology limitations. The feasibility of the objective was tested with new modeling, architecture and several applications migration. The final application integrates a simplified incorporation of both public and private Cloud resources, as well as HPC applications scheduling, deployment and management. It uses a well-defined user role strategy, based on federated authentication and a seamless procedure to daily usage with balanced low cost and performance.O desenvolvimento e maturação da Computação em Nuvem abriu a janela de oportunidade para o surgimento de novas aplicações na Nuvem. A Computação de Alta Performance, uma classe dedicada à resolução de problemas complexos, surge como um novo consumidor no Mercado ao aproveitar as vantagens inerentes à Nuvem e deixando o dispendioso centro de computação tradicional e o difícil desenvolvimento em grelha. Situando-se num avançado estado de maturação, a Nuvem de hoje deixou para trás muitas das suas limitações, tornando-se cada vez mais eficiente e disseminada. Melhoramentos de performance, baixa de preços devido à massificação e serviços personalizados a pedido despoletaram uma atenção inusitada de outros mercados. A CAP, independentemente de ser uma área extremamente bem estabelecida, tradicionalmente tem uma fronteira estreita em relação à sua implementação. É executada em centros de computação dedicados ou computação em grelha de larga escala. O maior problema com o tipo de instalação habitual é o custo inicial e o não aproveitamento dos recursos a tempo inteiro, fator que nem todos os laboratórios de investigação conseguem suportar. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi investigar novas soluções técnicas para permitir o lançamento de aplicações CAP na Nuvem, com particular ênfase nos recursos privados existentes, a parte peculiar e final da cadeia onde se pode reduzir custos. O trabalho inclui várias experiências e análises para identificar obstáculos e limitações tecnológicas. A viabilidade e praticabilidade do objetivo foi testada com inovação em modelos, arquitetura e migração de várias aplicações. A aplicação final integra uma agregação de recursos de Nuvens, públicas e privadas, assim como escalonamento, lançamento e gestão de aplicações CAP. É usada uma estratégia de perfil de utilizador baseada em autenticação federada, assim como procedimentos transparentes para a utilização diária com um equilibrado custo e performance

    Augmented and virtual reality in construction: Drivers and limitations for industry adoption

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    Augmented and virtual reality have the potential to provide a step-change in productivity in the construction sector; however, the level of adoption is very low. This paper presents a systematic study of the factors that limit and drive adoption in a construction sector-specific context. A mixed research method was employed, combining qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis. Eight focus groups with 54 experts and an online questionnaire were conducted. Forty-two limiting and driving factors were identified and ranked. Principal component analysis was conducted to group the identified factors into a smaller number of factors based on correlations. Four types of limiting factors and four types of driving factors were identified. The main limitation of adoption is that AR and VR technologies are regarded as expensive and immature technologies that are not suitable for engineering and construction. The main drivers are that AR and VR enable improvements in project delivery and provision of new and better services. This study provides valuable insights to stakeholders to devise actions that mitigate the limiting factors and that boost the driving factors. This is one of the first systematic studies to present a detailed analysis of the factors that limit and drive adoption of AR and VR in the construction industry. The main contribution of this study is that it grouped and characterized myriad limiting and driving factors into easily understandable categories, so that the limiting factors can be effectively mitigated and the driving factors potentiated. A roadmap with specific short-term and medium-term actions for improving adoption was outlined

    Proyecto Docente e Investigador, Trabajo Original de Investigación y Presentación de la Defensa, preparado por Germán Moltó para concursar a la plaza de Catedrático de Universidad, concurso 082/22, plaza 6708, área de Ciencia de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial

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    Este documento contiene el proyecto docente e investigador del candidato Germán Moltó Martínez presentado como requisito para el concurso de acceso a plazas de Cuerpos Docentes Universitarios. Concretamente, el documento se centra en el concurso para la plaza 6708 de Catedrático de Universidad en el área de Ciencia de la Computación en el Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación de la Universitat Politécnica de València. La plaza está adscrita a la Escola Técnica Superior d'Enginyeria Informàtica y tiene como perfil las asignaturas "Infraestructuras de Cloud Público" y "Estructuras de Datos y Algoritmos".También se incluye el Historial Académico, Docente e Investigador, así como la presentación usada durante la defensa.Germán Moltó Martínez (2022). Proyecto Docente e Investigador, Trabajo Original de Investigación y Presentación de la Defensa, preparado por Germán Moltó para concursar a la plaza de Catedrático de Universidad, concurso 082/22, plaza 6708, área de Ciencia de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18903

    ABSTRACT BOOK 50th World Conference on Lung Health of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union)

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    The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease is an official journal of The Union. The Journal’s main aim is the continuing education of physicians and other health personnel, and the dissemination of the most up-to-date infor mation in the field of tuberculosis and lung health. It publishes original articles and commissioned reviews not only on the clinical and biological and epidemiological aspects, but also—and more importantly—on community aspects: fundamental research and the elaboration, implementation and assessment of field projects and action programmes for tuberculosis control and the promo tion of lung health. The Journal welcomes articles submitted on all aspects of lung health, including public health-related issues such as training programmes, cost-benefit analysis, legislation, epidemiology, intervention studies and health systems research

    Матеріали 9-го семінару з хмарних технологій в освіті (CTE 2021). Кривий Ріг, Україна, 17 грудня 2021 року

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    Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2021). Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 17, 2021.Матеріали 9-го семінару з хмарних технологій в освіті (CTE 2021). Кривий Ріг, Україна, 17 грудня 2021 року