4 research outputs found

    The Best a Monitor Can Do

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    Existing notions of monitorability for branching-time properties are fairly restrictive. This, in turn, impacts the ability to incorporate prior knowledge about the system under scrutiny - which corresponds to a branching-time property - into the runtime analysis. We propose a definition of optimal monitors that verify the best monitorable under- or over-approximation of a specification, regardless of its monitorability status. Optimal monitors can be obtained for arbitrary branching-time properties by synthesising a sound and complete monitor for their strongest monitorable consequence. We show that the strongest monitorable consequence of specifications expressed in Hennessy-Milner logic with recursion is itself expressible in this logic, and present a procedure to find it. Our procedure enables prior knowledge to be optimally incorporated into runtime monitors

    Run Time verifcation of Hybrid Systems

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    The growing use of computers in modern control systems has led to the develop- ment of complex dynamic systems known as hybrid systems, which integrates both discrete and continuous systems. Given that hybrid systems are systems that operates in real time allowing for changes in continuous state over time periods, and discrete state changes across zero time, their modelling, analysis and verification becomes very difficult. The formal verifications of such systems based on specifications that can guar- antee their behaviour is very important especially as it pertains to safety critical applications. Accordingly, addressing such verifications issues are important and is the focus of this thesis. In this thesis, in order to actualise the specification and verification of hybrid systems, Interval Temporal Logic(ITL) was adopted as the underlying formalism given its inherent characteristics of providing methods that are flexible for both propositional and first-order reasoning regarding periods found in hardware and software system’s descriptions. Given that an interval specifies the behaviour of a system, specifications of such systems are therefore represented as a set of intervals that can be used to gain an understanding of the possible behaviour of the system in terms of its composition whether in sequential or parallel form. ITL is a powerful tool that can handle both forms of composition given that it offers very strong and extensive proof and specifi- cation techniques to decipher essential system properties including safety, liveliness and time projections.However, a limitation of ITL is that the intervals within its framework are considered to be a sequence of discrete states. Against this back- drop, the current research provides an extension to ITL with the view to deal with verification and other related issues that centres around hybrid systems. The novelty within this new proposition is new logic termed SPLINE Interval Temporal Logic (SPITL) in which not only a discrete behaviour can be expressed, but also a continuous behaviour can be represented in the form of a spline i.e. the interval is considered to be a sequence of continuous phases instead of a sequence of discrete states. The syntax and semantics of the newly developed SPITL are provided in this thesis and the new extension of the interval temporal logic using a hybrid system as a case study. The overall framework adopted for the overall struc- ture of SPITL is based on three fundamental steps namely the formal specification of hybrid systems is expressed in SPLINE Interval Temporal Logic, followed by the executable subset of ITL, called Tempura, which is used to develop and test a hybrid system specification that is written in SPITL and finally a runtime verification tool for ITL called AnaTempura which is linked with Matlab in order to use them as an integrated tool for the verification of hybrid systems specification. Overall, the current work contributes to the growing body of knowledge in hybrid systems based on the following three major milestones namely: i. the proposition of a new logic termed SPITL; ii. executable subset, Tempura, integrated with SPITL specification for hybrid systems; and iii. the development of a tool termed Ana Tempura which is integrated with Matlab to ensure accurate runtime verification of results

    Programmation par contraintes sur les flux de données

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    We study the generalization of constraint programming on variables finite domains with variable flow. On the one hand, the flow of concepts, infinite sequences and infinite words have been the subject of numerous studies, and a goal is to achieve a state of the art covering language theory, classical and temporal logics as well as many related formalisms. The reconciliation performed with temporal logics is a first step towards unification formalisms on flows and temporal logics being themselves many, we establish a classification of these will allow the extrapolation of contributions to other contexts. The second objective is to identify the elements of these formalisms that allow the processing of satisfaction problems with the techniques of constraint programming on finite domain variables. Compared to the expressiveness of temporal logic, that of our formalism is more limited. This is due to the fact that constraint programming allows only the conjunction of constraints and requires integrating the disjunction in the notion of constraint propagator. Our formalism allows a gain in conciseness and reuse of the concept of propagator. The issue of generalization to more expressive logics is left open.Nous étudions la généralisation de la programmation par contraintes sur les variables à domaines finis aux variables flux. D'une part, les concepts de flux, de séquences infinies et de mots infinis ont fait l'objet de nombreux travaux, et un objectif consiste à réaliser un état de l'art qui couvre la théorie des langages, les logiques classiques et temporelles, ainsi que les nombreux formalismes apparentés. Le rapprochement effectué avec les logiques temporelles est un premier pas vers l'unification des formalismes sur les flux, et les logiques temporelles étant elles-même nombreuses, nous établissons une classification de celles-ci qui permettra l'extrapolation des contributions à d'autres contextes. Le second objectif consiste à identifier les éléments de ces formalismes qui permettent le traitement des problèmes de satisfaction avec les techniques de la programmation par contraintes sur les variables à domaines finis. Comparée à l'expressivité des logiques temporelles, celle de notre formalisme est plus limitée. Ceci est dû au fait que la programmation par contraintes ne permet que la conjonction de contraintes, et impose d'intégrer la disjonction dans la notion de propagateur de contraintes. Notre formalisme permet un gain en concision et la réutilisation de la notion de propagateur. La question de la généralisation à des logiques plus expressives est laissée ouverte