473 research outputs found

    Optimization of tumor ablation by monitoring tissue temperature via CT

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    Niet-invasieve temperatuurmeting met behulp van beeldvormende technieken zoals magnetische resonantie beeldvorming (MRI), echografie (US) en computer tomografie (CT) maakt het mogelijk om de thermische ablatie van tumoren te optimaliseren door middel van het real-time bewaken van de temperatuurverdeling in de tumor en de aangrenzende weefsels. Hoewel er studies zijn gedaan naar de warmtegevoeligheid van de CT in verschillende weefsels, is verder onderzoek met CT tot nu toe niet gedaan als gevolg van technische beperkingen. Met de komst van de nieuwe generatie CT scanners zijn daarom nu de mogelijkheden van de huidige CT systemen onderzocht op warmtegevoeligheid en de mogelijkheden om CT thermometrie te implementeren. In dit onderzoek is de warmtegevoeligheid van CT beoordeeld tijdens ablatie en laserablatie terwijl tegelijkertijd de temperatuur werd gemeten met thermische probes. Dichtbij de warmtebron werd een hypodense gebied waargenomen veroorzaakt door een verandering in de CT-waarden ten gevolge van temperatuurstijgingen. In alle experimenten was er omgekeerde lineaire afhankelijkheid te zien van de CT-waarden van de temperatuur. De warmtegevoeligheid varieerde van -0.35HU/oC tot -0.65HU/oC in ex-vivo modellen en van -0.03HU/oC tot -0.43HU/oC in in-vivo modellen. Bovendien kon met behulp van de gemeten warmtegevoeligheid het geableerde gebied omgezet worden in een warmtebeeld met temperatuurverdeling. Uit deze studie kan worden geconcludeerd dat niet-invasieve CT thermometrie een bruikbare techniek is en dat aan alle criteria voor niet-invasieve temperatuurmeting werd voldaan, behalve de temperatuur resolutie (Frich et al. 2006). Verdere in-vivo studies moeten non-invasieve CT thermometrie verder verbeteren zodat deze techniek mogelijk kan worden toegepast in de klinische praktijk voor de behandeling van tumoren met een real-time bewaking van de temperatuur


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    Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a clinic tool for the treatment of various target tissues. However, one of the major limitations with RFA is the ‘small’ size of target tissues that can be effectively ablated. By small it is meant the size of the target tissue is less than 3 cm in diameter of the tissue otherwise ‘large’ size of tissue in this thesis. A typical problem with RFA for large target tissue is the incompleteness of tumour ablation, which is an important reason for tumour recurring. It is widely agreed that two reasons are responsible for the tumour recurring: (1) the tissue charring and (2) the ‘heat-sink’ effect of large blood vessels (i.e. ≥3 mm in diameter). This thesis study was motivated to more quantitatively understand tissue charring during the RFA procedure and to develop solutions to increase the size of target tissues to be ablated. The thesis study mainly performed three tasks: (1) evaluation of the existing devices and protocols to give a clear understanding of the state of arts of RFA devices in clinic, (2) development of an accurate mathematical model for the RFA procedure to enable a more quantitative understanding of the small target tissue size problem, and (3) development of a new protocol based on the existing device to increase the size of target tissues to be ablated based on the knowledge acquired from (1) and (2). In (1), a design theory called axiomatic design theory (ADT) was applied in order to make the evaluation more objective. In (2), a two-compartment finite element model was developed and verified with in vitro experiments, where liver tissue was taken and a custom-made RFA system was employed; after that, three most commonly used internally cooled RFA systems (constant, pulsed, and temperature-controlled) were employed to demonstrate the maximum size of tumour that can be ablated. In (3) a novel feedback temperature-controlled RFA protocol was proposed to overcome the small target tissue size problem, which includes (a) the judicious selection of control areas and target control temperatures and (b) the use of the tissue temperature instead of electrode tip temperature as a feedback for control. The conclusions that can be drawn from this thesis are given as follows: (1) the decoupled design in the current RFA systems can be a critical reason for the incomplete target tissue necrosis (TTN), (2) using both the constant RFA and pulsed RFA, the largest TTN can be achieved at the maximum voltage applied (MVA) without the roll-off occurrence. Furthermore, the largest TTN sizes for both constant RFA and pulsed RFA are all less than 3 cm in diameter, (3) for target tissues of different sizes, the MVA without the roll-off occurrence is different and it decreases with increase of the target tissue size, (4) the largest TTN achieved by using temperature-controlled RFA under the current commercial protocol is still smaller 3 cm in diameter, and (5) the TTN with and over 3 cm in diameter can be obtained by using temperature-controlled RFA under a new protocol developed in this thesis study, in which the temperature of target tissue around the middle part of electrode is controlled at 90 ℃ for a standard ablation time (i.e. 720 s). There are a couple of contributions with this thesis. First, the underlying reason of the incomplete TTN of the current commercially available RFA systems was found, which is their inadequate design (i.e. decoupled design). This will help to give a guideline in RFA device design or improvement in the future. Second, the thesis has mathematically proved the empirical conclusion in clinic that the limit size of target tissue using the current RFA systems is 3 cm in diameter. This has advanced our understanding of the limit of the RFA technology in general. Third, the novel protocol proposed by the thesis is promising to increase the size of TTN with RFA technology by about 30%. The new protocol also reveals a very complex thermal control problem in the context of human tissues, and solving this problem effectively gives implication to similar problems in other thermal-based tumour ablation processes

    Thermal ablation of biological tissues in disease treatment: A review of computational models and future directions

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    Percutaneous thermal ablation has proved to be an effective modality for treating both benign and malignant tumors in various tissues. Among these modalities, radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is the most promising and widely adopted approach that has been extensively studied in the past decades. Microwave ablation (MWA) is a newly emerging modality that is gaining rapid momentum due to its capability of inducing rapid heating and attaining larger ablation volumes, and its lesser susceptibility to the heat sink effects as compared to RFA. Although the goal of both these therapies is to attain cell death in the target tissue by virtue of heating above 50 oC, their underlying mechanism of action and principles greatly differs. Computational modelling is a powerful tool for studying the effect of electromagnetic interactions within the biological tissues and predicting the treatment outcomes during thermal ablative therapies. Such a priori estimation can assist the clinical practitioners during treatment planning with the goal of attaining successful tumor destruction and preservation of the surrounding healthy tissue and critical structures. This review provides current state-of- the-art developments and associated challenges in the computational modelling of thermal ablative techniques, viz., RFA and MWA, as well as touch upon several promising avenues in the modelling of laser ablation, nanoparticles assisted magnetic hyperthermia and non- invasive RFA. The application of RFA in pain relief has been extensively reviewed from modelling point of view. Additionally, future directions have also been provided to improve these models for their successful translation and integration into the hospital work flow

    Improved Visualization of the Necrotic Zone after Microwave Ablation Using Computed Tomography Volume Perfusion in an In Vivo Porcine Model

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    After hepatic microwave ablation, the differentiation between fully necrotic and persistent vital tissue through contrast enhanced CT remains a clinical challenge. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate new imaging modalities, such as CT perfusion (CTP) to improve the visualization of coagulation necrosis. MWA and CTP were prospectively performed in five healthy pigs. After the procedure, the pigs were euthanized, and the livers explanted. Orthogonal histological slices of the ablations were stained with a vital stain, digitalized and the necrotic core was segmented. CTP maps were calculated using a dual-input deconvolution algorithm. The segmented necrotic zones were overlaid on the DICOM images to calculate the accuracy of depiction by CECT/CTP compared to the histological reference standard. A receiver operating characteristic analysis was performed to determine the agreement/true positive rate and disagreement/false discovery rate between CECT/CTP and histology. Standard CECT showed a true positive rate of 81% and a false discovery rate of 52% for display of the coagulation necrosis. Using CTP, delineation of the coagulation necrosis could be improved significantly through the display of hepatic blood volume and hepatic arterial blood flow (p < 0.001). The ratios of true positive rate/false discovery rate were 89%/25% and 90%/50% respectively. Other parameter maps showed an inferior performance compared to CECT