11 research outputs found


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    This paper deals with the comparative study of research work done in the field of Image Filtering. Different noises can affect the image in different ways. Although various solutions are available for denoising them, a detail study of the research is required in order to design a filter which will fulfill the desire aspects along with handling most of the image filtering issues. An output image should be judged on the basis of Image Quality Metrics for ex-: Peak-Signal-to-Noise ratio (PSNR), Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Execution Time


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    Citra digital dapat mengalami penurunan kualitas atau gangguan. Gangguan pada citra digital disebut dengan derau (noise). Citra berkualitas rendah yang disebabkan noise memerlukan langkah-langkah perbaikan untuk meningkatkan kualitas citra tanpa mengurangi lebih banyak kualitas detail citra. Salah satu teknik perbaikan citra yaitu metode filtering citra. Metode yang akan digunakan pada tugas akhir ini untuk memperbaiki citra yang mengandung noise adalah median filter dan modified median filter. Metode tersebut akan diterapkan pada citra yang mengandung impulse noise (salt & pappers). Median filter merupakan salah satu filtering non linier yang mengurutkan nilai intensitas sekelompok piksel, kemudian menganti nilai piksel yang diproses dengan nilai mediannya. Sedangkan modified median filter merupakan pengembangan algoritma deteksi noise berdasarkan pada konsep sederhana yaitu jika pixel milik daerah yang seragam, kemudian itu adalah dekat warnanya dengan pixel tetangganya, maka tidak dikoreksi, apabila tidak ada yang dekat dengan pixel tetangganya, maka terdeteksi noise kemudian nilai pixelnya diganti dengan median dari window yang dievaluasi. Kualitas citra di ukur dengan dua besaran yaitu MSE (Mean Square Error) dan PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio). Pada penelitian ini untuk mask window 3 x 3 dan 5 x 5, nilai PSNR tertinggi terjadi pada median filter. Hal ini dibuktikan dari ke tiga citra uji dengan mask window 3 x3 dan 5 x 5 dengan berbagai ukuran citra yang menunjukkan peningkatan nilai PSNR terjadi pada filter median. Maka, dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode median filter merupakan metode yang paling baik dalam mengurangi noise jenis salt and peppers yang ada pada citra dibandingkan dengan metode modified median filter

    An Approach to Improve the Quality of Infrared Images of Vein-Patterns

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    This study develops an approach to improve the quality of infrared (IR) images of vein-patterns, which usually have noise, low contrast, low brightness and small objects of interest, thus requiring preprocessing to improve their quality. The main characteristics of the proposed approach are that no prior knowledge about the IR image is necessary and no parameters must be preset. Two main goals are sought: impulse noise reduction and adaptive contrast enhancement technologies. In our study, a fast median-based filter (FMBF) is developed as a noise reduction method. It is based on an IR imaging mechanism to detect the noisy pixels and on a modified median-based filter to remove the noisy pixels in IR images. FMBF has the advantage of a low computation load. In addition, FMBF can retain reasonably good edges and texture information when the size of the filter window increases. The most important advantage is that the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) caused by FMBF is higher than the PSNR caused by the median filter. A hybrid cumulative histogram equalization (HCHE) is proposed for adaptive contrast enhancement. HCHE can automatically generate a hybrid cumulative histogram (HCH) based on two different pieces of information about the image histogram. HCHE can improve the enhancement effect on hot objects rather than background. The experimental results are addressed and demonstrate that the proposed approach is feasible for use as an effective and adaptive process for enhancing the quality of IR vein-pattern images

    Three Dimensional Auto-Alignment of the ICSI Pipette

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    Nigeria Paper Currency Serial Number Pattern Recognition System for Crimes Control

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    Only secured and conducive environment void of robbery, kidnapping, fake currency and all forms of insurgencies will foster production and distribution of goods, investment and saving that enhance national economic growth and development. This is a mirage in a country generally believed and tagged the giant of African; Nigeria. Crime, in whatever name or nomenclature, has a significant negative impact on the welfare and economy prosperities of our society. The urge to get rich promotes Crime like armed robbery, kidnapping for ransom and production of counterfeit banknotes to mention but a few. Innocent people have suffered psychological distress, fear, anger, depression, physical harm, financial loss and in most cases untimely death during the operations by these hoodlums. Banks, Cash-In-Transit Vehicle, and ATM points are often robbed by gangs in search for paper currency. Kidnappers as well demand for paper currency as ransom while some other gangs are involved in the production of counterfeit banknotes so as to enrich themselves no minding the negative effect on the nation’s economy.  The banknotes collected during the operations by the hoodlums are taken to banks. Yet, the banks will not detect or recognize any of these notes which attest to the fact that our system lacks check and balance. The system is very porous without a recourse to this era of technology when machine is trained to do virtually everything for our convenience. Currency as an entity has a unique identification number. The identification number is an alphanumeric currency issuance of about 10 digits comprises two (2) capital letters and eight (8) numbers usually positioned at a strategic location on either front or back of the 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 naira notes. It is a reliable and intelligent system developed to track banknotes unique identifiers numbers- serial numbers, in order to control financial related crimes. Keywords: Nigeria Paper Currency Serial Number, Pattern Recognition DOI: 10.7176/IKM/11-3-04 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Impulse Noise Removal From Digital Images by a Detail-Preserving Filter Based on Type-2 Fuzzy Logic

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    A novel image filter based on type-2 fuzzy logic techniques is proposed for detail-preserving restoration of digital images corrupted by impulse noise. The performance of the proposed filter is evaluated for different test images corrupted at various noise densities and also compared with representative conventional as well as state-of-the-art impulse noise filters from the literature. Experimental results show that the proposed filter exhibits superior performance over the competing operators and is capable of efficiently suppressing the noise in the image while at the same time effectively preserving thin lines, edges, texture, and other useful information within the image

    Type-2 Takagi-Sugeno-Kang Fuzzy Logic System and Uncertainty in Machining

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    RÉSUMÉ: Plusieurs méthodes permettent aujourd’hui d’analyser le comportement des écoulements qui régissent le fonctionnement de systèmes rencontrés dans l’industrie (véhicules aériens, marins et terrestres, génération d’énergie, etc.). Pour les écoulements transitoires ou turbulents, les méthodes expérimentales sont utilisées conjointement avec les simulations numériques (simulation directe ou faisant appel à des modèles) afin d’extraire le plus d’information possible. Dans les deux cas, les méthodes génèrent des quantités de données importantes qui doivent ensuite être traitées et analysées. Ce projet de recherche vise à améliorer notre capacité d’analyse pour l’étude des écoulements simulés numériquement et les écoulements obtenus à l’aide de méthodes de mesure (par exemple la vélocimétrie par image de particules PIV ). L’absence, jusqu’à aujourd’hui, d’une définition objective d’une structure tourbillonnaire a conduit à l’utilisation de plusieurs méthodes eulériennes (vorticité, critère Q, Lambda-2, etc.), souvent inadaptées, pour extraire les structures cohérentes des écoulements. L’exposant de Lyapunov, calculé sur un temps fini (appelé le FTLE), s’est révélé comme une alternative lagrangienne efficace à ces méthodes classiques. Cependant, la méthodologie de calcul actuelle du FTLE exige l’évaluation numérique d’un grand nombre de trajectoires sur une grille cartésienne qui est superposée aux champs de vitesse simulés ou mesurés. Le nombre de noeuds nécessaire pour représenter un champ FTLE d’un écoulement 3D instationnaire atteint facilement plusieurs millions, ce qui nécessite des ressources informatiques importantes pour une analyse adéquate. Dans ce projet, nous visons à améliorer l’efficacité du calcul du champ FTLE en proposant une méthode alternative au calcul classique des composantes du tenseur de déformation de Cauchy-Green. Un ensemble d’équations différentielles ordinaires (EDOs) est utilisé pour calculer simultanément les trajectoires des particules et les dérivées premières et secondes du champ de déplacement, ce qui se traduit par une amélioration de la précision nodale des composantes du tenseur. Les dérivées premières sont utilisées pour le calcul de l’exposant de Lyapunov et les dérivées secondes pour l’estimation de l’erreur d’interpolation. Les matrices hessiennes du champ de déplacement (deux matrices en 2D et trois matrices en 3D) nous permettent de construire une métrique optimale multi-échelle et de générer un maillage anisotrope non structuré de façon à distribuer efficacement les noeuds et à minimiser l’erreur d’interpolation.----------ABSTRACT: Several methods can help us to analyse the behavior of flows that govern the operation of fluid flow systems encountered in the industry (aerospace, marine and terrestrial transportation, power generation, etc..). For transient or turbulent flows, experimental methods are used in conjunction with numerical simulations ( direct simulation or based on models) to extract as much information as possible. In both cases, these methods generate massive amounts of data which must then be processed and analyzed. This research project aims to improve the post-processing algorithms to facilitate the study of numerically simulated flows and those obtained using measurement techniques (e.g. particle image velocimetry PIV ). The absence, even until today, of an objective definition of a vortex has led to the use of several Eulerian methods (vorticity, the Q and the Lambda-2 criteria, etc..), often unsuitable to extract the flow characteristics. The Lyapunov exponent, calculated on a finite time (the so-called FTLE), is an effective Lagrangian alternative to these standard methods. However, the computation methodology currently used to obtain the FTLE requires numerical evaluation of a large number of fluid particle trajectories on a Cartesian grid that is superimposed on the simulated or measured velocity fields. The number of nodes required to visualize a FTLE field of an unsteady 3D flow can easily reach several millions, which requires significant computing resources for an adequate analysis. In this project, we aim to improve the computational efficiency of the FTLE field by providing an alternative to the conventional calculation of the components of the Cauchy-Green deformation tensor. A set of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) is used to calculate the particle trajectories and simultaneously the first and the second derivatives of the displacement field, resulting in a highly improved accuracy of nodal tensor components. The first derivatives are used to calculate the Lyapunov exponent and the second derivatives to estimate the interpolation error. Hessian matrices of the displacement field (two matrices in 2D and three matrices in 3D) allow us to build a multi-scale optimal metric and generate an unstructured anisotropic mesh to efficiently distribute nodes and to minimize the interpolation error. The flexibility of anisotropic meshes allows to add and align nodes near the structures of the flow and to remove those in areas of low interest. The mesh adaptation is based on the intersection of the Hessian matrices of the displacement field and not on the FTLE field