87 research outputs found

    Comparison of Candidate Itemset Generation and Non Candidate Itemset Generation Algorithms in Mining Frequent Patterns

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    Association rule mining is one of the important techniques of data mining used for exploring fruitful patterns from huge collection of data. Generally, the finding of frequent itemsets is the most significant step in association rules mining, and most of the research will be centered on it. Numerous algorithms have been discovered to find effective frequent itemsets. This paper compares the frequent pattern mining algorithms that use candidate itemset generation and the algorithms without candidate itemset generation. In order to have on field simulation for comparison, a case study algorithm from both types was chosen such as ECLAT and FP-growth algorithms. Equivalence class clustering and bottom up lattice traversal (ECLAT) algorithm accommodates ?Depth First Search? approach and requires the generation of candidate itemset. The FP-growth algorithm follows the ?Divide and Conquer? method and does not require candidate itemset generation. In this paper, the benchmark databases considered for comparison are Breast Cancer, Customer Data, and German Data etc. The performances of both the algorithms have been experimentally evaluated in terms of runtime and memory usage. From the result it is analyzed that the FP-tree algorithm is more advantageous as it does away with the need of generation of candidate patterns

    Comparative Study of Popular Data Mining Algorithms

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    Data Science is an appealing field , in the present world due to advancement of science as there is huge assortment of data which exist in numerous forms . Such data must be handled with care and store safely so that it can be retrieved as per needs. Some of the popular or commonly used algorithms are Apriori algorithm, K Means Clustering, Support Vector machines(SVM) and Association Rule Mining algorithms. This paper focus on the above mentioned algorithms and a comparison is made in terms of Technique, Time Utilization Software taking real time data examples


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    Competition in the business world, especially in the increasingly difficult printing world, requires developers to find strategies to increase orders for printed products ordered. An increasing number of order data every day can be used to develop marketing strategies if processed correctly. A priori algorithms include the type of association rules in data mining. One of the stages of association analysis that attracts many researchers to produce efficient algorithms is the analysis of high-frequency patterns (frequent pattern mining). The importance of an association can be known by two benchmarks, namely: support and confidence. Support (support value) is the percentage of the combination of these items in the database, while confidence (certainty value) is the strength of the relationship between items in association rules

    Association rules implementation for affinity analysis between elements composing multimedia objects

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    The multimedia objects are a constantly growing resource in the world wide web, consequently it has generated as a necessity the design of methods and tools that allow to obtain new knowledge from the information analyzed. Association rules are a technique of Data Mining, whose purpose is to search for correlations between elements of a collection of data (data) as support for decision making from the identification and analysis of these correlations. Using algorithms such as: A priori, Frequent Parent Growth, QFP Algorithm, CBA, CMAR, CPAR, among others. On the other hand, multimedia applications today require the processing of unstructured data provided by multimedia objects, which are made up of text, images, audio and videos. For the storage, processing and management of multimedia objects, solutions have been generated that allow efficient search of data of interest to the end user, considering that the semantics of a multimedia object must be expressed by all the elements that composed of. In this article an analysis of the state of the art in relation to the implementation of the Association Rules in the processing of Multimedia objects is made, in addition the analysis of the consulted literature allows to generate questions about the possibility of generating a method of association rules for the analysis of these objects.Universidad de la Costa, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

    Konsumen Sebagai Co-Creation untuk Menentukan Strategi Bisnis Menggunakan Algoritma Apriori pada Industri Retail Skala Internasional

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    Industri retail skala internasional menjual banyak variasi produk yang didapat dari berbagai vendor,  transaksi penjualan yang terjadi membentuk gudang data yang tersimpan pada basis data Sistem Enterprise Resource Planning.  Ketersediaan data historis hasil transaksi yang terdokumentasi dapat manfaaatkan lebih lanjut untuk ditambang dengan menganalisa keranjang belanja konsumen dengan mencari korelasi antara produk-produk dalam kumpulan transaksi penjualan yang sudah terjadi dalam kurun waktu tertentu. Algoritma apriori digunakan untuk membangun aturan asosiasi yang berfokus pada memetakan perilaku konsumen retail  sebagai co-creation manajemen startegi perusahaan dan dapat menghasilkan hubungan dan aturan yang akan mengungkapkan pola preferensi pelanggan terhadap berbagai jenis produk, yang sebelumnya tersembunyi dan sulit diukur. Aturan asosiasi yang dihasilkan melalui serangkaian proses teknik data mining diujikan lebih lanjut untuk mengukur keberhasilkan aturan asosiasi menggunakan data transaksional pada periode berikutnya.  Hasil pengujian aturan asosiasi dengan nilai minimum confidence 70% digunakan sebagai dasar membangun strategi bisnis diantaranya: memperkuat penjualan paket, strategi penempatan produk,  segmentasi pasar berdasarkan preferensi warna, mengelola stok dan ketersediaan produk

    Implementasi Algoritma Apriori Pada Data Benchmark Kosarak Dan Mushrooms

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    Algoritma apriori saat ini lebih banyak digunakan untuk mencari frequent itemsets dan mencari aturan asosiasi untuk menemukan knowledge. Proses mencari frequent itemsets pada data secara berulang-ulang yang ada didalam database dan diakhiri ketika kandidat itemsets sampai K+1 tidak ada lagi. Algorima Apriori menggunakan secara umum menggunakan banyak jumlah memori dan waktu eksekusi dalam menemukan kombinasi dan perbandingan frequent itemsets. Hasil yang di dapatkan dengan menggunakan algoritma apriori bisa di katakan akurat saat menseleksi kombinasi itemset yang ada pada dataset sesuai dengan nilai support dan confidens nya. Untuk mengetahui seberapa akurat dan berapa jumlah sumberdaya yang di gunakan serta bagaimana perilaku algoritma apriori terhadap dataset dengan jumlah kolom data yang berbeda, maka implementasi agoritma apriori di ujikan dengan data benchmark kosarak.dat dan mushrooms.dat dengan nilai minimum support yang sama. Kedua data sets tersebut memiliki format yang berbeda pada jumlah kolom datanya yaitu data pada semua baris memiliki jumlah kolom karakter data, pada datasets kosarak.datmemiliki kolom karakter dengan panjang berbeda-beda pada setiap barisnya sedangkan pada datasets mushrooms.dat memiliki kolom karakter sebanyak 23 karakter data, artinya datasets tersebut memiliki model blok data linear atau sama. Hasil dari implementasi algoritma apriori terhadap kedua datasets tersebut didapatkan perilaku proses pada apriori yang ditampilkan dari hasil waktu eksekusi dan memori yang dipakai bahwa datasets kosarak lebih sedikit menggunakan waktu dibandingkan dengan datasets mushrooms namun penggunaan memori lebih boros, semakin kecil nilai minimum support semakin banyak komparasi kandidat yang dicari. Kata Kunci : apriori; datamining; implementasi; kosarak; mushroom

    Pencarian Frequent Itemset pada Analisis Keranjang Belanja Menggunakan Algoritma FP-Growth

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     Market basket analysis (also known as association rule mining) is one method of data mining that focuses on finding purchase patterns by extracting associations or transaction data from a store. Market basket analysis found products purchased together in the same bucket. Association rules is a procedure for finding relationships between items that exist on a dataset. This research uses Supermarket dataset and data processing using Rapid Miner software. The method used in the frequent itemset search is the FP-Growth Algorithm. Experimental results using FP-Growth Algorithm found that the combination of beer spirits-frozen foods and snack foods is a frequent itemset with an lift ratio of 2,477   Keywords: FP-Growth, Market Basekt Analysi


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    The application of technology to agriculture provides an advantage in terms of increasing production or yields. In terms of maintaining a plant, it takes a long process, for example fertilizing, irrigation, synthesis of sunlight and others. Up to now, this work is still carried out by human labor so that it severely limits the yield or quantity of harvest. The application of technology for plant cultivation is planned to build an automatic irrigation system for hydroponic plants. Hydroponic plants are a type of plant that only need water in the process of growth. Thus a good irrigation system greatly affects the success of cultivating this type of plant. The results of this study are: First, designing a hydroponic plant maintenance system that works automatically with sensors and microcontrollers. Second, designing a control circuit using the ATMega8 Microcontroller as the system controller. And third, implementing the Fuzzy Set algorithm in the program so that the system can work properly