40 research outputs found

    Improving the security of infrastructure software using Coccinelle

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    International audienceFinding and fixing programming errors in deployed software is often a slow, painstaking, and expensive process. In order to minimise this problem, static analysis is increasingly being adopted as a way to find programming errors before the software application is released. Coccinelle is a program matching and transfor-mation tool that makes it easy for developers to express static analysis-based software defect-finding rules and scan software source code for potential defects

    Faults in Linux 2.6

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    In August 2011, Linux entered its third decade. Ten years before, Chou et al. published a study of faults found by applying a static analyzer to Linux versions 1.0 through 2.4.1. A major result of their work was that the drivers directory contained up to 7 times more of certain kinds of faults than other directories. This result inspired numerous efforts on improving the reliability of driver code. Today, Linux is used in a wider range of environments, provides a wider range of services, and has adopted a new development and release model. What has been the impact of these changes on code quality? To answer this question, we have transported Chou et al.'s experiments to all versions of Linux 2.6; released between 2003 and 2011. We find that Linux has more than doubled in size during this period, but the number of faults per line of code has been decreasing. Moreover, the fault rate of drivers is now below that of other directories, such as arch. These results can guide further development and research efforts for the decade to come. To allow updating these results as Linux evolves, we define our experimental protocol and make our checkers available

    How Double-Fetch Situations turn into Double-Fetch Vulnerabilities: A Study of Double Fetches in the Linux Kernel

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    We present the first static approach that systematically detects potential double-fetch vulnerabilities in the Linux kernel. Using a pattern-based analysis, we identified 90 double fetches in the Linux kernel. 57 of these occur in drivers, which previous dynamic approaches were unable to detect without access to the corresponding hardware. We manually investigated the 90 occurrences, and inferred three typical scenarios in which double fetches occur. We discuss each of them in detail. We further developed a static analysis, based on the Coccinelle matching engine, that detects double-fetch situations which can cause kernel vulnerabilities. When applied to the Linux, FreeBSD, and Android kernels, our approach found six previously unknown double-fetch bugs, four of them in drivers, three of which are exploitable double-fetch vulnerabilities. All of the identified bugs and vulnerabilities have been confirmed and patched by maintainers. Our approach has been adopted by the Coccinelle team and is currently being integrated into the Linux kernel patch vetting. Based on our study, we also provide practical solutions for anticipating double-fetch bugs and vulnerabilities. We also provide a solution to automatically patch detected double-fetch bugs

    The Impact of Generic Data Structures: Decoding the Role of Lists in the Linux Kernel

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    International audienceThe increasing adoption of the Linux kernel has been sustained by a large and constant maintenance effort, performed by a wide and heterogeneous base of contributors. One important problem that maintainers face in any code base is the rapid understanding of complex data structures. The Linux kernel is written in the C language, which enables the definition of arbitrarily uninformative datatypes, via the use of casts and pointer arithmetic, of which doubly linked lists are a prominent example. In this paper, we explore the advantages and disadvantages of such lists, for expressivity, for code understanding, and for code reliability. Based on our observations, we have developed a toolset that includes inference of descriptive list types and a tool for list visualization. Our tools identify more than 10,000 list fields and variables in recent Linux kernel releases and succeeds in typing 90%. We show how these tools could have been used to detect previously fixed bugs and identify 6 new ones

    Contributions for improving debugging of kernel-level services in a monolithic operating system

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    Alors que la recherche sur la qualité du code des systèmes a connu un formidable engouement, les systèmes d exploitation sont encore aux prises avec des problèmes de fiabilité notamment dus aux bogues de programmation au niveau des services noyaux tels que les pilotes de périphériques et l implémentation des systèmes de fichiers. Des études ont en effet montré que chaque version du noyau Linux contient entre 600 et 700 fautes, et que la propension des pilotes de périphériques à contenir des erreurs est jusqu à sept fois plus élevée que toute autre partie du noyau. Ces chiffres suggèrent que le code des services noyau n est pas suffisamment testé et que de nombreux défauts passent inaperçus ou sont difficiles à réparer par des programmeurs non-experts, ces derniers formant pourtant la majorité des développeurs de services. Cette thèse propose une nouvelle approche pour le débogage et le test des services noyau. Notre approche est focalisée sur l interaction entre les services noyau et le noyau central en abordant la question des trous de sûreté dans le code de définition des fonctions de l API du noyau. Dans le contexte du noyau Linux, nous avons mis en place une approche automatique, dénommée Diagnosys, qui repose sur l analyse statique du code du noyau afin d identifier, classer et exposer les différents trous de sûreté de l API qui pourraient donner lieu à des fautes d exécution lorsque les fonctions sont utilisées dans du code de service écrit par des développeurs ayant une connaissance limitée des subtilités du noyau. Pour illustrer notre approche, nous avons implémenté Diagnosys pour la version 2.6.32 du noyau Linux. Nous avons montré ses avantages à soutenir les développeurs dans leurs activités de tests et de débogage.Despite the existence of an overwhelming amount of research on the quality of system software, Operating Systems are still plagued with reliability issues mainly caused by defects in kernel-level services such as device drivers and file systems. Studies have indeed shown that each release of the Linux kernel contains between 600 and 700 faults, and that the propensity of device drivers to contain errors is up to seven times higher than any other part of the kernel. These numbers suggest that kernel-level service code is not sufficiently tested and that many faults remain unnoticed or are hard to fix bynon-expert programmers who account for the majority of service developers. This thesis proposes a new approach to the debugging and testing of kernel-level services focused on the interaction between the services and the core kernel. The approach tackles the issue of safety holes in the implementation of kernel API functions. For Linux, we have instantiated the Diagnosys automated approach which relies on static analysis of kernel code to identify, categorize and expose the different safety holes of API functions which can turn into runtime faults when the functions are used in service code by developers with limited knowledge on the intricacies of kernel code. To illustrate our approach, we have implemented Diagnosys for Linux 2.6.32 and shown its benefits in supporting developers in their testing and debugging tasks.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Prequel: A Patch-Like Query Language for Commit History Search

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    The commit history of a code base such as the Linux kernel is a gold mineof information on how evolutions should be made, how bugs should be fixed,etc. Nevertheless, the high volume of commits available and therudimentary filtering tools provided mean that it is often necessary towade through a lot of irrelevant information before finding example commitsthat can help with a specific software development problem. To addressthis issue, we propose Prequel (Patch Query Language), which brings thedescriptive power of code matching to the problem of querying a commithistory. We show in particular how Prequel can be used in understandinghow to eliminate uses of deprecated functions.L'histoire des commits dans une base de code comme le noyau Linux est unemine d'or d'informations décrivant comment les évolutions doivent êtrefaites, comment les bugs doivent être corrigés, etc. En revanche, le grandvolume de commits disponibles et la disponibilité d'outils de filtragerudimentaires impliquent qu'il est nécessaire de dépouiller de nombreusesinformations irrelevantes avant de trouver les exemples qui peuvent aider àrésoudre un problème spécifique de développement logiciel. Dans ce rapport,nous proposons le langage Prequel (Patch Query Language), qui offre lapuissance descriptive de la reconnaissance de code au problème del'interrogation d'une base de commit. Nous montrons en particulier quePrequel peut être utilisé pour éliminer et remplacer les utilisations defonctions dépréciées

    Herodotos: A Tool to Expose Bugs' Lives

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    Software is continually evolving, to improve performance, correct errors, and add new features. Code modifications, however, inevitably lead to the introduction of defects. To prevent the introduction of defects, one has to understand why they occur. Thus, it is important to develop tools and practices that aid in defect finding, tracking and prevention. In this paper, we propose a methodology and associated tool, Herodotos, to study defects over time. Herodotos semi-automatically tracks defects over multiple versions of a software project, independent of other changes in the source files. It builds a graphical history of each defect and gives some statistics based on the results. We have evaluated this approach on the history of a representative range of open source projects over the last three years. For each project, we explore several kinds of defects that have been found by static code analysis. We analyze the generated results to compare the selected software projects and defect kinds

    Effective Bug Finding

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    Mining Fix Patterns for FindBugs Violations

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    In this paper, we first collect and track a large number of fixed and unfixed violations across revisions of software. The empirical analyses reveal that there are discrepancies in the distributions of violations that are detected and those that are fixed, in terms of occurrences, spread and categories, which can provide insights into prioritizing violations. To automatically identify patterns in violations and their fixes, we propose an approach that utilizes convolutional neural networks to learn features and clustering to regroup similar instances. We then evaluate the usefulness of the identified fix patterns by applying them to unfixed violations. The results show that developers will accept and merge a majority (69/116) of fixes generated from the inferred fix patterns. It is also noteworthy that the yielded patterns are applicable to four real bugs in the Defects4J major benchmark for software testing and automated repair.Comment: Accepted for IEEE Transactions on Software Engineerin