23 research outputs found

    Supercapacitor assisted LDO (SCALDO) techniquean extra low frequency design approach to high efficiency DC-DC converters and how it compares with the classical switched capacitor converters

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    Supercapacitor assisted low dropout regulators (SCALDO) were proposed as an alternative design approach to DC-DC converters, where the supercapacitor circulation frequency (switching frequency) is in the order of few Hz to few 10s of Hz, with an output stage based on a low dropout regulator stage. For converters such as 12–5V, 5–3.3V and 5–1.5V, the technique provides efficiency improvement factors of 2, 1.33 and 3 respectively, in compared to linear converters with same input-output combinations. In a 5–1.5V SCALDO regulator, using thin profile supercapacitors in the range of fractional farads to few farads, this translates to an approximate end to end efficiency of near 90%. However, there were concerns that this patented technique is merely a variation of well-known switched capacitor (charge pump) converters. This paper is aimed at providing a broad overview of the capability of SCALDO technique with generalized theory, indicating its capabilities and limitations, and comparing the practical performance with a typical switched capacitor converter of similar current capability

    Analysis on Supercapacitor Assisted Low Dropout (SCALDO) Regulators

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    State-of-the-art electronic systems employ three fundamental techniques for DC-DC converters: (a) switch-mode power supplies (SMPS); (b) linear power supplies; (c) switched capacitor (charge pump) converters. In practical systems, these three techniques are mixed to provide a complex, but elegant, overall solution, with energy efficiency, effective PCB footprint, noise and transient performance to suit different electronic circuit blocks. Switching regulators have relatively high end-to-end efficiency, in the range of 70 to 93%, but can have issues with output noise and EMI/RFI emissions. Switched capacitor converters use a set of capacitors for energy storage and conversion. In general, linear regulators have low efficiencies in the range 30 to 60%. However, they have outstanding output characteristics such as low noise, excellent transient response to load current fluctuations, design simplicity and low cost design which are far superior to SMPS. Given the complex situation in switch-mode converters, low dropout (LDO) regulators were introduced to address the equirements of noise-sensitive and fast transient loads in portable devices. A typical commercial off-the-shelf LDO has its input voltage slightly higher than the desired regulated output for optimal efficiency. The approximate efficiency of a linear regulator, if the power consumed by the control circuits is negligible, can be expressed by the ratio of Vo/Vin. A very low frequency supercapacitor circulation technique can be combined with commercial low dropout regulator ICs to significantly increase the end-to-end efficiency by a multiplication factor in the range of 1.33 to 3, compared to the efficiency of a linear regulator circuit with the same input-output voltages. In this patented supercapacitor-assisted low dropout (SCALDO) regulator technique developed by a research team at the University of Waikato, supercapacitors are used as lossless voltage droppers, and the energy reuse occurs at very low frequencies in the range of less than ten hertz, eliminating RFI/EMI concerns. This SCALDO technique opens up a new approach to design step-down, DC-DC converters suitable for processor power supplies with very high end-to-end efficiency which is closer to the efficiencies of practical switching regulators, while maintaining the superior output specifications of a linear design. Furthermore, it is important to emphasize that the SCALDO technique is not a variation of well-known switched capacitor DC-DC converters. In this thesis, the basic SCALDO concept is further developed to achieve generalised topologies, with the relevant theory that can be applied to a converter with any input-output step-down voltage combination. For these generalised topologies, some important design parameters, such as the number of supercapacitors, switching matrix details and efficiency improvement factors, are derived to form the basis of designing SCALDO regulators. With the availability of commercial LDO ICs with output current ratings up to 10 A, and thin-prole supercapacitors with DC voltage ratings from 2.3 to 5.5 V, several practically useful, medium-current SCALDO prototypes: 12V-to-5V, 5V-to-2V, 5.5V-to-3.3V have been developed. Experimental studies were carried out on these SCALDO prototypes to quantify performance in terms of line regulation, load regulation, efficiency and transient response. In order to accurately predict the performance and associated waveforms of the individual phases (charge, discharge and transition) of the SCALDO regulator, Laplace transform-based theory for supercapacitor circulation is developed, and analytical predictions are compared with experimental measurements for a 12V-to-5V prototype. The analytical results tallied well with the practical waveforms observed in a 12V-to-5V converter, indicating that the SCALDO technique can be generalized to other versatile configurations, and confirming that the simplified assumptions used to describe the circuit elements are reasonable and justifiable. After analysing the performance of several SCALDO prototypes, some practical issues in designing SCALDO regulators have been identified. These relate to power losses and implications for future development of the SCALDO design

    Supercapacitor-based linear converter for voltage regulator modules

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    This thesis investigates a linear converter technique suitable for microprocessor voltage regulator modules (VRMs). The original linear regulator is the patented supercapacitor assisted low-dropout regulator (SCALDO). A less complex, lower cost design was achieved by reducing the number of switches in the original SCALDO and adding a second low dropout regulator (LDO). In the initial implementation of this reduced-switch SCALDO (RS-SCALDO), output regulation failed due to the presence of a parasitic body-diode in standard LDOs. The body-diode forms an unwanted discharge path to ground for the supercapacitor. In order to block this path, an application specific LDO that operates in the third quadrant of a MOSFET current-vs-voltage transfer function was investigated. A 3.5-to-1.5 V RS-SCALDO was designed with a supercapacitor, two LDOs and two switches. Compared with the standard SCALDO approach, this new design halves the number of switches required. Discrete MOSFET-based high-current LDOs were developed and combined with a common feedback control circuit. Voltage identification (VID) capability was implemented using a digital potentiometer. Theoretically, when an LDO converts 3.5 V to 1.5 V a maximum efficiency of 1.5/3.5(~43%) can be achieved. According to the general theory of SCALDO, a single supercapacitor configuration can achieve nearly twice the linear regulator efficiency. The 3.5-to-1.5 V, 5 A RS-SCALDO achieved an approximate end-to-end efficiency of 80%, thus, agreeing with SCALDO general theory. Large-signal analysis was used to model MOSFET non-linearities and predict the performance of LDOs, switches and the overall system. Matlab modeling predictions for body-diode behaviour were cross-checked via SPICE simulation; the results agreed with bench measurements. RS-SCALDO regulators cycle at very low frequencies, usually in the range of millihertz to hertz. Therefore, electromagnetic interference emitted by high-frequency switched-mode VRMs is not an issue here. Compared to typical high-frequency VRMs, RS-SCALDO topology provides similar efficiencies with the high slew-rate and low noise output of a linear regulator. In generalized SCALDO configuration with n supercapacitors, a total of 3n+1 switches required; in contrast RS-SCALDO reduces the switch count to 2n. With the elimination of the body-diode parasitics, the technique can be extended to much higher currents

    Power Management ICs for Internet of Things, Energy Harvesting and Biomedical Devices

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    This dissertation focuses on the power management unit (PMU) and integrated circuits (ICs) for the internet of things (IoT), energy harvesting and biomedical devices. Three monolithic power harvesting methods are studied for different challenges of smart nodes of IoT networks. Firstly, we propose that an impedance tuning approach is implemented with a capacitor value modulation to eliminate the quiescent power consumption. Secondly, we develop a hill-climbing MPPT mechanism that reuses and processes the information of the hysteresis controller in the time-domain and is free of power hungry analog circuits. Furthermore, the typical power-performance tradeoff of the hysteresis controller is solved by a self-triggered one-shot mechanism. Thus, the output regulation achieves high-performance and yet low-power operations as low as 12 µW. Thirdly, we introduce a reconfigurable charge pump to provide the hybrid conversion ratios (CRs) as 1⅓× up to 8× for minimizing the charge redistribution loss. The reconfigurable feature also dynamically tunes to maximum power point tracking (MPPT) with the frequency modulation, resulting in a two-dimensional MPPT. Therefore, the voltage conversion efficiency (VCE) and the power conversion efficiency (PCE) are enhanced and flattened across a wide harvesting range as 0.45 to 3 V. In a conclusion, we successfully develop an energy harvesting method for the IoT smart nodes with lower cost, smaller size, higher conversion efficiency, and better applicability. For the biomedical devices, this dissertation presents a novel cost-effective automatic resonance tracking method with maximum power transfer (MPT) for piezoelectric transducers (PT). The proposed tracking method is based on a band-pass filter (BPF) oscillator, exploiting the PT’s intrinsic resonance point through a sensing bridge. It guarantees automatic resonance tracking and maximum electrical power converted into mechanical motion regardless of process variations and environmental interferences. Thus, the proposed BPF oscillator-based scheme was designed for an ultrasonic vessel sealing and dissecting (UVSD) system. The sealing and dissecting functions were verified experimentally in chicken tissue and glycerin. Furthermore, a combined sensing scheme circuit allows multiple surgical tissue debulking, vessel sealer and dissector (VSD) technologies to operate from the same sensing scheme board. Its advantage is that a single driver controller could be used for both systems simplifying the complexity and design cost. In a conclusion, we successfully develop an ultrasonic scalpel to replace the other electrosurgical counterparts and the conventional scalpels with lower cost and better functionality

    Development of a Step Down DC-DC Converter for Power Grid Energy Harvesting

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    This work contains an analysis of multiple topologies of DC-DC voltage buck con verters. The main goal of this Thesis is to study and design a functioning Step Down converter for capacitive coupling devices used for energy harvesting from the power AC grid. In order to achieve this goal, multiple topologies and circuits of this type of converter are studied and analysed, so that the requirements for the intended application are met. Since the input is obtained from the AC power grid and the output is connected to a supercapacitor, this results in a large input voltage (over 150V) and a low output voltage (between 1V to 3V), therefore the converter requires a step down voltage conversion ratio of around 130. The DC-DC converter should also have a large input impedance (around 50Mohm) to maximize the energy transferred from the power grid. This mode of operation is not common for regular inductance based DC-DC converters, making this a challenging problem. Moreover, since the amount of energy available from the capacitive coupling is very small, it is also necessary to develop a controller circuit that is capable of created a clock with a very low duty cycle while dissipating less than 50uW.Este trabalho visa analisar várias tipologias de conversores de tensão DC-DC deno minados conversores Buck. O principal objectivo desta Tese é estudar e projectar um conversor DC-DC abaixador de tensão para sistemas de acopelamento electromagnético capacitivo utilizada em aplicações de Energy Harvesting a partir da rede AC. De forma a cumprir este objectivo, várias tipologias são estudadas ao longo deste trabalho, de forma a cumprir as especificações exigidas. Uma vez que o sinal de entrada é obtido a partir da rede AC, e que o output está ligado a um supercondensador, isto faz com que a tensão de entrada seja elevado (Acima dos 150V) e a tensão de saída seja baixa (entre 1V e 3V), como tal o conversor precisa de um rácio de abaixamento bastante elevado de cerca de 130 vezes. O conversor DC-DC deve também ter uma impedância de entrada elevada (cerca de 50MOhm) por forma a maximizar a energia transferida da rede de energia. Estas condições de funcionamento não são habituais para conversores DC-DC indutivos, o que torna este um problema muito desafiante. Adicionalmente, uma vez que a energia disponivel devido ao acopelamento capacitivo é muito reduzida, é necessário desenvolver um circuito controlador capaz gerar um sinal de relógio com um duty cycle reduzido enquanto dissipa menos de 50uW de potência

    Control of voltage source converters for distributed generation in microgrids

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    Microgrids are the near future candidate to reduce the dependence on the carbon-based generation, towards a more environmentally friendly and sustainable energy paradigm. The popularization of the use of renewable energy sources has fostered the development of better technologies for microgrids, particularly power electronics and storage systems. Following the improvements in microgrid technologies achieved in the last decade, a new challenge is being faced: the control and management of microgrids for its operation in islanded mode, in addition to its large scale integration into the current electrical power system. The unregulated introduction of distributed generation based on renewable energy sources into the power system could cause as many problems as it would solve. The unpredictability of the generated power would introduce large disturbances into the electric system, making it difficult to control, and eventually resulting in an unstable system. To overcome these issues, the paradigm of microgrids has been proposed: a small power system, able to operate islanded from the main grid, which will permit the large scale introduction of renewable energy sources interfaced with power electronic converters together with energy storage systems into the distribution grids. Microgrids¿ ability to allow their users to operate islanded from the utility grid, brings the potential to offer a high quality of service. It is in the islanded operation mode, particularly in microgrids with a high proportion of renewable based generation, where the major technical challenges are found. This thesis focuses in three of the main challenges of islanded and weak electrical grids: the power converter control of electrical storage systems, its decentralized control design, and also the improvement of power quality in grids disturbed by renewable generation. These topics are addressed from a control point of view, that is, to tackle the electrical problems, modelling them and proposing advanced control strategies to improve performance of microgrids. Energy storage system are a vital element to permit the islanded operation of microgrids, either in the long or short term. New control strategies are proposed in this thesis for the improvement of the converters¿ performance. In addition to the control of the converter, the management and control of different energy storage systems for microgrids are also studied. In particular, supercapacitors and batteries have been considered for the short and long term operation, respectively. Then, the control of islanded microgrids is addressed. Typical controls for islanded microgrids are analysed and new tools for designing stable controllers are proposed. Also, methodologies to analytically obtain the operating point (power flow) of droop controlled grids are studied and proposed. The high penetration of renewable energy sources in weak low-voltage grids results in undesirable electrical disturbances. This problematic in power quality is tackled and innovative solutions to mitigate it are proposed. In particular, a novel power smoothing scheme with simultaneous state of charge regulation of the ESS and power filtering. The new power smoothing scheme, along with the proposed control strategies for storage systems have been experimentally validated in a laboratory test bench, using a supercapacitor bank and a high power lithium-ion battery available at IREC's facilities.Les microxarxes són les candidates en un futur a curt termini, a substituir la generació basada en el carbó, de cara a assolir un sistema energètic més respectuós amb el medi ambient i més sostenible. La popularització de l'ús d'energies renovables ha fomentat la millora de les tecnologies per a microxarxes, en particular els sistemes d'emmagatzematge i l'electronica de potència. Desprès de les millores en tecnologies de microxarxes aconseguides durant l'última dècada, hi ha un nou repte al qual fer front: el control i gestió de microxarxes per la seva operació aïllada, a més de la integració a gran escala dins del sistema elèctric actual. La introducció descontrolada de fonts de generació distribuides en el sistema elèctric pot causar tants problemes com els que podria sol·lucionar. La incertesa en la producció elèctrica pot introduir grans pertorbacions al sistema elèctric, fent-lo difícil de controlar, i fins i tot el pot arribar a inestabilitzar. Per tal de fer front a aquestes dificultats, es proposa el paradigma de microxarxa: un petit sistema elèctric capaç d'operar de forma aïlla de la xarxa de distribució elèctrica, el qual hauria de permetre la integració a gran escala d'energies renovables a través de l'electrònica de potència, juntament amb sistemes d'emmagatzematge d'energia, dins de les xarxes de distribució. Les microxarxes permeten als seus usuaris a funcionar aillats de la xarxa elèctrica, donant la possibilitat d'oferir una alta qualitat de servei. És en el mode de funcionament aïllat, particularment en microxarxes amb una altra proporció de generació basada en renovables, on es troben la major part de reptes tecnològics. Aquesta tesi es centra en tres d'aquests reptes de les xarxes aillades i dèbils: el disseny del control per a convertidors de potència per a sistemes d'emmagatzematge elèctric, el control descentralitzat de les microxarxes i també la millora en la qualitat de subministre elèctric en xarxes afectades per generació renovable. Aquestes temes es tracten des d'el punt de vista de la teoria de control de sistemes, aixó significa, abordar el problema elèctric, modelar-lo, i proposar estrategies de control avançades per millorar el funcionament de les microxarxes. Els sistemes d'emmagatzematge són un element vital per permetre l'operació aïllada de les microxarxes, tant a llarg com a curt termini. En aquesta tesi es proposen noves estratègies de control per millorar el funcionament dels convertidors d'electrònica de potència. A més del control del convertidor, també s'estudia la gestió i control de diferents sistemes d'emmagatzematge d'energia per a microxarxes. En particular, supercondensador i bateries s'han considerat per l'operació a curt i llarg termini respectivament. Seguidament, s'enfila el control de microxarxes aïllades. S'analitzen els controls típics per a microxarxes i es proposen noves eines de disseny que permeten garantitzar l'estabilitat. A més a més, metodologies per a obtenir el punt d'operació (el flux de potènica) per a xarxes amb control tipus "droop" també s'estudien i proposen. L'alta penetració de fonts d'energia renovables en xarxes de baixa tensió i febles resulta en pertorbacions elèctriques indesitjables. Aquesta problematica en la qualitat de subministrament s'aborda i es proposen solucions inovadores per mitigar els efectes negatius. En particular, s'ha proposat un nou sistema de suavitzat de potència que regula simltaneament l'estat de càrrega del sistema d'emmagatzematge i filtra la potencia fluctuant. El nou esquema de suavitzat de potència, juntament amb les estrategies proposades per als sistemes d'emmagatzematge elèctric s'han validat experimentalment en un banc de laboratori, emprant superconsadors i una bateria d'alta potència, disponibles a les instal·lacions de l'IREC

    Ultra-Low Power Transmitter and Power Management for Internet-of-Things Devices

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    Two of the most critical components in an Internet-of-Things (IoT) sensing and transmitting node are the power management unit (PMU) and the wireless transmitter (Tx). The desire for longer intervals between battery replacements or a completely self-contained, battery-less operation via energy harvesting transducers and circuits in IoT nodes demands highly efficient integrated circuits. This dissertation addresses the challenge of designing and implementing power management and Tx circuits with ultra-low power consumption to enable such efficient operation. The first part of the dissertation focuses on the study and design of power management circuits for IoT nodes. This opening portion elaborates on two different areas of the power management field: Firstly, a low-complexity, SPICE-based model for general low dropout (LDO) regulators is demonstrated. The model aims to reduce the stress and computation times in the final stages of simulation and verification of Systems-on-Chip (SoC), including IoT nodes, that employ large numbers of LDOs. Secondly, the implementation of an efficient PMU for an energy harvesting system based on a thermoelectric generator transducer is discussed. The PMU includes a first-in-its-class LDO with programmable supply noise rejection for localized improvement in the suppression. The second part of the dissertation addresses the challenge of designing an ultra- low power wireless FSK Tx in the 900 MHz ISM band. To reduce the power consumption and boost the Tx energy efficiency, a novel delay cell exploiting current reuse is used in a ring-oscillator employed as the local oscillator generator scheme. In combination with an edge-combiner PA, the Tx showed a measured energy efficiency of 0.2 nJ/bit and a normalized energy efficiency of 3.1 nJ/(bit∙mW) when operating at output power levels up to -10 dBm and data rates of 3 Mbps. To close this dissertation, the implementation of a supply-noise tolerant BiCMOS ring-oscillator is discussed. The combination of a passive, high-pass feedforward path from the supply to critical nodes in the selected delay cell and a low cost LDO allow the oscillator to exhibit power supply noise rejection levels better than –33 dB in experimental results