9 research outputs found

    Fully automatic analysis of archival aerial images current status and challenges

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    International audienceArchival aerial images are a unique and relatively unexplored means to generate detailed land-cover information in 3D over the past 100 years. Many long-term environmental monitoring studies can be based on this type of image series. Such data provide a relatively dense temporal sampling of the territories with very high spatial resolution. Furthermore, photogrammetric workflows exist in order to both produce orthoimages and Digital Surface Models, with reasonable interactive actions. However, today, there is no fully automatic pipeline for generating such kind of data. This paper presents the main avenues of research in order to develop such workflow, starting from registration and radiometric issues up to land-cover classification challenges

    Exploring Spectral Data, Change Detection Information and Trajectories for Land Cover Monitoring over a Fire-Prone Area of Portugal

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    Alves, A.; Moraes, D.; Barbosa, B.; Costa, H.; Moreira, F.; Benevides, P.; Caetano, M. and Campagnolo, M. (2023). Exploring Spectral Data, Change Detection Information and Trajectories for Land Cover Monitoring over a Fire-Prone Area of Portugal. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management - GISTAM; ISBN 978-989-758-649-1; ISSN 2184-500X, SciTePress, pages 87-97. DOI: 10.5220/0011993100003473---This research was conducted under the collaboration contract DGT-ISA 261/2021 with funding from Compete2020 (POCI-05-5762-FSE-000368), supported by the European Social Fund, and Centro Exploring Spectral Data, Change Detection Information and Trajectories for Land Cover Monitoring over a Fire-Prone Area of Portugal 95 de Investigação em Gestão de Informação (MagIC), Project UIDB/00239/2020 (Forest Research Centre), both supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)Land use/land cover (LULC) change detection and classification in maps based on automated data processing are becoming increasingly sophisticated in Earth Observation (EO). There is a growing number of annual maps available, with diverse but related production structures consisting primarily of classification and post-classification phases, the latter of which deals with inaccuracies of the first. The methodology production of the “Carta de Ocupação do Solo conjuntural” (COSc), a thematic land cover map of continental Portugal produced by the Directorate-General for Territory (DGT) mostly based on Sentinel-2 images classification, includes a semi-automatic phase of correction that combines expert knowledge and ancillary data in if-then-else rules validated by photointerpretation. Although this approach reduces misclassifications from an initial Random Forest (RF) prediction map, improving consistency between years and compliance with ecological succession, requires a lot of time-consuming semi-automatic procedures. This work evaluates the relevance of exploring an additional set of variables for automatic classification over disturbance-prone areas. A multitemporal dataset with 124 variables was analysed using data dimensionality reduction techniques, resulting in the identification of 35 major explanatory indicators, which were then used as inputs for RF classification with cross-validation. The estimated importance of the explanatory variables shows that composites of spectral bands, which are already included in the current COSc workflow, in conjunction with the inclusion of additional data namely, historical land cover information and change detection coefficients, from the Continuous Change Detection and Classification (CCDC) algorithm, are relevant for predicting land cover classes after disturbance. Since map updating is a more challenging task for disturbed pixels, we focused our analysis on locations where COSc indicated potential land cover change. Nonetheless, the overall classification accuracy for our experiments was 72.34 % which is similar to the accuracy of COSc for this region of Portugal. The findings suggest new variables that could improve future COSc maps.publishersversionpublishe

    Automatic forest change detection through a bi-annual time series of satellite imagery: toward production of an integrated land cover map

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    Land cover mapping is fundamental for national and international agencies to monitor forest resources. However, monitoring forest disturbances by direct comparison of these maps poses several difficulties and challenges. As a result, different methodologies have been explored to detect forest disturbances. However, most of them cannot be fully integrated with land cover map production since they require additional input data, while others are not suitable for monitoring small land parcels. This study presents a methodology that fulfils the need to integrate land cover mapping with land cover change detection. Specifically, this methodology was designed to complement the Sentinel-2-based land cover mapping used in Galicia, northwest Spain, a region characterized by small land parceling. First, two previously obtained land cover maps from 2019 and 2020 were compared to identify all the pixels with potential land cover changes using QGIS. The behavior of spectral indexes in a time series were then analyzed to identify which of the previously identified pixels correspond to forest disturbances. This step was implemented in the software R. Using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to detect different land cover changes it was obtained an overall accuracy of 82%, considering the existence of varying phenologies, diverse topographic conditions, and areas with a high level of stand fragmentation. This study could help agencies that have already developed their own land cover maps to easily advance the integration of their maps with land cover change detection, since this technique can be applied with any land cover mapping methodology based on multitemporal analysis of satellite images, without the need for additional input data.Ministerio de Universidades | Ref. FPU19/02054Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019-111581RB-I00Xunta de GaliciaUniversidade de Vigo/CISU

    A diachronic analysis of a changing landscape on the Duero river borderlands of Spain and Portugal combining remote sensing and ethnographic approaches

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    The Arribes del Duero region spans the border of both Spain and Portugal along the Duero River. On both sides of the border, the region boasts unique human‐influenced ecosystems. The borderland landscape is dotted with numerous villages that have a history of maintaining and managing an agrosilvopastoral use of the land. Unfortunately, the region in recent decades has suffered from massive outmigration, resulting in significant rural abandonment. Consequently, the oncemaintained landscape is evolving into a more homogenous vegetative one, resulting in a greater propensity for wildfires. This study utilizes an interdisciplinary, integrated approach of “bottom up” ethnography and “top down” remote sensing data from Landsat imagery, to characterize and document the diachronic vegetative changes on the landscape, as they are perceived by stakeholders and satellite spectral analysis. In both countries, stakeholders perceived the current changes and threats facing the landscape. Remote sensing analysis revealed an increase in forest cover throughout the region, and more advanced, drastic change on the Spanish side of the study area marked by wildfire and a rapidly declining population. Understanding the evolution and history of this rural landscape can provide more effective management and its sustainability.This research was supported by a doctoral research fellowship from the Universidad Pública de Navarra with the Institute for Advanced Social Science Research (I‐COMMUNITAS). This research was partly funded by the Spanish Research Agency, Ministry for Science and Innovation through projects PID2019‐104297GB‐I00 and PID2019‐107386RB‐I00 / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033, and by the Department of Economic Development of the Government of Navarre through project 0011‐1365‐2021‐000072

    Land cover harmonization using Latent Dirichlet Allocation

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    Large-area land cover maps are produced to satisfy different information needs. Land cover maps having partial or complete spatial and/or temporal overlap, different legends, and varying accuracies for similar classes, are increasingly common. To address these concerns and combine two 30-m resolution land cover products, we implemented a harmonization procedure using a Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model. The LDA model used regionalized class co-occurrences from multiple maps to generate a harmonized class label for each pixel by statistically characterizing land attributes from the class co-occurrences. We evaluated multiple harmonization approaches: using the LDA model alone and in combination with more commonly used information sources for harmonization (i.e. error matrices and semantic affinity scores). The results were compared with the benchmark maps generated using simple legend crosswalks and showed that using LDA outputs with error matrices performed better and increased harmonized map overall accuracy by 6–19% for areas of disagreement between the source maps. Our results revealed the importance of error matrices to harmonization, since excluding error matrices reduced overall accuracy by 4–20%. The LDA-based harmonization approach demonstrated in this paper is quantitative, transparent, portable, and efficient at leveraging the strengths of multiple land cover maps over large areas

    High-resolution land use and land cover dataset for regional climate modelling: Historical and future changes in Europe

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    Anthropogenic land-use and land cover change (LULCC) is a major driver of environmental changes. The biophysical impacts of these changes on the regional climate in Europe are currently extensively investigated within the WCRP CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study (FPS) LUCAS - "Land Use and Climate Across Scales" using an ensemble of different Regional Climate Models (RCMs) coupled with diverse Land Surface Models (LSMs). In order to investigate the impact of realistic LULCC on past and future climates, high-resolution datasets with observed LULCC and projected future LULCC scenarios are required as input for the RCM-LSM simulations. To account for these needs, we generated the LUCAS LUC dataset Version 1.1 at 0.1&deg; resolution for Europe with annual LULC maps from 1950&ndash;2100 (Hoffmann et al., 2022b, a), which is tailored towards the use in state-of-the-art RCMs. The plant functional type distribution (PFT) for the year 2015 (i.e., LANDMATE PFT dataset) is derived from the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative Land Cover (ESA-CCI LC) dataset. Details about the conversion method, cross-walking procedure and the evaluation of the LANDMATE PFT dataset are given in the companion paper by &nbsp;Reinhart et al. (2022b). Subsequently, we applied the land-use change information from the Land-Use Harmonization 2 (LUH2) dataset, provided at 0.25&deg; resolution as input for CMIP6 experiments, to derive LULC distribution at high spatial resolution and at annual timesteps from 1950 to 2100. In order to convert land use and land management change information from LUH2 into changes in the PFT distribution, we developed a Land Use Translator (LUT) specific to the needs of RCMs. The annual PFT maps for Europe for the period 1950 to 2015 are derived from the historical LUH2 dataset by applying the LUT backward from 2015 to 1950. Historical changes in the forest type changes are considered using an additional European forest species dataset. The historical changes in the PFT distribution of LUCAS LUC follow closely the land use changes given by LUH2 but differ in some regions compared to other annual LULCC datasets. From 2016 onward, annual PFT maps for future land use change scenarios based on LUH2 are derived for different Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) and Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) combinations used in the framework of the Coupled Modelling Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). The resulting LULCC maps can be applied as land use forcing to the new generation of RCM simulations for downscaling of CMIP6 results. The newly developed LUT is transferable to other CORDEX regions world-wide.</p

    A Landsat-based analysis of tropical forest dynamics in the Central Ecuadorian Amazon : Patterns and causes of deforestation and reforestation

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    Tropical deforestation constitutes a major threat to the Amazon rainforest. Monitoring forest dynamics is therefore necessary for sustainable management of forest resources in this region. However, cloudiness results in scarce good quality satellite observations, and is therefore a major challenge for monitoring deforestation and for detecting subtle processes such as reforestation. Furthermore, varying human pressure highlights the importance of understanding the underlying forces behind these processes at multiple scales but also from an interand transdisciplinary perspective. Against this background, this study analyzes and recommends different methodologies for accomplishing these goals, exemplifying their use with Landsat timeseries and socioeconomic data. The study cases were located in the Central Ecuadorian Amazon (CEA), an area characterized by different deforestation and reforestation processes and socioeconomic and landscape settings. Three objectives guided this research. First, processing and timeseries analysis algorithms for forest dynamics monitoring in areas with limited Landsat data were evaluated, using an innovative approach based in genetic algorithms. Second, a methodology based in image compositing, multisensor data fusion and postclassification change detection is proposed to address the limitations observed in forest dynamics monitoring with timeseries analysis algorithms. Third, the evaluation of the underlying driving forces of deforestation and reforestation in the CEA are conducted using a novel modelling technique called geographically weight ridge regression for improving processing and analysis of socioeconomic data. The methodology for forest dynamics monitoring demonstrates that despite abundant data gaps in the Landsat archive for the CEA, historical patterns of deforestation and reforestation can still be reported biennially with overall accuracies above 70%. Furthermore, the improved methodology for analyzing underlying driving forces of forest dynamics identified local drivers and specific socioeconomic settings that improved the explanations for the high deforestation and reforestation rates in the CEA. The results indicate that the proposed methodologies are an alternative for monitoring and analyzing forest dynamics, particularly in areas where data scarcity and landscape complexity require approaches that are more specialized.Landsat-basierte Analyse der Dynamik tropischer Wälder im Zentral-Ecuadorianischen Amazonasgebiet: Muster und Ursachen von Abholzung und Wiederaufforstung Die tropische Entwaldung stellt eine große Bedrohung für den AmazonasRegenwald dar. Daher ist die Überwachung von Walddynamiken eine notwendige Maßnahme, um eine nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung der Waldressourcen in dieser Region zu gewährleisten. Jedoch verschlechtert Bewölkung die Qualität der Satellitenaufnahmen und stellt die hauptsächliche Herausforderung für die Überwachung der Entwaldung sowie die Detektierung einhergehender Prozesse, wie der Wiederaufforstung, dar. Darüber hinaus zeigt der unterschiedliche menschliche Nutzungsdruck, wie wichtig es ist, die zugrundeliegenden Kräfte hinter diesen Prozessen auf mehreren Ebenen, aber auch interund transdisziplinär, zu verstehen. Variierender anthropogener Einfluss unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit, unterschwellige Prozesse (oder "Driver") auf multiplen Skalen aus interund transdisziplinärer Sicht zu verstehen. Darauf basierend analysiert und empfiehlt die vorliegende Studie unterschiedliche Methoden, welche unter Verwendung von LandsatZeitreihen und sozioökonomischen Daten zur Erreichung dieser Ziele beitragen. Die Untersuchungsgebiete befinden sich im ZentralEcuadorianischen Amazonasgebiet (CEA). Einem Gebiet, das einerseits durch differenzierte Entwaldungsund Aufforstungsprozesse, andererseits durch seine sozioökonomischen und landschaftlichen Gegebenheiten geprägt ist. Das Forschungsprojekt hat drei Zielvorgaben. Erstens werden auf genetischen Algorithmen basierten Verfahren zur Verarbeitung der Zeitreihenanalyse für die Überwachung der Walddynamik in Gebieten, für die nur begrenzte LandsatDaten vorhanden waren, bewertet. Zweitens soll eine Methode in Anlehnung an Satellitenbildkompositen, Datenfusion von mehreren Satellitenbildern und Veränderungsdetektion gefunden werden, die Einschränkungen der Walddynamik durch Entwaldung mithilfe von ZeitreihenAlgorithmen thematisiert. Drittens werden die Ursachen der Entwaldung/Abholzung im CEA anhand der geographischen gewichteten RidgeRegression, die zur einen verbesserten Analyse der sozioökonomischen Information beiträgt, bewertet. Die Methodik für das WalddynamikMonitoring zeigt, dass trotz umfangreicher Datenlücken im LandsatArchiv für das CEA alle zwei Jahre die historischen Entwaldungsund Wiederaufforstungsmuster mit einer Genauigkeit von über 70% gemeldet werden können. Eine verbesserte Analysemethode trägt außerdem dazu bei, die für die Walddynamik verantwortlichen treibenden Kräfte zu identifizieren, sowie lokale Treiber und spezifische sozioökonomische Rahmenbedingungen auszumachen, die eine bessere Erklärung für die hohen Entwaldungsund Wiederaufforstungsraten im CEA aufzeigen. Die erzielten Ergebnisse machen deutlich, dass die vorgeschlagenen Methoden eine Alternative zum Monitoring und zur Analyse der Walddynamik darstellen; Insbesondere in Gebieten, in denen Datenknappheit und Landschaftskomplexität spezialisierte Ansätze erforderlich machen

    Observing and modeling climate controls and feedbacks on vegetation phenology at local-to-continental scales

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    Vegetation phenology controls seasonal variation in ecosystem processes and exerts important controls on land-atmosphere exchanges of carbon, water, and energy. However, the ecological processes and interactions between climate and vegetation that control phenology and associated feedbacks to the atmosphere are not fully understood. In this dissertation, I use remote sensing in combination with climate and ecological data to improve understanding of biophysical controls and feedbacks between vegetation phenology and the atmosphere in temperate forest ecosystems of North America. In the first part of this dissertation, I evaluate the agreement and characterize the similarities and differences between land surface phenology products from two remote sensing instruments (MODIS and VIIRS) that are designed to provide long-term continuity of land surface phenology measurements at global scale. Results from this analysis indicate that the VIIRS land surface phenology product provides excellent continuity with the MODIS record despite subtle differences between each instrument and the algorithms used to generate each product. In the second part of this dissertation, a state-space Bayesian modeling framework is applied to seventeen years of MODIS and daily weather data to improve understanding of what controls the timing of springtime phenology in deciduous forests of temperate and boreal North America. Results show that photoperiod is more important in warmer regions than in colder regions, which contradicts a widely held hypothesis that photoperiod provides a key safety mechanism preventing early leaf-out during springtime. In the final part of this dissertation, I use a physically-based attribution method to quantify the relative importance of covarying surface biophysical and atmospheric variables in modifying the surface energy balance during springtime. Results show that the widely observed decrease in the Bowen ratio that occurs with leaf emergence is not solely attributable to changes in surface resistance caused by increasing leaf area during spring. Rather, observed changes in the Bowen ratio reflect the combined effects of changes in surface properties and atmospheric conditions. The results from this dissertation provide an improved foundation for long-term studies focused on observing and modeling springtime vegetation phenology and associated feedbacks to the atmosphere in deciduous forest ecosystems at local-to-continental scales