25,350 research outputs found

    Classificação da cobertura da terra na planície de inundação do Lago Grande de Curuai (Amazônia, Brasil) utilizando dados multisensor e fusão de imagens

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    Given the limitations of different types of remote sensing images, automated land-cover classifications of the Amazon várzea may yield poor accuracy indexes. One way to improve accuracy is through the combination of images from different sensors, by either image fusion or multi-sensor classifications. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine which classification method is more efficient in improving land cover classification accuracies for the Amazon várzea and similar wetland environments - (a) synthetically fused optical and SAR images or (b) multi-sensor classification of paired SAR and optical images. Land cover classifications based on images from a single sensor (Landsat TM or Radarsat-2) are compared with multi-sensor and image fusion classifications. Object-based image analyses (OBIA) and the J.48 data-mining algorithm were used for automated classification, and classification accuracies were assessed using the kappa index of agreement and the recently proposed allocation and quantity disagreement measures. Overall, optical-based classifications had better accuracy than SAR-based classifications. Once both datasets were combined using the multi-sensor approach, there was a 2% decrease in allocation disagreement, as the method was able to overcome part of the limitations present in both images. Accuracy decreased when image fusion methods were used, however. We therefore concluded that the multi-sensor classification method is more appropriate for classifying land cover in the Amazon várzea

    Land Cover Change Image Analysis for Assateague Island National Seashore Following Hurricane Sandy

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    The assessment of storm damages is critically important if resource managers are to understand the impacts of weather pattern changes and sea level rise on their lands and develop management strategies to mitigate its effects. This study was performed to detect land cover change on Assateague Island as a result of Hurricane Sandy. Several single-date classifications were performed on the pre and post hurricane imagery utilized using both a pixel-based and object-based approach with the Random Forest classifier. Univariate image differencing and a post classification comparison were used to conduct the change detection. This study found that the addition of the coastal blue band to the Landsat 8 sensor did not improve classification accuracy and there was also no statistically significant improvement in classification accuracy using Landsat 8 compared to Landsat 5. Furthermore, there was no significant difference found between object-based and pixel-based classification. Change totals were estimated on Assateague Island following Hurricane Sandy and were found to be minimal, occurring predominately in the most active sections of the island in terms of land cover change, however, the post classification detected significantly more change, mainly due to classification errors in the single-date maps used

    A Neural Network Method for Land Use Change Classification, with Application to the Nile River Delta

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    Detecting and monitoring changes in conditions at the Earth's surface are essential for understanding human impact on the environment and for assessing the sustainability of development. In the next decade, NASA will gather high-resolution multi-spectral and multi-temporal data, which could be used for analyzing long-term changes, provided that available methods can keep pace with the accelerating flow of information. This paper introduces an automated technique for change identification, based on the ARTMAP neural network. This system overcomes some of the limitations of traditional change detection methods, and also produces a measure of confidence in classification accuracy. Landsat thematic mapper (TM) imagery of the Nile River delta provides a testbed for land use change classification methods. This dataset consists of a sequence of ten images acquired between 1984 and 1993 at various times of year. Field observations and photo interpretations have identified 358 sites as belonging to eight classes, three of which represent changes in land use over the ten-year period. Aparticular challenge posed by this database is the unequal representation of various land use categories: three classes, urban, agriculture in delta, and other, comprise 95% of pixels in labeled sites. A two-step sampling method enables unbiased training of the neural network system across sites.National Science Foundation (SBR 95-13889); Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-409, N00014-95-0657); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-01-1-0397, F49620-01-1-042

    ARTMAP Neural Network Classification of Land Use Change

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    The ability to detect and monitor changes in land use is essential for assessment of the sustainability of development. In the next decade, NASA will gather high-resolution multi-spectral and multi-temporal data, which could be used for detecting and monitoring long-term changes. Existing methods are insufficient for detecting subtle long-term changes from high-dimensional data. This project employs neural network architectures as alternatives to conventional systems for classifying changes in the status of agricultural lands from a sequence of satellite images. Landsat TM imagery of the Nile River delta provides a testbed for these land use change classification methods. A sequence often images was taken, at various times of year, from 1984 to 1993. Field data were collected during the summer of 1993 at88 sites in the Nile Delta and surrounding desert areas. Ground truth data for 231 additional sites were determined by expert site assessment at the Boston University Center for Remote Sensing. The field observations are grouped into classes including urban, reduced productivity agriculture, agriculture in delta, desert/coast reclamation, wetland reclamation, and agriculture in desert/coast. Reclamation classes represent land use changes. A particular challenge posed by this database is the unequal representation of various land use categories: urban and agriculture in delta pixels comprise the vast majority of the ground truth data available in the database. A new, two-step training data selection method was introduced to enable unbiased training of neural network systems on sites with unequal numbers of pixels. Data were successfully classified by using multi-date feature vectors containing data from all of the available satellite images as inputs to the neural network system.National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship; National Science Foundation (SBR 95-13889); Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-I-409, N00014-95-0657); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-0l-1-0397)

    Wavelet-based fusion of SPOT/VEGETATION and Evisat/Wide Swath data applied to wetland mapping

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    Assessment of multi-temporal, multi-sensor radar and ancillary spatial data for grasslands monitoring in Ireland using machine learning approaches

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    Accurate inventories of grasslands are important for studies of carbon dynamics, biodiversity conservation and agricultural management. For regions with persistent cloud cover the use of multi-temporal synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data provides an attractive solution for generating up-to-date inventories of grasslands. This is even more appealing considering the data that will be available from upcoming missions such as Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2. In this study, the performance of three machine learning algorithms; Random Forests (RF), Support Vector Machines (SVM) and the relatively underused Extremely Randomised Trees (ERT) is evaluated for discriminating between grassland types over two large heterogeneous areas of Ireland using multi-temporal, multi-sensor radar and ancillary spatial datasets. A detailed accuracy assessment shows the efficacy of the three algorithms to classify different types of grasslands. Overall accuracies ≥ 88.7% (with kappa coefficient of 0.87) were achieved for the single frequency classifications and maximum accuracies of 97.9% (kappa coefficient of 0.98) for the combined frequency classifications. For most datasets, the ERT classifier outperforms SVM and RF

    Mapping Chestnut Stands Using Bi-Temporal VHR Data

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    This study analyzes the potential of very high resolution (VHR) remote sensing images and extended morphological profiles for mapping Chestnut stands on Tenerife Island (Canary Islands, Spain). Regarding their relevance for ecosystem services in the region (cultural and provisioning services) the public sector demand up-to-date information on chestnut and a simple straight-forward approach is presented in this study. We used two VHR WorldView images (March and May 2015) to cover different phenological phases. Moreover, we included spatial information in the classification process by extended morphological profiles (EMPs). Random forest is used for the classification process and we analyzed the impact of the bi-temporal information as well as of the spatial information on the classification accuracies. The detailed accuracy assessment clearly reveals the benefit of bi-temporal VHR WorldView images and spatial information, derived by EMPs, in terms of the mapping accuracy. The bi-temporal classification outperforms or at least performs equally well when compared to the classification accuracies achieved by the mono-temporal data. The inclusion of spatial information by EMPs further increases the classification accuracy by 5% and reduces the quantity and allocation disagreements on the final map. Overall the new proposed classification strategy proves useful for mapping chestnut stands in a heterogeneous and complex landscape, such as the municipality of La Orotava, Tenerife