10 research outputs found

    A New Similarity Measure Based on Mean Measure of Divergence for Collaborative Filtering in Sparse Environment

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    AbstractMemory based algorithms, often referred to as similarity based Collaborative Filtering (CF) is one of the most popular and successful approaches to provide service recommendations. It provides automated and personalized suggestions to consumers to select variety of products. Typically, the core of similarity based CF which greatly affect the performance of recommendation system is to finding similar users to a target user. Conventional similarity measures like Cosine, Pearson correlation coefficient, Jaccard similarity suffer from accuracy problem under sparse environment. Hence in this paper, we propose a new similarity approach based on Mean Measure of Divergence that takes rating habits of a user into account. The quality of recommendation of proposed approach is analyzed on benchmark datasets: ML 100K, ML-1M and Each Movie for various sparsity levels. The results depict that the proposed similarity measure outperforms existing measures in terms of prediction accuracy

    CDMF: A Deep Learning Model based on Convolutional and Dense-layer Matrix Factorization for Context-Aware Recommendation

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    We proposes a novel deep neural network based recommendation model named Convolutional and Dense-layer Matrix Factorization (CDMF) for Context-aware recommendation, which is to combine multi-source information from item description and tag information. CDMF adopts a convolution neural network to extract hidden feature from item description as document and then fuses it with tag information via a full connection layer, thus generates a comprehensive feature vector. Based on the matrix factorization method, CDMF makes rating prediction based on the fused information of both users and items. Experiments on a real dataset show that the proposed deep learning model obviously outperforms the state-of-art recommendation methods

    Incorporating reliability measurements into the predictions of a recommender system

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    In this paper we introduce the idea of using a reliability measure associated to the predic- tions made by recommender systems based on collaborative filtering. This reliability mea- sure is based on the usual notion that the more reliable a prediction, the less liable to be wrong. Here we will define a general reliability measure suitable for any arbitrary recom- mender system. We will also show a method for obtaining specific reliability measures specially fitting the needs of different specific recommender systems

    Preference elicitation techniques for group recommender systems

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    A key issue in group recommendation is how to combine the individual preferences of different users that form a group and elicit a profile that accurately reflects the tastes of all members in the group. Most Group Recommender Systems (GRSs) make use of some sort of method for aggregating the preference models of individual users to elicit a recommendation that is satisfactory for the whole group. In general, most GRSs offer good results, but each of them have only been tested in one application domain. This paper describes a domain-independent GRS that has been used in two different application domains. In order to create the group preference model, we select two techniques that are widely used in other GRSs and we compare them with two novel techniques. Our aim is to come up with a model that weighs the preferences of all the individuals to the same extent in such a way that no member in the group is particularly satisfied or dissatisfied with the final recommendations. © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Partial support provided by Consolider Ingenio 2010 CSD2007-00022, Spanish Government Project MICINN TIN2008-6701-C03-01 and Valencian Government Project Prometeo 2008/051. FPU grant reference AP2009-1896 awarded to Sergio Pajares-Ferrando.García García, I.; Pajares Ferrando, S.; Sebastiá Tarín, L.; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, E. (2012). Preference elicitation techniques for group recommender systems. Information Sciences. 189:155-175. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2011.11.037S15517518

    Improving memory-based collaborative filtering via similarity updating and prediction modulation

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    Memory-based collaborative filtering (CF) makes recommendations based on a collection of user preferences for items. The idea underlying this approach is that the interests of an active user will more likely coincide with those of users who share similar preferences to the active user. Hence, the choice and computation of a similarity measure between users is critical to rating items. This work proposes a similarity update method that uses an iterative message passing procedure. Additionally, this work deals with a drawback of using the popular mean absolute error (MAE) for performance evaluation, namely that ignores ratings distribution. A novel modulation method and an accuracy metric are presented in order to minimize the predictive accuracy error and to evenly distribute predicted ratings over true rating scales. Preliminary results show that the proposed similarity update and prediction modulation techniques significantly improve the predicted rankings. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.X113742sciescopu