1,400 research outputs found

    Robust Machine Learning-Based Correction on Automatic Segmentation of the Cerebellum and Brainstem.

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    Automated segmentation is a useful method for studying large brain structures such as the cerebellum and brainstem. However, automated segmentation may lead to inaccuracy and/or undesirable boundary. The goal of the present study was to investigate whether SegAdapter, a machine learning-based method, is useful for automatically correcting large segmentation errors and disagreement in anatomical definition. We further assessed the robustness of the method in handling size of training set, differences in head coil usage, and amount of brain atrophy. High resolution T1-weighted images were acquired from 30 healthy controls scanned with either an 8-channel or 32-channel head coil. Ten patients, who suffered from brain atrophy because of fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome, were scanned using the 32-channel head coil. The initial segmentations of the cerebellum and brainstem were generated automatically using Freesurfer. Subsequently, Freesurfer's segmentations were both manually corrected to serve as the gold standard and automatically corrected by SegAdapter. Using only 5 scans in the training set, spatial overlap with manual segmentation in Dice coefficient improved significantly from 0.956 (for Freesurfer segmentation) to 0.978 (for SegAdapter-corrected segmentation) for the cerebellum and from 0.821 to 0.954 for the brainstem. Reducing the training set size to 2 scans only decreased the Dice coefficient ≤0.002 for the cerebellum and ≤ 0.005 for the brainstem compared to the use of training set size of 5 scans in corrective learning. The method was also robust in handling differences between the training set and the test set in head coil usage and the amount of brain atrophy, which reduced spatial overlap only by <0.01. These results suggest that the combination of automated segmentation and corrective learning provides a valuable method for accurate and efficient segmentation of the cerebellum and brainstem, particularly in large-scale neuroimaging studies, and potentially for segmenting other neural regions as well

    Development of a tool for automatic segmentation of the cerebellum in MR images of children

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    The human cerebellar cortex is a highly foliated structure that supports both motor and complex cognitive functions in humans. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is commonly used to explore structural alterations in patients with psychiatric and neurological diseases. The ability to detect regional structural differences in cerebellar lobules may provide valuable insights into disease biology, progression and response to treatment, but has been hampered by the lack of appropriate tools for performing automated structural cerebellar segmentation and morphometry. In this thesis, time intensive manual tracings by an expert neuroanatomist of 16 cerebellar regions on high-resolution T1-weighted MR images of 18 children aged 9-13 years were used to generate the Cape Town Pediatric Cerebellar Atlas (CAPCA18) in the age-appropriate National Institute of Health Pediatric Database (NIHPD) asymmetric template space. An automated pipeline was developed to process the MR images and generate lobule-wise segmentations, as well as a measure of the uncertainty of the label assignments. Validation in an independent group of children with ages similar to those of the children used in the construction of the atlas, yielded spatial overlaps with manual segmentations greater than 70% in all lobules, except lobules VIIb and X. Average spatial overlap of the whole cerebellar cortex was 86%, compared to 78% using the alternative Spatially Unbiased Infra-tentorial Template (SUIT), which was developed using adult images

    Comparing fully automated state-of-the-art cerebellum parcellation from magnetic resonance images

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    [EN] The human cerebellum plays an essential role in motor control, is involved in cognitive function (i.e., attention, working memory, and language), and helps to regulate emotional responses. Quantitative in-vivo assessment of the cerebellum is important in the study of several neurological diseases including cerebellar ataxia, autism, and schizophrenia. Different structural subdivisions of the cerebellum have been shown to correlate with differing pathologies. To further understand these pathologies, it is helpful to automatically parcellate the cerebellum at the highest fidelity possible. In this paper, we coordinated with colleagues around the world to evaluate automated cerebellum parcellation algorithms on two clinical cohorts showing that the cerebellum can be parcellated to a high accuracy by newer methods. We characterize these various methods at four hierarchical levels: coarse (i.e., whole cerebellum and gross structures), lobe, subdivisions of the vermis, and the lobules. Due to the number of labels, the hierarchy of labels, the number of algorithms, and the two cohorts, we have restricted our analyses to the Dice measure of overlap. Under these conditions, machine learning based methods provide a collection of strategies that are efficient and deliver parcellations of a high standard across both cohorts, surpassing previous work in the area. In conjunction with the rank-sum computation, we identified an overall winning method.The data collection and labeling of the cerebellum was supported in part by the NIH/NINDS grant R01 NS056307 (PI: J.L. Prince) and NIH/NIMH grants R01 MH078160 & R01 MH085328 (PI: S.H. Mostofsky). PMT is supported in part by the NIH/NIBIB grant U54 EB020403. CERES2 development was supported by grant UPV2016-0099 from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (PI: J.V. Manjon); the French National Research Agency through the Investments for the future Program IdEx Bordeaux (ANR-10-IDEX-03-02, HL-MRI Project; PI: P. Coupe) and Cluster of excellence CPU and TRAIL (HR-DTI ANR-10-LABX-57; PI: P. Coupe). Support for the development of LiviaNET was provided by the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), discovery grant program, and by the ETS Research Chair on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging. The authors wish to acknowledge the invaluable contributions offered by Dr. George Fein (Dept. of Medicine and Psychology, University of Hawaii) in preparing this manuscript.Carass, A.; Cuzzocreo, JL.; Han, S.; Hernandez-Castillo, CR.; Rasser, PE.; Ganz, M.; Beliveau, V.... (2018). Comparing fully automated state-of-the-art cerebellum parcellation from magnetic resonance images. NeuroImage. 183:150-172. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.08.003S15017218

    CerebNet: A fast and reliable deep-learning pipeline for detailed cerebellum sub-segmentation

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    Quantifying the volume of the cerebellum and its lobes is of profound interest in various neurodegenerative and acquired diseases. Especially for the most common spinocerebellar ataxias (SCA), for which the first antisense oligonculeotide-base gene silencing trial has recently started, there is an urgent need for quantitative, sensitive imaging markers at pre-symptomatic stages for stratification and treatment assessment. This work introduces CerebNet, a fully automated, extensively validated, deep learning method for the lobular segmentation of the cerebellum, including the separation of gray and white matter. For training, validation, and testing, T1-weighted images from 30 participants were manually annotated into cerebellar lobules and vermal sub-segments, as well as cerebellar white matter. CerebNet combines FastSurferCNN, a UNet-based 2.5D segmentation network, with extensive data augmentation, e.g. realistic non-linear deformations to increase the anatomical variety, eliminating additional preprocessing steps, such as spatial normalization or bias field correction. CerebNet demonstrates a high accuracy (on average 0.87 Dice and 1.742mm Robust Hausdorff Distance across all structures) outperforming state-of-the-art approaches. Furthermore, it shows high test-retest reliability (average ICC >0.97 on OASIS and Kirby) as well as high sensitivity to disease effects, including the pre-ataxic stage of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3). CerebNet is compatible with FreeSurfer and FastSurfer and can analyze a 3D volume within seconds on a consumer GPU in an end-to-end fashion, thus providing an efficient and validated solution for assessing cerebellum sub-structure volumes. We make CerebNet available as source-code (https://github.com/Deep-MI/FastSurfer)

    Multi-atlas segmentation of subcortical brain structures via the AutoSeg software pipeline

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    pre-printAutomated segmenting and labeling of individual brain anatomical regions, in MRI are challenging, due to the issue of individual structural variability. Although atlas-based segmentation has show its potential for both tissue and structure segmentation, due to the inherent natural variability as well as disease-related changes in MR appearance, a single atlas image is often inappropriate to represent the full population of datasets processed in a given neuroimaging study. As an alternative for the case of single atlas segmentation, the use of multiple altases alongside label fusion techniques has been introduced using a set of individual "atlases" that encompasses the expected variability in the studied population

    Geodesic Information Flows: Spatially-Variant Graphs and Their Application to Segmentation and Fusion

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    Clinical annotations, such as voxel-wise binary or probabilistic tissue segmentations, structural parcellations, pathological regionsof- interest and anatomical landmarks are key to many clinical studies. However, due to the time consuming nature of manually generating these annotations, they tend to be scarce and limited to small subsets of data. This work explores a novel framework to propagate voxel-wise annotations between morphologically dissimilar images by diffusing and mapping the available examples through intermediate steps. A spatially-variant graph structure connecting morphologically similar subjects is introduced over a database of images, enabling the gradual diffusion of information to all the subjects, even in the presence of large-scale morphological variability. We illustrate the utility of the proposed framework on two example applications: brain parcellation using categorical labels and tissue segmentation using probabilistic features. The application of the proposed method to categorical label fusion showed highly statistically significant improvements when compared to state-of-the-art methodologies. Significant improvements were also observed when applying the proposed framework to probabilistic tissue segmentation of both synthetic and real data, mainly in the presence of large morphological variability

    Quantification of volumetric morphometry and optical property in the cortex of human cerebellum at micrometer resolution

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    The surface of the human cerebellar cortex is much more tightly folded than the cerebral cortex. Volumetric analysis of cerebellar morphometry in magnetic resonance imaging studies suffers from insufficient resolution, and therefore has had limited impact on disease assessment. Automatic serial polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography (as-PSOCT) is an emerging technique that offers the advantages of microscopic resolution and volumetric reconstruction of large-scale samples. In this study, we reconstructed multiple cubic centimeters of ex vivo human cerebellum tissue using as-PSOCT. The morphometric and optical properties of the cerebellar cortex across five subjects were quantified. While the molecular and granular layers exhibited similar mean thickness in the five subjects, the thickness varied greatly in the granular layer within subjects. Layer-specific optical property remained homogenous within individual subjects but showed higher cross-subject variability than layer thickness. High-resolution volumetric morphometry and optical property maps of human cerebellar cortex revealed by as-PSOCT have great potential to advance our understanding of cerebellar function and diseases