149 research outputs found

    Deep Over-sampling Framework for Classifying Imbalanced Data

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    Class imbalance is a challenging issue in practical classification problems for deep learning models as well as traditional models. Traditionally successful countermeasures such as synthetic over-sampling have had limited success with complex, structured data handled by deep learning models. In this paper, we propose Deep Over-sampling (DOS), a framework for extending the synthetic over-sampling method to exploit the deep feature space acquired by a convolutional neural network (CNN). Its key feature is an explicit, supervised representation learning, for which the training data presents each raw input sample with a synthetic embedding target in the deep feature space, which is sampled from the linear subspace of in-class neighbors. We implement an iterative process of training the CNN and updating the targets, which induces smaller in-class variance among the embeddings, to increase the discriminative power of the deep representation. We present an empirical study using public benchmarks, which shows that the DOS framework not only counteracts class imbalance better than the existing method, but also improves the performance of the CNN in the standard, balanced settings

    Road Quality Classification

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    Automatické vyhodnocování kvality vozovky může být užitečné jak správním orgánům, tak i těm účastníkům silničního provozu, kteří vyhledávají vozovky s kvalitním povrchem pro co největší potěšení z jízdy. Tato práce se zabývá návrhem modelu, který klasifikuje obrázky silnic do pěti kvalitativních kategorií na základě jejich celkového vzhledu. V práci prezentujeme nový ručně anotovaný dataset, obsahující fotografie ze služby Google Street View. Anotace datasetu byla navržena pro motorkáře, ale může být použita i pro jiné účastníky silničního provozu. Experimentovali jsme jak s předučenými konvolučními neuronovými sítěmi, jako jsou MobileNet či DenseNet, tak s vlastními architekturami konvolučních neuronových sítí. Dále jsme vyzkoušeli různé techniky předzpracování dat, např. odstraňování stínů či kontrastně-limitní adaptabilní histogramovou ekvalizací (CLAHE). Námi navrhovaný klasifikační model využívá CLAHE a na testovací sadě dosahuje 71% přesnosti. Vizuální kontrola ukázala, že navrhovaný model je i s touto přesností využitelný za účelem, pro který byl navržen.Automated evaluation of road quality can be helpful to authorities and also road users who seek high-quality roads to maximize their driving pleasure. This thesis proposes a model which classifies road images into five qualitative categories based on overall appearance. We present a new manually annotated dataset, collected from Google Street View. The dataset classes were designed for motorcyclists, but they are also applicable to other road users. We experimented with Convolutions Neural Networks, involving custom architectures and pre-trained networks, such as MobileNet or DenseNet. Also, many experiments with preprocessing methods such as shadow removal or CLAHE. Our proposed classification model uses CLAHE and achieves 71% accuracy on a test set. A visual check showed the model is applicable for its designed purpose despite the modest accuracy since the image data are often controversial and hard to label even for humans

    Image forgery detection using textural features and deep learning

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    La croissance exponentielle et les progrès de la technologie ont rendu très pratique le partage de données visuelles, d'images et de données vidéo par le biais d’une vaste prépondérance de platesformes disponibles. Avec le développement rapide des technologies Internet et multimédia, l’efficacité de la gestion et du stockage, la rapidité de transmission et de partage, l'analyse en temps réel et le traitement des ressources multimédias numériques sont progressivement devenus un élément indispensable du travail et de la vie de nombreuses personnes. Sans aucun doute, une telle croissance technologique a rendu le forgeage de données visuelles relativement facile et réaliste sans laisser de traces évidentes. L'abus de ces données falsifiées peut tromper le public et répandre la désinformation parmi les masses. Compte tenu des faits mentionnés ci-dessus, la criminalistique des images doit être utilisée pour authentifier et maintenir l'intégrité des données visuelles. Pour cela, nous proposons une technique de détection passive de falsification d'images basée sur les incohérences de texture et de bruit introduites dans une image du fait de l'opération de falsification. De plus, le réseau de détection de falsification d'images (IFD-Net) proposé utilise une architecture basée sur un réseau de neurones à convolution (CNN) pour classer les images comme falsifiées ou vierges. Les motifs résiduels de texture et de bruit sont extraits des images à l'aide du motif binaire local (LBP) et du modèle Noiseprint. Les images classées comme forgées sont ensuite utilisées pour mener des expériences afin d'analyser les difficultés de localisation des pièces forgées dans ces images à l'aide de différents modèles de segmentation d'apprentissage en profondeur. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que l'IFD-Net fonctionne comme les autres méthodes de détection de falsification d'images sur l'ensemble de données CASIA v2.0. Les résultats discutent également des raisons des difficultés de segmentation des régions forgées dans les images du jeu de données CASIA v2.0.The exponential growth and advancement of technology have made it quite convenient for people to share visual data, imagery, and video data through a vast preponderance of available platforms. With the rapid development of Internet and multimedia technologies, performing efficient storage and management, fast transmission and sharing, real-time analysis, and processing of digital media resources has gradually become an indispensable part of many people’s work and life. Undoubtedly such technological growth has made forging visual data relatively easy and realistic without leaving any obvious visual clues. Abuse of such tampered data can deceive the public and spread misinformation amongst the masses. Considering the facts mentioned above, image forensics must be used to authenticate and maintain the integrity of visual data. For this purpose, we propose a passive image forgery detection technique based on textural and noise inconsistencies introduced in an image because of the tampering operation. Moreover, the proposed Image Forgery Detection Network (IFD-Net) uses a Convolution Neural Network (CNN) based architecture to classify the images as forged or pristine. The textural and noise residual patterns are extracted from the images using Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and the Noiseprint model. The images classified as forged are then utilized to conduct experiments to analyze the difficulties in localizing the forged parts in these images using different deep learning segmentation models. Experimental results show that both the IFD-Net perform like other image forgery detection methods on the CASIA v2.0 dataset. The results also discuss the reasons behind the difficulties in segmenting the forged regions in the images of the CASIA v2.0 dataset

    Recent Trends in Computational Intelligence

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    Traditional models struggle to cope with complexity, noise, and the existence of a changing environment, while Computational Intelligence (CI) offers solutions to complicated problems as well as reverse problems. The main feature of CI is adaptability, spanning the fields of machine learning and computational neuroscience. CI also comprises biologically-inspired technologies such as the intellect of swarm as part of evolutionary computation and encompassing wider areas such as image processing, data collection, and natural language processing. This book aims to discuss the usage of CI for optimal solving of various applications proving its wide reach and relevance. Bounding of optimization methods and data mining strategies make a strong and reliable prediction tool for handling real-life applications

    SZZ in the time of Pull Requests

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    In the multi-commit development model, programmers complete tasks (e.g., implementing a feature) by organizing their work in several commits and packaging them into a commit-set. Analyzing data from developers using this model can be useful to tackle challenging developers' needs, such as knowing which features introduce a bug as well as assessing the risk of integrating certain features in a release. However, to do so one first needs to identify fix-inducing commit-sets. For such an identification, the SZZ algorithm is the most natural candidate, but its performance has not been evaluated in the multi-commit context yet. In this study, we conduct an in-depth investigation on the reliability and performance of SZZ in the multi-commit model. To obtain a reliable ground truth, we consider an already existing SZZ dataset and adapt it to the multi-commit context. Moreover, we devise a second dataset that is more extensive and directly created by developers as well as Quality Assurance (QA) engineers of Mozilla. Based on these datasets, we (1) test the performance of B-SZZ and its non-language-specific SZZ variations in the context of the multi-commit model, (2) investigate the reasons behind their specific behavior, and (3) analyze the impact of non-relevant commits in a commit-set and automatically detect them before using SZZ

    Smart aging : utilisation of machine learning and the Internet of Things for independent living

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    Smart aging utilises innovative approaches and technology to improve older adults’ quality of life, increasing their prospects of living independently. One of the major concerns the older adults to live independently is “serious fall”, as almost a third of people aged over 65 having a fall each year. Dementia, affecting nearly 9% of the same age group, poses another significant issue that needs to be identified as early as possible. Existing fall detection systems from the wearable sensors generate many false alarms; hence, a more accurate and secure system is necessary. Furthermore, there is a considerable gap to identify the onset of cognitive impairment using remote monitoring for self-assisted seniors living in their residences. Applying biometric security improves older adults’ confidence in using IoT and makes it easier for them to benefit from smart aging. Several publicly available datasets are pre-processed to extract distinctive features to address fall detection shortcomings, identify the onset of dementia system, and enable biometric security to wearable sensors. These key features are used with novel machine learning algorithms to train models for the fall detection system, identifying the onset of dementia system, and biometric authentication system. Applying a quantitative approach, these models are tested and analysed from the test dataset. The fall detection approach proposed in this work, in multimodal mode, can achieve an accuracy of 99% to detect a fall. Additionally, using 13 selected features, a system for detecting early signs of dementia is developed. This system has achieved an accuracy rate of 93% to identify a cognitive decline in the older adult, using only some selected aspects of their daily activities. Furthermore, the ML-based biometric authentication system uses physiological signals, such as ECG and Photoplethysmogram, in a fusion mode to identify and authenticate a person, resulting in enhancement of their privacy and security in a smart aging environment. The benefits offered by the fall detection system, early detection and identifying the signs of dementia, and the biometric authentication system, can improve the quality of life for the seniors who prefer to live independently or by themselves

    Analyzing rare event, anomaly, novelty and outlier detection terms under the supervised classification framework

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    In recent years, a variety of research areas have contributed to a set of related problems with rare event, anomaly, novelty and outlier detection terms as the main actors. These multiple research areas have created a mix-up between terminology and problems. In some research, similar problems have been named differently; while in some other works, the same term has been used to describe different problems. This confusion between terms and problems causes the repetition of research and hinders the advance of the field. Therefore, a standardization is imperative. The goal of this paper is to underline the differences between each term, and organize the area by looking at all these terms under the umbrella of supervised classification. Therefore, a one-to-one assignment of terms to learning scenarios is proposed. In fact, each learning scenario is associated with the term most frequently used in the literature. In order to validate this proposal, a set of experiments retrieving papers from Google Scholar, ACM Digital Library and IEEE Xplore has been carried out

    Representations of Idioms for Natural Language Processing: Idiom type and token identification, Language Modelling and Neural Machine Translation

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    An idiom is a multiword expression (MWE) whose meaning is non- compositional, i.e., the meaning of the expression is different from the meaning of its individual components. Idioms are complex construc- tions of language used creatively across almost all text genres. Idioms pose problems to natural language processing (NLP) systems due to their non-compositional nature, and the correct processing of idioms can improve a wide range of NLP systems. Current approaches to idiom processing vary in terms of the amount of discourse history required to extract the features necessary to build representations for the expressions. These features are, in general, stat- istics extracted from the text and often fail to capture all the nuances involved in idiom usage. We argue in this thesis that a more flexible representations must be used to process idioms in a range of idiom related tasks. We demonstrate that high-dimensional representations allow idiom classifiers to better model the interactions between global and local features and thereby improve the performance of these systems with regard to processing idioms. In support of this thesis we demonstrate that distributed representations of sentences, such as those generated by a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) greatly reduce the amount of discourse history required to process idioms and that by using those representations a “general” classifier, that can take any expression as input and classify it as either an idiomatic or literal usage, is feasible. We also propose and evaluate a novel technique to add an attention module to a language model in order to bring forward past information in a RNN-based Language Model (RNN-LM). The results of our evaluation experiments demonstrate that this attention module increases the performance of such models in terms of the perplexity achieved when processing idioms. Our analysis also shows that it improves the performance of RNN-LMs on literal language and, at the same time, helps to bridge long-distance dependencies and reduce the number of parameters required in RNN-LMs to achieve state-of-the-art performance. We investigate the adaptation of this novel RNN-LM to Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems and we show that, despite the mixed results, it improves the translation of idioms into languages that require distant reordering such as German. We also show that these models are suited to small corpora for in-domain translations for language pairs such as English/Brazilian-Portuguese