50 research outputs found

    Strengthening Model Checking Techniques with Inductive Invariants

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    This paper describes optimized techniques to efficiently compute and reap benefits from inductive invariants within SAT-based model checking. We address sequential circuit verification, and we consider both equivalences and implications between pairs of nodes in the logic networks. First, we present a very efficient dynamic procedure, based on equivalence classes and incremental SAT, specifically oriented to reduce the set of checked invariants. Then, we show how to effectively integrate the computation of inductive invariants within state-of-the-art SAT-based model checking procedures. Experiments (on more than 600 designs) show the robustness of our approach on verification instances on which stand-alone techniques fai

    A BMC-Formulation for the Scheduling Problem in Highly Constrained Hardware Systems

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    Abstract This paper describes a novel application for SAT-based Bounded Model Checking (BMC) within hardware scheduling problems. First of all, it introduces a new model for control-dependent systems. In this model, alternative executions (producing "tree-like" scheduling traces) are managed as concurrent systems, where alternative behaviors are followed in parallel. This enables standard BMC techniques, producing solutions made up of single paths connecting initial and terminal states. Secondly, it discusses the main problem arising from the above choice, i.e., rewriting resource bounds, so that they take into account the artificial concurrencies introduced for controlled behaviors. Thirdly, we exploit SAT-based Bounded Model Checking as a verification technique mostly oriented to bug hunting and counter-example extraction. In order to consider resource constraints, the solutions of modifying the SAT solver or adding extra clauses are both taken into consideration. Preliminary experimental results, comparing our SAT based approach to state-of-the art BDD-based techniques are eventually presented

    Utilizing don't care states in SAT-based bounded sequential problems

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    Applying Formal Methods to Networking: Theory, Techniques and Applications

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    Despite its great importance, modern network infrastructure is remarkable for the lack of rigor in its engineering. The Internet which began as a research experiment was never designed to handle the users and applications it hosts today. The lack of formalization of the Internet architecture meant limited abstractions and modularity, especially for the control and management planes, thus requiring for every new need a new protocol built from scratch. This led to an unwieldy ossified Internet architecture resistant to any attempts at formal verification, and an Internet culture where expediency and pragmatism are favored over formal correctness. Fortunately, recent work in the space of clean slate Internet design---especially, the software defined networking (SDN) paradigm---offers the Internet community another chance to develop the right kind of architecture and abstractions. This has also led to a great resurgence in interest of applying formal methods to specification, verification, and synthesis of networking protocols and applications. In this paper, we present a self-contained tutorial of the formidable amount of work that has been done in formal methods, and present a survey of its applications to networking.Comment: 30 pages, submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    Efficient Reasoning Techniques for Large Scale Feature Models

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    In Software Product Lines (SPLs), a feature model can be used to represent the similarities and differences within a family of software systems. This allows describing the systems derived from the product line as a unique combination of the features in the model. What makes feature models particularly appealing is the fact that the constraints in the model prevent incompatible features from being part of the same product. Despite the benefits of feature models, constructing and maintaining these models can be a laborious task especially in product lines with a large number of features and constraints. As a result, the study of automated techniques to reason on feature models has become an important research topic in the SPL community in recent years. Two techniques, in particular, have significant appeal for researchers: SAT solvers and Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs). Each technique has been applied successfully for over four decades now to tackle many practical combinatorial problems in various domains. Currently, several approaches have proposed the compilation of feature models to specific logic representations to enable the use of SAT solvers and BDDs. In this thesis, we argue that several critical issues related to the use of SAT solvers and BDDs have been consistently neglected. For instance, satisfiability is a well-known NP-complete problem which means that, in theory, a SAT solver might be unable to check the satisfiability of a feature model in a feasible amount of time. Similarly, it is widely known that the size of BDDs can become intractable for large models. At the same time, we currently do not know precisely whether these are real issues when feature models, especially large ones, are compiled to SAT and BDD representations. Therefore, in our research we provide a significant step forward in the state-of-the-art by examining deeply many relevant properties of the feature modeling domain and the mechanics of SAT solvers and BDDs and the sensitive issues related to these techniques when applied in that domain. Specifically, we provide more accurate explanations for the space and/or time (in)tractability of these techniques in the feature modeling domain, and enhance the algorithmic performance of these techniques for reasoning on feature models. The contributions of our work include the proposal of novel heuristics to reduce the size of BDDs compiled from feature models, several insights on the construction of efficient domain-specific reasoning algorithms for feature models, and empirical studies to evaluate the efficiency of SAT solvers in handling very large feature models

    Probabilistic Inference Using Partitioned Bayesian Networks:Introducing a Compositional Framework

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    Probability theory offers an intuitive and formally sound way to reason in situations that involve uncertainty. The automation of probabilistic reasoning has many applications such as predicting future events or prognostics, providing decision support, action planning under uncertainty, dealing with multiple uncertain measurements, making a diagnosis, and so forth. Bayesian networks in particular have been used to represent probability distributions that model the various applications of uncertainty reasoning. However, present-day automated reasoning approaches involving uncertainty struggle when models increase in size and complexity to fit real-world applications.In this thesis, we explore and extend a state-of-the-art automated reasoning method, called inference by Weighted Model Counting (WMC), when applied to increasingly complex Bayesian network models. WMC is comprised of two distinct phases: compilation and inference. The computational cost of compilation has limited the applicability of WMC. To overcome this limitation we have proposed theoretical and practical solutions that have been tested extensively in empirical studies using real-world Bayesian network models.We have proposed a weighted variant of OBDDs, called Weighted Positive Binary Decision Diagrams (WPBDD), which in turn is based on the new notion of positive Shannon decomposition. WPBDDs are particularly well suited to represent discrete probabilistic models. The conciseness of WPBDDs leads to a reduction in the cost of probabilistic inference.We have introduced Compositional Weighted Model Counting (CWMC), a language-agnostic framework for probabilistic inference that partitions a Bayesian network into subproblems. These subproblems are then compiled and subsequently composed in order to perform inference. This approach significantly reduces the cost of compilation, yet increases the cost of inference. The best results are obtained by seeking a partitioning that allows compilation to (barely) become feasible, but no more, as compilation cost can be amortized over multiple inference queries.Theoretical concepts have been implemented in a readily available open-source tool called ParaGnosis. Further implementational improvements have been found through parallelism, by exploiting independencies that are introduced by CWMC. The proposed methods combined push the boundaries of WMC, allowing this state-of-the-art method to be used on much larger models than before

    Cyber-security for embedded systems: methodologies, techniques and tools

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    Anytime Algorithms for ROBDD Symmetry Detection and Approximation

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    Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (ROBDDs) provide a dense and memory efficient representation of Boolean functions. When ROBDDs are applied in logic synthesis, the problem arises of detecting both classical and generalised symmetries. State-of-the-art in symmetry detection is represented by Mishchenko's algorithm. Mishchenko showed how to detect symmetries in ROBDDs without the need for checking equivalence of all co-factor pairs. This work resulted in a practical algorithm for detecting all classical symmetries in an ROBDD in O(|G|3) set operations where |G| is the number of nodes in the ROBDD. Mishchenko and his colleagues subsequently extended the algorithm to find generalised symmetries. The extended algorithm retains the same asymptotic complexity for each type of generalised symmetry. Both the classical and generalised symmetry detection algorithms are monolithic in the sense that they only return a meaningful answer when they are left to run to completion. In this thesis we present efficient anytime algorithms for detecting both classical and generalised symmetries, that output pairs of symmetric variables until a prescribed time bound is exceeded. These anytime algorithms are complete in that given sufficient time they are guaranteed to find all symmetric pairs. Theoretically these algorithms reside in O(n3+n|G|+|G|3) and O(n3+n2|G|+|G|3) respectively, where n is the number of variables, so that in practice the advantage of anytime generality is not gained at the expense of efficiency. In fact, the anytime approach requires only very modest data structure support and offers unique opportunities for optimisation so the resulting algorithms are very efficient. The thesis continues by considering another class of anytime algorithms for ROBDDs that is motivated by the dearth of work on approximating ROBDDs. The need for approximation arises because many ROBDD operations result in an ROBDD whose size is quadratic in the size of the inputs. Furthermore, if ROBDDs are used in abstract interpretation, the running time of the analysis is related not only to the complexity of the individual ROBDD operations but also the number of operations applied. The number of operations is, in turn, constrained by the number of times a Boolean function can be weakened before stability is achieved. This thesis proposes a widening that can be used to both constrain the size of an ROBDD and also ensure that the number of times that it is weakened is bounded by some given constant. The widening can be used to either systematically approximate an ROBDD from above (i.e. derive a weaker function) or below (i.e. infer a stronger function). The thesis also considers how randomised techniques may be deployed to improve the speed of computing an approximation by avoiding potentially expensive ROBDD manipulation