851 research outputs found

    Detection of temporarily flooded vegetation using time series of dual polarised C-band synthetic aperture radar data

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    The intense research of the last decades in the field of flood monitoring has shown that microwave sensors provide valuable information about the spatial and temporal flood extent. The new generation of satellites, such as the Sentinel-1 (S-1) constellation, provide a unique, temporally high-resolution detection of the earth's surface and its environmental changes. This opens up new possibilities for accurate and rapid flood monitoring that can support operational applications. Due to the observation of the earth's surface from space, large-scale flood events and their spatiotemporal changes can be monitored. This requires the adaptation of existing or the development of new algorithms, which on the one hand enable precise and computationally efficient flood detection and on the other hand can process a large amounts of data. In order to capture the entire extent of the flood area, it is essential to detect temporary flooded vegetation (TFV) areas in addition to the open water areas. The disregard of temporary flooded vegetation areas can lead to severe underestimation of the extent and volume of the flood. Under certain system and environmental conditions, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) can be utilized to extract information from under the vegetation cover. Due to multiple backscattering of the SAR signal between the water surface and the vegetation, the flooded vegetation areas are mostly characterized by increased backscatter values. Using this information in combination with a continuous monitoring of the earth's surface by the S-1 satellites, characteristic time series-based patterns for temporary flooded vegetation can be identified. This combination of information provides the foundation for the time series approach presented here. This work provides a comprehensive overview of the relevant sensor and environmental parameters and their impact on the SAR signal regarding temporary open water (TOW) and TFV areas. In addition, existing methods for the derivation of flooded vegetation are reviewed and their benefits, limitations, methodological trends and potential research needs for this area are identified and assessed. The focus of the work lies in the development of a SAR and time series-based approach for the improved extraction of flooded areas by the supplementation of TFV and on the provision of a precise and rapid method for the detection of the entire flood extent. The approach developed in this thesis allows for the precise extraction of large-scale flood areas using dual-polarized C-band time series data and additional information such as topography and urban areas. The time series features include the characteristic variations (decrease and/or increase of backscatter values) on the flood date for the flood-related classes compared to the whole time series. These features are generated individually for each available polarization (VV, VH) and their ratios (VV/VH, VV-VH, VV+VV). The generation of the time series features was performed by Z-transform for each image element, taking into account the backscatter values on the flood date and the mean value and standard deviation of the backscatter values from the nonflood dates. This allowed the comparison of backscatter intensity changes between the image elements. The time series features constitute the foundation for the hierarchical threshold method for deriving flood-related classes. Using the Random Forest algorithm, the importance of the time series data for the individual flood-related classes was analyzed and evaluated. The results showed that the dual-polarized time series features are particularly relevant for the derivation of TFV. However, this may differ depending on the vegetation type and other environmental conditions. The analyses based on S-1 data in Namibia, Greece/Turkey and China during large-scale floods show the effectiveness of the method presented here in terms of classification accuracy. Theiv supplementary integration of temporary flooded vegetation areas and the use of additional information resulted in a significant improvement in the detection of the entire flood extent. It could be shown that a comparably high classification accuracy (~ 80%) was achieved for the flood extent in each of study areas. The transferability of the approach due to the application of a single time series feature regarding the derivation of open water areas could be confirmed for all study areas. Considering the seasonal component by using time series data, the seasonal variability of the backscatter signal for vegetation can be detected. This allows for an improved differentiation between flooded and non-flooded vegetation areas. Simultaneously, changes in the backscatter signal can be assigned to changes in the environmental conditions, since on the one hand a time series of the same image element is considered and on the other hand the sensor parameters do not change due to the same acquisition geometry. Overall, the proposed time series approach allows for a considerable improvement in the derivation of the entire flood extent by supplementing the TOW areas with the TFV areas

    Performance of Unsupervised Change Detection Method Based on PSO and K-means Clustering for SAR Images

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    This paper presents unsupervised change detection method to produce more accurate change map from imbalanced SAR images for the same land cover. This method is based on PSO algorithm for image segmentation to layers which classify by Gabor Wavelet filter and then K-means clustering to generate new change map. Tests are confirming the effectiveness and efficiency by comparison obtained results with the results of the other methods. Integration of PSO with Gabor filter and k-means will providing more and more accuracy to detect a least changing in objects and terrain of SAR image, as well as reduce the processing time

    Performance of Unsupervised Change Detection Method Based on PSO and K-means Clustering for SAR Images

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    This paper presents unsupervised change detection method to produce more accurate change map from imbalanced SAR images for the same land cover. This method is based on PSO algorithm for image segmentation to layers which classify by Gabor Wavelet filter and then K-means clustering to generate new change map. Tests are confirming the effectiveness and efficiency by comparison obtained results with the results of the other methods. Integration of PSO with Gabor filter and k-means will providing more and more accuracy to detect a least changing in objects and terrain of SAR image, as well as reduce the processing time

    Clasificación de coberturas en humedales utilizando datos de Sentinel-1 (Banda C): un caso de estudio en el delta del río Paraná, Argentina

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    [EN] With the launch of the Sentinel-1 mission, for the first time, multitemporal and dual-polarization C-band SAR data with a short revisit time is freely available. How can we use this data to generate accurate vegetation cover maps on a local scale? Our main objective was to assess the use of multitemporal C-Band Sentinel-1 data to generate wetland vegetation maps. We considered a portion of the Lower Delta of the Paraná River wetland (Argentina). Seventy-four images were acquired and 90 datasets were created with them, each one addressing a combination of seasons (spring, autumn, winter, summer, complete set), polarization (VV, HV, both), and texture measures (included or not). For each dataset, a Random Forest classifier was trained. Then, the kappa index values (k) obtained by the 90 classifications made were compared. Considering the datasets formed by the intensity values, for the winter dates the achieved kappa index values (k) were higher than 0.8, while all summer datasets achieved k up to 0.76. Including feature textures based on the GLCM showed improvements in the classifications: for the summer datasets, the k improvements were between 9% and 22% and for winter datasets improvements were up to 15%. Our results suggest that for the analyzed context, winter is the most informative season. Moreover, for dates associated with high biomass, the textures provide complementary information.[ES] Con el lanzamiento de la misión Sentinel-1, por primera vez, datos SAR de banda C multitemporales y de polarización dual, con un tiempo de revisión corto, están disponibles de forma gratuita. ¿Cómo podemos utilizar estos datos para generar mapas precisos de cobertura vegetal a escala local? Nuestro principal objetivo fue evaluar el uso de datos multitemporales de banda C Sentinel-1 para generar mapas de vegetación en humedales. Consideramos una porción del humedal del Bajo Delta del Río Paraná (Argentina). Utilizamos setenta y cuatro imágenes y creamos noventa conjuntos de datos distintos con ellas, cada uno abordando una combinación de estaciones (primavera, otoño, invierno, verano, conjunto completo), polarización (VV, HV, ambas) y medidas de textura (incluidas o no). Para cada conjunto de datos, se entrenó un clasificador Random Forest. Luego, se compararon los valores de índice kappa (k) obtenidos por las 90 clasificaciones realizadas. Teniendo en cuenta los conjuntos de datos formados por los valores de intensidad de la señal del radar, para las fechas de invierno los valores k obtenidos fueron superiores a 0,8, mientras que los conjuntos de datos de verano obtuvieron k menores a 0,76. La inclusión de los atributos de texturas basados en las matrices de GLCM mostraron mejoras en las clasificaciones: para los conjuntos de datos de verano, las mejoras de k estuvieron entre un 9% y un 22% y para los de invierno, las mejoras fueron de hasta un 15%. Nuestros resultados sugieren que para el contexto analizado, el invierno es la temporada más informativa. Además, para las fechas asociadas con alta biomasa, las texturas proporcionan información complementaria.Rajngewerc, M.; Grimson, R.; Bali, L.; Minotti, P.; Kandus, P. (2022). Cover classifications in wetlands using Sentinel-1 data (Band C): a case study in the Parana river delta, Argentina. Revista de Teledetección. (60):29-46. https://doi.org/10.4995/raet.2022.1691529466

    Improving Flood Detection and Monitoring through Remote Sensing

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    As climate-change- and human-induced floods inflict increasing costs upon the planet, both in terms of lives and environmental damage, flood monitoring tools derived from remote sensing platforms have undergone improvements in their performance and capabilities in terms of spectral, spatial and temporal extents and resolutions. Such improvements raise new challenges connected to data analysis and interpretation, in terms of, e.g., effectively discerning the presence of floodwaters in different land-cover types and environmental conditions or refining the accuracy of detection algorithms. In this sense, high expectations are placed on new methods that integrate information obtained from multiple techniques, platforms, sensors, bands and acquisition times. Moreover, the assessment of such techniques strongly benefits from collaboration with hydrological and/or hydraulic modeling of the evolution of flood events. The aim of this Special Issue is to provide an overview of recent advancements in the state of the art of flood monitoring methods and techniques derived from remotely sensed data

    Unsupervised multi-scale change detection from SAR imagery for monitoring natural and anthropogenic disasters

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2017Radar remote sensing can play a critical role in operational monitoring of natural and anthropogenic disasters. Despite its all-weather capabilities, and its high performance in mapping, and monitoring of change, the application of radar remote sensing in operational monitoring activities has been limited. This has largely been due to: (1) the historically high costs associated with obtaining radar data; (2) slow data processing, and delivery procedures; and (3) the limited temporal sampling that was provided by spaceborne radar-based satellites. Recent advances in the capabilities of spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors have developed an environment that now allows for SAR to make significant contributions to disaster monitoring. New SAR processing strategies that can take full advantage of these new sensor capabilities are currently being developed. Hence, with this PhD dissertation, I aim to: (i) investigate unsupervised change detection techniques that can reliably extract signatures from time series of SAR images, and provide the necessary flexibility for application to a variety of natural, and anthropogenic hazard situations; (ii) investigate effective methods to reduce the effects of speckle and other noise on change detection performance; (iii) automate change detection algorithms using probabilistic Bayesian inferencing; and (iv) ensure that the developed technology is applicable to current, and future SAR sensors to maximize temporal sampling of a hazardous event. This is achieved by developing new algorithms that rely on image amplitude information only, the sole image parameter that is available for every single SAR acquisition. The motivation and implementation of the change detection concept are described in detail in Chapter 3. In the same chapter, I demonstrated the technique's performance using synthetic data as well as a real-data application to map wildfire progression. I applied Radiometric Terrain Correction (RTC) to the data to increase the sampling frequency, while the developed multiscaledriven approach reliably identified changes embedded in largely stationary background scenes. With this technique, I was able to identify the extent of burn scars with high accuracy. I further applied the application of the change detection technology to oil spill mapping. The analysis highlights that the approach described in Chapter 3 can be applied to this drastically different change detection problem with only little modification. While the core of the change detection technique remained unchanged, I made modifications to the pre-processing step to enable change detection from scenes of continuously varying background. I introduced the Lipschitz regularity (LR) transformation as a technique to normalize the typically dynamic ocean surface, facilitating high performance oil spill detection independent of environmental conditions during image acquisition. For instance, I showed that LR processing reduces the sensitivity of change detection performance to variations in surface winds, which is a known limitation in oil spill detection from SAR. Finally, I applied the change detection technique to aufeis flood mapping along the Sagavanirktok River. Due to the complex nature of aufeis flooded areas, I substituted the resolution-preserving speckle filter used in Chapter 3 with curvelet filters. In addition to validating the performance of the change detection results, I also provide evidence of the wealth of information that can be extracted about aufeis flooding events once a time series of change detection information was extracted from SAR imagery. A summary of the developed change detection techniques is conducted and suggested future work is presented in Chapter 6

    A collaborative change detection approach on multi-sensor spatial imagery for desertwetland monitoring after a flash flood in Southern Morocco

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    © 2019 by the authors. This study aims to present a technique that combines multi-sensor spatial data to monitor wetland areas after a flash-flood event in a Saharan arid region. To extract the most efficient information, seven satellite images (radar and optical) taken before and after the event were used. To achieve the objectives, this study used Sentinel-1 data to discriminate water body and soil roughness, and optical data to monitor the soil moisture after the event. The proposed method combines two approaches: one based on spectral processing, and the other based on categorical processing. The first step was to extract four spectral indices and utilize change vector analysis on multispectral diachronic images from three MSI Sentinel-2 images and two Landsat-8 OLI images acquired before and after the event. The second step was performed using pattern classification techniques, namely, linear classifiers based on support vector machines (SVM) with Gaussian kernels. The results of these two approaches were fused to generate a collaborative wetland change map. The application of co-registration and supervised classification based on textural and intensity information from Radar Sentinel-1 images taken before and after the event completes this work. The results obtained demonstrate the importance of the complementarity of multi-sensor images and a multi-approach methodology to better monitor changes to a wetland area after a flash-flood disaster
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