527 research outputs found

    ETEA: A euclidean minimum spanning tree-Based evolutionary algorithm for multiobjective optimization

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    © the Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyAbstract The Euclidean minimum spanning tree (EMST), widely used in a variety of domains, is a minimum spanning tree of a set of points in the space, where the edge weight between each pair of points is their Euclidean distance. Since the generation of an EMST is entirely determined by the Euclidean distance between solutions (points), the properties of EMSTs have a close relation with the distribution and position information of solutions. This paper explores the properties of EMSTs and proposes an EMST-based Evolutionary Algorithm (ETEA) to solve multiobjective optimization problems (MOPs). Unlike most EMO algorithms that focus on the Pareto dominance relation, the proposed algorithm mainly considers distance-based measures to evaluate and compare individuals during the evolutionary search. Specifically in ETEA, four strategies are introduced: 1) An EMST-based crowding distance (ETCD) is presented to estimate the density of individuals in the population; 2) A distance comparison approach incorporating ETCD is used to assign the fitness value for individuals; 3) A fitness adjustment technique is designed to avoid the partial overcrowding in environmental selection; 4) Three diversity indicators-the minimum edge, degree, and ETCD-with regard to EMSTs are applied to determine the survival of individuals in archive truncation. From a series of extensive experiments on 32 test instances with different characteristics, ETEA is found to be competitive against five state-of-the-art algorithms and its predecessor in providing a good balance among convergence, uniformity, and spread.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the United Kingdom under Grant EP/K001310/1, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61070088

    Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms and hyper-heuristics for wind farm layout optimisation

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    Wind farm layout optimisation is a challenging real-world problem which requires the discovery of trade-off solutions considering a variety of conflicting criteria, such as minimisation of the land area usage and maximisation of energy production. However, due to the complexity of handling multiple objectives simultaneously, many approaches proposed in the literature often focus on the optimisation of a single objective when deciding the locations for a set of wind turbines spread across a given region. In this study, we tackle a multi-objective wind farm layout optimisation problem. Different from the previously proposed approaches, we are applying a high-level search method, known as selection hyper-heuristic to solve this problem. Selection hyper-heuristics mix and control a predefined set of low-level (meta)heuristics which operate on solutions. We test nine different selection hyper-heuristics including an online learning hyper-heuristic on a multi-objective wind farm layout optimisation problem. Our hyper-heuristic approaches manage three well-known multi-objective evolutionary algorithms as low-level metaheuristics. The empirical results indicate the success and potential of selection hyper-heuristics for solving this computationally difficult problem. We additionally explore other objectives in wind farm layout optimisation problems to gain a better understanding of the conflicting nature of those objectives

    Multi-Objective Self-Organizing Migrating Algorithm: Sensitivity on Controlling Parameters

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    In this paper, we investigate the sensitivity of a novel Multi-Objective Self-Organizing Migrating Algorithm (MOSOMA) on setting its control parameters. Usually, efficiency and accuracy of searching for a solution depends on the settings of a used stochastic algorithm, because multi-objective optimization problems are highly non-linear. In the paper, the sensitivity analysis is performed exploiting a large number of benchmark problems having different properties (the number of optimized parameters, the shape of a Pareto front, etc.). The quality of solutions revealed by MOSOMA is evaluated in terms of a generational distance, a spread and a hyper-volume error. Recommendations for proper settings of the algorithm are derived: These recommendations should help a user to set the algorithm for any multi-objective task without prior knowledge about the solved problem

    An adaptation reference-point-based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.It is well known that maintaining a good balance between convergence and diversity is crucial to the performance of multiobjective optimization algorithms (MOEAs). However, the Pareto front (PF) of multiobjective optimization problems (MOPs) affects the performance of MOEAs, especially reference point-based ones. This paper proposes a reference-point-based adaptive method to study the PF of MOPs according to the candidate solutions of the population. In addition, the proportion and angle function presented selects elites during environmental selection. Compared with five state-of-the-art MOEAs, the proposed algorithm shows highly competitive effectiveness on MOPs with six complex characteristics

    A Design Methodology to Optimize Supply Chain Network Performance

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    Organizations are constantly looking for new ways to reduce costs while still providing high customer service levels to face stringent competitive environments and the ever- increasing market globalization. An alternative these organizations can pursue to respond to these challenges and to gain a competitive differentiation is to optimize their supply chain network (SCN). This research aims to develop an effective SCN design strategy to locate facilities (i.e., plants and distribution centers) and to balance the allocation of customers to these facilities to satisfy capacity limitations and customer demands with minimum total cost and maximum level of service. It is anticipated that the results of this research will improve the strategic decision making of a manufacturing firm when locating facilities or redesigning the SCN and allow decision makers to determine tradeoffs among the organization’s conflicting criteria

    Fast and effective multi-objective optimisation of wind turbine placement

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    Le volume Chemin faisant réunit vingt-et-un articles rassemblés en hommage à l’historien de la Grèce classique Pierre Brulé et aux activités qu’il a développées au sein du CRESCAM-LAHM (UMR 6566). Il peut ainsi servir de pendant à La Grèce d’à côté, un recueil d’articles de P. Brulé publié en 2007 : les compagnonnages de l’historien, illustrés par la participation de P. Briant, de M.-M. Mactoux, de L. Bruit-Zaidman, de R. Parker, de S. Georgoudi, de M. Jost, de V. Dasen ou d’A. Powell, pour n..