79 research outputs found

    Mitigate data skew caused stragglers through ImKP partition in MapReduce

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    Speculative execution is the mechanism adopted by current MapReduce framework when dealing with the straggler problem, and it functions through creating redundant copies for identified stragglers. The result of the quicker task will be adopted to improve the overall job execution performance. Although proved to be effective for contention caused stragglers, speculative execution can easily meet its bottleneck when mitigating data skew caused stragglers due to its replication nature: the identical unbalanced input data will lead to a slow speculative task. The Map inputs are typically even in size according to the HDFS block configuration, therefore the skew caused stragglers happen mainly in the Reduce phase because of the unknown intermediate key distribution. In this paper, we focus on mitigating data skew caused Reduce stragglers, propose ImKP, an Intermediate Key Pre-processing framework that enables the even distributed partition for Reduce inputs. A group based ranking technique has been developed that dramatically decreases the pre-processing time, and ImKP manages to eliminate this timing overhead through parallelizing the pre-processing with the file uploading procedure (from local file system to HDFS). For jobs that take input directly from HDFS, ImKP minimizes the overhead by storing the mapping result on every node within the cluster for reuse. Experiments are conducted on different datasets with various workloads. Results show that, compared to the popular hash partition, ImKP can dramatically decrease Reduce skew, achieving a 99.8% reduction in the coefficient of variation of the input sizes in average, and improve up to 29.37% job response performance

    Improvement of Data-Intensive Applications Running on Cloud Computing Clusters

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    MapReduce, designed by Google, is widely used as the most popular distributed programming model in cloud environments. Hadoop, an open-source implementation of MapReduce, is a data management framework on large cluster of commodity machines to handle data-intensive applications. Many famous enterprises including Facebook, Twitter, and Adobe have been using Hadoop for their data-intensive processing needs. Task stragglers in MapReduce jobs dramatically impede job execution on massive datasets in cloud computing systems. This impedance is due to the uneven distribution of input data and computation load among cluster nodes, heterogeneous data nodes, data skew in reduce phase, resource contention situations, and network configurations. All these reasons may cause delay failure and the violation of job completion time. One of the key issues that can significantly affect the performance of cloud computing is the computation load balancing among cluster nodes. Replica placement in Hadoop distributed file system plays a significant role in data availability and the balanced utilization of clusters. In the current replica placement policy (RPP) of Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS), the replicas of data blocks cannot be evenly distributed across cluster\u27s nodes. The current HDFS must rely on a load balancing utility for balancing the distribution of replicas, which results in extra overhead for time and resources. This dissertation addresses data load balancing problem and presents an innovative replica placement policy for HDFS. It can perfectly balance the data load among cluster\u27s nodes. The heterogeneity of cluster nodes exacerbates the issue of computational load balancing; therefore, another replica placement algorithm has been proposed in this dissertation for heterogeneous cluster environments. The timing of identifying the straggler map task is very important for straggler mitigation in data-intensive cloud computing. To mitigate the straggler map task, Present progress and Feedback based Speculative Execution (PFSE) algorithm has been proposed in this dissertation. PFSE is a new straggler identification scheme to identify the straggler map tasks based on the feedback information received from completed tasks beside the progress of the current running task. Straggler reduce task aggravates the violation of MapReduce job completion time. Straggler reduce task is typically the result of bad data partitioning during the reduce phase. The Hash partitioner employed by Hadoop may cause intermediate data skew, which results in straggler reduce task. In this dissertation a new partitioning scheme, named Balanced Data Clusters Partitioner (BDCP), is proposed to mitigate straggler reduce tasks. BDCP is based on sampling of input data and feedback information about the current processing task. BDCP can assist in straggler mitigation during the reduce phase and minimize the job completion time in MapReduce jobs. The results of extensive experiments corroborate that the algorithms and policies proposed in this dissertation can improve the performance of data-intensive applications running on cloud platforms

    Towards Low-Latency Batched Stream Processing by Pre-Scheduling

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    Secure genome processing in public cloud and HPC environments

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    Aligning next generation sequencing data requires significant compute resources. HPC and cloud systems can provide sufficient compute capacity, but do not offer the required data security guarantees. HPC environments are typically designed for many groups of trusted users and often only include minimal security enforcement, while Cloud environments are mostly under the control of untrusted entities and companies. In this work we present a scalable pipeline approach that enables the use of public Cloud and HPC environments, while improving the patients’ privacy. The applied techniques include adding noisy data, cryptography, and a MapReduce program for the parallel processing of data


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    Entity matching is the process of identifying different manifestations of the same real world entity. These entities can be referred to as objects(string) or data instances. These entities are in turn split over several databases or clusters based on the signatures of the entities. When entity matching algorithms are performed on these databases or clusters, there is a high possibility that a particular entity pair is compared more than once. The number of comparison for any two entities depend on the number of common signatures or keys they possess. This effects the performance of any entity matching algorithm. This paper is the implementation of the algorithm written by Erhard Rahm et al. for performing redundancy free pair-wise similarity computation using MapReduce. As an improvisation to the existing implementation, this project aims to implement the algorithm in Apache Spark in standalone mode for sample of data and in cluster mode for large volume of data

    Deploying Large-Scale Datasets on-Demand in the Cloud: Treats and Tricks on Data Distribution

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    Public clouds have democratised the access to analytics for virtually any institution in the world. Virtual Machines (VMs) can be provisioned on demand, and be used to crunch data after uploading into the VMs. While this task is trivial for a few tens of VMs, it becomes increasingly complex and time consuming when the scale grows to hundreds or thousands of VMs crunching tens or hundreds of TB. Moreover, the elapsed time comes at a price: the cost of provisioning VMs in the cloud and keeping them waiting to load the data. In this paper we present a big data provisioning service that incorporates hierarchical and peer-to-peer data distribution techniques to speed-up data loading into the VMs used for data processing. The system dynamically mutates the sources of the data for the VMs to speed-up data loading. We tested this solution with 1000 VMs and 100 TB of data, reducing time by at least 30 % over current state of the art techniques. This dynamic topology mechanism is tightly coupled with classic declarative machine configuration techniques (the system takes a single high-level declarative configuration file and configures both software and data loading). Together, these two techniques simplify the deployment of big data in the cloud for end users who may not be experts in infrastructure management. Index Terms—Large-scale data transfer, flash crowd, big data, BitTorrent, p2p overlay, provisioning, big data distribution I
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