11 research outputs found

    Intelligent Coordination and Automation for Smart Home Accessories

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    Smarthome accessories are rapidly becoming more popular. Although many companies are making devices to take advantage of this market, most of the created smart devices are actually unintelligent. Currently, these smart home devices require meticulous, tedious configuration to get any sort of enhanced usability over their analog counterparts. We propose building a general model using machine learning and data science to automatically learn a user\u27s smart accessory usage to predict their configuration. We have identified the requirements, collected data, recognized the risks, implemented the system, and have met the goals we set out to accomplish

    Improving Home Automation by Discovering Regularly Occurring Device Usage Patterns

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    The data stream captured by recording inhabitantdevice interactions in an environment can be mined to discover significant patterns, which an intelligent agent could use to automate device interactions. However, this knowledge discovery problem is complicated by several challenges, such as excessive noise in the data, data that does not naturally exist as transactions, a need to operate in real time, and a domain where frequency may not be the best discriminator. In this paper, we propose a novel data mining technique that addresses these challenges and discovers regularly-occurring interactions with a smart home. We also discuss a case study that shows the data mining technique can improve the accuracy of two prediction algorithms, thus demonstrating multiple uses for a home automation system. Finally, we present an analysis of the algorithm and results obtained using inhabitant interactions. 1

    Discovering human activities from binary data in smart homes

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    With the rapid development in sensing technology, data mining, and machine learning fields for human health monitoring, it became possible to enable monitoring of personal motion and vital signs in a manner that minimizes the disruption of an individual’s daily routine and assist individuals with difficulties to live independently at home. A primary difficulty that researchers confront is acquiring an adequate amount of labeled data for model training and validation purposes. Therefore, activity discovery handles the problem that activity labels are not available using approaches based on sequence mining and clustering. In this paper, we introduce an unsupervised method for discovering activities from a network of motion detectors in a smart home setting. First, we present an intra-day clustering algorithm to find frequent sequential patterns within a day. As a second step, we present an inter-day clustering algorithm to find the common frequent patterns between days. Furthermore, we refine the patterns to have more compressed and defined cluster characterizations. Finally, we track the occurrences of various regular routines to monitor the functional health in an individual’s patterns and lifestyle. We evaluate our methods on two public data sets captured in real-life settings from two apartments during seven-month and three-month periods

    Measuring Urban Vibrancy of Residential Communities Using Big Crowdsourced Geotagged Data

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    The pervasiveness of mobile and sensing technologies today has facilitated the creation of Big Crowdsourced Geotagged Data (BCGD) from individual users in real time and at different locations in the city. Such ubiquitous user-generated data allow us to infer various patterns of human behavior, which helps us understand the interactions between humans and cities. In this article, we aim to analyze BCGD, including mobile consumption check-ins, urban geography data, and human mobility data, to learn a model that can unveil the impact of urban geography and human mobility on the vibrancy of residential communities. Vibrant communities are defined as places that show diverse and frequent consumer activities. To effectively identify such vibrant communities, we propose a supervised data mining system to learn and mimic the unique spatial configuration patterns and social interaction patterns of vibrant communities using urban geography and human mobility data. Specifically, to prepare the benchmark vibrancy scores of communities for training, we first propose a fused scoring method by fusing the frequency and the diversity of consumer activities using mobile check-in data. Besides, we define and extract the features of spatial configuration and social interaction for each community by mining urban geography and human mobility data. In addition, we strategically combine a pairwise ranking objective with a sparsity regularization to learn a predictor of community vibrancy. And we develop an effective solution for the optimization problem. Finally, our experiment is instantiated on BCGD including real estate, point of interests, taxi and bus GPS trajectories, and mobile check-ins in Beijing. The experimental results demonstrate the competitive performances of both the extracted features and the proposed model. Our results suggest that a structurally diverse community usually shows higher social interaction and better business performance, and incompatible land uses may decrease the vibrancy of a community. Our studies demonstrate the potential of how to best make use of BCGD to create local economic matrices and sustain urban vibrancy in a fast, cheap, and meaningful way

    The Minimum Description Length Principle for Pattern Mining: A Survey

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    This is about the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle applied to pattern mining. The length of this description is kept to the minimum. Mining patterns is a core task in data analysis and, beyond issues of efficient enumeration, the selection of patterns constitutes a major challenge. The MDL principle, a model selection method grounded in information theory, has been applied to pattern mining with the aim to obtain compact high-quality sets of patterns. After giving an outline of relevant concepts from information theory and coding, as well as of work on the theory behind the MDL and similar principles, we review MDL-based methods for mining various types of data and patterns. Finally, we open a discussion on some issues regarding these methods, and highlight currently active related data analysis problems

    Wireless sensor data processing for on-site emergency response

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    This thesis is concerned with the problem of processing data from Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) to meet the requirements of emergency responders (e.g. Fire and Rescue Services). A WSN typically consists of spatially distributed sensor nodes to cooperatively monitor the physical or environmental conditions. Sensor data about the physical or environmental conditions can then be used as part of the input to predict, detect, and monitor emergencies. Although WSNs have demonstrated their great potential in facilitating Emergency Response, sensor data cannot be interpreted directly due to its large volume, noise, and redundancy. In addition, emergency responders are not interested in raw data, they are interested in the meaning it conveys. This thesis presents research on processing and combining data from multiple types of sensors, and combining sensor data with other relevant data, for the purpose of obtaining data of greater quality and information of greater relevance to emergency responders. The current theory and practice in Emergency Response and the existing technology aids were reviewed to identify the requirements from both application and technology perspectives (Chapter 2). The detailed process of information extraction from sensor data and sensor data fusion techniques were reviewed to identify what constitutes suitable sensor data fusion techniques and challenges presented in sensor data processing (Chapter 3). A study of Incident Commanders’ requirements utilised a goal-driven task analysis method to identify gaps in current means of obtaining relevant information during response to fire emergencies and a list of opportunities for WSN technology to fill those gaps (Chapter 4). A high-level Emergency Information Management System Architecture was proposed, including the main components that are needed, the interaction between components, and system function specification at different incident stages (Chapter 5). A set of state-awareness rules was proposed, and integrated with Kalman Filter to improve the performance of filtering. The proposed data pre-processing approach achieved both improved outlier removal and quick detection of real events (Chapter 6). A data storage mechanism was proposed to support timely response to queries regardless of the increase in volume of data (Chapter 7). What can be considered as “meaning” (e.g. events) for emergency responders were identified and a generic emergency event detection model was proposed to identify patterns presenting in sensor data and associate patterns with events (Chapter 8). In conclusion, the added benefits that the technical work can provide to the current Emergency Response is discussed and specific contributions and future work are highlighted (Chapter 9)


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