1,945 research outputs found

    An Alternative Carry-save Arithmetic for New Generation Field Programmable Gate Arrays

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    In this work, a double carry-save addition operation is proposed, which is efficiently synthesized for 6-input LUT-based eld programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The proposed arithmetic operation is based on redundant number representation and provides carry propagation-free addition. Using the proposed arithmetic operation, a compact and fast multiply and accumulate unit is designed. To our knowledge, the proposed design provides the fastest multiply-add operation for 6-input LUT-based FPGA systems. A nite impulse response lter implementation is given to show the performance of the proposed structure. The proposed implementation provides a dramatic performance increase, which is at least 2 times faster than conventional binary multiply-add implementations

    Maximizing CNN Accelerator Efficiency Through Resource Partitioning

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are revolutionizing machine learning, but they present significant computational challenges. Recently, many FPGA-based accelerators have been proposed to improve the performance and efficiency of CNNs. Current approaches construct a single processor that computes the CNN layers one at a time; the processor is optimized to maximize the throughput at which the collection of layers is computed. However, this approach leads to inefficient designs because the same processor structure is used to compute CNN layers of radically varying dimensions. We present a new CNN accelerator paradigm and an accompanying automated design methodology that partitions the available FPGA resources into multiple processors, each of which is tailored for a different subset of the CNN convolutional layers. Using the same FPGA resources as a single large processor, multiple smaller specialized processors increase computational efficiency and lead to a higher overall throughput. Our design methodology achieves 3.8x higher throughput than the state-of-the-art approach on evaluating the popular AlexNet CNN on a Xilinx Virtex-7 FPGA. For the more recent SqueezeNet and GoogLeNet, the speedups are 2.2x and 2.0x

    Implementation of JPEG compression and motion estimation on FPGA hardware

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    A hardware implementation of JPEG allows for real-time compression in data intensivve applications, such as high speed scanning, medical imaging and satellite image transmission. Implementation options include dedicated DSP or media processors, FPGA boards, and ASICs. Factors that affect the choice of platform selection involve cost, speed, memory, size, power consumption, and case of reconfiguration. The proposed hardware solution is based on a Very high speed integrated circuit Hardware Description Language (VHDL) implememtation of the codec with prefered realization using an FPGA board due to speed, cost and flexibility factors; The VHDL language is commonly used to model hardware impletations from a top down perspective. The VHDL code may be simulated to correct mistakes and subsequently synthesized into hardware using a synthesis tool, such as the xilinx ise suite. The same VHDL code may be synthesized into a number of sifferent hardware architetcures based on constraints given. For example speed was the major constraint when synthesizing the pipeline of jpeg encoding and decoding, while chip area and power consumption were primary constraints when synthesizing the on-die memory because of large area. Thus, there is a trade off between area and speed in logic synthesis

    A comparison between lattice, cascade and direct form FIR filter structures by using a FPGA bit-serial distributed arithmetic implementation

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. M. M. Peiró, J. Valls, T. Sansaloni, A. P. Pascual, and E. I. Boemo, "A comparison between lattice, cascade and direct form FIR filter structures by using a FPGA bit-serial distributed arithmetic implementation", in 6th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, 1999. Proceedings of ICECS '99, 2009, p. 241 - 244In this paper, several bit-serial, high-order implementations of cascade, lattice and direct-form FIR filters using Distributed Arithmetic (DA) are studied. Although lattice and cascade structures present many interesting properties related to quantification error and stability, the DA versions have not been thoroughly compared. Three types of filters with their particular bit-serial DA model error have been built using an ALTERA 10K50 FPGA and their area-time figure is analysed. The results show that a 60th order bit-serial cascade and direct-form implementation at nearly 4 MHz and a 40th order lattice structure at 7.5 MHz can be implemented. Moreover, the lattice filter presents the lower quantification erro

    LUXOR: An FPGA Logic Cell Architecture for Efficient Compressor Tree Implementations

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    We propose two tiers of modifications to FPGA logic cell architecture to deliver a variety of performance and utilization benefits with only minor area overheads. In the irst tier, we augment existing commercial logic cell datapaths with a 6-input XOR gate in order to improve the expressiveness of each element, while maintaining backward compatibility. This new architecture is vendor-agnostic, and we refer to it as LUXOR. We also consider a secondary tier of vendor-speciic modifications to both Xilinx and Intel FPGAs, which we refer to as X-LUXOR+ and I-LUXOR+ respectively. We demonstrate that compressor tree synthesis using generalized parallel counters (GPCs) is further improved with the proposed modifications. Using both the Intel adaptive logic module and the Xilinx slice at the 65nm technology node for a comparative study, it is shown that the silicon area overhead is less than 0.5% for LUXOR and 5-6% for LUXOR+, while the delay increments are 1-6% and 3-9% respectively. We demonstrate that LUXOR can deliver an average reduction of 13-19% in logic utilization on micro-benchmarks from a variety of domains.BNN benchmarks benefit the most with an average reduction of 37-47% in logic utilization, which is due to the highly-efficient mapping of the XnorPopcount operation on our proposed LUXOR+ logic cells.Comment: In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA'20), February 23-25, 2020, Seaside, CA, US

    Residue Number System Based Building Blocks for Applications in Digital Signal Processing

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    Předkládaná disertační práce se zabývá návrhem základních bloků v systému zbytkových tříd pro zvýšení výkonu aplikací určených pro digitální zpracování signálů (DSP). Systém zbytkových tříd (RNS) je neváhová číselná soustava, jež umožňuje provádět paralelizovatelné, vysokorychlostní, bezpečné a proti chybám odolné aritmetické operace, které jsou zpracovávány bez přenosu mezi řády. Tyto vlastnosti jej činí značně perspektivním pro použití v DSP aplikacích náročných na výpočetní výkon a odolných proti chybám. Typický RNS systém se skládá ze tří hlavních částí: převodníku z binárního kódu do RNS, který počítá ekvivalent vstupních binárních hodnot v systému zbytkových tříd, dále jsou to paralelně řazené RNS aritmetické jednotky, které provádějí aritmetické operace s operandy již převedenými do RNS. Poslední část pak tvoří převodník z RNS do binárního kódu, který převádí výsledek zpět do výchozího binárního kódu. Hlavním cílem této disertační práce bylo navrhnout nové struktury základních bloků výše zmiňovaného systému zbytkových tříd, které mohou být využity v aplikacích DSP. Tato disertační práce předkládá zlepšení a návrhy nových struktur komponent RNS, simulaci a také ověření jejich funkčnosti prostřednictvím implementace v obvodech FPGA. Kromě návrhů nové struktury základních komponentů RNS je prezentován také podrobný výzkum různých sad modulů, který je srovnává a determinuje nejefektivnější sadu pro různé dynamické rozsahy. Dalším z klíčových přínosů disertační práce je objevení a ověření podmínky určující výběr optimální sady modulů, která umožňuje zvýšit výkonnost aplikací DSP. Dále byla navržena aplikace pro zpracování obrazu využívající RNS, která má vůči klasické binární implementanci nižší spotřebu a vyšší maximální pracovní frekvenci. V závěru práce byla vyhodnocena hlavní kritéria při rozhodování, zda je vhodnější pro danou aplikaci využít binární číselnou soustavu nebo RNS.This doctoral thesis deals with designing residue number system based building blocks to enhance the performance of digital signal processing applications. The residue number system (RNS) is a non-weighted number system that provides carry-free, parallel, high speed, secure and fault tolerant arithmetic operations. These features make it very attractive to be used in high-performance and fault tolerant digital signal processing (DSP) applications. A typical RNS system consists of three main components; the first one is the binary to residue converter that computes the RNS equivalent of the inputs represented in the binary number system. The second component in this system is parallel residue arithmetic units that perform arithmetic operations on the operands already represented in RNS. The last component is the residue to binary converter, which converts the outputs back into their binary representation. The main aim of this thesis was to propose novel structures of the basic components of this system in order to be later used as fundamental units in DSP applications. This thesis encloses improving and designing novel structures of these components, simulating and verifying their efficiency via FPGA implementation. In addition to suggesting novel structures of basic RNS components, a detailed study on different moduli sets that compares and determines the most efficient one for different dynamic range requirements is also presented. One of the main outcomes of this thesis is concluding and verifying the main condition that should be met when choosing a moduli set, in order to improve the timing performance of a DSP application. An RNS-based image processing application is also proposed. Its efficiency, in terms of timing performance and power consumption, is proved via comparing it with a binary-based one. Finally, the main considerations that should be taken into account when choosing to use the binary number system or RNS are also discussed in details.

    An algorithmic and architectural study on Montgomery exponentiation in RNS

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    The modular exponentiation on large numbers is computationally intensive. An effective way for performing this operation consists in using Montgomery exponentiation in the Residue Number System (RNS). This paper presents an algorithmic and architectural study of such exponentiation approach. From the algorithmic point of view, new and state-of-the-art opportunities that come from the reorganization of operations and precomputations are considered. From the architectural perspective, the design opportunities offered by well-known computer arithmetic techniques are studied, with the aim of developing an efficient arithmetic cell architecture. Furthermore, since the use of efficient RNS bases with a low Hamming weight are being considered with ever more interest, four additional cell architectures specifically tailored to these bases are developed and the tradeoff between benefits and drawbacks is carefully explored. An overall comparison among all the considered algorithmic approaches and cell architectures is presented, with the aim of providing the reader with an extensive overview of the Montgomery exponentiation opportunities in RNS