73 research outputs found

    Full-Stack Optimization for CAM-Only DNN Inference

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    The accuracy of neural networks has greatly improved across various domains over the past years. Their ever-increasing complexity, however, leads to prohibitively high energy demands and latency in von Neumann systems. Several computing-in-memory (CIM) systems have recently been proposed to overcome this, but trade-offs involving accuracy, hardware reliability, and scalability for large models remain a challenge. Additionally, for some CIM designs, the activation movement still requires considerable time and energy. This paper explores the combination of algorithmic optimizations for ternary weight neural networks and associative processors (APs) implemented using racetrack memory (RTM). We propose a novel compilation flow to optimize convolutions on APs by reducing their arithmetic intensity. By leveraging the benefits of RTM-based APs, this approach substantially reduces data transfers within the memory while addressing accuracy, energy efficiency, and reliability concerns. Concretely, our solution improves the energy efficiency of ResNet-18 inference on ImageNet by 7.5x compared to crossbar in-memory accelerators while retaining software accuracy.Comment: To be presented at DATE2

    Improving Compute & Data Efficiency of Flexible Architectures

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    A Garbled Circuit Accelerator for Arbitrary, Fast Privacy-Preserving Computation

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    Privacy and security have rapidly emerged as priorities in system design. One powerful solution for providing both is privacy-preserving computation, where functions are computed directly on encrypted data and control can be provided over how data is used. Garbled circuits (GCs) are a PPC technology that provide both confidential computing and control over how data is used. The challenge is that they incur significant performance overheads compared to plaintext. This paper proposes a novel garbled circuit accelerator and compiler, named HAAC, to mitigate performance overheads and make privacy-preserving computation more practical. HAAC is a hardware-software co-design. GCs are exemplars of co-design as programs are completely known at compile time, i.e., all dependence, memory accesses, and control flow are fixed. The design philosophy of HAAC is to keep hardware simple and efficient, maximizing area devoted to our proposed custom execution units and other circuits essential for high performance (e.g., on-chip storage). The compiler can leverage its program understanding to realize hardware's performance potential by generating effective instruction schedules, data layouts, and orchestrating off-chip events. In taking this approach we can achieve ASIC performance/efficiency without sacrificing generality. Insights of our approach include how co-design enables expressing arbitrary GC programs as streams, which simplifies hardware and enables complete memory-compute decoupling, and the development of a scratchpad that captures data reuse by tracking program execution, eliminating the need for costly hardware managed caches and tagging logic. We evaluate HAAC with VIP-Bench and achieve a speedup of 608×\times in 4.3mm2^2 of area

    Vega: A Ten-Core SoC for IoT Endnodes with DNN Acceleration and Cognitive Wake-Up from MRAM-Based State-Retentive Sleep Mode

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    The Internet-of-Things (IoT) requires endnodes with ultra-low-power always-on capability for a long battery lifetime, as well as high performance, energy efficiency, and extreme flexibility to deal with complex and fast-evolving near-sensor analytics algorithms (NSAAs). We present Vega, an IoT endnode system on chip (SoC) capable of scaling from a 1.7- μW fully retentive cognitive sleep mode up to 32.2-GOPS (at 49.4 mW) peak performance on NSAAs, including mobile deep neural network (DNN) inference, exploiting 1.6 MB of state-retentive SRAM, and 4 MB of non-volatile magnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM). To meet the performance and flexibility requirements of NSAAs, the SoC features ten RISC-V cores: one core for SoC and IO management and a nine-core cluster supporting multi-precision single instruction multiple data (SIMD) integer and floating-point (FP) computation. Vega achieves the state-of-the-art (SoA)-leading efficiency of 615 GOPS/W on 8-bit INT computation (boosted to 1.3 TOPS/W for 8-bit DNN inference with hardware acceleration). On FP computation, it achieves the SoA-leading efficiency of 79 and 129 GFLOPS/W on 32- and 16-bit FP, respectively. Two programmable machine learning (ML) accelerators boost energy efficiency in cognitive sleep and active states

    Dependable Computing on Inexact Hardware through Anomaly Detection.

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    Reliability of transistors is on the decline as transistors continue to shrink in size. Aggressive voltage scaling is making the problem even worse. Scaled-down transistors are more susceptible to transient faults as well as permanent in-field hardware failures. In order to continue to reap the benefits of technology scaling, it has become imperative to tackle the challenges risen due to the decreasing reliability of devices for the mainstream commodity market. Along with the worsening reliability, achieving energy efficiency and performance improvement by scaling is increasingly providing diminishing marginal returns. More than any other time in history, the semiconductor industry faces the crossroad of unreliability and the need to improve energy efficiency. These challenges of technology scaling can be tackled by categorizing the target applications in the following two categories: traditional applications that have relatively strict correctness requirement on outputs and emerging class of soft applications, from various domains such as multimedia, machine learning, and computer vision, that are inherently inaccuracy tolerant to a certain degree. Traditional applications can be protected against hardware failures by low-cost detection and protection methods while soft applications can trade off quality of outputs to achieve better performance or energy efficiency. For traditional applications, I propose an efficient, software-only application analysis and transformation solution to detect data and control flow transient faults. The intelligence of the data flow solution lies in the use of dynamic application information such as control flow, memory and value profiling. The control flow protection technique achieves its efficiency by simplifying signature calculations in each basic block and by performing checking at a coarse-grain level. For soft applications, I develop a quality control technique. The quality control technique employs continuous, light-weight checkers to ensure that the approximation is controlled and application output is acceptable. Overall, I show that the use of low-cost checkers to produce dependable results on commodity systems---constructed from inexact hardware components---is efficient and practical.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113341/1/dskhudia_1.pd

    Uma exploração de processamento associativo com o simulador RV-Across

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    Orientador: Lucas Francisco WannerDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Trabalhos na academia apontam para um gargalo de desempenho entre o processador e a memória. Esse gargalo se destaca na execução de aplicativos, como o Aprendizado de Máquina, que processam uma grande quantidade de dados. Nessas aplicações, a movimentação de dados representa uma parcela significativa tanto em termos de tempo de processamento quanto de consumo de energia. O uso de novas arquiteturas multi-core, aceleradores e Unidades de Processamento Gráfico (Graphics Processing Unit --- GPU) pode melhorar o desempenho desses aplicativos por meio do processamento paralelo. No entanto, a utilização dessas arquiteturas não elimina a necessidade de mover dados, que passam por diferentes níveis de uma hierarquia de memória para serem processados. Nosso trabalho explora o Processamento em Memória (Processing in Memory --- PIM), especificamente o Processamento Associativo, como alternativa para acelerar as aplicações, processando seus dados em paralelo na memória permitindo melhor desempenho do sistema e economia de energia. O Processamento Associativo fornece computação paralela de alto desempenho e com baixo consumo de energia usando uma Memória endereçável por conteúdo (Content-Adressable Memory --- CAM). Através do poder de comparação e escrita em paralelo do CAM, complementado por registradores especiais de controle e tabelas de consulta (Lookup Tables), é possível realizar operações entre vetores de dados utilizando um número pequeno e constante de ciclos por operação. Em nosso trabalho, analisamos o potencial do Processamento Associativo em termos de tempo de execução e consumo de energia em diferentes kernels de aplicações. Para isso, desenvolvemos o RV-Across, um simulador de Processamento Associativo baseado em RISC-V para teste, validação e modelagem de operações associativas. O simulador facilita o projeto de arquiteturas de processamento associativo e próximo à memória, oferecendo interfaces tanto para a construção de novas operações quanto para experimentação de alto nível. Criamos um modelo de arquitetura para o simulador com processamento associativo e o comparamos este modelo com os alternativas baseadas em CPU e multi-core. Para avaliação de desempenho, construímos um modelo de latência e energia fundamentado em dados da literatura. Aplicamos o modelo para comparar diferentes cenários, alterando características das entradas e o tamanho do Processador Associativo nas aplicações. Nossos resultados destacam a relação direta entre o tamanho dos dados e a melhoria potencial de desempenho do processamento associativo. Para a convolução 2D, o modelo de Processamento Associativo obteve um ganho relativo de 2x em latência, 2x em consumo de energia, e 13x no número de operações de load/store. Na multiplicação de matrizes, a aceleração aumenta linearmente com a dimensão das matrizes, atingindo 8x para matrizes de 200x200 bytes e superando a execução paralela em uma CPU de 8 núcleos. As vantagens do Processamento associativo evidenciadas nos resultados revelam uma alternativa para sistemas que necessitam manter um equilíbrio entre processamento e gasto energético, como os dispositivos embarcados. Finalmente, o ambiente de simulação e avaliação que construímos pode habilitar mais exploração dessa alternativa em diferentes aplicações e cenários de usoAbstract: Many works have pointed to a performance bottleneck between Processor and Memory. This bottleneck stands out when running applications, such as Machine Learning, which process large quantities of data. For these applications, the movement of data represents a significant fraction of processing time and energy consumption. The use of new multi-core architectures, accelerators, and Graphic Processing Units (GPU) can improve the performance of these applications through parallel processing. However, utilizing these architectures does not eliminate the need to move data, which are transported through different levels of a memory hierarchy to be processed. Our work explores Processing in Memory (PIM), and in particular Associative Processing, as an alternative to accelerate applications, by processing data in parallel in memory, thus allowing for better system performance and energy savings. Associative Processing provides high-performance and energy-efficient parallel computation using a Content-Addressable Memory (CAM). CAM provides parallel comparison and writing, and by augmenting a CAM with special control registers and Lookup Tables, it is possible to perform computation between vectors of data with a small and constant number of cycles per operation. In our work, we analyze the potential of Associative Processing in terms of execution time and energy consumption in different application kernels. To achieve this goal we developed RV-Across, an Associative Processing Simulator based on RISC-V for testing, validation, and modeling associative operations. The simulator eases the design of associative and near-memory processing architectures by offering interfaces to both building new operations and performing high-level experimentation. We created an architectural model for the simulator with associative processing and evaluated it by comparing it with the CPU-only and multi-core models. The simulator includes latency and energy models based on data from the literature to allow for evaluation and comparison. We apply the models to compare different scenarios, changing the input and size of the Associative Processor in the applications. Our results highlight the direct relation between data length and potential performance and energy improvement of associative processing. For 2D convolution, the Associative Processing model obtained a relative gain of 2x in latency, 2x in energy, and 13x in the number of load/store operations. For matrix multiplication, the speed-up increases linearly with input dimensions, achieving 8x for 200x200 bytes matrices and outperforming parallel execution in an 8-core CPU. The advantages of associative processing shown in the results are indicative of a real alternative for systems that need to maintain a balance between processing and energy expenditure, such as embedded devices. Finally, the simulation and evaluation environment we have built can enable further exploration of this alternative for different usage scenarios and applicationsMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computação001CAPE

    Accelerating Time Series Analysis via Processing using Non-Volatile Memories

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    Time Series Analysis (TSA) is a critical workload for consumer-facing devices. Accelerating TSA is vital for many domains as it enables the extraction of valuable information and predict future events. The state-of-the-art algorithm in TSA is the subsequence Dynamic Time Warping (sDTW) algorithm. However, sDTW's computation complexity increases quadratically with the time series' length, resulting in two performance implications. First, the amount of data parallelism available is significantly higher than the small number of processing units enabled by commodity systems (e.g., CPUs). Second, sDTW is bottlenecked by memory because it 1) has low arithmetic intensity and 2) incurs a large memory footprint. To tackle these two challenges, we leverage Processing-using-Memory (PuM) by performing in-situ computation where data resides, using the memory cells. PuM provides a promising solution to alleviate data movement bottlenecks and exposes immense parallelism. In this work, we present MATSA, the first MRAM-based Accelerator for Time Series Analysis. The key idea is to exploit magneto-resistive memory crossbars to enable energy-efficient and fast time series computation in memory. MATSA provides the following key benefits: 1) it leverages high levels of parallelism in the memory substrate by exploiting column-wise arithmetic operations, and 2) it significantly reduces the data movement costs performing computation using the memory cells. We evaluate three versions of MATSA to match the requirements of different environments (e.g., embedded, desktop, or HPC computing) based on MRAM technology trends. We perform a design space exploration and demonstrate that our HPC version of MATSA can improve performance by 7.35x/6.15x/6.31x and energy efficiency by 11.29x/4.21x/2.65x over server CPU, GPU and PNM architectures, respectively

    LOCATOR: Low-power ORB accelerator for autonomous cars

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    Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) is crucial for autonomous navigation. ORB-SLAM is a state-of-the-art Visual SLAM system based on cameras used for self-driving cars. In this paper, we propose a high-performance, energy-efficient, and functionally accurate hardware accelerator for ORB-SLAM, focusing on its most time-consuming stage: Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF (ORB) feature extraction. The Rotated BRIEF (rBRIEF) descriptor generation is the main bottleneck in ORB computation, as it exhibits highly irregular access patterns to local on-chip memories causing a high-performance penalty due to bank conflicts. We introduce a technique to find an optimal static pattern to perform parallel accesses to banks based on a genetic algorithm. Furthermore, we propose the combination of an rBRIEF pixel duplication cache, selective ports replication, and pipelining to reduce latency without compromising cost. The accelerator achieves a reduction in energy consumption of 14597× and 9609×, with respect to high-end CPU and GPU platforms, respectively.This work has been supported by the CoCoUnit ERC Advanced Grant of the EU’s Horizon 2020 program (grant No 833057), the Spanish State Research Agency (MCIN/AEI) under grant PID2020- 113172RB-I00, the ICREA Academia program and the FPU grant FPU18/04413Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version