12 research outputs found

    Exploring the value of supporting multiple DSM protocols in Hardware DSM Controllers

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    Journal ArticleThe performance of a hardware distributed shared memory (DSM) system is largely dependent on its architect's ability to reduce the number of remote memory misses that occur. Previous attempts to solve this problem have included measures such as supporting both the CC-NUMA and S-COMA architectures is the same machine and providing a programmable DSM controller that can emulate any DSM mechanism. In this paper we first present the design of a DSM controller that supports multiple DSM protocols in custom hardware, and allows the programmer or compiler to specify on a per-variable basis what protocol to use to keep that variable coherent. This simulated performance of this DSM controller compares favorably with that of conventional single-protocol custom hardware designs, often outperforming the conventional systems by a factor of two. To achieve these promising results, that multi-protocol DSM controller needed to support only two DSM architectures (CC-NUMA and S-COMA) and three coherency protocols (both release and sequentially consistent write invalidate and release consistent write update). This work demonstrates the value of supporting a degree of flexibility in one's DSM controller design and suggests what operations such a flexible DSM controller should support

    Accurate and complexity-effective spatial pattern prediction

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    Recent research suggests that there are large variations in a cache's spatial usage, both within and across programs. Unfortunately, conventional caches typically employ fixed cache line sizes to balance the exploitation of spatial and temporal locality, and to avoid prohibitive cache fill bandwidth demands. The resulting inability of conventional caches to exploit spatial variations leads to sub-optimal performance and unnecessary cache power dissipation. This paper describes the Spatial Pattern Predictor (SPP), a cost-effective hardware mechanism that accurately predicts reference patterns within a spatial group (i.e., a contiguous region of data in memory) at runtime. The key observation enabling an accurate, yet low-cost, SPP design is that spatial patterns correlate well with instruction addresses and data reference offsets within a cache line. We require only a small amount of predictor memory to store the predicted patterns. Simulation results for a 64-Kbyte 2-way set- associative L1 data cache with 64-byte lines show that: (1) a 256-entry tag- less direct-mapped SPP can achieve, on average, a prediction coverage of 95%, over-predicting the patterns by only 8%, (2) assuming a 70nm process technology, the SPP helps reduce leakage energy in the base cache by 41% on average, incurring less than 1% performance degradation, and (3) prefetching spatial groups of up to 512 bytes using SPP improves execution time by 33% on average and up to a factor of two

    Memory sharing predictor: the key to a speculative coherent DSM

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    Recent research advocates using general message predictors to learn and predict the coherence activity in distributed shared memory (DSM). By accurately predicting a message and timely invoking the necessary coherence actions, a DSM can hide much of the remote access latency. This paper proposes the Memory Sharing Predictors (MSPs), pattern-based predictors that significantly improve prediction accuracy and implementation cost over general message predictors. An MSP is based on the key observation that to hide the remote access latency, a predictor must accurately predict only the remote memory accesses (i.e., request messages) and not the subsequent coherence messages invoked by an access. Simulation results indicate that MSPs improve prediction accuracy over general message predictors from 81% to 93% while requiring less storage overhead. This paper also presents the first design and evaluation for a speculative coherent DSM using pattern- based predictors. We identify simple techniques and mechanisms to trigger prediction timely and perform speculation for remote read accesses. Our speculation hardware readily works with a conventional full-map write- invalidate coherence protocol without any modifications. Simulation results indicate that performing speculative read requests alone reduces execution times by 12% in our shared-memory application

    Predicting coherence communication by tracking synchronization points at run time.”

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    Abstract Predicting target processors that a coherence request must be delivered to can improve the miss handling latency in shared memory systems. In directory coherence protocols, directly communicating with the predicted processors avoids costly indirection to the directory. In snooping protocols, prediction relaxes the high bandwidth requirements by replacing broadcast with multicast. In this work, we propose a new run-time coherence target prediction scheme that exploits the inherent correlation between synchronization points in a program and coherence communication. Our workload-driven analysis shows that by exposing synchronization points to hardware and tracking them at run time, we can simply and effectively track stable and repetitive communication patterns. Based on this observation, we build a predictor that can improve the miss latency of a directory protocol by 13%. Compared with existing address-and instruction-based prediction techniques, our predictor achieves comparable performance using substantially smaller power and storage overheads

    Improving CC-NUMA performance using Instruction-based Prediction

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    Improving CC-NUMA performance using instruction-based prediction

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    We propose Instruction-based Prediction as a means to optimize directory-based cache coherent NUMA shared-memory. Instruction-based prediction is based on observing the behavior of load and store instructions in relation to coherent events and predicting their future behavior. Although this technique is well established in the uniprocessor world, it has not been widely applied for optimizing transparent shared-memory. Typically, in this environment, prediction is based on datablock access history (address-based prediction) in the form of adaptive cache coherence protocols. The advantage of instruction-based prediction is that it requires few hardware resources in the form of small prediction structures per node to match (or exceed) the performance of address-based prediction. To show the potential of instruction-based prediction w

    Memory Systems and Interconnects for Scale-Out Servers

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    The information revolution of the last decade has been fueled by the digitization of almost all human activities through a wide range of Internet services. The backbone of this information age are scale-out datacenters that need to collect, store, and process massive amounts of data. These datacenters distribute vast datasets across a large number of servers, typically into memory-resident shards so as to maintain strict quality-of-service guarantees. While data is driving the skyrocketing demands for scale-out servers, processor and memory manufacturers have reached fundamental efficiency limits, no longer able to increase server energy efficiency at a sufficient pace. As a result, energy has emerged as the main obstacle to the scalability of information technology (IT) with huge economic implications. Delivering sustainable IT calls for a paradigm shift in computer system design. As memory has taken a central role in IT infrastructure, memory-centric architectures are required to fully utilize the IT's costly memory investment. In response, processor architects are resorting to manycore architectures to leverage the abundant request-level parallelism found in data-centric applications. Manycore processors fully utilize available memory resources, thereby increasing IT efficiency by almost an order of magnitude. Because manycore server chips execute a large number of concurrent requests, they exhibit high incidence of accesses to the last-level-cache for fetching instructions (due to large instruction footprints), and off-chip memory (due to lack of temporal reuse in on-chip caches) for accessing dataset objects. As a result, on-chip interconnects and the memory system are emerging as major performance and energy-efficiency bottlenecks in servers. This thesis seeks to architect on-chip interconnects and memory systems that are tuned for the requirements of memory-centric scale-out servers. By studying a wide range of data-centric applications, we uncover application phenomena common in data-centric applications, and examine their implications on on-chip network and off-chip memory traffic. Finally, we propose specialized on-chip interconnects and memory systems that leverage common traffic characteristics, thereby improving server throughput and energy efficiency

    Synchronization-Point Driven Resource Management in Chip Multiprocessors.

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    With the proliferation of Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs), shared memory multi-threaded programs are expanding fast in every application domain. These programs exhibit execution characteristics that go beyond those observed in single-threaded programs, mainly due to data sharing and synchronization. To ensure that next generation CMPs will perform well on such anticipated workloads, it is vital to understand how these programs and architectures interact, and exploit the unique opportunities presented. This thesis examines the time-varying execution characteristics of the shared memory workloads in conjunction to the synchronization points that exist in the programs. The main hypothesis is that the type, the position, and the repetitive execution of synchronization constructs can be exploited to unfold important execution phases and enable new optimization opportunities. The research provides a simple application-driven approach for predicting the program behavior and effectively driving dynamic performance optimization and resource management actions in future CMPs. In the first part of this thesis, I show how synchronization points relate to various program-wide periodic behaviors. Based on the observations, I develop a framework where user-level synchronization primitives are exposed to the hardware and monitored to detect program phases and guide dynamic adaptation. Through workload-driven evaluation, I demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework in improving the performance/power in on-chip interconnects. The second part of the thesis explores in depth the inter-thread communication behaviors. I show that although synchronization points under the shared memory model do not expose any communication details, they indicate well the points where coherence communication patterns change or repeat. By leveraging this property, I design a synchronization-point-based coherence predictor that uncovers communication patterns with high accuracy, while consuming significantly less hardware resources compared to existing predictors. In the last part, I investigate the underlying reasons causing threads to wait in synchronization points, wasting resources. I show that these reasons can vary even across different programs phases, and existing critical-path predictors can render ineffective under certain conditions. I then present a new scheme that improves predictability by incorporating history information from previous points. The new design is robust and can amortize the run-time imbalances to improve the system's performance and/or energy