Predicting coherence communication by tracking synchronization points at run time.”


Abstract Predicting target processors that a coherence request must be delivered to can improve the miss handling latency in shared memory systems. In directory coherence protocols, directly communicating with the predicted processors avoids costly indirection to the directory. In snooping protocols, prediction relaxes the high bandwidth requirements by replacing broadcast with multicast. In this work, we propose a new run-time coherence target prediction scheme that exploits the inherent correlation between synchronization points in a program and coherence communication. Our workload-driven analysis shows that by exposing synchronization points to hardware and tracking them at run time, we can simply and effectively track stable and repetitive communication patterns. Based on this observation, we build a predictor that can improve the miss latency of a directory protocol by 13%. Compared with existing address-and instruction-based prediction techniques, our predictor achieves comparable performance using substantially smaller power and storage overheads

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