20 research outputs found

    Improving basic narrowing techniques and commutation properties

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    In this paper, we propose a new and complete method based on narrowing for solving equations in equational theories. This method is complete in the sense that it gives all the solutions. It is a combination of basic narrowing, which is not obvious, because their naïve combination is not a complete method. We show that it is more efficient than the existing methods in many cases, and for that establish commutation properties on the narrowing. It provides an algorithm that has been implemented as an extension of the software REVE

    Narrowing strategies for arbitrary canonical rewrite systems

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    Narrowing is a universal unification procedure for equational theories defined by a canonical term rewriting system. In its original form it is extremely inefficient. Therefore, many optimizations have been proposed during the last years. In this paper, we present the narrowing strategies for arbitrary canonical systems in a uniform framework and introduce the new narrowing strategy LSE narrowing. LSE narrowing is complete and improves all other strategies which are complete for arbitrary canonical systems. It is optimal in the sense that two different LSE narrowing derivations cannot generate the same narrowing substitution. Moreover, LSE narrowing computes only normalized narrowing substitutions

    Lazy unification with inductive simplification

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    Unification in the presence of an equational theory is an important problem in theorem-proving and in the integration of functional and logic programming languages. This paper presents an improvement of the proposed lazy unification methods by incorporating simplification with inductive axioms into the unification process. Inductive simplification reduces the search space so that in some case infinite search spaces are reduced to finite ones. Consequently, more efficient unification algorithms can be achieved. We prove soundness and completeness of our method for equational theories represented by ground confluent and terminating rewrite systems

    On Unfolding Completeness for Rewriting Logic Theories

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    Many transformation systems for program optimization, program synthesis, and program specialization are based on fold/unfold transformations. In this paper, we investigate the semantic properties of a narrowing-based unfolding transformation that is useful to transform rewriting logic theories. We also present a transformation methodology that is able to determine whether an unfolding transformation step would cause incompleteness and avoid this problem by completing the transformed rewrite theory with suitable extra rules. More precisely, our methodology identifies the sources of incompleteness and derives a set of rules that are added to the transformed rewrite theory in order to preserve the semantics of the original theory.Alpuente Frasnedo, M.; Baggi, M.; Ballis, D.; Falaschi, M. (2010). On Unfolding Completeness for Rewriting Logic Theories. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/863

    Backward Trace Slicing for Rewriting Logic Theories -Technical report -

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    Trace slicing is a widely used technique for execution trace analysis that is effectively used in program debugging, analysis and comprehension. In this paper, we present a backward trace slicing technique that can be used for the analysis of Rewriting Logic theories. Our trace slicing technique allows us to systematically trace back rewrite sequences modulo equational axioms (such as associativity and commutativity) by means of an algorithm that dynamically simplifies the traces by detecting control and data dependencies, and dropping useless data that do not influence the final result. Our methodology is particularly suitable for analyzing complex, textually-large system computations such as those delivered as counter-example traces by Maude model-checkers.Alpuente Frasnedo, M.; Ballis, D.; Espert, J.; Romero, D. (2011). Backward Trace Slicing for Rewriting Logic Theories -Technical report -. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1077

    Basic Narrowing Revisited

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    In this paper we study basic narrowing as a method for solving equations in the initial algebra specified by a ground confluent and terminating term rewriting system. Since we are interested in equation solving, we don’t study basic narrowing as a reduction relation on terms but consider immediately its reformulation as an equation solving rule. This reformulation leads to a technically simpler presentation and reveals that the essence of basic narrowing can be captured without recourse to term unification. We present an equation solving calculus that features three classes of rules. Resolution rules, whose application is don’t care nondeterministic, are the basic rules and suffice for a complete solution procedure. Failure rules detect inconsistent parts of the search space. Simplification rules, whose application is don’t care nondeterministic, enhance the power of the failure rules and reduce the number of necessary don’t know steps. Three of the presented simplification rules are new. The rewriting rule allows for don’t care nondeterministic rewriting and thus yields a marriage of basic and normalizing narrowing. The safe blocking rule is specific to basic narrowing and is particulary useful in conjunction with the rewriting rule. Finally, the unfolding rule allows for a variety of search strategies that reduce the number of don’t know alternatives that need to be explored

    Verificación de aplicaciones web dinámicas con Web-TLR

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    Web-TLR is a software tool designed for model-checking Web applications that is based on rewriting logic. Web applications are expressed as rewrite theories that can be formally verified by using the Maude built-in LTLR model-checker. Whenever a property is refuted, it produces a counterexample trace that underlies the failing model checking computation. However, the analysis (or even the simple inspection) of large counterexamples may prove to be unfeasible due to the size and complexity of the traces under examination. This work aims to improve the understandability of the counterexamples generated by Web-TLR by developing an integrated framework for debugging Web applications that integrates a trace-slicing technique for rewriting logic theories that is particularly tailored to Web-TLR. The verification environment is also provided with a user-friendly, graphical Web interface that shields the user from unnecessary information. Trace slicing is a widely used technique for execution trace analysis that is effectively used in program debugging, analysis and comprehension. Our trace slicing technique allows us to systematically trace back rewrite sequences modulo equational axioms (such as associativity and commutativity) by means of an algorithm that dynamically simpli es the traces by detecting control and data dependencies, and dropping useless data that do not infuence the final result. Our methodology is particularly suitable for analyzing complex, textually-large system computations such as those delivered as counter-example traces by Maude model-checkers. The slicing facility implemented in Web-TLR allows the user to select the pieces of information that she is interested into by means of a suitable pattern-matching language supported by wildcards. The selected information is then traced back through inverse rewrite sequences. The slicing process drastically simpli es the computation trace by dropping useless data that do not influence the nal result. By using this facility, the Web engineer can focus on the relevant fragments of the failing application, which greatly reduces the manual debugging e ort and also decreases the number of iterative verfications.Espert Real, J. (2011). Verificación de aplicaciones web dinámicas con Web-TLR. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/11219.Archivo delegad

    Complete Sets of Transformations for General \u3cem\u3eE\u3c/em\u3e-Unification

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    This paper is concerned with E-unification in arbitrary equational theories. We extend the method of transformations on systems of terms, developed by Martelli-Montanari for standard unification, to E-unification by giving two sets of transformations, BT and T, which are proved to be sound and complete in the sense that a complete set of E-unifiers for any equational theory E can be enumerated by either of these sets. The set T is an improvement of BT, in that many E-unifiers produced by BT will be weeded out by T. In addition, we show that a generalization of surreduction (also called narrowing) combined with the computation of critical pairs is complete. A new representation of equational proofs as certain kinds of trees is used to prove the completeness of the set BT in a rather direct fashion that parallels the completeness of the transformations in the case of (standard) unification. The completeness of T and the generalization of surreduction is proved by a method inspired by the concept of unfailing completion, using an abstract (and simpler) notion of the completion of a set of equations