4,176 research outputs found

    Edge Computing for Internet of Things

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    The Internet-of-Things is becoming an established technology, with devices being deployed in homes, workplaces, and public areas at an increasingly rapid rate. IoT devices are the core technology of smart-homes, smart-cities, intelligent transport systems, and promise to optimise travel, reduce energy usage and improve quality of life. With the IoT prevalence, the problem of how to manage the vast volumes of data, wide variety and type of data generated, and erratic generation patterns is becoming increasingly clear and challenging. This Special Issue focuses on solving this problem through the use of edge computing. Edge computing offers a solution to managing IoT data through the processing of IoT data close to the location where the data is being generated. Edge computing allows computation to be performed locally, thus reducing the volume of data that needs to be transmitted to remote data centres and Cloud storage. It also allows decisions to be made locally without having to wait for Cloud servers to respond

    Results readiness in social protection and labor operations : technical guidance notes for labor markets task teams

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    Labor allocation to its most efficient use, promoting employment and human capital investment as well as functioning labor markets can contribute to long?term economic growth, poverty reduction and to help workers manage their risks. A labor market policy framework includes both regulations and programs. However, the optimal framework is not standard and universal but varies country by country depending on the level of economic and financial development, culture and other structural characteristics. Labor market projects are equally concentrated in Latin America and the Caribbean and Eastern Europe and Central Asia regions and one is China. Interestingly, the number of projects having'improving labor market'as the primary component has increased over time. All project development objectives in the cohort of projects reviewed focus on promoting higher employment and increasing economic opportunities as the main objective especially via training programs. About half of the projects also seek to reach specific vulnerable groups by improving targeting mechanisms and to improve the quality of social assistance services by reducing the cost of job search through access to enhanced employment services and by improving employability.Safety Nets and Transfers,Labor Markets,Labor Policies,Housing&Human Habitats,Poverty Monitoring&Analysis

    تحسين توافرية وأداء النظام الموزع بإعادة انتشار مكونات النظام

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    استخدمت النظم الموزعة كثيراً في الآونة الأخيرة كبديل عن النظم المركزية نظراً لأدائها الأفضل عندما يزداد حجم النظام أو تزيد الحاجة إلى موارد المعالجة. رغم ذلك لازالت تعاني تلك النظم من مشاكل ضعف التوافرية عند حدوث تغيير في البنية التحتية التي تعمل فوقها مما أدى إلى ظهور مفهوم إعادة انتشار مكونات النظام الموزع. في هذا البحث تم تقديم طريقة لأخذ القرار بإعادة الانتشار الأفضل لبعض مكونات النظام الموزع عن طريق المراقبة الذاتية لحالة عقد النظام الموزع بالاستفادة من نظرية الأرتال، من ثم تقديم تقارير عن تلك الحالة إلى المكون المركزي، الذي يقوم حينئذٍ بأخذ قرار إعادة الانتشار إلى العقد المناسبة. Distributed Systems have been use too often recently as an alternative for central systems, due to their better performance when the size of the system or the need to the system resources becomes bigger. On the other hand, distributed systems are still fussing about the availability lack when a change of the infrastructure of the network take a place, which presents the approach of component redeployment in the distributed systems. In this research, we view a method for making decision about best component redeployment in a distributed system via self-monitoring for node status using the Queuing Theory, then handle reports to the central component, which make the choice about redeployment to the suitable node

    Optimization and Prediction Techniques for Self-Healing and Self-Learning Applications in a Trustworthy Cloud Continuum

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    The current IT market is more and more dominated by the “cloud continuum”. In the “traditional” cloud, computing resources are typically homogeneous in order to facilitate economies of scale. In contrast, in edge computing, computational resources are widely diverse, commonly with scarce capacities and must be managed very efficiently due to battery constraints or other limitations. A combination of resources and services at the edge (edge computing), in the core (cloud computing), and along the data path (fog computing) is needed through a trusted cloud continuum. This requires novel solutions for the creation, optimization, management, and automatic operation of such infrastructure through new approaches such as infrastructure as code (IaC). In this paper, we analyze how artificial intelligence (AI)-based techniques and tools can enhance the operation of complex applications to support the broad and multi-stage heterogeneity of the infrastructural layer in the “computing continuum” through the enhancement of IaC optimization, IaC self-learning, and IaC self-healing. To this extent, the presented work proposes a set of tools, methods, and techniques for applications’ operators to seamlessly select, combine, configure, and adapt computation resources all along the data path and support the complete service lifecycle covering: (1) optimized distributed application deployment over heterogeneous computing resources; (2) monitoring of execution platforms in real time including continuous control and trust of the infrastructural services; (3) application deployment and adaptation while optimizing the execution; and (4) application self-recovery to avoid compromising situations that may lead to an unexpected failure.This research was funded by the European project PIACERE (Horizon 2020 research and innovation Program, under grant agreement no 101000162)

    Digital curation and the cloud

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    Digital curation involves a wide range of activities, many of which could benefit from cloud deployment to a greater or lesser extent. These range from infrequent, resource-intensive tasks which benefit from the ability to rapidly provision resources to day-to-day collaborative activities which can be facilitated by networked cloud services. Associated benefits are offset by risks such as loss of data or service level, legal and governance incompatibilities and transfer bottlenecks. There is considerable variability across both risks and benefits according to the service and deployment models being adopted and the context in which activities are performed. Some risks, such as legal liabilities, are mitigated by the use of alternative, e.g., private cloud models, but this is typically at the expense of benefits such as resource elasticity and economies of scale. Infrastructure as a Service model may provide a basis on which more specialised software services may be provided. There is considerable work to be done in helping institutions understand the cloud and its associated costs, risks and benefits, and how these compare to their current working methods, in order that the most beneficial uses of cloud technologies may be identified. Specific proposals, echoing recent work coordinated by EPSRC and JISC are the development of advisory, costing and brokering services to facilitate appropriate cloud deployments, the exploration of opportunities for certifying or accrediting cloud preservation providers, and the targeted publicity of outputs from pilot studies to the full range of stakeholders within the curation lifecycle, including data creators and owners, repositories, institutional IT support professionals and senior manager

    IoT@run-time: a model-based approach to support deployment and self-adaptations in IoT systems

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    Today, most Internet of Things (IoT) systems leverage edge and fog computing to meet increasingly restrictive requirements and improve quality of service (QoS). Although these multi-layer architectures can improve system performance, their design is challenging because the dynamic and changing IoT environment can impact the QoS and system operation. In this thesis, we propose a modeling-based approach that addresses the limitations of existing studies to support the design, deployment, and management of self-adaptive IoT systems. We have designed a domain specific language (DSL) to specify the self-adaptive IoT system, a code generator that generates YAML manifests for the deployment of the IoT system, and a framework based on the MAPE-K loop to monitor and adapt the IoT system at runtime. Finally, we have conducted several experimental studies to validate the expressiveness and usability of the DSL and to evaluate the ability and performance of our framework to address the growth of concurrent adaptations on an IoT system.Hoy en día, la mayoría de los sistemas de internet de las cosas (IoT, por su sigla en inglés) aprovechan la computación en el borde (edge computing) y la computación en la niebla (fog computing) para cumplir requisitos cada vez más restrictivos y mejorar la calidad del servicio. Aunque estas arquitecturas multicapa pueden mejorar el rendimiento del sistema, diseñarlas supone un reto debido a que el entorno de IoT dinámico y cambiante puede afectar a la calidad del servicio y al funcionamiento del sistema. En esta tesis proponemos un enfoque basado en el modelado que aborda las limitaciones de los estudios existentes para dar soporte en el diseño, el despliegue y la gestión de sistemas de IoT autoadaptables. Hemos diseñado un lenguaje de dominio específico (DSL) para modelar el sistema de IoT autoadaptable, un generador de código que produce manifiestos YAML para el despliegue del sistema de IoT y un marco basado en el bucle MAPE-K para monitorizar y adaptar el sistema de IoT en tiempo de ejecución. Por último, hemos llevado a cabo varios estudios experimentales para validar la expresividad y usabilidad del DSL y evaluar la capacidad y el rendimiento de nuestro marco para abordar el crecimiento de las adaptaciones concurrentes en un sistema de IoT.Avui dia, la majoria dels sistemes d'internet de les coses (IoT, per la sigla en anglès) aprofiten la informàtica a la perifèria (edge computing) i la informàtica a la boira (fog computing) per complir requisits cada cop més restrictius i millorar la qualitat del servei. Tot i que aquestes arquitectures multicapa poden millorar el rendiment del sistema, dissenyar-les suposa un repte perquè l'entorn d'IoT dinàmic i canviant pot afectar la qualitat del servei i el funcionament del sistema. En aquesta tesi proposem un enfocament basat en el modelatge que aborda les limitacions dels estudis existents per donar suport al disseny, el desplegament i la gestió de sistemes d'IoT autoadaptatius. Hem dissenyat un llenguatge de domini específic (DSL) per modelar el sistema d'IoT autoadaptatiu, un generador de codi que produeix manifestos YAML per al desplegament del sistema d'IoT i un marc basat en el bucle MAPE-K per monitorar i adaptar el sistema d'IoT en temps d'execució. Finalment, hem dut a terme diversos estudis experimentals per validar l'expressivitat i la usabilitat del DSL i avaluar la capacitat i el rendiment del nostre marc per abordar el creixement de les adaptacions concurrents en un sistema d'IoT.Tecnologies de la informació i de xarxe

    Strategic Location and Dispatch Management of Assets in a Military Medical Evacuation Enterprise

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    This dissertation considers the importance of optimizing deployed military medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) systems and utilizes operations research techniques to develop models that allow military medical planners to analyze different strategies regarding the management of MEDEVAC assets in a deployed environment. For optimization models relating to selected subproblems of the MEDEVAC enterprise, the work herein leverages integer programming, multi-objective optimization, Markov decision processes, approximate dynamic programming, and machine learning, as appropriate, to identify relevant insights for aerial MEDEVAC operations

    Human Resources Support

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    Human Resources Support, United States Army Field Manual FM 1-