11 research outputs found

    Lightweight, semi-automatic variability extraction: a case study on scientific computing

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    In scientific computing, researchers often use feature-rich software frameworks to simulate physical, chemical, and biological processes. Commonly, researchers follow a clone-and-own approach: Copying the code of an existing, similar simulation and adapting it to the new simulation scenario. In this process, a user has to select suitable artifacts (e.g., classes) from the given framework and replaces the existing artifacts from the cloned simulation. This manual process incurs substantial effort and cost as scientific frameworks are complex and provide large numbers of artifacts. To support researchers in this area, we propose a lightweight API-based analysis approach, called VORM, that recommends appropriate artifacts as possible alternatives for replacing given artifacts. Such alternative artifacts can speed up performance of the simulation or make it amenable to other use cases, without modifying the overall structure of the simulation. We evaluate the practicality of VORM—especially, as it is very lightweight but possibly imprecise—by means of a case study on the DUNE numerics framework and two simulations from the realm of physical simulations. Specifically, we compare the recommendations by VORM with recommendations by a domain expert (a developer of DUNE). VORM recommended 34 out of the 37 artifacts proposed by the expert. In addition, it recommended 2 artifacts that are applicable but have been missed by the expert and 32 artifacts not recommended by the expert, which however are still applicable in the simulation scenario with slight modifications. Diving deeper into the results, we identified an undiscovered bug and an inconsistency in DUNE, which corroborates the usefulness of VORM

    HALO : a multi-feature two-pass analysis to identify framework API evolution

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    Software frameworks and libraries are indispensable to today’s software systems. Because of the fast development of open-source software in recent years, frameworks and libraries have became much versatile as any open-source system or part thereof can be used as a framework (or a library). Developer can reuse frameworks in innovative ways that are not expected by the providers of frameworks. Many frameworks are not well documented and very few owners provide specific documents to describe the changes between different releases of their frameworks. When they evolve, it is often time-consuming for developers to keep their dependent code up-to-date. Approaches have been proposed to lessen the impact of framework evolution on developers by identifying API evolution or change rules between two releases of a framework. However, the precision and recall of the change rules generated by these approaches depend on the features that they use, such as call-dependency relations or text similarity. If these features do not provide enough information, the approaches can miss correct change rules and compromise the precision and recall. For example, if a method in the old release of a framework is not called by other methods, we cannot find its change rule using call-dependency relations alone. Considering more features can overcome this limitation. Yet, because many features may also give contradictory information, integrating them is not straightforward. We thus introduce Halo, a novel hybrid approach that uses multiple features, including call dependency relations, method documentations, inheritance relations, and text similarity. Halo implements a two-pass analysis inspired by pattern classification problem. We implement Halo in Java and compare it with four state-of-the-art approaches. The comparison shows that, on average, the recall and the precision of Halo are 43% and 5% higher than that of other approaches

    Detecting Semantic Method Clones In Java Code Using Method Ioe-behavior

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    The determination of semantic equivalence is an undecidable problem; however, this dissertation shows that a reasonable approximation can be obtained using a combination of static and dynamic analysis. This study investigates the detection of functional duplicates, referred to as semantic method clones (SMCs), in Java code. My algorithm extends the input-output notion of observable behavior, used in related work [1, 2], to include the effects of the method. The latter property refers to the persistent changes to the heap, brought about by the execution of the method. To differentiate this from the typical input-output behavior used by other researchers, I have coined the term method IOE-Behavior; which means its input-output and effects behavior [3]. Two methods are defined as semantic method clones, if they have identical IOE-Behavior; that is, for the same inputs (actual parameters and initial heap state), they produce the same output (that is result- for non-void methods, an final heap state). The detection process consists of two static pre-filters used to identify candidate clone sets. This is followed by dynamic tests that actually run the candidate methods, to determine semantic equivalence. The first filter groups the methods by type. The second filter refines the output of the first, grouping methods by their effects. This algorithm is implemented in my tool JSCTracker, used to automate the SMC detection process. The algorithm and tool are validated using a case study comprising of 12 open source Java projects, from different application domains and ranging in size from 2 KLOC (thousand lines of code) to 300 KLOC. The objectives of the case study are posed as 4 research questions: 1. Can method IOE-Behavior be used in SMC detection? 2. What is the impact of the use of the pre-filters on the efficiency of the algorithm? 3. How does the performance of method IOE-Behavior compare to using only inputoutput for identifying SMCs? 4. How reliable are the results obtained when method IOE-Behavior is used in SMC detection? Responses to these questions are obtained by checking each software sample with JSCTracker and analyzing the results. The number of SMCs detected range from 0-45 with an average execution time of 8.5 seconds. The use of the two pre-filters reduces the number of methods that reach the dynamic test phase, by an average of 34%. The IOE-Behavior approach takes an average of 0.010 seconds per method while the input-output approach takes an average of 0.015 seconds. The former also identifies an average of 32% false positives, while the SMCs identified using input-output, have an average of 92% false positives. In terms of reliability, the IOE-Behavior method produces results with precision values of an average of 68% and recall value of 76% on average. These reliability values represent an improvement of over 37% (for precision) and 30% (for recall) of the values in related work [4, 5]. Thus, it is my conclusion that IOE-Behavior can be used to detect SMCs in Java code with reasonable reliability

    Improving API Usage through Automatic Detection of Redundant Code

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    Abstract—Software projects often rely on third-party libraries made accessible through Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). We have observed many cases where APIs are used in ways that are not the most effective. We developed a technique and tool support to automatically detect such patterns of API usage in software projects. The main hypothesis underlying our technique is that client code imitating the behavior of an API method without calling it may not be using the API effectively because it could instead call the method it imitates. Our technique involves analyzing software systems to detect cases of API method imitations. In addition to warning developers of potentially reimplemented API methods, we also indicate how to improve the use of the API. Applying our approach on 10 Java systems revealed over 400 actual cases of potentially suboptimal API usage, leading to many improvements to the quality of the code we studied. Index Terms—API usage; code quality; code analysis; recommendation system I

    The Example Guru: Suggesting Examples to Novice Programmers in an Artifact-Based Context

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    Programmers in artifact-based contexts could likely benefit from skills that they do not realize exist. We define artifact-based contexts as contexts where programmers have a goal project, like an application or game, which they must figure out how to accomplish and can change along the way. Artifact-based contexts do not have quantifiable goal states, like the solution to a puzzle or the resolution of a bug in task-based contexts. Currently, programmers in artifact-based contexts have to seek out information, but may be unaware of useful information or choose not to seek out new skills. This is especially problematic for young novice programmers in blocks programming environments. Blocks programming environments often lack even minimal in-context support, such as auto-complete or in-context documentation. Novices programming independently in these blocks-based programming environments often plateau in the programming skills and API methods they use. This work aims to encourage novices in artifact-based programming contexts to explore new API methods and skills. One way to support novices may be with examples, as examples are effective for learning and highly available. In order to better understand how to use examples for supporting novice programmers, I first ran two studies exploring novices\u27 use and focus on example code. I used those results to design a system called the Example Guru. The Example Guru suggests example snippets to novice programmers that contain previously unused API methods or code concepts. Finally, I present an approach for semi-automatically generating content for this type of suggestion system. This approach reduces the amount of expert effort required to create suggestions. This work contains three contributions: 1) a better understanding of difficulties novices have using example code, 2) a system that encourages exploration and use of new programming skills, and 3) an approach for generating content for a suggestion system with less expert effort