2,280 research outputs found

    A Modular Approach to Lung Nodule Detection from Computed Tomography Images Using Artificial Neural Networks and Content Based Image Representation

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    Lung cancer is one of the most lethal cancer types. Research in computer aided detection (CAD) and diagnosis for lung cancer aims at providing effective tools to assist physicians in cancer diagnosis and treatment to save lives. In this dissertation, we focus on developing a CAD framework for automated lung cancer nodule detection from 3D lung computed tomography (CT) images. Nodule detection is a challenging task that no machine intelligence can surpass human capability to date. In contrast, human recognition power is limited by vision capacity and may suffer from work overload and fatigue, whereas automated nodule detection systems can complement expert’s efforts to achieve better detection performance. The proposed CAD framework encompasses several desirable properties such as mimicking physicians by means of geometric multi-perspective analysis, computational efficiency, and the most importantly producing high performance in detection accuracy. As the central part of the framework, we develop a novel hierarchical modular decision engine implemented by Artificial Neural Networks. One advantage of this decision engine is that it supports the combination of spatial-level and feature-level information analysis in an efficient way. Our methodology overcomes some of the limitations of current lung nodule detection techniques by combining geometric multi-perspective analysis with global and local feature analysis. The proposed modular decision engine design is flexible to modifications in the decision modules; the engine structure can adopt the modifications without having to re-design the entire system. The engine can easily accommodate multi-learning scheme and parallel implementation so that each information type can be processed (in parallel) by the most adequate learning technique of its own. We have also developed a novel shape representation technique that is invariant under rigid-body transformation and we derived new features based on this shape representation for nodule detection. We implemented a prototype nodule detection system as a demonstration of the proposed framework. Experiments have been conducted to assess the performance of the proposed methodologies using real-world lung CT data. Several performance measures for detection accuracy are used in the assessment. The results show that the decision engine is able to classify patterns efficiently with very good classification performance

    Neighborhood Defined Feature Selection Strategy for Improved Face Recognition in Different Sensor Modalitie

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    A novel feature selection strategy for improved face recognition in images with variations due to illumination conditions, facial expressions, and partial occlusions is presented in this dissertation. A hybrid face recognition system that uses feature maps of phase congruency and modular kernel spaces is developed. Phase congruency provides a measure that is independent of the overall magnitude of a signal, making it invariant to variations in image illumination and contrast. A novel modular kernel spaces approach is developed and implemented on the phase congruency feature maps. Smaller sub-regions from a predefined neighborhood within the phase congruency images of the training samples are merged to obtain a large set of features. These features are then projected into higher dimensional spaces using kernel methods. The unique modularization procedure developed in this research takes into consideration that the facial variations in a real world scenario are confined to local regions. The additional pixel dependencies that are considered based on their importance help in providing additional information for classification. This procedure also helps in robust localization of the variations, further improving classification accuracy. The effectiveness of the new feature selection strategy has been demonstrated by employing it in two specific applications via face authentication in low resolution cameras and face recognition using multiple sensors (visible and infrared). The face authentication system uses low quality images captured by a web camera. The optical sensor of the web camera is very sensitive to environmental illumination variations. It is observed that the feature selection policy overcomes the facial and environmental variations. A methodology based on multiple training images and clustering is also incorporated to overcome the additional challenges of computational efficiency and the subject\u27s non involvement. A multi-sensor image fusion based face recognition methodology that uses the proposed feature selection technique is presented in this dissertation. Research studies have indicated that complementary information from different sensors helps in improving the recognition accuracy compared to individual modalities. A decision level fusion methodology is also developed which provides better performance compared to individual as well as data level fusion modalities. The new decision level fusion technique is also robust to registration discrepancies, which is a very important factor in operational scenarios. Research work is progressing to use the new face recognition technique in multi-view images by employing independent systems for separate views and integrating the results with an appropriate voting procedure

    Machine Learning

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    Machine Learning can be defined in various ways related to a scientific domain concerned with the design and development of theoretical and implementation tools that allow building systems with some Human Like intelligent behavior. Machine learning addresses more specifically the ability to improve automatically through experience

    Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder Based on Brain Network Clustering

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    Developments in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provide new non-invasive approach—functional MRI (fMRI)—to study functions of brain. With the help of fMRI, I can build functional brain networks (FBN) to model correlations of brain activities between cortical regions. Studies focused on brain diseases, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD), have been conducted based on analyzing alterations in FBNs of patients. New biomarkers are identified, and new theories and assumptions are proposed on pathology of brain diseases. Considering that traditional clinical ASD diagnosis instruments, which greatly rely on interviews and observations, can yield large variance, recent studies start to combine machine learning methods and FBN to perform auto-classification of ASD. Such studies have achieved relatively good accuracy. However, in most of these studies, features they use are extracted from the whole brain networks thus the dimension of the features can be high. High-dimensional features may yield overfitting issues and increase computational complexity. Therefore, I need a feature selection strategy that effectively reduces feature dimensions while keeping a good classification performance. In this study, I present a new feature selection strategy that extracting features from functional modules but not the whole brain networks. I will show that my strategy not only reduces feature dimensions, but also improve performances of auto-classifications of ASD. The whole study can be separated into 4 stages: building FBNs, identification of functional modules, statistical analysis of modular alterations and, finally, training classifiers with modular features for auto-classification of ASD. I firstly demonstrate the whole procedure to build FBNs from fMRI images. To identify functional module, I propose a new network clustering algorithm based on joint non-negative matrix factorization. Different from traditional brain network clustering algorithms that mostly perform on an average network of all subjects, I design my algorithm to factorize multiple brain networks simultaneously because the clustering results should be valid not only on the average network but also on each individual network. I show the modules I find are more valid in both views. Then I statistically analyze the alterations in functional modules between ASD and typically developed (TD) group to determine from which modules I extract features from. Several indices based on graph theory are calculated to measure modular properties. I find significant alterations in two modules. With features from these two modules, I train several widely-used classifiers and validate the classifiers on a real-world dataset. The performances of classifiers trained by modular features are better than those with whole-brain features, which demonstrates the effectiveness of my feature selection strategy

    Similarity-based methods for machine diagnosis

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    This work presents a data-driven condition-based maintenance system based on similarity-based modeling (SBM) for automatic machinery fault diagnosis. The proposed system provides information about the equipment current state (degree of anomaly), and returns a set of exemplars that can be employed to describe the current state in a sparse fashion, which can be examined by the operator to assess a decision to be made. The system is modular and data-agnostic, enabling its use in different equipment and data sources with small modifications. The main contributions of this work are: the extensive study of the proposition and use of multiclass SBM on different databases, either as a stand-alone classification method or in combination with an off-the-shelf classifier; novel methods for selecting prototypes for the SBM models; the use of new similarity functions; and a new production-ready fault detection service. These contributions achieved the goal of increasing the SBM models performance in a fault classification scenario while reducing its computational complexity. The proposed system was evaluated in three different databases, achieving higher or similar performance when compared with previous works on the same database. Comparisons with other methods are shown for the recently developed Machinery Fault Database (MaFaulDa) and for the Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) bearing database. The proposed techniques increase the generalization power of the similarity model and of the associated classifier, having accuracies of 98.5% on MaFaulDa and 98.9% on CWRU database. These results indicate that the proposed approach based on SBM is worth further investigation.Este trabalho apresenta um sistema de manutenção preditiva para diagnóstico automático de falhas em máquinas. O sistema proposto, baseado em uma técnica denominada similarity-based modeling (SBM), provê informações sobre o estado atual do equipamento (grau de anomalia), e retorna um conjunto de amostras representativas que pode ser utilizado para descrever o estado atual de forma esparsa, permitindo a um operador avaliar a melhor decisão a ser tomada. O sistema é modular e agnóstico aos dados, permitindo que seja utilizado em variados equipamentos e dados com pequenas modificações. As principais contribuições deste trabalho são: o estudo abrangente da proposta do classificador SBM multi-classe e o seu uso em diferentes bases de dados, seja como um classificador ou auxiliando outros classificadores comumente usados; novos métodos para a seleção de amostras representativas para os modelos SBM; o uso de novas funções de similaridade; e um serviço de detecção de falhas pronto para ser utilizado em produção. Essas contribuições atingiram o objetivo de melhorar o desempenho dos modelos SBM em cenários de classificação de falhas e reduziram sua complexidade computacional. O sistema proposto foi avaliado em três bases de dados, atingindo desempenho igual ou superior ao desempenho de trabalhos anteriores nas mesmas bases. Comparações com outros métodos são apresentadas para a recém-desenvolvida Machinery Fault Database (MaFaulDa) e para a base de dados da Case Western Reserve University (CWRU). As técnicas propostas melhoraram a capacidade de generalização dos modelos de similaridade e do classificador final, atingindo acurácias de 98.5% na MaFaulDa e 98.9% na base de dados CWRU. Esses resultados apontam que a abordagem proposta baseada na técnica SBM tem potencial para ser investigada em mais profundidade

    Efficient Real-time Smoke Filtration with 3D LiDAR for Search and Rescue with Autonomous Heterogeneous Robotic Systems

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    Search and Rescue (SAR) missions in harsh and unstructured Sub-Terranean (Sub-T) environments in the presence of aerosol particles have recently become the main focus in the field of robotics. Aerosol particles such as smoke and dust directly affect the performance of any mobile robotic platform due to their reliance on their onboard perception systems for autonomous navigation and localization in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-denied environments. Although obstacle avoidance and object detection algorithms are robust to the presence of noise to some degree, their performance directly relies on the quality of captured data by onboard sensors such as Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) and camera. Thus, this paper proposes a novel modular agnostic filtration pipeline based on intensity and spatial information such as local point density for removal of detected smoke particles from Point Cloud (PCL) prior to its utilization for collision detection. Furthermore, the efficacy of the proposed framework in the presence of smoke during multiple frontier exploration missions is investigated while the experimental results are presented to facilitate comparison with other methodologies and their computational impact. This provides valuable insight to the research community for better utilization of filtration schemes based on available computation resources while considering the safe autonomous navigation of mobile robots.Comment: Accepted in the 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society [IECON2023
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