5,819 research outputs found

    Motion compensated micro-CT reconstruction for in-situ analysis of dynamic processes

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    This work presents a framework to exploit the synergy between Digital Volume Correlation ( DVC) and iterative CT reconstruction to enhance the quality of high-resolution dynamic X-ray CT (4D-mu CT) and obtain quantitative results from the acquired dataset in the form of 3D strain maps which can be directly correlated to the material properties. Furthermore, we show that the developed framework is capable of strongly reducing motion artifacts even in a dataset containing a single 360 degrees rotation

    Four-dimensional tomographic reconstruction by time domain decomposition

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    Since the beginnings of tomography, the requirement that the sample does not change during the acquisition of one tomographic rotation is unchanged. We derived and successfully implemented a tomographic reconstruction method which relaxes this decades-old requirement of static samples. In the presented method, dynamic tomographic data sets are decomposed in the temporal domain using basis functions and deploying an L1 regularization technique where the penalty factor is taken for spatial and temporal derivatives. We implemented the iterative algorithm for solving the regularization problem on modern GPU systems to demonstrate its practical use

    3D tumor localization through real-time volumetric x-ray imaging for lung cancer radiotherapy

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    Recently we have developed an algorithm for reconstructing volumetric images and extracting 3D tumor motion information from a single x-ray projection. We have demonstrated its feasibility using a digital respiratory phantom with regular breathing patterns. In this work, we present a detailed description and a comprehensive evaluation of the improved algorithm. The algorithm was improved by incorporating respiratory motion prediction. The accuracy and efficiency were then evaluated on 1) a digital respiratory phantom, 2) a physical respiratory phantom, and 3) five lung cancer patients. These evaluation cases include both regular and irregular breathing patterns that are different from the training dataset. For the digital respiratory phantom with regular and irregular breathing, the average 3D tumor localization error is less than 1 mm. On an NVIDIA Tesla C1060 GPU card, the average computation time for 3D tumor localization from each projection ranges between 0.19 and 0.26 seconds, for both regular and irregular breathing, which is about a 10% improvement over previously reported results. For the physical respiratory phantom, an average tumor localization error below 1 mm was achieved with an average computation time of 0.13 and 0.16 seconds on the same GPU card, for regular and irregular breathing, respectively. For the five lung cancer patients, the average tumor localization error is below 2 mm in both the axial and tangential directions. The average computation time on the same GPU card ranges between 0.26 and 0.34 seconds

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationImage-based biomechanics, particularly numerical modeling using subject-specific data obtained via imaging, has proven useful for elucidating several biomechanical processes, such as prediction of deformation due to external loads, applicable to both normal function and pathophysiology of various organs. As the field evolves towards applications that stretch the limits of imaging hardware and acquisition time, the information traditionally expected as input for numerical routines often becomes incomplete or ambiguous, and requires specific acquisition and processing strategies to ensure physical accuracy and compatibility with predictive mathematical modeling. These strategies, often derivatives or specializations of traditional mechanics, effectively extend the nominal capability of medical imaging hardware providing subject-specific information coupled with the option of using the results for predictive numerical simulations. This research deals with the development of tools for extracting mechanical measurements from a finite set of imaging data and finite element analysis in the context of constructing structural atlases of the heart, understanding the biomechanics of the venous vasculature, and right ventricular failure. The tools include: (1) application of Hyperelastic Warping image registration to displacement-encoded MRI for reconstructing absolute displacement fields, (2) combination of imaging and a material parameter identification approach to measure morphology, deformation, and mechanical properties of vascular tissue, and (3) extrapolation of diffusion tensor MRI acquired at a single time point for the prediction the structural changes across the cardiac cycle with mechanical simulations. Selected tools were then applied to evaluate structural changes in a reversible animal model for right ventricular failure due to pressure overload

    Ab initio nonrigid X-ray nanotomography

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    Abstract: Reaching the full potential of X-ray nanotomography, in particular for biological samples, is limited by many factors, of which one of the most serious is radiation damage. Although sample deformation caused by radiation damage can be partly mitigated by cryogenic protection, it is still present in these conditions and, as we exemplify here using a specimen extracted from scales of the Cyphochilus beetle, it will pose a limit to the achievable imaging resolution. We demonstrate a generalized tomographic model, which optimally follows the sample morphological changes and attempts to recover the original sample structure close to the ideal, damage-free reconstruction. Whereas our demonstration was performed using ptychographic X-ray tomography, the method can be adopted for any tomographic imaging modality. Our application demonstrates improved reconstruction quality of radiation-sensitive samples, which will be of increasing relevance with the higher brightness of 4th generation synchrotron sources

    Feature based estimation of myocardial motion from tagged MR images

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    In the past few years we witnessed an increase in mortality due to cancer relative to mortality due to cardiovascular diseases. In 2008, the Netherlands Statistics Agency reports that 33.900 people died of cancer against 33.100 deaths due to cardiovascular diseases, making cancer the number one cause of death in the Netherlands [33]. Even if the rate of people affected by heart diseases is continually rising, they "simply don’t die of it", according to the research director Prof. Mat Daemen of research institute CARIM of the University of Maastricht [50]. The reason for this is the early diagnosis, and the treatment of people with identified risk factors for diseases like ischemic heart disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, thoracic aortic disease, pericardial (sac around the heart) disease, cardiac tumors, pulmonary artery disease, valvular disease, and congenital heart disease before and after surgical repair. Cardiac imaging plays a crucial role in the early diagnosis, since it allows the accurate investigation of a large amount of imaging data in a small amount of time. Moreover, cardiac imaging reduces costs of inpatient care, as has been shown in recent studies [77]. With this in mind, in this work we have provided several tools with the aim to help the investigation of the cardiac motion. In chapters 2 and 3 we have explored a novel variational optic flow methodology based on multi-scale feature points to extract cardiac motion from tagged MR images. Compared to constant brightness methods, this new approach exhibits several advantages. Although the intensity of critical points is also influenced by fading, critical points do retain their characteristic even in the presence of intensity changes, such as in MR imaging. In an experiment in section 5.4 we have applied this optic flow approach directly on tagged MR images. A visual inspection confirmed that the extracted motion fields realistically depicted the cardiac wall motion. The method exploits also the advantages from the multiscale framework. Because sparse velocity formulas 2.9, 3.7, 6.21, and 7.5 provide a number of equations equal to the number of unknowns, the method does not suffer from the aperture problem in retrieving velocities associated to the critical points. In chapters 2 and 3 we have moreover introduced a smoothness component of the optic flow equation described by means of covariant derivatives. This is a novelty in the optic flow literature. Many variational optic flow methods present a smoothness component that penalizes for changes from global assumptions such as isotropic or anisotropic smoothness. In the smoothness term proposed deviations from a predefined motion model are penalized. Moreover, the proposed optic flow equation has been decomposed in rotation-free and divergence-free components. This decomposition allows independent tuning of the two components during the vector field reconstruction. The experiments and the Table of errors provided in 3.8 showed that the combination of the smoothness term, influenced by a predefined motion model, and the Helmholtz decomposition in the optic flow equation reduces the average angular error substantially (20%-25%) with respect to a similar technique that employs only standard derivatives in the smoothness term. In section 5.3 we extracted the motion field of a phantom of which we know the ground truth of and compared the performance of this optic flow method with the performance of other optic flow methods well known in the literature, such as the Horn and Schunck [76] approach, the Lucas and Kanade [111] technique and the tuple image multi-scale optic flow constraint equation of Van Assen et al. [163]. Tests showed that the proposed optic flow methodology provides the smallest average angular error (AAE = 3.84 degrees) and L2 norm = 0.1. In this work we employed the Helmholtz decomposition also to study the cardiac behavior, since the vector field decomposition allows to investigate cardiac contraction and cardiac rotation independently. In chapter 4 we carried out an analysis of cardiac motion of ten volunteers and one patient where we estimated the kinetic energy for the different components. This decomposition is useful since it allows to visualize and quantify the contributions of each single vector field component to the heart beat. Local measurements of the kinetic energy have also been used to detect areas of the cardiac walls with little movement. Experiments on a patient and a comparison between a late enhancement cardiac image and an illustration of the cardiac kinetic energy on a bull’s eye plot illustrated that a correspondence between an infarcted area and an area with very small kinetic energy exists. With the aim to extend in the future the proposed optic flow equation to a 3D approach, in chapter 6 we investigated the 3D winding number approach as a tool to locate critical points in volume images. We simplified the mathematics involved with respect to a previous work [150] and we provided several examples and applications such as cardiac motion estimation from 3-dimensional tagged images, follicle and neuronal cell counting. Finally in chapter 7 we continued our investigation on volume tagged MR images, by retrieving the cardiac motion field using a 3-dimensional and simple version of the proposed optic flow equation based on standard derivatives. We showed that the retrieved motion fields display the contracting and rotating behavior of the cardiac muscle. We moreover extracted the through-plane component, which provides a realistic illustration of the vector field and is missed by 2-dimensional approaches

    A multi-angle plane wave imaging approach for high frequency 2D flow visualization in small animals: simulation study in the murine arterial system

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    To preclinically investigate the role of hemodynamics in atherogenesis, mouse models are particularly useful due to the rapid disease development. As such, murine blood flow visualization has become an important tool, with current US systems equipped with traditional 1D flow imaging techniques, lacking spatial and/or temporal resolution to accurately resolve in-vivo flow fields. Hence, we investigated multi-angle plane wave imaging for ultrafast, 2D vector flow visualization and compared this approach with conventional pulsed Doppler in the setting of a mouse aorta with abdominal aortic aneurysm. For this purpose, we used a multiphysics model which allowed direct comparison of synthetic US images with the true flow field behind the image. In case of the abdominal aorta, we showed the mean flow estimation improved 9 % when using 2D vector Doppler compared to conventional Doppler, but still underestimated the true flow because the full spatial velocity distribution remained unknown. We also evaluated a more challenging measurement location, the mesenteric artery (aortic side branch), often assessed in a short-axis view close to the origin of the branch to avoid the smaller dimensions downstream. Even so, complex out-ofplane flow dynamics hampered a reliable flow assessment for both techniques. Hence, both cases illustrated the need for 3D vascular imaging, allowing acquisition of the full 3D spatial velocity profile
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