336 research outputs found

    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration interdisciplinary studies in space technology at the University of Kansas

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    A broad range of research projects contained in a cooperative space technology program at the University of Kansas are reported as they relate to the following three areas of interdisciplinary interest: (1) remote sensing of earth resources; (2) stability and control of light and general aviation aircraft; and (3) the vibrational response characteristics of aeronautical and space vehicles. Details of specific research efforts are given under their appropriate departments, among which are aerospace engineering, chemical and petroleum engineering, environmental health, water resources, the remote sensing laboratory, and geoscience applications studies

    Functional requirements for the man-vehicle systems research facility

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    The NASA Ames Research Center proposed a man-vehicle systems research facility to support flight simulation studies which are needed for identifying and correcting the sources of human error associated with current and future air carrier operations. The organization of research facility is reviewed and functional requirements and related priorities for the facility are recommended based on a review of potentially critical operational scenarios. Requirements are included for the experimenter's simulation control and data acquisition functions, as well as for the visual field, motion, sound, computation, crew station, and intercommunications subsystems. The related issues of functional fidelity and level of simulation are addressed, and specific criteria for quantitative assessment of various aspects of fidelity are offered. Recommendations for facility integration, checkout, and staffing are included

    Geometric Accuracy Testing, Evaluation and Applicability of Space Imagery to the Small Scale Topographic Mapping of the Sudan

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    The geometric accuracy, interpretabilty and the applicability of using space imagery for the production of small-scale topographic maps of the Sudan have been assessed. Two test areas have been selected. The first test area was selected in the central Sudan including the area between the Blue Nile and the White Nile and extending to Atbara in the Nile Province. The second test area was selected in the Red Sea Hills area which has modern 1:100,000 scale topographic map coverage and has been covered by six types of images, Landsat MSS TM and RBV; MOMS; Metric Camera (MC); and Large format Camera (LFC). Geometric accuracy testing has been carried out using a test field of well-defined control points whose terrain coordinates have been obtained from the existing maps. The same points were measured on each of the images in a Zeiss Jena Stereocomparator (Stecometer C II) and transformed into the terrain coordinate system using polynomial transformations in the case of the scanner and RBV images; and space resection/intersection, relative/absolute orientation and bundle adjustment in the case of the MC and LFC photographs. The two sets of coordinates were then compared. The planimetric accuracies (root mean square errors) obtained for the scanner and RBV images were: Landsat MSS +/-80 m; TM +/-45 m; REV +/-40 m; and MOMS +/-28 m. The accuracies of the 3-dimensional coordinates obtained from the photographs were: MC:-X=+/-16 m, Y=+/-16 m, Z=+/-30 m; and LFC:- X=+/-14 m, Y=+/-14 m, and Z=+/-20 m. The planimetric accuracy figures are compatible with the specifications for topographic maps at scales of 1:250,000 in the case of MSS; 1:125,000 scale in the case of TM and RBV; and 1:100,000 scale in the case of MOMS. The planimetric accuracies (vector =+/-20 m) achieved with the two space cameras are compatible with topographic mapping at 1:60,000 to 1:70,000 scale. However, the spot height accuracies of +/-20 to +/-30 m - equivalent to a contour interval of 50 to 60 m - fall short of the required heighting accuracies for 1:60,000 to 1:100,000 scale mapping. The interpretation tests carried out on the MSS, TM, and RBV images showed that, while the main terrain features (hills, ridges, wadis, etc.) can be mapped reasonably well, there was an almost complete failure to pick up the cultural features - towns, villages, roads, railways, etc. - present in the test areas. The high resolution MOMS images and the space photographs were much more satisfactory in this respect though still the cultural features are difficult to pick up due to the buildings and roads being built out of local material and exhibiting little contrast on the images

    Remote Sensing

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    This dual conception of remote sensing brought us to the idea of preparing two different books; in addition to the first book which displays recent advances in remote sensing applications, this book is devoted to new techniques for data processing, sensors and platforms. We do not intend this book to cover all aspects of remote sensing techniques and platforms, since it would be an impossible task for a single volume. Instead, we have collected a number of high-quality, original and representative contributions in those areas

    Remote sensing in the coastal and marine environment. Proceedings of the US North Atlantic Regional Workshop

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    Presentations were grouped in the following categories: (1) a technical orientation of Earth resources remote sensing including data sources and processing; (2) a review of the present status of remote sensing technology applicable to the coastal and marine environment; (3) a description of data and information needs of selected coastal and marine activities; and (4) an outline of plans for marine monitoring systems for the east coast and a concept for an east coast remote sensing facility. Also discussed were user needs and remote sensing potentials in the areas of coastal processes and management, commercial and recreational fisheries, and marine physical processes

    Computational Methods for Segmentation of Multi-Modal Multi-Dimensional Cardiac Images

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    Segmentation of the heart structures helps compute the cardiac contractile function quantified via the systolic and diastolic volumes, ejection fraction, and myocardial mass, representing a reliable diagnostic value. Similarly, quantification of the myocardial mechanics throughout the cardiac cycle, analysis of the activation patterns in the heart via electrocardiography (ECG) signals, serve as good cardiac diagnosis indicators. Furthermore, high quality anatomical models of the heart can be used in planning and guidance of minimally invasive interventions under the assistance of image guidance. The most crucial step for the above mentioned applications is to segment the ventricles and myocardium from the acquired cardiac image data. Although the manual delineation of the heart structures is deemed as the gold-standard approach, it requires significant time and effort, and is highly susceptible to inter- and intra-observer variability. These limitations suggest a need for fast, robust, and accurate semi- or fully-automatic segmentation algorithms. However, the complex motion and anatomy of the heart, indistinct borders due to blood flow, the presence of trabeculations, intensity inhomogeneity, and various other imaging artifacts, makes the segmentation task challenging. In this work, we present and evaluate segmentation algorithms for multi-modal, multi-dimensional cardiac image datasets. Firstly, we segment the left ventricle (LV) blood-pool from a tri-plane 2D+time trans-esophageal (TEE) ultrasound acquisition using local phase based filtering and graph-cut technique, propagate the segmentation throughout the cardiac cycle using non-rigid registration-based motion extraction, and reconstruct the 3D LV geometry. Secondly, we segment the LV blood-pool and myocardium from an open-source 4D cardiac cine Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) dataset by incorporating average atlas based shape constraint into the graph-cut framework and iterative segmentation refinement. The developed fast and robust framework is further extended to perform right ventricle (RV) blood-pool segmentation from a different open-source 4D cardiac cine MRI dataset. Next, we employ convolutional neural network based multi-task learning framework to segment the myocardium and regress its area, simultaneously, and show that segmentation based computation of the myocardial area is significantly better than that regressed directly from the network, while also being more interpretable. Finally, we impose a weak shape constraint via multi-task learning framework in a fully convolutional network and show improved segmentation performance for LV, RV and myocardium across healthy and pathological cases, as well as, in the challenging apical and basal slices in two open-source 4D cardiac cine MRI datasets. We demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the proposed segmentation methods by comparing the obtained results against the provided gold-standard manual segmentations, as well as with other competing segmentation methods

    Recent Advances in Signal Processing

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    The signal processing task is a very critical issue in the majority of new technological inventions and challenges in a variety of applications in both science and engineering fields. Classical signal processing techniques have largely worked with mathematical models that are linear, local, stationary, and Gaussian. They have always favored closed-form tractability over real-world accuracy. These constraints were imposed by the lack of powerful computing tools. During the last few decades, signal processing theories, developments, and applications have matured rapidly and now include tools from many areas of mathematics, computer science, physics, and engineering. This book is targeted primarily toward both students and researchers who want to be exposed to a wide variety of signal processing techniques and algorithms. It includes 27 chapters that can be categorized into five different areas depending on the application at hand. These five categories are ordered to address image processing, speech processing, communication systems, time-series analysis, and educational packages respectively. The book has the advantage of providing a collection of applications that are completely independent and self-contained; thus, the interested reader can choose any chapter and skip to another without losing continuity

    Towards automating cine DENSE MRI image analysis : segmentation, tissue tracking and strain computation

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 192-206).Over the past two decades, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has developed into a powerful imaging tool for the heart. Imaging cardiac morphology is now commonplace in clinical practice, and a plethora of quantitative techniques have also arisen on the research front. Myocardial tagging is an established quantitative cardiac MRI method that involves magnetically tagging the heart with a set of saturated bands, and monitoring the deformation of these bands as the heart contracts

    Development, Implementation and Pre-clinical Evaluation of Medical Image Computing Tools in Support of Computer-aided Diagnosis: Respiratory, Orthopedic and Cardiac Applications

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    Over the last decade, image processing tools have become crucial components of all clinical and research efforts involving medical imaging and associated applications. The imaging data available to the radiologists continue to increase their workload, raising the need for efficient identification and visualization of the required image data necessary for clinical assessment. Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) in medical imaging has evolved in response to the need for techniques that can assist the radiologists to increase throughput while reducing human error and bias without compromising the outcome of the screening, diagnosis or disease assessment. More intelligent, but simple, consistent and less time-consuming methods will become more widespread, reducing user variability, while also revealing information in a more clear, visual way. Several routine image processing approaches, including localization, segmentation, registration, and fusion, are critical for enhancing and enabling the development of CAD techniques. However, changes in clinical workflow require significant adjustments and re-training and, despite the efforts of the academic research community to develop state-of-the-art algorithms and high-performance techniques, their footprint often hampers their clinical use. Currently, the main challenge seems to not be the lack of tools and techniques for medical image processing, analysis, and computing, but rather the lack of clinically feasible solutions that leverage the already developed and existing tools and techniques, as well as a demonstration of the potential clinical impact of such tools. Recently, more and more efforts have been dedicated to devising new algorithms for localization, segmentation or registration, while their potential and much intended clinical use and their actual utility is dwarfed by the scientific, algorithmic and developmental novelty that only result in incremental improvements over already algorithms. In this thesis, we propose and demonstrate the implementation and evaluation of several different methodological guidelines that ensure the development of image processing tools --- localization, segmentation and registration --- and illustrate their use across several medical imaging modalities --- X-ray, computed tomography, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging --- and several clinical applications: Lung CT image registration in support for assessment of pulmonary nodule growth rate and disease progression from thoracic CT images. Automated reconstruction of standing X-ray panoramas from multi-sector X-ray images for assessment of long limb mechanical axis and knee misalignment. Left and right ventricle localization, segmentation, reconstruction, ejection fraction measurement from cine cardiac MRI or multi-plane trans-esophageal ultrasound images for cardiac function assessment. When devising and evaluating our developed tools, we use clinical patient data to illustrate the inherent clinical challenges associated with highly variable imaging data that need to be addressed before potential pre-clinical validation and implementation. In an effort to provide plausible solutions to the selected applications, the proposed methodological guidelines ensure the development of image processing tools that help achieve sufficiently reliable solutions that not only have the potential to address the clinical needs, but are sufficiently streamlined to be potentially translated into eventual clinical tools provided proper implementation. G1: Reducing the number of degrees of freedom (DOF) of the designed tool, with a plausible example being avoiding the use of inefficient non-rigid image registration methods. This guideline addresses the risk of artificial deformation during registration and it clearly aims at reducing complexity and the number of degrees of freedom. G2: The use of shape-based features to most efficiently represent the image content, either by using edges instead of or in addition to intensities and motion, where useful. Edges capture the most useful information in the image and can be used to identify the most important image features. As a result, this guideline ensures a more robust performance when key image information is missing. G3: Efficient method of implementation. This guideline focuses on efficiency in terms of the minimum number of steps required and avoiding the recalculation of terms that only need to be calculated once in an iterative process. An efficient implementation leads to reduced computational effort and improved performance. G4: Commence the workflow by establishing an optimized initialization and gradually converge toward the final acceptable result. This guideline aims to ensure reasonable outcomes in consistent ways and it avoids convergence to local minima, while gradually ensuring convergence to the global minimum solution. These guidelines lead to the development of interactive, semi-automated or fully-automated approaches that still enable the clinicians to perform final refinements, while they reduce the overall inter- and intra-observer variability, reduce ambiguity, increase accuracy and precision, and have the potential to yield mechanisms that will aid with providing an overall more consistent diagnosis in a timely fashion

    The efficient use of data from different sources for production and application of digital elevation models

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    The emphasis of the investigation reported in this thesis is on the use of digital elevation data of two resolutions originating from two different sources. The high resolution DEM was captured from aerial photographs (first source) at a scale of 1:30,000 and the low resolution DEM was captured from SPOT images (second source). It is well known that the resolution of DEM data depends a great deal on the scale of the images used. The technique for capturing DEMs is static measurement of the spot heights in a regular grid. The grid spacing of the high resolution DEM was 30 m, and of the low resolution DEM was 100 m. The aims of this thesis are as follows: 1. To assess the feasibility of using SPOT stereodata as a source of height information and merged with data from aerial photography. This is carried out by comparison of the elevation data derived from SPOT with the digital elevation data derived from aerial photography. From the comparison of these two sources of height information, some results are derived which show the possible heighting accuracy levels which can realistically be achieved. A systematic error in the estimated average of the elevation differences was found and many tests have been carried out to find the reasons for the presence of this systematic error. 2. To develop methods to manipulate the captured data. 2.1. Gross error (blunder) detection. Blunders made during the data capturing procedure affect the accuracy of the final product. Therefore it is necessary to trap and to remove them. A pointwise local self-checking blunder detection algorithm was developed in order to check the grid elevation data, particularly those which are derived from the second source. 2.2. Data coordinates transformation. The data must be transformed into a common projection in order to be directly comparable. The projection and coordinate systems employed are studied in this project, and the errors caused by the transformations are estimated. 2.3. Data merging. Data of different reliability have to be merged into a single set of data. In this project data from two different sources are merged in order to create a final product of known and uniform accuracy. The effect of the lower resolution source on the high resolution source was studied, in dense and in sparse form. 2.4. Data structure. To structure the data by changing the format in order to be in an acceptable form for DEM creation and display, through the commercially available Laser-Scan package DTMCREATE. 3. DEM production and contouring. To produce DEMs from the initial data and that derived from the two merged sources, and to find the accuracy of the interpolation procedure by comparing the derived interpolated data with the high resolution DEM which has been derived from aerial photography. Finally to interpolate contours directly from the "raw" SPOT data and to compare them with those derived from the aerial photography in order to find out the feasibility and capability of using SPOT data in contouring for topographic maps