17 research outputs found

    SiGe field effect transistors – performance and applications, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2001, nr 1

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    Recent and encouraging developments in Schottky and MOS gated Si/SiGe field effect transistors are surveyed. Circuit applications are now beginning to be investigated. The authors discuss some of this work and consider future prospects for the role of SiGe field effect devices inmobile communications

    Nouvelles méthodes pseudo-MOSFET pour la caractérisation des substrats SOI avancés

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    Les architectures des dispositifs Silicium-Sur-Isolant (SOI) représentent des alternatives attractives par rapport à celles en Si massif grâce à l amélioration des performances des transistors et des circuits. Dans ce contexte, les plaquettes SOI doivent être d excellente qualité.Dans cette thèse nous développons des nouveaux outils de caractérisation électrique et des modèles pour des substrats SOI avancés. La caractérisation classique pseudo-MOSFET ( -MOSFET) pour le SOI a été revisitée et étendue pour des mesures à basses températures. Les variantes enrichies de -MOSFET, proposées et validées sur des nombreuses géométries, concernent des mesures split C-V et des mesures bruit basse fréquence. A partir des courbes split C-V, une méthode d'extraction de la mobilité effective a été validée. Un modèle expliquant les variations de la capacité avec la fréquence s accorde bien avec les résultats expérimentaux. Le -MOSFET a été aussi étendu pour les films SOI fortement dopés et un modèle pour l'extraction des paramètres a été élaboré. En outre, nous avons prouvé la possibilité de caractériser des nanofils de SiGe empilés dans des architectures 3D, en utilisant le concept -MOSFET. Finalement, le SOI ultra-mince dans la configuration -MOSFET s'est avéré intéressant pour la détection des nanoparticules d'or.Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) device architectures represent attractive alternatives to bulk ones thanks to the improvement of transistors and circuits performances. In this context, the SOI starting material should be of prime quality.In this thesis, we develop novel electrical characterization tools and models for advanced SOI substrates. The classical pseudo-MOSFET ( -MOSFET) characterization for SOI was revisited and extended to low temperatures. Enriched variants of -MOSFET, proposed and demonstrated on numerous geometries, concern split C-V and low-frequency noise measurements. Based on split C-V, an extraction method for the effective mobility was validated. A model explaining the capacitance variations with the frequency shows good agreement with the experimental results. The -MOSFET was also extended to highly doped SOI films and a model for parameter extraction was derived. Furthermore, we proved the possibility to characterize SiGe nanowire 3D stacks using the -MOSFET concept. Finally thin film -MOSFET proved to be an interesting, technology-light detector for gold nanoparticles.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Strain Engineering for Enhanced P-channel Field Effect Transistor Performance

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    Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2007, nr 2

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    Low-frequency noise in downscaled silicon transistors: Trends, theory and practice

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    By the continuing downscaling of sub-micron transistors in the range of few to one deca-nanometers, we focus on the increasing relative level of the low-frequency noise in these devices. Large amount of published data and models are reviewed and summarized, in order to capture the state-of-the-art, and to observe that the 1/area scaling of low-frequency noise holds even for carbon nanotube devices, but the noise becomes too large in order to have fully deterministic devices with area less than 10nm×10nm. The low-frequency noise models are discussed from the point of view that the noise can be both intrinsic and coupled to the charge transport in the devices, which provided a coherent picture, and more interestingly, showed that the models converge each to other, despite the many issues that one can find for the physical origin of each model. Several derivations are made to explain crossovers in noise spectra, variable random telegraph amplitudes, duality between energy and distance of charge traps, behaviors and trends for figures of merit by device downscaling, practical constraints for micropower amplifiers and dependence of phase noise on the harmonics in the oscillation signal, uncertainty and techniques of averaging by noise characterization. We have also shown how the unavoidable statistical variations by fabrication is embedded in the devices as a spatial “frozen noise”, which also follows 1/area scaling law and limits the production yield, from one side, and from other side, the “frozen noise” contributes generically to temporal 1/f noise by randomly probing the embedded variations during device operation, owing to the purely statistical accumulation of variance that follows from cause-consequence principle, and irrespectively of the actual physical process. The accumulation of variance is known as statistics of “innovation variance”, which explains the nearly log-normal distributions in the values for low-frequency noise parameters gathered from different devices, bias and other conditions, thus, the origin of geometric averaging in low-frequency noise characterizations. At present, the many models generally coincide each with other, and what makes the difference, are the values, which, however, scatter prominently in nanodevices. Perhaps, one should make some changes in the approach to the low-frequency noise in electronic devices, to emphasize the “statistics behind the numbers”, because the general physical assumptions in each model always fail at some point by the device downscaling, but irrespectively of that, the statistics works, since the low-frequency noise scales consistently with the 1/area law

    Design and simulation of strained-Si/strained-SiGe dual channel hetero-structure MOSFETs

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    With a unified physics-based model linking MOSFET performance to carrier mobility and drive current, it is shown that nearly continuous carrier mobility increase has been achieved by introduction of process-induced and global-induced strain, which has been responsible for increase in device performance commensurately with scaling. Strained silicon-germanium technology is a hot research area, explored by many different research groups for present and future CMOS technology, due to its high hole mobility and easy process integration with silicon. Several heterostructure architectures for strained Si/SiGe have been shown in the literature. A dual channel heterostructure consisting of strained Si/Si1-xGex on a relaxed SiGe buffer provides a platform for fabricating MOS transistors with high drive currents, resulting from high carrier mobility and carrier velocity, due to presence of compressively strained silicon germanium layer. This works reports the design, modeling and simulation of NMOS and PMOS transistors with a tensile strained Si channel layer and compressively strained SiGe channel layer for a 65 nm logic technology node. Since most of the recent work on development of strained Si/SiGe has been experimental in nature, developments of compact models are necessary to predict the device behavior. A unified modeling approach consisting of different physics-based models has been formulated in this work and their ability to predict the device behavior has been investigated. In addition to this, quantum mechanical simulations were performed in order to investigate and model the device behavior. High p/n-channel drive currents of 0.43 and 0.98 mA/Gm, respectively, are reported in this work. However with improved performance, ~ 10% electrostatic degradation was observed in PMOS due to buried channel device

    Application of novel gate materials for performance improvement in flash memory devices

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    Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2001, nr 1

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