8,355 research outputs found

    Research Trends and Outlooks in Assembly Line Balancing Problems

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    This paper presents the findings from the survey of articles published on the assembly line balancing problems (ALBPs) during 2014-2018. Before proceeding a comprehensive literature review, the ineffectiveness of the previous ALBP classification structures is discussed and a new classification scheme based on the layout configurations of assembly lines is subsequently proposed. The research trend in each layout of assembly lines is highlighted through the graphical presentations. The challenges in the ALBPs are also pinpointed as a technical guideline for future research works

    Overview on: sequencing in mixed model flowshop production line with static and dynamic context

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    In the present work a literature overview was given on solution techniques considering basic as well as more advanced and consequently more complex arrangements of mixed model flowshops. We first analyzed the occurrence of setup time/cost; existing solution techniques are mainly focused on permutation sequences. Thereafter we discussed objectives resulting in the introduction of variety of methods allowing resequencing of jobs within the line. The possibility of resequencing within the line ranges from 1) offline or intermittent buffers, 2) parallel stations, namely flexible, hybrid or compound flowshops, 3) merging and splitting of parallel lines, 4) re-entrant flowshops, to 5) change job attributes without physically interchanging the position. In continuation the differences in the consideration of static and dynamic demand was studied. Also intermittent setups are possible, depending on the horizon and including the possibility of resequencing, four problem cases were highlighted: static, semi dynamic, nearly dynamic and dynamic case. Finally a general overview was given on existing solution methods, including exact and approximation methods. The approximation methods are furthermore divided in two cases, know as heuristics and methaheuristic

    Managing complex assembly lines : solving assembly line balancing and feeding problems

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    Throughput Rate Optimization in High Multiplicity Sequencing Problems

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    Mixed model assembly systems assemble products (parts) of differenttypes in certain prespecified quantities. A minimal part set is a smallestpossible set of product type quantities, to be called the multiplicities,in which the numbers of assembled products of the various types are inthe desired ratios. It is common practice to repeatedly assemble minimalpart sets, and in such a way that the products of each of the minimalpart sets are assembled in the same sequence. Little is known howeverregarding the resulting throughput rate, in particular in comparison to thethroughput rates attainable by other input strategies. This paper investigatesthroughput and balancing issues in repetitive manufacturing environments.It considers sequencing problems that occur in this setting andhow the repetition strategy influences throughput. We model the problemsas a generalization of the traveling salesman problem and derive ourresults in this general setting. Our analysis uses well known concepts fromscheduling theory and combinatorial optimization.Economics ;

    Balancing and Sequencing of Mixed Model Assembly Lines

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    Assembly lines are cost efficient production systems that mass produce identical products. Due to customer demand, manufacturers use mixed model assembly lines to produce customized products that are not identical. To stay efficient, management decisions for the line such as number of workers and assembly task assignment to stations need to be optimized to increase throughput and decrease cost. In each station, the work to be done depends on the exact product configuration, and is not consistent across all products. In this dissertation, a mixed model line balancing integer program (IP) that considers parallel workers, zoning, task assignment, and ergonomic constraints with the objective of minimizing the number of workers is proposed. Upon observing the limitation of the IP, a Constraint Programming (CP) model that is based on CPLEX CP Optimizer is developed to solve larger assembly line balancing problems. Data from an automotive OEM are used to assess the performance of both the MIP and CP models. Using the OEM data, we show that the CP model outperforms the IP model for bigger problems. A sensitivity analysis is done to assess the cost of enforcing some of the constraint on the computation complexity and the amount of violations to these constraints once they are disabled. Results show that some of the constraints are helpful in reducing the computation time. Specifically, the assignment constraints in which decision variables are fixed or bounded result in a smaller search space. Finally, since the line balance for mixed model is based on task duration averages, we propose a mixed model sequencing model that minimize the number of overload situation that might occur due to variability in tasks times by providing an optimal production sequence. We consider the skip-policy to manage overload situations and allow interactions between stations via workers swimming. An IP model formulation is proposed and a GRASP solution heuristic is developed to solve the problem. Data from the literature are used to assess the performance of the developed heuristic and to show the benefit of swimming in reducing work overload situations