129 research outputs found

    An Accurate Approximation of Resource Request Distributions in Millimeter Wave 3GPP New Radio Systems

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    The recently standardized millimeter wave-based 3GPP New Radio technology is expected to become an enabler for both enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) and ultra-reliable low latency communication (URLLC) services specified to future 5G systems. One of the first steps in mathematical modeling of such systems is the characterization of the session resource request probability mass function (pmf) as a function of the channel conditions, cell size, application demands, user location and system parameters including modulation and coding schemes employed at the air interface. Unfortunately, this pmf cannot be expressed via elementary functions. In this paper, we develop an accurate approximation of the sought pmf. First, we show that Normal distribution provides a fairly accurate approximation to the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the signal-to-noise ratio for communication systems operating in the millimeter frequency band, further allowing evaluating the resource request pmf via error function. We also investigate the impact of shadow fading on the resource request pmf.Comment: The 19th International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networks and Systems (New2An 2019

    Point-to-Multipoint Services on Fifth-Generation Mobile Networks

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    [ES] Esta disertación cubre el estado del arte en LTE eMBMS Release 14, también conocido como Enhanced Television Services (ENTV). ENTV trajo un conjunto de mejoras, tanto a nivel radio como a nivel de núcleo, que transformó a eMBMS en un estándar de televisión terrestre completo. La última versión de esta tecnología se denomina LTE-based 5G Broadcast; pero no usa New Radio ni el núcleo 5G. Para proveer una solución nativa 5G de servicios punto-a-multipunto, hubo investigación en entornos acad\'emicos y colaboraciones público-privada. La iniciativa más notable en este aspecto fue el proyecto del Horizon 2020 5G-Xcast, que transcurrió de 2017 a 2019. 5G-Xcast produjo varias soluciones a nivel de arquitectura, desde la perspectiva de provisión de contenidos, nuevas funciones de red interoperables con el núcleo 5G, hasta modificaciones a la interfaz aire basada en New Radio. Los hallazgos del proyecto están descritos en esta tesis. La tesis incluye dos ejemplos de eMBMS aplicados a verticales diferentes, una para el uso de eMBMS en entornos industriales, y otra presentando eMBMS como un sistema SAP. Incluir servicios punto-a-multipunto como un modo adicional celular trae algunos desafíos, como ya mostró la estandarización de eMBMS: las redes de radiodifusión terrestre y las redes celulares son muy distintas entre ellas. Encontrar una forma de onda viable para ambas infraestructuras es complejo. Esta tesis ofrece un punto de vista distinto al problema: un escenario de colaboración entre cadenas televisivas y operadores móviles, donde la infraestructura de radiodifusión y móvil son compartidas. Este concepto se ha definido como Convergence of Terrestrial and Mobile Networks. Las tecnologías elegidas para converger son ATSC 3.0 y 5G, usando el Advanced Traffic Steering, Switching and Splitting (ATSSS). ATSSS está compuesto de una serie de procedimientos, interfaces, funciones de red, para permitir el uso compartido de un acceso 3GPP con uno non-3GPP, como Wi-Fi. Sin embargo, el uso de ATSSS para juntar radiodifusión y celular no es trivial, ya que ATSSS no fue dise\~{n}ado para enlaces radio unidireccionales como ATSC 3.0. Estas limitaciones son descritas en detalle, y una propuesta para solventarlas tambi\'en está incluida. La solución se basa en Quick UDP Internet Connections (QUIC), y se usa como ejemplo para la provisión de Convergent Services (File Repair y Video Offloading). La tesis concluye con una descripción de Release 17 5MBS, con los nuevos conceptos introducidos. 5MBS es capaz de cambiar entre unicast, multicast y broadcast; dependiendo del servicio, la ubicación geográfica de los usuarios, y las capacidades de la infraestructura móvil involucradas. Para evaluar 5MBS, se ha realizado un estudio de prestaciones, basado en comunicaciones multicast dentro del núcleo de red 5G. Este prototipo 5MBS forma parte del laboratorio VLC Campus 5G, y utiliza el software comercial Open5GCore como base del desarrollo. El modelo de sistema para la experimentación esta formado por un servidor de vídeo, que se conecta al Open5GCore y a las funciones de red mejoradas con funcionalidades 5MBS. Estas funciones de red envían el contenido mediante punto-a-multipunto a un entorno radio y terminales simulados. Los resultados obtenidos resaltan el objetivo principal de la tesis: las comunicaciones punto-a-multipunto son una solución escalable para el envío de contenido multimedia en directo.[CA] Aquesta dissertació cobreix capdavanter en LTE eMBMS Release 14, també conegut com Enhanced Television Services (ENTV). ENTV va portar un conjunt de millores, tant a nivell de ràdio com a nivell de nucli, que va transformar el eMBMS en un estàndard de televisió terrestre complet. La última versió d'aquesta tecnologia es denomina LTE-based 5G Broadcast; però no fa servir New Ràdio ni el nucli 5G. Per a proveir una solució nativa 5G de serveis punt-a-multipunt, va haver-hi investigació en entorns acadèmics i col·laboracions pública i privada. La iniciativa més notable en aquest aspecte va ser el projecte del Horizon 2020 5G-Xcast, que va transcórrer del 2017 a 2019. 5G-Xcast va produir diverses solucions a nivell d'arquitectura, des de la perspectiva de provisió de continguts, noves funcions de xarxa interoperables amb el nucli 5G, fins a modificacions a la interfície aire basada en New Radio. Les troballes del projecte estan descrits en aquesta tesi. La tesi inclou dos exemples de eMBMS aplicats a verticals diferents, una per a l'ús de eMBMS en entorns industrials, i una altra presentant eMBMS com un sistema SAP. Incloure serveis punt-a-multipunt com una manera addicional cel·lular duu alguns desafiaments, com ja va mostrar l'estandardització de eMBMS: les xarxes de radiodifusió terrestre i les xarxes cel·lulars són molt diferents entre elles. Trobar una forma d'ona viable per a totes dues infraestructures és complex. Aquesta tesi ofereix un punt de vista diferent al problema: un escenari de col·laboració entre cadenes televisives i operadors mòbils, on la infraestructura de radiodifusió i mòbil són compartides. Aquest concepte s'ha definit com Convergence of Terrestrial and Mobile Networks. Les tecnologies triades per a convergir són ATSC 3.0 i 5G, usant el Advanced Traffic Steering, Switching and Splitting (ATSSS). ATSSS està compost d'una sèrie de procediments, interfícies, funcions de xarxa, per a permetre l'ús compartit d'un accés 3GPP amb un non-3GPP, com a Wi-Fi. No obstant això, l'ús de ATSSS per a adjuntar radiodifusió i cel·lular no és trivial, ja que ATSSS no va ser dissenyada per a per a enllaços ràdio unidireccionals com ATSC 3.0. Aquestes limitacions són descrites detalladament, i una proposta per a solucionar-les també està inclosa. La solució es basa en Quick UDP Internet Connections (QUIC), i s'usa com a exemple per a la provisió de Convergent Services (File Repair i Vídeo Offloading). La tesi conclou amb una descripció de Release 17 5MBS, amb els nous conceptes introduïts. 5MBS és capaç de canviar entre unicast, multicast i broadcast; depenent del servei, la ubicació geogràfica dels usuaris, i les capacitats de la infraestructura mòbil involucrades. Per a avaluar 5MBS, s'ha realitzat un estudi de prestacions, basat en comunicacions multicast dins del nucli de xarxa 5G. Aquest prototip 5MBS forma part del laboratori VLC Campus 5G, i utilitza el programari comercial Open5GCore com a base del desenvolupament. El model de sistema per a l'experimentació està format per un servidor de vídeo, que es connecta al Open5GCore i a les funcions de xarxa millorades amb funcionalitats 5MBS. Aquestes funcions de xarxa envien el contingut mitjançant punt-a-multipunt a un entorn ràdio i terminals simulats. Els resultats obtinguts ressalten l'objectiu principal de la tesi: les comunicacions punt-a-multipunt són una solució escalable per a l'enviament de contingut multimèdia en directe.[EN] This dissertation covers the state-of-the-art in LTE eMBMS Release 14, also known as Enhanced Television Services (ENTV). ENTV provided a suite of radio and core enhancements that made eMBMS into a viable terrestrial broadcast standard. The latest iteration of this technology is known as LTE-based 5G Broadcast; even though it is not New Radio or 5G Core based. To bridge this gap, research efforts by academia, public and private enterprises evaluated how to provide a 5G-based solution for point-to-multipoint services. The most notable effort in this regard is the Horizon 2020 project 5G-Xcast, which ran from 2017 to 2019. 5G-Xcast provided several architectural solutions, from the content delivery perspective down to air interface specifics; providing new waveforms based on New Radio and Network Functions interoperable with a Release 15 5G Core. The findings are summarized in this thesis. Two examples of eMBMS applied to different verticals are included in the thesis, one for the use of eMBMS in industrial environments, and the other using eMBMS as a PWS technology. Providing point-to-multipoint services as another cellular service poses some problems, as the standardization process of eMBMS showed: the broadcast infrastructure is different than the cellular one. Having a waveform that is suited for both scenarios is a difficult endeavour. The thesis provides a new perspective into this problem: Having existing Terrestrial Broadcast standards and infrastructure be the point-to-multipoint solution of 5G, where mobile operators and broadcasters collaborate together. This is defined in the dissertation as Convergence of Terrestrial and Mobile Networks. The technologies chosen to be converged together were ATSC 3.0 and 5G; using the existing Release 16 framework known as Advanced Traffic Steering, Switching and Splitting (ATSSS). ATSSS is a series of procedures, interfaces, new Network Functions, to allow the joint use of a 3GPP Access Network alongside a non-3GPP one, like Wi-Fi. However, the use of ATSSS for cellular plus broadcast brings challenges, as the ATSSS technology was not designed to be used with a unidirectional access network like ATSC 3.0. These limitations are described in detail, and an architectural proposal that overcomes the limitations is proposed. This solution is based on Quick UDP Internet Connections (QUIC), and how to provide Convergent Services (i.e File Repair and Video Offloading) is shown. The thesis concludes with a description of Release 17 5MBS, including the new concepts introduced. 5MBS features the capacity of switching between unicast, multicast and broadcast; depending on the service addressed, the geographical location of the users, and the capability of the RAN infrastructure targeted. In order to evaluate 5MBS, a performance study of the use of multicast inside the 5G Core has been carried out. The 5MBS prototype was developed as part of the VLC Campus 5G laboratory, using the commercial software Open5GCore which provides the libraries and Network Functions to deploy your own 5G Private Network in testing environments. The system model of the experiment is formed by a video server, connected to the Open5GCore and the 5MBS enhanced functions; which will deliver the content to an emulated RAN environment hosting virtual gNBs and devices. The results obtained reinforce the objective of the thesis, positioning point-to-multipoint as a scalable way to deliver live content.Research projects: 5G-Xcast: Broadcast and Multicast Communication Enablers for the Fifth-Generation of Wireless Systems (H2020 No 761498); 5G-TOURS: SmarT mObility, media and e-health for toURists and citizenS (H2020 No 856950); FUDGE-5G: FUlly DisinteGrated private nEtworks for 5G verticals (H2020 No 957242).Barjau Estevan, CS. (2022). Point-to-Multipoint Services on Fifth-Generation Mobile Networks [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19140

    Enhanced mobility management mechanisms for 5G networks

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    Many mechanisms that served the legacy networks till now, are being identified as being grossly sub-optimal for 5G networks. The reason being, the increased complexity of the 5G networks compared previous legacy systems. One such class of mechanisms, important for any wireless standard, is the Mobility Management (MM) mechanisms. MM mechanismsensure the seamless connectivity and continuity of service for a user when it moves away from the geographic location where it initially got attached to the network. In this thesis, we firstly present a detailed state of the art on MM mechanisms. Based on the 5G requirements as well as the initial discussions on Beyond 5G networks, we provision a gap analysis for the current technologies/solutions to satisfy the presented requirements. We also define the persistent challenges that exist concerning MM mechanisms for 5G and beyond networks. Based on these challenges, we define the potential solutions and a novel framework for the 5G and beyond MM mechanisms. This framework specifies a set of MM mechanisms at the access, core and the extreme edge network (users/devices) level, that will help to satisfy the requirements for the 5G and beyond MM mechanisms. Following this, we present an on demand MM service concept. Such an on-demand feature provisions the necessary reliability, scalability and flexibility to the MM mechanisms. It's objective is to ensure that appropriate resources and mobility contexts are defined for users who will have heterogeneous mobility profiles, versatile QoS requirements in a multi-RAT network. Next, in this thesis we tackle the problem of core network signaling that occurs during MM in 5G/4G networks. A novel handover signaling mechanism has been developed, which eliminates unnecessary handshakes during the handover preparation phase, while allowing the transition to future softwarized network architectures. We also provide a handover failure aware handover preparation phase signaling process. We then utilize operator data and a realistic network deployment to perform a comparative analysis of the proposed strategy and the 3GPP handover signaling strategy on a network wide deployment scenario. We show the benefits of our strategy in terms of latency of handover process, and the transmission and processing cost incurred. Lastly, a novel user association and resource allocation methodology, namely AURA-5G, has been proposed. AURA-5G addresses scenarios wherein applications with heterogeneous requirements, i.e., enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) and massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC), are present simultaneously. Consequently, a joint optimization process for performing the user association and resource allocation while being cognizant of heterogeneous application requirements, has been performed. We capture the peculiarities of this important mobility management process through the various constraints, such as backhaul requirements, dual connectivity options, available access resources, minimum rate requirements, etc., that we have imposed on a Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP). The objective function of this established MILP problem is to maximize the total network throughput of the eMBB users, while satisfying the minimum requirements of the mMTC and eMBB users defined in a given scenario. Through numerical evaluations we show that our approach outperforms the baseline user association scenario significantly. Moreover, we have presented a system fairness analysis, as well as a novel fidelity and computational complexity analysis for the same, which express the utility of our methodology given the myriad network scenarios.Muchos mecanismos que sirvieron en las redes actuales, se están identificando como extremadamente subóptimos para las redes 5G. Esto es debido a la mayor complejidad de las redes 5G. Un tipo de mecanismo importante para cualquier estándar inalámbrico, consiste en el mecanismo de gestión de la movilidad (MM). Los mecanismos MM aseguran la conectividad sin interrupciones y la continuidad del servicio para un usuario cuando éste se aleja de la ubicación geográfica donde inicialmente se conectó a la red. En esta tesis, presentamos, en primer lugar, un estado del arte detallado de los mecanismos MM. Bas ándonos en los requisitos de 5G, así como en las discusiones iniciales sobre las redes Beyond 5G, proporcionamos un análisis de las tecnologías/soluciones actuales para satisfacer los requisitos presentados. También definimos los desafíos persistentes que existen con respecto a los mecanismos MM para redes 5G y Beyond 5G. En base a estos desafíos, definimos las posibles soluciones y un marco novedoso para los mecanismos 5G y Beyond 5G de MM. Este marco especifica un conjunto de mecanismos MM a nivel de red acceso, red del núcleo y extremo de la red (usuarios/dispositivos), que ayudarán a satisfacer los requisitos para los mecanismos MM 5G y posteriores. A continuación, presentamos el concepto de servicio bajo demanda MM. Tal característica proporciona la confiabilidad, escalabilidad y flexibilidad necesarias para los mecanismos MM. Su objetivo es garantizar que se definan los recursos y contextos de movilidad adecuados para los usuarios que tendrán perfiles de movilidad heterogéneos, y requisitos de QoS versátiles en una red multi-RAT. Más adelante, abordamos el problema de la señalización de la red troncal que ocurre durante la gestión de la movilidad en redes 5G/4G. Se ha desarrollado un nuevo mecanismo de señalización de handover, que elimina los intercambios de mensajes innecesarios durante la fase de preparación del handover, al tiempo que permite la transición a futuras arquitecturas de red softwarizada. Utilizamos los datos de operadores y consideramos un despliegue de red realista para realizar un análisis comparativo de la estrategia propuesta y la estrategia de señalización de 3GPP. Mostramos los beneficios de nuestra estrategia en términos de latencia del proceso de handover y los costes de transmisión y procesado. Por último, se ha propuesto una nueva asociación de usuarios y una metodología de asignación de recursos, i.e, AURA-5G. AURA-5G aborda escenarios en los que las aplicaciones con requisitos heterogéneos, i.e., enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) y massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC), están presentes simultáneamente. En consecuencia, se ha llevado a cabo un proceso de optimización conjunta para realizar la asociación de usuarios y la asignación de recursos mientras se tienen en cuenta los requisitos de aplicaciónes heterogéneas. Capturamos las peculiaridades de este importante proceso de gestión de la movilidad a través de las diversas restricciones impuestas, como son los requisitos de backhaul, las opciones de conectividad dual, los recursos de la red de acceso disponibles, los requisitos de velocidad mínima, etc., que hemos introducido en un Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP). La función objetivo de este problema MILP es maximizar el rendimiento total de la red de los usuarios de eMBB, y a la vez satisfacer los requisitos mínimos de los usuarios de mMTC y eMBB definidos en un escenario dado. A través de evaluaciones numéricas, mostramos que nuestro enfoque supera significativamente el escenario de asociación de usuarios de referencia. Además, hemos presentado un análisis de la justicia del sistema, así como un novedoso análisis de fidelidad y complejidad computacional para el mismo, que expresa la utilidad de nuestra metodología.Postprint (published version

    Enhanced mobility management mechanisms for 5G networks

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    Many mechanisms that served the legacy networks till now, are being identified as being grossly sub-optimal for 5G networks. The reason being, the increased complexity of the 5G networks compared previous legacy systems. One such class of mechanisms, important for any wireless standard, is the Mobility Management (MM) mechanisms. MM mechanismsensure the seamless connectivity and continuity of service for a user when it moves away from the geographic location where it initially got attached to the network. In this thesis, we firstly present a detailed state of the art on MM mechanisms. Based on the 5G requirements as well as the initial discussions on Beyond 5G networks, we provision a gap analysis for the current technologies/solutions to satisfy the presented requirements. We also define the persistent challenges that exist concerning MM mechanisms for 5G and beyond networks. Based on these challenges, we define the potential solutions and a novel framework for the 5G and beyond MM mechanisms. This framework specifies a set of MM mechanisms at the access, core and the extreme edge network (users/devices) level, that will help to satisfy the requirements for the 5G and beyond MM mechanisms. Following this, we present an on demand MM service concept. Such an on-demand feature provisions the necessary reliability, scalability and flexibility to the MM mechanisms. It's objective is to ensure that appropriate resources and mobility contexts are defined for users who will have heterogeneous mobility profiles, versatile QoS requirements in a multi-RAT network. Next, in this thesis we tackle the problem of core network signaling that occurs during MM in 5G/4G networks. A novel handover signaling mechanism has been developed, which eliminates unnecessary handshakes during the handover preparation phase, while allowing the transition to future softwarized network architectures. We also provide a handover failure aware handover preparation phase signaling process. We then utilize operator data and a realistic network deployment to perform a comparative analysis of the proposed strategy and the 3GPP handover signaling strategy on a network wide deployment scenario. We show the benefits of our strategy in terms of latency of handover process, and the transmission and processing cost incurred. Lastly, a novel user association and resource allocation methodology, namely AURA-5G, has been proposed. AURA-5G addresses scenarios wherein applications with heterogeneous requirements, i.e., enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) and massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC), are present simultaneously. Consequently, a joint optimization process for performing the user association and resource allocation while being cognizant of heterogeneous application requirements, has been performed. We capture the peculiarities of this important mobility management process through the various constraints, such as backhaul requirements, dual connectivity options, available access resources, minimum rate requirements, etc., that we have imposed on a Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP). The objective function of this established MILP problem is to maximize the total network throughput of the eMBB users, while satisfying the minimum requirements of the mMTC and eMBB users defined in a given scenario. Through numerical evaluations we show that our approach outperforms the baseline user association scenario significantly. Moreover, we have presented a system fairness analysis, as well as a novel fidelity and computational complexity analysis for the same, which express the utility of our methodology given the myriad network scenarios.Muchos mecanismos que sirvieron en las redes actuales, se están identificando como extremadamente subóptimos para las redes 5G. Esto es debido a la mayor complejidad de las redes 5G. Un tipo de mecanismo importante para cualquier estándar inalámbrico, consiste en el mecanismo de gestión de la movilidad (MM). Los mecanismos MM aseguran la conectividad sin interrupciones y la continuidad del servicio para un usuario cuando éste se aleja de la ubicación geográfica donde inicialmente se conectó a la red. En esta tesis, presentamos, en primer lugar, un estado del arte detallado de los mecanismos MM. Bas ándonos en los requisitos de 5G, así como en las discusiones iniciales sobre las redes Beyond 5G, proporcionamos un análisis de las tecnologías/soluciones actuales para satisfacer los requisitos presentados. También definimos los desafíos persistentes que existen con respecto a los mecanismos MM para redes 5G y Beyond 5G. En base a estos desafíos, definimos las posibles soluciones y un marco novedoso para los mecanismos 5G y Beyond 5G de MM. Este marco especifica un conjunto de mecanismos MM a nivel de red acceso, red del núcleo y extremo de la red (usuarios/dispositivos), que ayudarán a satisfacer los requisitos para los mecanismos MM 5G y posteriores. A continuación, presentamos el concepto de servicio bajo demanda MM. Tal característica proporciona la confiabilidad, escalabilidad y flexibilidad necesarias para los mecanismos MM. Su objetivo es garantizar que se definan los recursos y contextos de movilidad adecuados para los usuarios que tendrán perfiles de movilidad heterogéneos, y requisitos de QoS versátiles en una red multi-RAT. Más adelante, abordamos el problema de la señalización de la red troncal que ocurre durante la gestión de la movilidad en redes 5G/4G. Se ha desarrollado un nuevo mecanismo de señalización de handover, que elimina los intercambios de mensajes innecesarios durante la fase de preparación del handover, al tiempo que permite la transición a futuras arquitecturas de red softwarizada. Utilizamos los datos de operadores y consideramos un despliegue de red realista para realizar un análisis comparativo de la estrategia propuesta y la estrategia de señalización de 3GPP. Mostramos los beneficios de nuestra estrategia en términos de latencia del proceso de handover y los costes de transmisión y procesado. Por último, se ha propuesto una nueva asociación de usuarios y una metodología de asignación de recursos, i.e, AURA-5G. AURA-5G aborda escenarios en los que las aplicaciones con requisitos heterogéneos, i.e., enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) y massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC), están presentes simultáneamente. En consecuencia, se ha llevado a cabo un proceso de optimización conjunta para realizar la asociación de usuarios y la asignación de recursos mientras se tienen en cuenta los requisitos de aplicaciónes heterogéneas. Capturamos las peculiaridades de este importante proceso de gestión de la movilidad a través de las diversas restricciones impuestas, como son los requisitos de backhaul, las opciones de conectividad dual, los recursos de la red de acceso disponibles, los requisitos de velocidad mínima, etc., que hemos introducido en un Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP). La función objetivo de este problema MILP es maximizar el rendimiento total de la red de los usuarios de eMBB, y a la vez satisfacer los requisitos mínimos de los usuarios de mMTC y eMBB definidos en un escenario dado. A través de evaluaciones numéricas, mostramos que nuestro enfoque supera significativamente el escenario de asociación de usuarios de referencia. Además, hemos presentado un análisis de la justicia del sistema, así como un novedoso análisis de fidelidad y complejidad computacional para el mismo, que expresa la utilidad de nuestra metodología

    Resource Queuing System with Preemptive Priority for Performance Analysis of 5G NR Systems

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    One of the ways to enable smooth coexistence of ultra reliable low latency communication (URRLC) and enhances mobile broadband (eMBB) services at the air interface of perspective 5G New Radio (NR) technology is to utilize preemptive priority service. In this paper, we provide approximate analysis of the queuing system with random resource requirements, two types of customers and preemptive priority service procedure. The distinctive feature of the systems – the random resource requirements – allows to capture the essentials of 5G NR radio interface but inherently increases the complexity of analysis. We present the main performance metrics of interest including session drop probability and system resource utilization as well as assess their accuracy by comparing with computer simulations. The developed model is not inherently limited to URLLC and eMBB coexistence and can be utilized in performance evaluation of 5G NR systems with priority-based service discipline at the air interface, e.g., in context of network slicing. Among other conclusions we explicitly show that both session drop and interruption probabilities of low priority traffic heavily depend not only on the intensity of high priority traffic but on stochastic characteristics of the resource request distribution.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    User Association and Multi-Connectivity Strategies in Joint Terahertz and Millimeter Wave 6 G Systems

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    Terahertz (THz) wireless access is considered as a next step towards sixth generation (6 G) cellular systems. By utilizing even higher frequency bands than 5 G millimeter wave (mmWave) New Radio (NR), they will operate over extreme bandwidth delivering unprecedented rates at the access interface. However, by relying upon pencil-wide beams, these systems will not only inherit mmWave propagation challenges such as blockage phenomenon but introduce their own issues associated with micromobility of user equipment (UE). In this paper, we analyze and compare user association schemes and multi-connectivity strategies for joint 6 G THz/mmWave deployments. Differently, from stochastic geometry studies, we develop a unified analytically tractable framework that simultaneously accounts for specifics of THz and mmWave radio part design and traffic service specifics at mmWave and THz base stations (BS). Our results show that (i) for negligible blockers density, λB≤0.1 bl./m2, the operator needs to enlarge the coverage of THz BS by accepting sessions that experience outage in case of blockage (ii) for λB>0.1 bl./m2, only those sessions that does not experience outage in case of blockage need to be accepted at THz BS, (iii) THz/mmWave multi-connectivity improves the ongoing session loss probability by 0.1−0.4 depending on the system parameters.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Evaluation of the New and Accepted Customers Blocking Probabilties in a Network of Resource Loss Systems

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    The paper considers a network of resource loss systems (ReLS) with random resource requirements and two types of nodes. Customers initially arrive to the first type of nodes, where they receive service for exponentially distributed time. The service of customers can be interrupted. In this case, they are rerouted to the second type of nodes, where they receive service for an exponentially distributed time. Once the service is completed, they return back to the original node and continue its service. Customers require a random volume of limited resources. If there are not enough of unoccupied resources upon the arrival of a customer, then it is considered lost. Similarly, if an accepted customer is rerouted to another node and finds that there are not enough of resources to meet its requirements, then it is also lost. In this paper, we provide an approach to analyze the stationary behavior of the considered system, as well as establish expressions for the new customer loss probability and the accepted customer loss probability. The developed model has a wide range of applications in performance evaluation of fifth generation (5G) New Radio (NR) access networks. To this aim, we investigate the response of the considered service system in detail by revealing critical dependencies and trade-offs between input system parameters and performance measures of interest.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Building upon NB-IoT networks : a roadmap towards 5G new radio networks

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    Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) is a type of low-power wide-area (LPWA) technology standardized by the 3rd-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) and based on long-term evolution (LTE) functionalities. NB-IoT has attracted significant interest from the research community due to its support for massive machine-type communication (mMTC) and various IoT use cases that have stringent specifications in terms of connectivity, energy efficiency, reachability, reliability, and latency. However, as the capacity requirements for different IoT use cases continue to grow, the various functionalities of the LTE evolved packet core (EPC) system may become overladen and inevitably suboptimal. Several research efforts are ongoing to meet these challenges; consequently, we present an overview of these efforts, mainly focusing on the Open System Interconnection (OSI) layer of the NB-IoT framework. We present an optimized architecture of the LTE EPC functionalities, as well as further discussion about the 3GPP NB-IoT standardization and its releases. Furthermore, the possible 5G architectural design for NB-IoT integration, the enabling technologies required for 5G NB-IoT, the 5G NR coexistence with NB-IoT, and the potential architectural deployment schemes of NB-IoT with cellular networks are introduced. In this article, a description of cloud-assisted relay with backscatter communication, a comprehensive review of the technical performance properties and channel communication characteristics from the perspective of the physical (PHY) and medium-access control (MAC) layer of NB-IoT, with a focus on 5G, are presented. The different limitations associated with simulating these systems are also discussed. The enabling market for NB-IoT, the benefits for a few use cases, and possible critical challenges related to their deployment are also included. Finally, present challenges and open research directions on the PHY and MAC properties, as well as the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis of NB-IoT, are presented to foster the prospective research activities.http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=6287639pm2021Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineerin

    Airborne Integrated Access and Backhaul Systems : Learning-Aided Modeling and Optimization

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    The deployment of millimeter-wave (mmWave) 5G New Radio (NR) networks is hampered by the properties of the mmWave band, such as severe signal attenuation and dynamic link blockage, which together limit the cell range. To provide a cost-efficient and flexible solution for network densification, 3GPP has recently proposed integrated access and backhaul (IAB) technology. As an alternative approach to terrestrial deployments, the utilization of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as IAB-nodes may provide additional flexibility for topology configuration. The aims of this study are to (i) propose efficient optimization methods for airborne and conventional IAB systems and (ii) numerically quantify and compare their optimized performance. First, by assuming fixed locations of IAB-nodes, we formulate and solve the joint path selection and resource allocation problem as a network flow problem. Then, to better benefit from the utilization of UAVs, we relax this constraint for the airborne IAB system. To efficiently optimize the performance for this case, we propose to leverage deep reinforcement learning (DRL) method for specifying airborne IAB-node locations. Our numerical results show that the capacity gains of airborne IAB systems are notable even in non-optimized conditions but can be improved by up to 30 % under joint path selection and resource allocation and, even further, when considering aerial IAB-node locations as an additional optimization criterion.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Direct communication radio Iinterface for new radio multicasting and cooperative positioning

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    Cotutela: Universidad de defensa UNIVERSITA’ MEDITERRANEA DI REGGIO CALABRIARecently, the popularity of Millimeter Wave (mmWave) wireless networks has increased due to their capability to cope with the escalation of mobile data demands caused by the unprecedented proliferation of smart devices in the fifth-generation (5G). Extremely high frequency or mmWave band is a fundamental pillar in the provision of the expected gigabit data rates. Hence, according to both academic and industrial communities, mmWave technology, e.g., 5G New Radio (NR) and WiGig (60 GHz), is considered as one of the main components of 5G and beyond networks. Particularly, the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) provides for the use of licensed mmWave sub-bands for the 5G mmWave cellular networks, whereas IEEE actively explores the unlicensed band at 60 GHz for the next-generation wireless local area networks. In this regard, mmWave has been envisaged as a new technology layout for real-time heavy-traffic and wearable applications. This very work is devoted to solving the problem of mmWave band communication system while enhancing its advantages through utilizing the direct communication radio interface for NR multicasting, cooperative positioning, and mission-critical applications. The main contributions presented in this work include: (i) a set of mathematical frameworks and simulation tools to characterize multicast traffic delivery in mmWave directional systems; (ii) sidelink relaying concept exploitation to deal with the channel condition deterioration of dynamic multicast systems and to ensure mission-critical and ultra-reliable low-latency communications; (iii) cooperative positioning techniques analysis for enhancing cellular positioning accuracy for 5G+ emerging applications that require not only improved communication characteristics but also precise localization. Our study indicates the need for additional mechanisms/research that can be utilized: (i) to further improve multicasting performance in 5G/6G systems; (ii) to investigate sideline aspects, including, but not limited to, standardization perspective and the next relay selection strategies; and (iii) to design cooperative positioning systems based on Device-to-Device (D2D) technology