31 research outputs found

    Edge AI for Internet of Energy: Challenges and Perspectives

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    The digital landscape of the Internet of Energy (IoE) is on the brink of a revolutionary transformation with the integration of edge Artificial Intelligence (AI). This comprehensive review elucidates the promise and potential that edge AI holds for reshaping the IoE ecosystem. Commencing with a meticulously curated research methodology, the article delves into the myriad of edge AI techniques specifically tailored for IoE. The myriad benefits, spanning from reduced latency and real-time analytics to the pivotal aspects of information security, scalability, and cost-efficiency, underscore the indispensability of edge AI in modern IoE frameworks. As the narrative progresses, readers are acquainted with pragmatic applications and techniques, highlighting on-device computation, secure private inference methods, and the avant-garde paradigms of AI training on the edge. A critical analysis follows, offering a deep dive into the present challenges including security concerns, computational hurdles, and standardization issues. However, as the horizon of technology ever expands, the review culminates in a forward-looking perspective, envisaging the future symbiosis of 5G networks, federated edge AI, deep reinforcement learning, and more, painting a vibrant panorama of what the future beholds. For anyone vested in the domains of IoE and AI, this review offers both a foundation and a visionary lens, bridging the present realities with future possibilities

    Point of interests recommendation in location-based social networks

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    The Roles of Adversarial Examples on Trustworthiness of Deep Learning

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    Recommender Systems and their Security Concerns

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    Instead of simply using two-dimensional User × Item features, advanced recommender systems rely on more additional dimensions (e.g. time, location, social network) in order to provide better recommendation services. In the first part of this paper, we will survey a variety of dimension features and show how they are integrated into the recommendation process. When the service providers collect more and more personal information, it brings great privacy concerns to the public. On another side, the service providers could also suffer from attacks launched by malicious users who want to bias the recommendations. In the second part of this paper, we will survey attacks from and against recommender service providers, and existing solutions

    Recommender Systems for Healthy Behavior Change

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    Sedentary lifestyles and bad eating habits influence the onset of many serious health problems. Healthy behavior change is an arduous task, and requires a careful planning. In this thesis, we propose that behavior recommenders can help their users achieve healthy behavior change. Such a system should inspire its users with small, incremental and achievable goals. For this, it must resolve a trade-off between two opposing objectives: help the user achieve a steady improvement in target behavior, and avoid extreme goals that may injure or discourage the user. This is an unprecedented challenge in the recommender systems research. If the system understands the impacts of past interventions for behavior change, it can determine its usersâ behavioral responses to its own recommendations. This implies a specific data curation, in which we not only measure people's behavior but also deliberately introduce an intervention to monitor its effect on people's patterns. In turn, the system can use these existing users' information to derive the right procedure for effective recommendations. In this study we capitalize on this insight and develop InspiRE - our behavior recommender framework. Through InspiRE we propose the following contributions: 1) We design the data curation. 2) We develop the novel approaches for behavior profiling 3) We develop an evaluation process for this novel type of recommender system, and also compare it with traditional, similarity-based recommendation approach. We curate a dataset that contains information of daily step counts and social intervention for 83 people. InspiRE successfully uses the observations from this dataset, and proposes recommendations that are both effective and feasible. We also show that InspiRE can generalize to other dimensions of well being: we demonstrate this through a dataset that contains the snacking patterns of 73 people, who receive message-based interventions. We observe that InspiRE's recommendation strategy is in line with theories of behavior change

    Edge Intelligence : Empowering Intelligence to the Edge of Network

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    Edge intelligence refers to a set of connected systems and devices for data collection, caching, processing, and analysis proximity to where data are captured based on artificial intelligence. Edge intelligence aims at enhancing data processing and protects the privacy and security of the data and users. Although recently emerged, spanning the period from 2011 to now, this field of research has shown explosive growth over the past five years. In this article, we present a thorough and comprehensive survey of the literature surrounding edge intelligence. We first identify four fundamental components of edge intelligence, i.e., edge caching, edge training, edge inference, and edge offloading based on theoretical and practical results pertaining to proposed and deployed systems. We then aim for a systematic classification of the state of the solutions by examining research results and observations for each of the four components and present a taxonomy that includes practical problems, adopted techniques, and application goals. For each category, we elaborate, compare, and analyze the literature from the perspectives of adopted techniques, objectives, performance, advantages and drawbacks, and so on. This article provides a comprehensive survey of edge intelligence and its application areas. In addition, we summarize the development of the emerging research fields and the current state of the art and discuss the important open issues and possible theoretical and technical directions.Peer reviewe

    Edge Intelligence : Empowering Intelligence to the Edge of Network

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    Edge intelligence refers to a set of connected systems and devices for data collection, caching, processing, and analysis proximity to where data are captured based on artificial intelligence. Edge intelligence aims at enhancing data processing and protects the privacy and security of the data and users. Although recently emerged, spanning the period from 2011 to now, this field of research has shown explosive growth over the past five years. In this article, we present a thorough and comprehensive survey of the literature surrounding edge intelligence. We first identify four fundamental components of edge intelligence, i.e., edge caching, edge training, edge inference, and edge offloading based on theoretical and practical results pertaining to proposed and deployed systems. We then aim for a systematic classification of the state of the solutions by examining research results and observations for each of the four components and present a taxonomy that includes practical problems, adopted techniques, and application goals. For each category, we elaborate, compare, and analyze the literature from the perspectives of adopted techniques, objectives, performance, advantages and drawbacks, and so on. This article provides a comprehensive survey of edge intelligence and its application areas. In addition, we summarize the development of the emerging research fields and the current state of the art and discuss the important open issues and possible theoretical and technical directions.Peer reviewe

    Improving Marketing Intelligence Using Online User-Generated Contents

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    Modeling Time-Series and Spatial Data for Recommendations and Other Applications

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    With the research directions described in this thesis, we seek to address the critical challenges in designing recommender systems that can understand the dynamics of continuous-time event sequences. We follow a ground-up approach, i.e., first, we address the problems that may arise due to the poor quality of CTES data being fed into a recommender system. Later, we handle the task of designing accurate recommender systems. To improve the quality of the CTES data, we address a fundamental problem of overcoming missing events in temporal sequences. Moreover, to provide accurate sequence modeling frameworks, we design solutions for points-of-interest recommendation, i.e., models that can handle spatial mobility data of users to various POI check-ins and recommend candidate locations for the next check-in. Lastly, we highlight that the capabilities of the proposed models can have applications beyond recommender systems, and we extend their abilities to design solutions for large-scale CTES retrieval and human activity prediction. A significant part of this thesis uses the idea of modeling the underlying distribution of CTES via neural marked temporal point processes (MTPP). Traditional MTPP models are stochastic processes that utilize a fixed formulation to capture the generative mechanism of a sequence of discrete events localized in continuous time. In contrast, neural MTPP combine the underlying ideas from the point process literature with modern deep learning architectures. The ability of deep-learning models as accurate function approximators has led to a significant gain in the predictive prowess of neural MTPP models. In this thesis, we utilize and present several neural network-based enhancements for the current MTPP frameworks for the aforementioned real-world applications.Comment: Ph.D. Thesis (2022

    A survey of machine learning techniques applied to self organizing cellular networks

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    In this paper, a survey of the literature of the past fifteen years involving Machine Learning (ML) algorithms applied to self organizing cellular networks is performed. In order for future networks to overcome the current limitations and address the issues of current cellular systems, it is clear that more intelligence needs to be deployed, so that a fully autonomous and flexible network can be enabled. This paper focuses on the learning perspective of Self Organizing Networks (SON) solutions and provides, not only an overview of the most common ML techniques encountered in cellular networks, but also manages to classify each paper in terms of its learning solution, while also giving some examples. The authors also classify each paper in terms of its self-organizing use-case and discuss how each proposed solution performed. In addition, a comparison between the most commonly found ML algorithms in terms of certain SON metrics is performed and general guidelines on when to choose each ML algorithm for each SON function are proposed. Lastly, this work also provides future research directions and new paradigms that the use of more robust and intelligent algorithms, together with data gathered by operators, can bring to the cellular networks domain and fully enable the concept of SON in the near future