1,093 research outputs found

    Real-time video compression using DVQ and suffix trees

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    Video processing is a wide and varied subject area. Video compression is an important but difficult problem in video processing. Several methods and standards exist which address this problem with varying degrees of success depending on the performance measures adopted. The present research work focuses on the real-time aspect of video processing.;In particular we propose a real-time video compression algorithm based on the concept of differential vector quantization and the suffix tree. Differential vector quantization is a relatively new area that focuses on efficient compression of data. The present work integrates the compression provided by Differential vector Quantization and the speed achieved by using the suffix tree data structure to develop a new real-time video compression scheme.;Traditionally Suffix trees are used for string searching. In the present work, we exploit the unique structure of the suffix tree to represent image data on a tree as a DVQ dictionary. To support the special characteristics of natural images and video, the traditional suffix tree is extended to handle k-errors in the matching. The result is an orders of magnitude speedup in the matching process, making it possible to compress the video in real-time, without any special hardware.;Experimental results show the performance of the proposed methodology

    Novel VLSI Architecture for Quantization and Variable Length Coding for H-264/AVC Video Compression Standard

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    Integrated multimedia systems process text, graphics, and other discrete media such as digital audio and video streams. In an uncompressed state, graphics, audio and video data, especially moving pictures, require large transmission and storage capacities which can be very expensive. Hence video compression has become a key component of any multimedia system or application. The ITU (International Telecommunications Union) and MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) have combined efforts to put together the next generation of video compression standard, the H.264/MPEG-4 PartlO/AVC, which was finalized in 2003. The H.264/AVC uses significantly improved and computationally intensive compression techniques to maximize performance. H.264/AVC compliant encoders achieve the same reproduction quality as encoders that are compliant with the previous standards while requiring 60% or less of the bit rate [2]. This thesis aims at designing two basic blocks of an ASIC capable of performing the H.264 video compression. These two blocks, the Quantizer, and Entropy Encoder implement the Baseline Profile of the H.264/AVC standard. The architecture is implemented in Register Transfer Level HDL and synthesized with Synopsys Design Compiler using TSMC 0.25(xm technology, giving us an estimate of the hardware requirements in real-time implementation. The quantizer block is capable of running at 309MHz and has a total area of 785K gates with a power requirement of 88.59mW. The entropy encoder unit is capable of running at 250 MHz and has a total area of 49K gates with a power requirement of 2.68mW. The high speed that is achieved in this thesis simply indicates that the two blocks Quantizer and Entropy Encoder can be used as IP embedded in the HDTV systems

    Survey of Video Encryption Algorithms

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    Research on security of digital video transmission and storage has been gaining attention from researchers in recent times because of its usage in various applications and transmission of sensitive information through the internet. This is as a result of the swift development in efficient video compression techniques and internet technologies. Encryption which is the widely used technique in securing video communication and storage secures video data in compressed formats. This paper presents a survey of some existing video encryption techniques with an explanation on the concept of video compression. The review which also explored the performance metrics used in the evaluation and comparison of the performance of video encryption algorithms is being believed to give readers a quick summary of some of the available encryption techniques

    Efficient compression of motion compensated residuals

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Compressive sampling for accelerometer signals in structural health monitoring

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    In structural health monitoring (SHM) of civil structures, data compression is often needed to reduce the cost of data transfer and storage, because of the large volumes of sensor data generated from the monitoring system. The traditional framework for data compression is to first sample the full signal and, then to compress it. Recently, a new data compression method named compressive sampling (CS) that can acquire the data directly in compressed form by using special sensors has been presented. In this article, the potential of CS for data compression of vibration data is investigated using simulation of the CS sensor algorithm. For reconstruction of the signal, both wavelet and Fourier orthogonal bases are examined. The acceleration data collected from the SHM system of Shandong Binzhou Yellow River Highway Bridge is used to analyze the data compression ability of CS. For comparison, both the wavelet-based and Huffman coding methods are employed to compress the data. The results show that the values of compression ratios achieved using CS are not high, because the vibration data used in SHM of civil structures are not naturally sparse in the chosen bases

    Error resilient image transmission using T-codes and edge-embedding

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    Current image communication applications involve image transmission over noisy channels, where the image gets damaged. The loss of synchronization at the decoder due to these errors increases the damage in the reconstructed image. Our main goal in this research is to develop an algorithm that has the capability to detect errors, achieve synchronization and conceal errors.;In this thesis we studied the performance of T-codes in comparison with Huffman codes. We develop an algorithm for the selection of best T-code set. We have shown that T-codes exhibit better synchronization properties when compared to Huffman Codes. In this work we developed an algorithm that extracts edge patterns from each 8x8 block, classifies edge patterns into different classes. In this research we also propose a novel scrambling algorithm to hide edge pattern of a block into neighboring 8x8 blocks of the image. This scrambled hidden data is used in the detection of errors and concealment of errors. We also develop an algorithm to protect the hidden data from getting damaged in the course of transmission

    Motion compensation and very low bit rate video coding

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    Recently, many activities of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the International Standard Organization (ISO) are leading to define new standards for very low bit-rate video coding, such as H.263 and MPEG-4 after successful applications of the international standards H.261 and MPEG-1/2 for video coding above 64kbps. However, at very low bit-rate the classic block matching based DCT video coding scheme suffers seriously from blocking artifacts which degrade the quality of reconstructed video frames considerably. To solve this problem, a new technique in which motion compensation is based on dense motion field is presented in this dissertation. Four efficient new video coding algorithms based on this new technique for very low bit-rate are proposed. (1) After studying model-based video coding algorithms, we propose an optical flow based video coding algorithm with thresh-olding techniques. A statistic model is established for distribution of intensity difference between two successive frames, and four thresholds are used to control the bit-rate and the quality of reconstructed frames. It outperforms the typical model-based techniques in terms of complexity and quality of reconstructed frames. (2) An efficient algorithm using DCT coded optical flow. It is found that dense motion fields can be modeled as the first order auto-regressive model, and efficiently compressed with DCT technique, hence achieving very low bit-rate and higher visual quality than the H.263/TMN5. (3) A region-based discrete wavelet transform video coding algorithm. This algorithm implements dense motion field and regions are segmented according to their content significance. The DWT is applied to residual images region by region, and bits are adaptively allocated to regions. It improves the visual quality and PSNR of significant regions while maintaining low bit-rate. (4) A segmentation-based video coding algorithm for stereo sequence. A correlation-feedback algorithm with Kalman filter is utilized to improve the accuracy of optical flow fields. Three criteria, which are associated with 3-D information, 2-D connectivity and motion vector fields, respectively, are defined for object segmentation. A chain code is utilized to code the shapes of the segmented objects. it can achieve very high compression ratio up to several thousands

    Algorithms & implementation of advanced video coding standards

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    Advanced video coding standards have become widely deployed coding techniques used in numerous products, such as broadcast, video conference, mobile television and blu-ray disc, etc. New compression techniques are gradually included in video coding standards so that a 50% compression rate reduction is achievable every five years. However, the trend also has brought many problems, such as, dramatically increased computational complexity, co-existing multiple standards and gradually increased development time. To solve the above problems, this thesis intends to investigate efficient algorithms for the latest video coding standard, H.264/AVC. Two aspects of H.264/AVC standard are inspected in this thesis: (1) Speeding up intra4x4 prediction with parallel architecture. (2) Applying an efficient rate control algorithm based on deviation measure to intra frame. Another aim of this thesis is to work on low-complexity algorithms for MPEG-2 to H.264/AVC transcoder. Three main mapping algorithms and a computational complexity reduction algorithm are focused by this thesis: motion vector mapping, block mapping, field-frame mapping and efficient modes ranking algorithms. Finally, a new video coding framework methodology to reduce development time is examined. This thesis explores the implementation of MPEG-4 simple profile with the RVC framework. A key technique of automatically generating variable length decoder table is solved in this thesis. Moreover, another important video coding standard, DV/DVCPRO, is further modeled by RVC framework. Consequently, besides the available MPEG-4 simple profile and China audio/video standard, a new member is therefore added into the RVC framework family. A part of the research work presented in this thesis is targeted algorithms and implementation of video coding standards. In the wide topic, three main problems are investigated. The results show that the methodologies presented in this thesis are efficient and encourage
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