254,338 research outputs found

    Improved correlation dimension calculation

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    For many chaotic systems, accurate calculation of the correlation dimension from measured data is difficult because of very slow convergence as the scale size is reduced. This problem is often caused by the highly nonuniform measure on the attractor. This paper proposes a method for collecting data at large scales and extrapolating to the limit of zero scale. The result is a vastly reduced required number of data points for a given accuracy in the measured dimension. The method is illustrated in detail for one-dimensional maps and then applied to more complicated maps and flows. Values are given for the correlation dimension of many standard chaotic systems

    Light Hadron Weak Matrix Elements

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    I review this year's developments in the study of weak matrix elements of light hadrons on the lattice, with emphasis on K^0-\bar K^0 mixing and K -> pi pi decays.Comment: Lattice 2000 (Plenary), 17 pages (LaTeX), 6 postscript figures; plenary talk at 18th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2000), Bangalore, India, 17-22 Aug 200

    Improved Renormalization of Lattice Operators: A Critical Reappraisal

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    We systematically examine various proposals which aim at increasing the accuracy in the determination of the renormalization of two-fermion lattice operators. We concentrate on three finite quantities which are particularly suitable for our study: the renormalization constants of the vector and axial currents and the ratio of the renormalization constants of the scalar and pseudoscalar densities. We calculate these quantities in boosted perturbation theory, with several running boosted couplings, at the "optimal" scale q*. We find that the results of boosted perturbation theory are usually (but not always) in better agreement with non-perturbative determinations of the renormalization constants than those obtained with standard perturbation theory. The finite renormalization constants of two-fermion lattice operators are also obtained non-perturbatively, using Ward Identities, both with the Wilson and the tree-level Clover improved actions, at fixed cutoff (β\beta=6.4 and 6.0 respectively). In order to amplify finite cutoff effects, the quark masses (in lattice units) are varied in a large interval 0<am<1. We find that discretization effects are always large with the Wilson action, despite our relatively small value of the lattice spacing (a13.7a^{-1} \simeq 3.7 GeV). With the Clover action discretization errors are significantly reduced at small quark mass, even though our lattice spacing is larger (a12a^{-1} \simeq 2 GeV). However, these errors remain substantial in the heavy quark region. We have implemented a proposal for reducing O(am) effects, which consists in matching the lattice quantities to their continuum counterparts in the free theory. We find that this approach still leaves appreciable, mass dependent, discretization effects.Comment: 54 pages, Latex, 5 figures. Minor changes in text between eqs.(86) and (88

    Lattice calculation of SU(3) flavor breaking ratios in B - anti-B mixing

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    We present an unquenched lattice calculation for the SU(3) flavor breaking ratios of the heavy-light decay constants and the ΔB=2\Delta B = 2 matrix elements. The calculation was performed on 163×3216^3 \times 32 lattices with two dynamical flavors of domain-wall quarks and inverse lattice spacing 1/a=1.69(5)1/a = 1.69(5) GeV. Heavy quarks were implemented using an improved lattice formulation of the static approximation. In the infinite heavy-quark mass limit we obtain fBs/fBd=1.29(4)(6)f_{B_s}/f_{B_d} = 1.29(4)(6), BBs/BBd=1.06(6)(4)B_{B_s}/B_{B_d} = 1.06(6)(4), ξ=1.33(8)(8)\xi = 1.33(8)(8) where the first error is statistical and the second systematic.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, RevTeX4; mentioned existence of 1/m_b corrections, minor changes improving readabilit

    Kaon Distribution Amplitude from QCD Sum Rules

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    We present a new calculation of the first Gegenbauer moment a1Ka_1^K of the kaon light-cone distribution amplitude. This moment is determined by the difference between the average momenta of strange and nonstrange valence quarks in the kaon. To calculate a1Ka_1^K, QCD sum rule for the diagonal correlation function of local and nonlocal axial-vector currents is used. Contributions of condensates up to dimension six are taken into account, including O(αs)O(\alpha_s)-corrections to the quark-condensate term. We obtain a1K=0.05±0.02a_1^K=0.05\pm 0.02, differing by the sign and magnitude from the recent sum-rule estimate from the nondiagonal correlation function of pseudoscalar and axial-vector currents. We argue that the nondiagonal sum rule is numerically not reliable. Furthermore, an independent indication for a positive a1Ka_1^K is given, based on the matching of two different light-cone sum rules for the KπK\to\pi form factor. With the new interval of a1Ka_1^K we update our previous numerical predictions for SU(3)-violating effects in B(s)KB_{(s)}\to K form factors and charmless (B) decays.Comment: a comment and a reference added, version to appear in Phys.Rev.D, 17 pages, 7 figure

    Infinite disorder scaling of random quantum magnets in three and higher dimensions

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    Using a very efficient numerical algorithm of the strong disorder renormalization group method we have extended the investigations about the critical behavior of the random transverse-field Ising model in three and four dimensions, as well as for Erd\H os-R\'enyi random graphs, which represent infinite dimensional lattices. In all studied cases an infinite disorder quantum critical point is identified, which ensures that the applied method is asymptotically correct and the calculated critical exponents tend to the exact values for large scales. We have found that the critical exponents are independent of the form of (ferromagnetic) disorder and they vary smoothly with the dimensionality.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Renormalization Constants of Quark Operators for the Non-Perturbatively Improved Wilson Action

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    We present the results of an extensive lattice calculation of the renormalization constants of bilinear and four-quark operators for the non-perturbatively O(a)-improved Wilson action. The results are obtained in the quenched approximation at four values of the lattice coupling by using the non-perturbative RI/MOM renormalization method. Several sources of systematic uncertainties, including discretization errors and final volume effects, are examined. The contribution of the Goldstone pole, which in some cases may affect the extrapolation of the renormalization constants to the chiral limit, is non-perturbatively subtracted. The scale independent renormalization constants of bilinear quark operators have been also computed by using the lattice chiral Ward identities approach and compared with those obtained with the RI-MOM method. For those renormalization constants the non-perturbative estimates of which have been already presented in the literature we find an agreement which is typically at the level of 1%.Comment: 36 pages, 13 figures. Minor changes in the text and in one figure. Accepted for publication on JHE