20 research outputs found

    Improved Approximation for Node-Disjoint Paths in Grids with Sources on the Boundary

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    We study the classical Node-Disjoint Paths (NDP) problem: given an undirected n-vertex graph G, together with a set {(s_1,t_1),...,(s_k,t_k)} of pairs of its vertices, called source-destination, or demand pairs, find a maximum-cardinality set {P} of mutually node-disjoint paths that connect the demand pairs. The best current approximation for the problem is achieved by a simple greedy O(sqrt{n})-approximation algorithm. Until recently, the best negative result was an Omega(log^{1/2-epsilon}n)-hardness of approximation, for any fixed epsilon, under standard complexity assumptions. A special case of the problem, where the underlying graph is a grid, has been studied extensively. The best current approximation algorithm for this special case achieves an O~(n^{1/4})-approximation factor. On the negative side, a recent result by the authors shows that NDP is hard to approximate to within factor 2^{Omega(sqrt{log n})}, even if the underlying graph is a subgraph of a grid, and all source vertices lie on the grid boundary. In a very recent follow-up work, the authors further show that NDP in grid graphs is hard to approximate to within factor Omega(2^{log^{1-epsilon}n}) for any constant epsilon under standard complexity assumptions, and to within factor n^{Omega(1/(log log n)^2)} under randomized ETH. In this paper we study the NDP problem in grid graphs, where all source vertices {s_1,...,s_k} appear on the grid boundary. Our main result is an efficient randomized 2^{O(sqrt{log n}* log log n)}-approximation algorithm for this problem. Our result in a sense complements the 2^{Omega(sqrt{log n})}-hardness of approximation for sub-graphs of grids with sources lying on the grid boundary, and should be contrasted with the above-mentioned almost polynomial hardness of approximation of NDP in grid graphs (where the sources and the destinations may lie anywhere in the grid). Much of the work on approximation algorithms for NDP relies on the multicommodity flow relaxation of the problem, which is known to have an Omega(sqrt n) integrality gap, even in grid graphs, with all source and destination vertices lying on the grid boundary. Our work departs from this paradigm, and uses a (completely different) linear program only to select the pairs to be routed, while the routing itself is computed by other methods

    New Algorithms for Maximum Disjoint Paths Based on Tree-Likeness

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    We study the classical NP-hard problems of finding maximum-size subsets from given sets of k terminal pairs that can be routed via edge-disjoint paths (MaxEDP) or node-disjoint paths (MaxNDP) in a given graph. The approximability of MaxEDP/NDP is currently not well understood; the best known lower bound is Omega(log^{1/2 - varepsilon} n), assuming NP not subseteq ZPTIME(n^{poly log n}). This constitutes a significant gap to the best known approximation upper bound of O(n^1/2) due to Chekuri et al. (2006) and closing this gap is currently one of the big open problems in approximation algorithms. In their seminal paper, Raghavan and Thompson (Combinatorica, 1987) introduce the technique of randomized rounding for LPs; their technique gives an O(1)-approximation when edges (or nodes) may be used by O(log n/log log n) paths. In this paper, we strengthen the above fundamental results. We provide new bounds formulated in terms of the feedback vertex set number r of a graph, which measures its vertex deletion distance to a forest. In particular, we obtain the following. - For MaxEDP, we give an O(r^0.5 log^1.5 kr)-approximation algorithm. As r<=n, up to logarithmic factors, our result strengthens the best known ratio O(n^0.5) due to Chekuri et al. - Further, we show how to route Omega(opt) pairs with congestion O(log(kr)/log log(kr)), strengthening the bound obtained by the classic approach of Raghavan and Thompson. - For MaxNDP, we give an algorithm that gives the optimal answer in time (k+r)^O(r)n. This is a substantial improvement on the run time of 2^kr^O(r)n, which can be obtained via an algorithm by Scheffler. We complement these positive results by proving that MaxEDP is NP-hard even for r=1, and MaxNDP is W[1]-hard for parameter r. This shows that neither problem is fixed-parameter tractable in r unless FPT = W[1] and that our approximability results are relevant even for very small constant values of r

    The permutation-path coloring problem on trees

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    AbstractIn this paper we first show that the permutation-path coloring problem is NP-hard even for very restrictive instances like involutions, which are permutations that contain only cycles of length at most two, on both binary trees and on trees having only two vertices with degree greater than two, and for circular permutations, which are permutations that contain exactly one cycle, on trees with maximum degree greater than or equal to 4. We calculate a lower bound on the average complexity of the permutation-path coloring problem on arbitrary networks. Then we give combinatorial and asymptotic results for the permutation-path coloring problem on linear networks in order to show that the average number of colors needed to color any permutation on a linear network on n vertices is n/4+o(n). We extend these results and obtain an upper bound on the average complexity of the permutation-path coloring problem on arbitrary trees, obtaining exact results in the case of generalized star trees. Finally we explain how to extend these results for the involutions-path coloring problem on arbitrary trees

    Randomized rounding algorithms for large scale unsplittable flow problems

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    Unsplittable flow problems cover a wide range of telecommunication and transportation problems and their efficient resolution is key to a number of applications. In this work, we study algorithms that can scale up to large graphs and important numbers of commodities. We present and analyze in detail a heuristic based on the linear relaxation of the problem and randomized rounding. We provide empirical evidence that this approach is competitive with state-of-the-art resolution methods either by its scaling performance or by the quality of its solutions. We provide a variation of the heuristic which has the same approximation factor as the state-of-the-art approximation algorithm. We also derive a tighter analysis for the approximation factor of both the variation and the state-of-the-art algorithm. We introduce a new objective function for the unsplittable flow problem and discuss its differences with the classical congestion objective function. Finally, we discuss the gap in practical performance and theoretical guarantees between all the aforementioned algorithms

    Graph Problems arising from Wavelength-routing in All-optical Networks

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    International audienceThis paper surveys the theoretical results obtained for wavelength{routing all{optical networks, presents some new results and proposes several open problems. In all{optical networks the vast bandwidth available is utilized through wavelength division multiplexing: a single physical optical link can carry several logical signals, provided that they are transmitted on di erent wavelengths. The information, once transmitted as light, reaches its destination without being converted to electronic form inbetween, thus reaching high communication speed. We consider both networks with arbitrary topologies and particular networks of practical interest

    On Approximating Node-Disjoint Paths in Grids

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    In the Node-Disjoint Paths (NDP) problem, the input is an undirected n-vertex graph G, and a collection {(s_1,t_1),...,(s_k,t_k)} of pairs of vertices called demand pairs. The goal is to route the largest possible number of the demand pairs (s_i,t_i), by selecting a path connecting each such pair, so that the resulting paths are node-disjoint. NDP is one of the most basic and extensively studied routing problems. Unfortunately, its approximability is far from being well-understood: the best current upper bound of O(sqrt(n)) is achieved via a simple greedy algorithm, while the best current lower bound on its approximability is Omega(log^{1/2-delta}(n)) for any constant delta. Even for seemingly simpler special cases, such as planar graphs, and even grid graphs, no better approximation algorithms are currently known. A major reason for this impasse is that the standard technique for designing approximation algorithms for routing problems is LP-rounding of the standard multicommodity flow relaxation of the problem, whose integrality gap for NDP is Omega(sqrt(n)) even on grid graphs. Our main result is an O(n^{1/4} * log(n))-approximation algorithm for NDP on grids. We distinguish between demand pairs with both vertices close to the grid boundary, and pairs where at least one of the two vertices is far from the grid boundary. Our algorithm shows that when all demand pairs are of the latter type, the integrality gap of the multicommodity flow LP-relaxation is at most O(n^{1/4} * log(n)), and we deal with demand pairs of the former type by other methods. We complement our upper bounds by proving that NDP is APX-hard on grid graphs

    An Approximation Algorithm for Fully Planar Edge-Disjoint Paths

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    We devise a constant-factor approximation algorithm for the maximization version of the edge-disjoint paths problem if the supply graph together with the demand edges form a planar graph. By planar duality this is equivalent to packing cuts in a planar graph such that each cut contains exactly one demand edge. We also show that the natural linear programming relaxations have constant integrality gap, yielding an approximate max-multiflow min-multicut theorem

    Finding edge-disjoint paths in networks by means of artificial ant colonies

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    One of the basic operations in communication networks consists in establishing routes for connection requests between physically separated network nodes. In many situations, either due to technical constraints or to quality-of-service and survivability requirements, it is required that no two routes interfere with each other. These requirements apply in particular to routing and admission control in large-scale, high-speed and optical networks. The same requirements also arise in a multitude of other applications such as real-time communications, VLSI design, scheduling, bin packing, and load balancing. This problem can be modeled as a combinatorial optimization problem as follows. Given a graph G representing a network topology, and a collection T={(s_1,t_1)...(s_k,t_k)} of pairs of vertices in G representing connection request, the maximum edge-disjoint paths problem is an NP-hard problem that consists in determining the maximum number of pairs in T that can be routed in G by mutually edge-disjoint s_i-t_i paths. We propose an ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm to solve this problem. ACO algorithms are approximate algorithms that are inspired by the foraging behavior of real ants. The decentralized nature of these algorithms makes them suitable for the application to problems arising in large-scale environments. First, we propose a basic version of our algorithm in order to outline its main features. In a subsequent step we propose several extensions of the basic algorithm and we conduct an extensive parameter tuning in order to show the usefulness of those extensions. In comparison to a multi-start greedy approach, our algorithm generates in general solutions of higher quality in a shorter amount of time. In particular the run-time behaviour of our algorithm is one of its important advantages.Postprint (published version

    Randomized rounding algorithms for large scale unsplittable flow problems

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    Unsplittable flow problems cover a wide range of telecommunication and transporta- tion problems and their efficient resolution is key to a number of applications. In this work, we study algorithms that can scale up to large graphs and important num- bers of commodities. We present and analyze in detail a heuristic based on the linear relaxation of the problem and randomized rounding. We provide empirical evidence that this approach is competitive with state-of-the-art resolution methods either by its scaling performance or by the quality of its solutions. We provide a variation of the heuristic which has the same approximation factor as the state-of-the-art approxima- tion algorithm. We also derive a tighter analysis for the approximation factor of both the variation and the state-of-the-art algorithm. We introduce a new objective function for the unsplittable flow problem and discuss its differences with the classical con- gestion objective function. Finally, we discuss the gap in practical performance and theoretical guarantees between all the aforementioned algorithms