11 research outputs found

    Approximation Algorithms for Generalized Path Scheduling

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    Scheduling problems where the machines can be represented as the edges of a network and each job needs to be processed by a sequence of machines that form a path in this network have been the subject of many research articles (e.g. flow shop is the special case where the network as well as the sequence of machines for each job is a simple path). In this paper we consider one such problem, called Generalized Path Scheduling (GPS) problem, which can be defined as follows. Given a set of non-preemptive jobs J and identical machines M ( |J| = n and |M| = m ). The machines are ordered on a path. Each job j = {P_j = {l_j, r_j}, p_j} is defined by its processing time p_j and a sub-path P_j from machine with index l_j to r_j (l_j, r_j ? M, and l_j ? r_j) specifying the order of machines it must go through. We assume each machine has a queue of infinite size where jobs can sit in the queue to resolve conflicts. Two objective functions, makespan and total completion time, are considered. Machines can be identical or unrelated. In the latter case, this problem generalizes the classical Flow shop problem (in which all jobs have to go through all machines from 1 to m in that order). Generalized Path Scheduling has been studied (e.g. see [Ronald Koch et al., 2009; Zachary Friggstad et al., 2019]). In this paper, we present several improved approximation algorithms for both objectives. For the case of number of machines being sub-logarithmic in the number of jobs we present a PTAS for both makespan and total completion time. The PTAS holds even on unrelated machines setting and therefore, generalizes the result of Hall [Leslie A. Hall, 1998] for the classic problem of Flow shop. For the case of identical machines, we present an O((log m)/(log log m))-approximation algorithms for both objectives, which improve the previous best result of [Zachary Friggstad et al., 2019]. We also show that the GPS problem is NP-complete for both makespan and total completion time objectives

    Real-Time Message Routing and Scheduling

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    Exchanging messages between nodes of a network (e.g., embedded computers) is a fundamental issue in real-time systems involving critical routing and scheduling decisions. In order for messages to meet their deadlines, one has to determine a suitable (short) origin-destination path for each message and resolve conflicts between messages whose paths share a communication link of the network. With this paper we contribute to the theoretic foundations of real-time systems. On the one hand, we provide efficient routing strategies yielding origin-destination paths of bounded dilation and congestion. In particular, we can give good a priori guarantees on the time required to send a given set of messages which, under certain reasonable conditions, implies that all messages can be scheduled to reach their destination on time. Finally, for message routing along a directed path (which is already NP-hard), we identify a natural class of instances for which a simple scheduling heuristic yields provably optimal solutions

    An approximation algorithm for the three-machine scheduling problem with the routes given by the same partial order

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    The paper considers a three-machine shop scheduling problem to minimize the makespan, in which the route of a job should be feasible with respect to a machine precedence digraph with three nodes and one arc. For this NP-hard problem that is related to the classical flow shop and open shop models, we present a simple 1.5-approximation algorithm and an improved 1.4-approximation algorithm

    Improved Bounds for Acyclic Job Shop Scheduling

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    In acyclic job shop scheduling problems there are n jobs and m machines. Each job is composed of a sequence of operations to be performed on different machines. A legal schedule is one in which within each job, operations are carried out in order, and each machine performs at most one operation in any unit of time. If D denotes the length of the longest job, and C denotes the number of time units requested by all jobs on the most loaded machine, then clearly lb = max[C; D] is a lower bound on the length of the shortest legal schedule. A celebrated result of Leighton, Maggs and Rao shows that if all operations are of unit length, then there always is a legal schedule of length O(lb), independent of n and m. For the case that operations may have different lengths, Shmoys, Stein and Wein showed that there always is a legal schedule of length ~ O(lb(log lb) 2 ), where ( ~ O) notation is used to suppress log log(lb) terms. We improve the upper bound to ~ O(lb log lb). We also show that o..