11 research outputs found

    Utilizing external resources for enriching information retrieval

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    Information retrieval (IR) seeks to support users in finding information relevant to their information needs. One obstacle for many IR algorithms to achieve better results in many IR tasks is that there is insufficient information available to enable relevant content to be identified. For example, users typically enter very short queries, in text-based image retrieval where textual annotations often describe the content of the images inadequately, or there is insufficient user log data for personalization of the search process. This thesis explores the problem of inadequate data in IR tasks. We propose methods for Enriching Information Retrieval (ENIR) which address various challenges relating to insufficient data in IR. Applying standard methods to address these problems can face unexpected challenges. For example, standard query expansion methods assume that the target collection contains sufficient data to be able to identify relevant terms to add to the original query to improve retrieval effectiveness. In the case of short documents, this assumption is not valid. One strategy to address this problem is document side expansion which has been largely overlooked in the past research. Similarly, topic modeling in personalized search often lacks the knowledge required to form adequate models leading to mismatch problems when trying to apply these models improve search. This thesis focuses on methods of ENIR for tasks affected by problems of insufficient data. To achieve ENIR, our overall solution is to include external resources for ENIR. This research focuses on developing methods for two typical ENIR tasks: text-based image retrieval and personalized web data search. In this research, the main relevant areas within existing IR research are relevance feedback and personalized modeling. ENIR is shown to be effective to augment existing knowledge in these classical areas. The areas of relevance feedback and personalized modeling are strongly correlated since user modeling and document modeling in personalized retrieval enrich the data from both sides of the query and document, which is similar to query and document expansion in relevance feedback. Enriching IR is the key challenge in these areas for IR. By addressing these two research areas, this thesis provides a prototype for an external resource based search solution. The experimental results show external resources can play a key role in enriching IR

    Denial of Service in Web-Domains: Building Defenses Against Next-Generation Attack Behavior

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    The existing state-of-the-art in the field of application layer Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection is generally designed, and thus effective, only for static web domains. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first that studies the problem of application layer DDoS defense in web domains of dynamic content and organization, and for next-generation bot behaviour. In the first part of this thesis, we focus on the following research tasks: 1) we identify the main weaknesses of the existing application-layer anti-DDoS solutions as proposed in research literature and in the industry, 2) we obtain a comprehensive picture of the current-day as well as the next-generation application-layer attack behaviour and 3) we propose novel techniques, based on a multidisciplinary approach that combines offline machine learning algorithms and statistical analysis, for detection of suspicious web visitors in static web domains. Then, in the second part of the thesis, we propose and evaluate a novel anti-DDoS system that detects a broad range of application-layer DDoS attacks, both in static and dynamic web domains, through the use of advanced techniques of data mining. The key advantage of our system relative to other systems that resort to the use of challenge-response tests (such as CAPTCHAs) in combating malicious bots is that our system minimizes the number of these tests that are presented to valid human visitors while succeeding in preventing most malicious attackers from accessing the web site. The results of the experimental evaluation of the proposed system demonstrate effective detection of current and future variants of application layer DDoS attacks

    Natural Language Processing: Emerging Neural Approaches and Applications

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    This Special Issue highlights the most recent research being carried out in the NLP field to discuss relative open issues, with a particular focus on both emerging approaches for language learning, understanding, production, and grounding interactively or autonomously from data in cognitive and neural systems, as well as on their potential or real applications in different domains


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    Over the last decade, the digitalization of China has been running together with the general growth of the country’s economy. The local government has endeavored to provide the country with a modern telecommunication infrastructure and to support the diffusion of mobile technology. Today the number of Chinese net citizens is not far away from reaching 600 million users. However, the censorship system which has always affected the flow of information and content within this country seems not to weaken. Despite the Internet is becoming more and more embedded in people’s everyday life, the censorship demonstrates a formidable resilience to adapt to the new platforms made available by this revolutionary tool. A technologic blocking and filtering effort combined with the continuous monitoring and controlling of users’ virtual activities makes the best of the so-called ‘Great Firewall’: a censorship system that would not be possible without the collaboration of the population itself and its willingness to actively practice self-censorship and self-restraint